In a period called The Expanse, humanity surged out towards the stars and established itself as an enterprising species. It encountered no obstacles it could not overcome, no challenges too daunting. It was a time of unprecedented scientific advancement.
However, fractures began to show, across a space too vast to continue governing under traditional societal doctrine. Time dilation meant that authority had to be increasingly self sufficient and adaptable to endure, and this caused many to think why should they even be subservient to a Core that needs them more than the Fringe needs the Core?
During this time, colonisation and industry were mainly privatised, via ultra-conglomerate corporations that had power to rival any formal government. Disputes between these corporations often turned violent, with expensive private military contractors deployed to destabilise regions and hamper their competitors -with the ultimate casualty always ending up being the Average Joe trying to scrape out a living on the Fringe.
Many have lost their patience and their loyalty, rebelling or turning to a life of crime as smugglers, pirates and thieves to take what they thought was stolen from them by the conglomerates. Many simply wanted independence from the Core, to live out their own lives, on their terms. Whatever the case may have been, it is ancient history now.
For there was a war so large the effects are still being felt today. Historical records are spotty from this period, no one is able to tell just how much knowledge was lost or misplaced due to the upheaval. But sometime during that war, something happened that changed humanity forever: contact with an alien species.
No one knows for sure what exactly transpired back then. Records were either expunged, corrupted or simply lost to time. What we do know is there was a war.
Several uncovered records corroborate this; a war fought for the very survival of humanity. An alien armada, comprised of many different species -so vast as to be beyond counting; occupying 70% of the observed space were emerging from by our deep scans. A bold, daring, desperate plan - to sacrifice one of our own planets to create a singularity-bomb.
The plan worked, with the sacrifice of our fleet, the aliens were drawn in -the trap was sprung. The reactor was overloaded, catalysed by the planet, the monster emerged: a black hole. It swallowed much, but more importantly, caused a gravity wave distortion so severe, it dilated space-time to a degree that by the time the alien fleet emerged, 100 years of relative time had passed.
Precious time, that humanity used to build our ultimate response: the first Dreadnought-class ships -initially destined as evacuation ships, they were repurposed as a final desperate gambit to break the enemy once and for all and secure humanity’s future. For the first time, all of humanity had been united under a common purpose, a common destiny, whether they be Fringe or Core, pirate or PMC: Survival.
Even with the enemy fleet severely diminished, even with these grand ships constructed and literally all efforts poured into arraying and organising humanity into a unified fighting force -the enemy still outnumbered us.
What was achieved then, in that fateful battle was nothing short of a miracle.
The carnage would last two entire days, with reports of people collapsing at their station from sheer exhaustion. While we do not have exact numbers, we suffered major losses in terms of large ships, supporting craft and minor losses of our entire escort fleet -but not a single Dreadnought-class went down. The enemy fleet had been obliterated, their strength permanently broken.
It would be months, years even, but eventually a signal arrived. A hail, in a broken language, identifying itself as an ambassador of alien origin, requesting to negotiate the terms for humanity’s expanse through the stars. We’ve won.
All this transpired two generations ago. Our own Dreadnought was commissioned then, after it won the Design Bureau distinction and was authorised for construction. The treaty we signed imposed a limit on our Dreadnought production, which elevated the bar for the standards a ship design must meet to be applicable. Our Dreadnoughts improved, and the Apollyon now represents the cutting edge in our sector. Unlike many traditional Dreadnoughts that were launched by a single colony capable of such a feat, the Apollyon was commissioned, designed and built as a joint effort between many, smaller colonies that individually would never have been able to accomplish this feat.
This is why the crew of the Apollyon draws from many worlds, many talents, but most importantly many different ways and schools of thought. This flexibility and adaptability was caught the attention of the Design Bureau, and why the Apollyon is expected to spearhead the efforts to explore former human territories, re-chart the path our ancestors have taken and find out what became of the rest of humanity, to adapt and overcome, the same way our forefathers have.
However, fractures began to show, across a space too vast to continue governing under traditional societal doctrine. Time dilation meant that authority had to be increasingly self sufficient and adaptable to endure, and this caused many to think why should they even be subservient to a Core that needs them more than the Fringe needs the Core?
During this time, colonisation and industry were mainly privatised, via ultra-conglomerate corporations that had power to rival any formal government. Disputes between these corporations often turned violent, with expensive private military contractors deployed to destabilise regions and hamper their competitors -with the ultimate casualty always ending up being the Average Joe trying to scrape out a living on the Fringe.
Many have lost their patience and their loyalty, rebelling or turning to a life of crime as smugglers, pirates and thieves to take what they thought was stolen from them by the conglomerates. Many simply wanted independence from the Core, to live out their own lives, on their terms. Whatever the case may have been, it is ancient history now.
For there was a war so large the effects are still being felt today. Historical records are spotty from this period, no one is able to tell just how much knowledge was lost or misplaced due to the upheaval. But sometime during that war, something happened that changed humanity forever: contact with an alien species.
No one knows for sure what exactly transpired back then. Records were either expunged, corrupted or simply lost to time. What we do know is there was a war.
Several uncovered records corroborate this; a war fought for the very survival of humanity. An alien armada, comprised of many different species -so vast as to be beyond counting; occupying 70% of the observed space were emerging from by our deep scans. A bold, daring, desperate plan - to sacrifice one of our own planets to create a singularity-bomb.
The plan worked, with the sacrifice of our fleet, the aliens were drawn in -the trap was sprung. The reactor was overloaded, catalysed by the planet, the monster emerged: a black hole. It swallowed much, but more importantly, caused a gravity wave distortion so severe, it dilated space-time to a degree that by the time the alien fleet emerged, 100 years of relative time had passed.
Precious time, that humanity used to build our ultimate response: the first Dreadnought-class ships -initially destined as evacuation ships, they were repurposed as a final desperate gambit to break the enemy once and for all and secure humanity’s future. For the first time, all of humanity had been united under a common purpose, a common destiny, whether they be Fringe or Core, pirate or PMC: Survival.
Even with the enemy fleet severely diminished, even with these grand ships constructed and literally all efforts poured into arraying and organising humanity into a unified fighting force -the enemy still outnumbered us.
What was achieved then, in that fateful battle was nothing short of a miracle.
The carnage would last two entire days, with reports of people collapsing at their station from sheer exhaustion. While we do not have exact numbers, we suffered major losses in terms of large ships, supporting craft and minor losses of our entire escort fleet -but not a single Dreadnought-class went down. The enemy fleet had been obliterated, their strength permanently broken.
It would be months, years even, but eventually a signal arrived. A hail, in a broken language, identifying itself as an ambassador of alien origin, requesting to negotiate the terms for humanity’s expanse through the stars. We’ve won.
All this transpired two generations ago. Our own Dreadnought was commissioned then, after it won the Design Bureau distinction and was authorised for construction. The treaty we signed imposed a limit on our Dreadnought production, which elevated the bar for the standards a ship design must meet to be applicable. Our Dreadnoughts improved, and the Apollyon now represents the cutting edge in our sector. Unlike many traditional Dreadnoughts that were launched by a single colony capable of such a feat, the Apollyon was commissioned, designed and built as a joint effort between many, smaller colonies that individually would never have been able to accomplish this feat.
This is why the crew of the Apollyon draws from many worlds, many talents, but most importantly many different ways and schools of thought. This flexibility and adaptability was caught the attention of the Design Bureau, and why the Apollyon is expected to spearhead the efforts to explore former human territories, re-chart the path our ancestors have taken and find out what became of the rest of humanity, to adapt and overcome, the same way our forefathers have.
Thanks for checking out the Interest Check for Hyperuranion: Dreadnought. If you have gotten this far, then we have successfully hooked at least a bit of your interest.
So let’s get down to it, the premise. What is this RP all about?
We will be taking ourselves 800 years into the future, as freshly inaugurated members of the crew of the state-of-the-art Dreadnought, the UNSF Apollyon. Only having just been built by the community efforts of over many decades by the Union of Nation States, ready to take flight into the stars, primarily, on a mission to track down the infamous pirate Superdreadnought, the Regalia. But don’t fret, there will be many missions and adventures, and even some down time for a bit of slice-of-life in between.
The primary focus of this RP will be the lives of the crew, and their struggles as they serve their respective roles on the ship, be it a Soldier, a Bridge Officer, a Fighter Pilot, even the Service Personnel. It doesn’t matter what role people wish to play, as it is available to everyone, if there are enough spots for said roles. We can't have two ship Captains now, can we?
The roles that we recommend (but aren’t obligating) are as follows:
Remember, these are the recommended roles, but they do not have to be filled for the RP to make progress, we as GMs (DAttila and I) can fill those roles if need be until someone wants them. We will detail the more puzzling roles in the OOC. Otherwise this would be an info dump.