Was just randomly going through our highly out-of-date OP, and came across this:
...if a player does godmod or goes beyond their remit or does something that requires permission, try not to post a revenge post of godly godmodding to get them back. Godmodding is an issue dealt with OOCly, attempting to take vengeance won't sort it, and the RP could easily devolve into godmodding bonanza if enough like-minded people are about.
It's odd to think that this was amongst the issues I worried about in the beginning (not without reason, godmodding revenge-posts did take place in Divinus Mk.I). But now, standing at the pinnacle of two years with you lot, and with many years to look forward to (hopefully, fingers crossed, God willing), I can't help but be glad at the elevated, quality roleplaying we've dished out. Pause for a moment and just hug yourselves, you beautiful people.