Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

· · · DESIRED STAR · · ·

"Attention, Passengers and Crew of the Solstice. This is your captain speaking." The PA system blared to life as the Captain's commanding voice was broadcasted across the entire ship, rudely waking most of the passengers from their latest sleep cycle. "We have arrived at our Coordinate Destination. I'm sorry to say however, the Diensi-2 planet is nowhere in sight."

"Our Analysts report that the planet itself is on the other side of its orbit right now, behind the Diensi Star. It will take us about a week to circle around. Not such a bad hitch though- I mean, look at that view!" The Captain's voice cut out as the solar shields covering each of the windows on the ship rolled away to reveal the beautiful star just outside.

"There’s a bit more of an asteroid field than we’d thought there would be, but it should be no problem. Feel free to go back to sleep for a week if you wish, but we have more than enough resources on board for everyone to stay up until we make landfall. That is all.”

· · · I N T R O D U C T I O N · · ·

HUMMUS (the organization for Humans Understanding of the Metaphysical and Morphological Universal State) replaced NASA when World War V ended and the New Americana Order rose to power and unified the world under one banner. That was about a century ago, and since then HUMMUS has been searching the universe for new planets capable of sustaining Human Life. About 40 years ago, they discovered the Diensi'idrinen Star system, containing the gorgeous white superstar (dubbed the Diensi Star) and 3 planets (Diensi-1, Diensi-2, and Diensi-3). The Diensi-2 planet was perfect for Humankind, and is still the only planet discovered within five light years of Earth to have the proper conditions and atmosphere for colonization. Over the next two decades, HUMMUS planned to send a colony ship to Diensi-2, and a little over a decade ago, the Spaceship "Solstice" finally set off on the 13-year journey.

When the Human colony ship got there however, the planet had been destroyed. The native species of the third planet in the system, the Orrbehidtem, had caused the destruction of both the Diensi-1 and Diensi-2 planets, in their own version of World War V. It was an all-out race war, which left the third planet as a barren and nearly lifeless asteroid. The human ship, failing to navigate its way through the debris field left behind by the two destroyed planets, was hit and forced to try and land on Diensi-3. The "landing" was a failure, as the unknown atmosphere of the planet messed with the ship's ability to even fly through it. Miraculously, there were survivors- though who knows how long those few Humans can last in the poisonous air of Diensi-3.

… well, the good news is that you don't really have to survive. The Orrbehidtem are not the only Alien race in the area, and Humans weren't the only ones interested in colonizing one of the now-destroyed Diensi planets.

The Sëtem'Amrin Species is from a star system over 1,000 light years from Earth. They have many colony planets across the galaxy already, and Deinsi-1 would have been the last they needed to qualify as a galactic power. Their own Astral community discovered Diensi-1 at the same time HUMMUS discovered Diensi-2. But, the same story fits their case as well, except the crash landing, of course. When the Sëtem'Amrin discovered the destruction of the planet they’d wanted, they simply decided to set up their colony on Diensi-3 instead, taking the poisonous atmosphere as a terraforming challenge.

So, the Sëtem'Amrin and Orrbehidtem met when the Sëtem'Amrin were first setting up their colony, about a month before the Human ship would arrive. Because of the war, only a hand full of the Orrbehidtem remain, and so the Sëtem'Amrin have taken power on the planet, placing any individuals of the native species in containment to be studied.

When the Human ship crashed, the Sëtem'Amrin did the same with any humans they found, making a seperate containment facility for them. If you are one of the Humans waking up after the crash, you’re waking up here.

· · · S P E C I E S · · ·

Humankind/Earthlings -
You should already know what these are. :P

A spacefaring civilization made up of very squishy and fragile creatures. You've crash-landed on Diensi-3 and been taken into captivity by the Sëtem'Amrin, one of the alien races here. The Atmosphere of the planet itself is barely breathable to Humans- you would last maybe 2 minutes without an airmask or space suit. The containment facility makes use of Oxygen-producing plants to provide an atmosphere more suitable for Humans.

Your current opinions of Each other, the Sëtem'Amrin, and the Orrbehidtem are up to you to make. You currently have no Leader.

Called "Humans" for short.


Sëtem'Amrin -
A highly advanced technological Civilization. They are Humanoid, in that they have two arms, two legs, and a head with two eyes and a mouth- but that's where the similarities to us end. They are 6-10 feet tall as adults, and their limbs seem disproportionately long while their head appears oversized compared to their slender bodies. They do not make noises that humans can hear when they speak, and their faces cannot show any emotion due to their thick, hardened skin. They seem to also have a mode of telepathic communication, though it plays a very minor role in their communication with each other. They are mostly calm- they do not do anything unless provoked to do so, and even when they seem hostile they are very careful of what they say. Language and words seem to hold special meaning to them, as does information. The entire Species is affected by this "Knowledge is power" mindset.

They are a spacefaring civilization, and most of them wear their spacesuits at all times, implying that they cannot breathe in the atmosphere of Diensi-3 either. The reason they have a colony set up on the planet is currently unknown. They built the Containment Facilities in order to Research and safely interact with the Orrbehidtem and Humans they have met so far. Their current opinion of Humanity is Neutral. Their current opinion about the Orrbehidtem is neutral. They are Curious to know more about both Species. They are led by a "Captain Joorrhano".

The Sëtem'Amrin are called "Amrin" for short.


Orrbehidtem -
A warmongering Civilization native to Diensi-3 that has managed to wipe out 99.999% of their entire population over the last decade in what can only be described as the most petty race war ever, of all time. They are Snake-like Creatures with Feline faces and furry front arms. They speak a very flowing and smooth language with as many different dialects as there are on Earth- or at least they did when more than five of them were still alive. They are very emotive and temporal, going through changes in mood as the drop of a hat. They make open threats but do not seem to act on them until the opportune time. They are cunning and strategic.

It is unknown if the Orrbehidtem purposefully caused the destruction of the other two planets in the start system- though it certainly seems to be the case. If they were once capable of space travel, they aren't anymore due to the loss of life on their planet. They do not seem to use any kind of technology in their daily lives, but then again, it could have all just been destroyed. Their current opinion of each other is Hostile. Their current attitude towards the Amrin is unfriendly and cautious. Their current opinion of Humankind is that we are beneath notice- something to be toyed with. The two opposing leaders of the race are currently held in Captivity by the Amrin- they are named "Eclipse" and "Equinox".

The Orrbehidtem are called "Orrbe" for short.

· · · O T H E R S T U F F · · ·

I'm looking to have at least 8 Humans, which means I need about 5 more people. You can have 2 characters to start with, and you may make more after the IC begins if you can handle more. Everyone is required to play a Human so there are enough of them, but then if you want to you can make an Alien too.

The Idea for this RP kinda started with this quote- and then it grew into this Survival/Diplomacy scenario. I want this to be a "teach Aliens what Humans are like" adventure. You can do and say whatever you want- you're on an Alien planet with nothing to lose. But, keep in mind that your characters are the only examples the other two species have of Humanity, and the thing about that is, if either group dislikes you enough it could mean the end of Earth.

CO-GMs are @Zahrale and @BlackPanther.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Starmie
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Starmie Lost Star

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

This seems absolutely awesome! When will you put a CS available?
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I could make one quick... basically as a human; Name, Age, Gender, Personality, and if they were a crew member on the Solstice, their Job. Any history or other stuff you want to add you can, but I don't need it.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

So, CS skeletons are a go!

Here's my Human Character as an example:

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Starmie
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Starmie Lost Star

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@StarLordess Looks great!

Now we just need more people so this can start
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Starmie
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Starmie Lost Star

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@StarLordess Looks great!

Now we just need more people so this can start

Yay! Looking forward to it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

oh, I forgot to put this here: I have maps of the planet's playable continent and the Amrin's Human/Orrbe Containment Facillity! Also a few images for what the Human spacesuits kinda look like.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Melody00
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Melody00 The Princess Without a Kingdom

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Melody00 Hey, looks good! A cook huh?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I'm gonna bump this.

We need more players! plz join!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

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