Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Everyone knows the creatures of darkness from fairy tales. Blood sucking monsters who die in the sun, are allergic to garlic, and burn at the sight of holy water... Everyone passes these stories as just that. Stories. But there are a few that know these nightmares are very, very real. Vampires look just like everyone else, except when angered, or in the scent of blood, or are overcome with hunger, they transform into their true forms.

Their skin so white its transparent, seeing every black vein in their body. Their mouths long and full of razor sharp teeth, their eyes as black as the coldest and darkest depths. They are as strong as 10 men, faster than a blink of an eye, and have excellent sight and smell. When someone is first transformed in to a vampire, sunlight will instantly kill them, they can't control their crave for blood, and they usually have fun terrorizing people with their new immortality... but with age, their skin gets used to the sun, but their eyes never do. They will start to feed on only animals, the elderly, or the sick when they cannot control their hunger any more. They stick to themselves, for they cannot kill other vampires. Most of them kill themselves when they can't stand being immortal anymore.

These beings have infected the world, and most live quietly... but one town in the dense forest of Colorado is notorious for the ongoing struggle with Vampires and humans. Brooksfield, Colorado has been fighting against these creatures since the town was founded in the 1800's. The people who fight them have mastered the ways of vampire hunting. Holy Water and garlic doesn't kill them. sunlight is not a problem to them especially in the dense forest shade. Silver, wooden stakes, and flares were their only weapons. They are called Protectors. They have fought for over a century, and today, the Protectors and Vampires have come to an agreement: The vampires can have the forests, the humans will have the town and roads, and if any cross with no reason, they will be executed.

Brooksfield is a small town with friendly people who don't know about the vampires for their safety, but are kept safe from them every day and night by the few who do. Most of the Protectors have a 6th sense. They can tell who is and isn't a vampire due to their family heritage in the town, or luck. There are some vampires who have gotten authorization to try and live a normal life in the town, being friendly and cooperative to them as much as possible... and as for the Protectors, there is a silent war there as well. The old ways lead by the current Sheriff are to kill only as a last option, and let the vampires be. The younger, newer ones think that they are too dangerous, and should start to kill them all off, but cannot do anything.

The town of Brooksfield is a quiet town, but filled with mystery and danger.... how will you spend your stay?

1) You can be a Protector (Vampire hunter), civilian (store owner, state cop, mayor, etc), Vampire, or ID'd vampire (Friendly who lives in the town) if you have a question on what you want to be, and how you want to play, please send me a PM and i'll be more than happy to help out!
2) Don't always start chaos and action! This will be a RP full of romance, drama, action, adventure, and other stuff as well!
3) Keep it to one CS for now
4) Don't be OP, and NO ONE SENTENCED POSTS! i understand writers block, and i prefer quality over quantity, but saying "he entered the room" just adds clutter, and doesn't help the story what so ever.
5) be creative! i love seeing how you guys make characters and how you make them unique!


Faction: Protector, Civilian, Vampire, ID'd Vampire
Bio: Doesn't have to be super long
Weapon(s) : optional for civilians and vampires, required for Protectors


Name: Benjamin Ford

Age: 49

Appearance: Very tall, muscular, with slight wrinkles around his face, but still very attractive for a man his age. Has a square jaw, Black hair that has a touch of gray at parts, and steel gray eyes. Has a scar running across his cheek. Usually wears a trench coat with his sheriff badge on with with a flannel, jeans, and boots, as well as a very old
cowboy hat passed on in his family.

Faction: Protectors

Job: County Sheriff, and leader of the Protectors

Bio: The Ford family is extremely notorious in this town. Ever since the very first Protectors, my family ran the league of Vampire Hunters. And generations passed. I lived with my father. He never told me what happened to my mother, but i didn't mind. Growing up i learned the honest work the do out here in the middle of nowhere. I helped my dad at the sheriff's office, helped him with chores, and he made me help the other people in the town with their's. I always knew my father was keeping something from me though. And as a young teenager i would follow him around, or try to stop crimes in the town. And every time i would get yelled at, and be told many times that no matter what i do, never ever go in to the forest... I learned about the life of the Protectors when i heard crying late one night when i was 17. It was a young woman, racing through the streets, yelling at someone to leave them alone, that she wasn't one of them... my curiosity and my hunger for justice got the best of me.

I followed her, trying to help her, she told me to stay away, or I'll be hurt. Not thinking, i rushed after her in the forest... where i was immediately welcomed with laughter, demonic hissing, and being thrown in to a tree before i even knew it. I came to to see the most evil thing i have ever seen in my life. Now i know its a vampire, but back then, i thought i was staring at death itself. Before i met my death, or worse, my father and a few other deputies came rushing in... I got out alive, but with a few scars, and a big one across my cheek. My father had no choice but to tell me. I eagerly joined when he asked me. I fought alongside my father for a few years, helping him with shifts, learning how to fight with my own weapon of choice. I chose a wood axe laced with a hard silver coating, and i became an expert. I learned the techniques of what to look for, how to fight those creatures, and that some of the closest friends of our family were vampires who swore peace with the town long long ago...

One night though, there was a riot with the vampires. A group of young, rebellious ones attacked the town... it was terrible, with casualties from both sides... one being my father. After my father passed, the Protectors didn't even have to ask, or have a discussion. I was his successor. Dawning his hat, and badge, i kept the town from danger. And for decades i have been doing just that, losing some close friends, and fellow Protectors from deaths, or from them moving away. I married (IF ANYONE WANTS TO BE MY SON/DAUGHTER, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!), but she left me when she found out about the secret of this place... Most people think I'm too old for this job now... and they are usually knocked on their asses before they can finish the sentence. I have spent most of my life keeping this town safe, and i will do that to my dying breath.
Personality: Has a very big sense of confidence, authority, and pride that surrounds me. I never rush in to an action. Extremely loyal to the people who showed me kindness, very humble and friendly, and nice to the citizens and fellow Protectors. Kinda like the father figure for the younger people. Very courageous, smart, and has a dark sense of humor. Will do anything to keep anyone in the town safe.

Family/Relationships: Anyone interested in being a love interest, or family member send me a PM!

Weapons: A old, silver axe, an old revolver with silver bullets, and some mini flares to blind the vampires just in case.

Other: there is said to be a Ford family curse... every one of my grandfathers have died from fighting off vampires before they reached the age of 50.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gray Witness

Gray Witness

Member Offline since relaunch

This one sounds like a lot of fun. Hope it's ok if I join in.

Name: Julian Perry
Age: 567
Appearance: These days he's of average height (which, back in his day would have made him rather tall) with slightly curly brown hair framing an angular face with brown eyes and a rather long, aquiline nose. He wears glasses (but only as a vain affectation since his eyesight is better than 20/20) and he normally dresses conservatively in clothes that are so outdated they're on the verge of coming back in style.
Faction: ID'd Vampire
Job: Owns the local used bookstore/coffee shop

Bio: While he was alive Julian went by a different name and made a relatively modest living as a poet and playwright in Elizabethan England. His works have long been forgotten, but at the time he enjoyed a brief period of popularity before he was turned by a lover. Devastatingly, Julian found his transformation into a vampire had affected more than his appetites and his skin tone: he suffered from a writer's block that stretched across centuries without relief. Since then, Julian has traveled the world and done a great many things, but he's always returned to his first love: the written word. He's worked as a literature professor many times over, and has held a wide variety of publishing jobs, but has always remained frustrated with his inability to regain the spark that once fueled his own creativity. He moved to Brooksfield about a year ago after his lack of aging put an end to his tenured professorship at a rather prestigious university. He purchased the local used bookstore six months ago after its owner chose to retire. He has made his peace with the local Protectors and is happy to live and let live.

Personality: He's very smart and gets irritated when others can't keep up with him, or when they use too much slang, or if they have poor grammar. He can be brusque, condescending, and somewhat of a snob, but it's very rare for him to be intentionally cruel or impolite. Otherwise he's pretty much an introvert, more interested in his books and the occasional deep conversation than making friends and influencing people.

Family/Relationships?: They're mostly dead, although he keeps up regular written correspondences with several scholars around the world who he considers friends, and he's developed a fondness for some of his regular customers, especially the ones interested in lengthy discussions on Renaissance poetry. (open to anyone who wants to play a regular customer or one of Julian's employees in game)

Weapon(s) : He owns an Italian-made 17th century rapier and matching dagger, as well a revolver from the late 18th century, but they've been exclusively for display for well over a century.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 11 mos ago

by all means, anyone who's interested can join!

Awesome character btw, accepted!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laufey


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I've got Collage in about an hour, so I'll get my character started when I get back.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laufey


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Nicholas Crawford Lot.
Age: One-hundred and forty-one years old, born in 1873..
Appearance: Standing in at 6'2, Nicholas is fairly tall, and such it only helps to enforce his rather imposing figure. His body is riddled with scars and bullets wounds, thanks to years of relentless tortures courtesy of the Soviet Union. As such, he keeps his body covered, choosing not to show his scars. He does care for how he looks, sort of, he's not a bum, and such he doesn't want to look like one. Usually wearing something dark, expensive and flexible. And pretty much always a suit.
Faction: Vampire.
Job: A drifter of sorts.
Bio: Nikolas is rather young by the standards of being a Vampire, since he's only been one for less than a century, ninety-seven years to be exact. But before that, he was a man nearing his peak, in a country that knew naught but war. Imperial Russia. Born to a Russia mother, and a father of British decent, he never really saw much of either them considering he was more or less abandoned upon birth. That is, if you consider putting your child in a bordering school at the brisk young age of four, if not, then they were parents of the century.

And such, Nicholas spent much of his junior years with people he actually liked, because there wasn't exactly much to do in a boarding school for twelve years. He left school with a sizeable trust fund of sorts, the perks of having millionaires for parents. But instead of becoming one with the aristocracy, he instead choose to take a job as a chef ... for some reason. If Nicholas was one thing, it wasn't a chef, and such that little endeavour didn't last long. Eventually he found himself in a book store in Saint Petersburg, which quickly cultivated in getting a job there.

He had liked reading since he was able, there was no Internet or television back then, so that made sense. However, he hadn't know he liked it enough to make it a living until that very day. He worked at the store for quite some time, along with it's owner, Nikolai. Alas, things took a turn for the worse during the Communist revolution of Russia during 1917, he found the store he cared for so dearly burnt to the ground, and nothing left to live for. And so, on that night he decided to kill himself. But first, he had to indulge in one last luxury, getting drunk beyond recognition.

He wasn't sure if the man who visited him that night was an angel, or the devil himself, but what he did changed his life forever. He was bitten and turned into a creature of the night, oh and became slightly immortal. Which was most counter productive to his plans of ending his life.

He spent a few sleepless nights debating his new found gift, or curse he not knew what it was. Until he decided that the man who gave him this needed to die, preferably a horrible and painful death. He found him the next night and charged him with a dagger, and yet when he thrust his dagger, it did nothing. The blade was held just short of a inch from his eye, and yet something held the blade from ending the bastards life.

All that met Nicholas was laughter from the man-thing, and in an instant he was gone. Unsure of what to do, and with nothing left for him in Petrograd, he decided that due to the whole 'immortal' thing, he would take up arms and fight. One of the first things he noticed was that getting shot in the face tended to hurt by a considerable margin, just because nothing normal could now kill didn't mean he should needlessly endure pain. Which made sense, since sadism wasn't exactly his thing.

The war soon enough drew to an end, and the fact that he hasn't fought on the winning side meant he was soon enough put in front of a wall, and nine guns were aimed at his head. The results were as expected, the bullets impacted into his body, and it bloody well hurt, the only what happened next, was not intended. He had sustained so much damage from the execution that he transformed into a feral beast, which then proceeded to utterly destroy the Red soldiers in a matter of seconds.

At some point he blanked out from his rampage and woke up days later in a dark and damp cell in the middle of Siberia. This is where Nikolas' story gets a little boring, he was now a guest of the Soviet Union in one of their ever so famous Gulags. He wouldn't see daylight for at least five or six more decades, where in the eighties during the height of the Cold War, the Soviets realised how much of a weapon that Nikolas could be.

This ended as well of expected, Nikolas with almost superhuman strength, speed and endurance, and the Soviets with zero to no experience with handling Vampires, escaped from his captors once they had moved him into East Germany. He however made the point to drain the blood from his captors, because being nice is overrated.

He smuggled himself into central america, and from there into America proper. He then tried to recontrust his life to the best of his ability, considering all the human interaction he had for the past decades was a Russian mobster, his tactics were ever so less than civil. He would immedaily use force when he didn't get his own way, and was far from compromise. That, and the fact he was a Vampire meant he was also a serial killer, so there was that.

He never really knew what 'home' was, and in an effort to find it, he found many a mate to try and form a family, and at least have a legacy. But he could never bring himself to be truthful to them about who he was, and how can you raise a family with out mentioning the tiny fact that you're a Vampire who gets off on sucking blood? See, not an easy premise at all.

That was until he heard about the town of Brookfield, and something in his head just clicked, he had a sudden want to go here, and find out what it was, and then .... ? Well, that remains to be told.

Personality: Quick, brash and not very resourceful, Nicholas outright prefers to simply punch his ways to solving a problem, rather than go about it like a normal person would. Coupled with a distinct lack of social skills, it's pretty easy to say he's not a nice guy. But for the most part, he's just a angry man, with no way of venting.

Family/Relationships: His parents are long dead, both killed in Russia many a decade ago, but from the amazing little thing called the Internet, he found that the Crawford family name continues to live on in Britain, albeit a rather weak legacy. He hopes to rectify that problem, one way or another.

Weapon(s) : Nicholas is not one for weapons, if he wants to kill a man, then he'll use his bare hands. There is no greater satisfaction than knowing you used no tool, but you, to finished your prey. He does know how to a use a sword, or at least he thinks he does. He learned how to fence back in School and that was quite some time ago, decades of isolation and the fact he hasn't picked up a sword since, means his skills likely aren't up to scratch.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rithas
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Rithas Professional Screamer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Valis Miliure

Age: "Old enough....old.....enough"

Appearance: 6'3, Slender build. A fresh pale face. Dark blue eyes with normally large pupils , fair hair. thin legs that seem longer then they really are. a small scar on his fore-head That has the shape of a lighting bolt that is above his left eye. his nose is normal sized and is rather good for a nose, but seems to be lost to the abyss by his other features. most of his clothes seem to be one size too big.

Faction: Vampire,
Job: "ummmmmmmm"
Bio: A long time ago, which valis can't bother to remember exactly when it happened. Seeing as he was done being in the same house as his annoying? (Or at least that what Valis thinks, though he does admit it could be many things, again...he really couldn't care) decided to have a party just for himself, and by that he meant destorying his liver. (or he was just pretending to do that, once again, Valis can't seem to remember) After that it gets a little fuzzy, basically: Something about a fight, a fish, a giant stool, a fire, a supicious women that Valis followed only because she had- well...you know. A mansion, a really fluffy pillow. a knife, then blood. then a bloody knife, and then something about a brick.

The next day Valis woke up, everything was rather different, one, his clothes were rather torn, he was in a rather shady alleyway, and as he would find out in the next few days, a vampire. His life was different, with is pretty obivious. But Valis became a bit different. He tried- well...casually lived. He did evenutally started to get hunted, which he guess was only right since he was killing people, and not really even trying to be in the shadows. It was easy, he learned that he was rath- no...much faster and stronger then lots of them. But the knocks on the door came, he escaped. But he knew now that he would have to stay isolated.

Blah Blah Blah, it is the present, and Vasil stays in the forest, because apparently the "protectors" and other vampires think it's a good idea, but Vasil lurks in the shadows (He likes to think that he does that a lot) He is one of the most infamous ones, and probably one of the oldest. Yet somehow not, seeing as many don't know what he looks like, or if he's real. most think he's a myth! Because "people are stupid, am I right?"

Personality: Tends to have mood-swings. Most people in his mind are either 'Food, Annoying, Less annoying' Though he tends not to like company at all, sometimes he'll randomly appear in peoples houses, just to hang about. (If not to steal their clothes) He tends to humor himself, and will randomly go into fits of laughter. While most vampires get "wiser and mature" Valis says live young forever, and he does what he wants. He thinks that if he is going to die then good, because he be dead and that be it. but until then, it's a big party!

Family/Relationships?: His family is long dead, which he tends to forget about, then realise, just to say "Oh wait, I don't care"

Weapon(s) : He does have a sword he stole from another vampire, he just has that for the one sentence of "I have a sword bitch!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Accepted, Cal! Just waiting for the blank stuff, Laufey haha
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GrowingDark


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Yuu Taniguchi

Age: 75

Appearance: Asian ethnicity. Pale skin caused by constant living in darkness. Young. Early twenties in appearance. Straight black hair that falls across his green eyes. He tends to wear darker colors, his favourite being dark blues and purples, so black pants with a purple silk shirt would be common. He has several tattoos across his forearms, all in Japanese. When asked about them, his expression will always become sorrowful and he will walk away in silence. Tall with a muscular build that only comes from intense motivation and dedication. A large scar stretches across his stomach.

Faction: Vampire

Job: Scout/Hunter

Bio: Born to a dirt poor Japanese family, Yuu is no stranger to hardship. He grew up with garbage and filth and death in the heart of Tokyo. His only goal in life was to care for his younger brother, Takashi. Times were tough and this wasn’t always possible. Their father was a coward and could not be relied upon for protection against the local thugs, so it was up to Yuu to become hardened and ruthless in combat. It wasn’t long after Takashi was born that their mother died. Her death resulted in the breakdown of their father, leaving them totally alone in a harsh world. Somehow, they continued to survive, scrounging for food and beating the guts out of anyone who tried to stop them.

Yuu’s reputation of being one of the fiercest fighters in Tokyo did not go unnoticed however. One day, shortly after his twenty-third birthday, the local Yakuza came down on them…hard. Yuu came to the burnt out old shack that they called a home one night, after he had come back from a burglary of the nearby meat market. Right away he knew something was wrong. The door was open. Takashi would never do that. He walked in with his knife drawn. A wicked, twelve inch fighting knife with a Tanto point, perfect for stabbing between the ribs. He soon realized it was useless when he saw his brother with a katana to his neck. The man who was wielding it was hidden in the shadows behind him. They wanted Yuu to join them as an enforcer in exchange for his brother’s life. Yuu had no choice but to accept. However, as soon as he stepped toward the man, the katana flashed and Yuu could feel warm liquid running down his face. All he could see was his brother’s terrified eyes as the life drained from them. Then a figure, unnaturally fast, grabbed him from behind and Yuu’s life became pure pain.

After an eternity, he awoke in a dark room, head pounding, skin burning, lungs aching. Something was wrong, he could feel it. A dark presence in his mind, consuming him, taking his body. The man who killed his brother walked in, even in total darkness, Yuu could identify him. The man handed him an old katana, his knife, and a semi-automatic handgun (or revolver, I’m not sure what time period this is supposed to be). Yuu had no reason to obey the man. In fact, his entire soul wanted to rip his heart from his chest, but he couldn’t and Yuu did not know why. The man sent him to America, where he would work with another group of people like him. Years passed since then, but Yuu never felt any older, nor did he look it. He just…survived. Instilled with an intense fear of the sun, he would only move in the dead of night, stalking his enemies from the shadows. By this time, Yuu knew what he had become and learned to embrace it with the goal of revenge in mind. He was no longer under the suppressing power of that man, but he had nowhere else to go, so he has been working and waiting and moving up the ranks, hoping that one day he would find a way to kill the man and avenge his fallen brother.
Personality: Quiet. Unfriendly. When he does talk it is always short and to the point. His entire being is made of revenge and rage, leaving room for nothing else. No hope, no love, and absolutely no desire for that to change.

Family/Relationships: Described in bio

Weapons: Described in bio. The katana is his weapon of choice. He keeps it maintained in perfect condition and treats it with more care than the people around him. He wants the weapon the man gave him to be used in his own downfall.

Sorry for the super long bio, I got a little inspired!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laufey


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jones Sparrow said
Accepted, Cal! Just waiting for the blank stuff, Laufey haha

Yeah, I got that done during my lunch break, and was just too tired to finish it when I got back home. But since it's my day off, I'll probably get it done and finished today.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leviathan
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Leviathan Inhuman

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hey there everyone!

if you are accepting I could play your daughter Jones!


Also, is this supposed to be in the past or modern day?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Awesome! We're accepting anyone! So make a CS whenever you can!

And accepted, Dark!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leviathan
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Leviathan Inhuman

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Like I told the other rp I applied for, I may have a new job coming up.

Don't know my schedule or how much time it will consume...so, we'll just play it by ear for now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laufey


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alright, finished my CS. Not as great as I wanted it to be, was in a far more creative mode yesterday, than I am today, so yah.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rithas
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Rithas Professional Screamer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'm sure this will be exciting, though we probably need more humans/protectors
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Sweet! Both accepted!!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rithas
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Rithas Professional Screamer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I know people have already said this, but when is this set
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Modern day, and yeah, more Protectors would be nice hahaha
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laufey


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I was going to make a Protector and a Vampire, but alas, Jones doesn't want to allow multiple characters at this time.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leviathan
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Leviathan Inhuman

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

i was going to do that too.

originally i was going to make a vampire but it looked like we needed some villagers/protectors.

i wouldn't mind doubling actually but would need to completely change my human's personality so i wouldn't end up playing two bitter people.


i may actually tweak her personality a bit anyway...

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Haha yeah, I think I'll let people be 2 characters if they wanna haha
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