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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Outcast107
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Rick Walker, Or As he likes to be called, Walker
Species: Human

Age: 45

Description: Walker has dark black hair that medium hair that goes down to his neck. His skin is a light tan, with dark brown eyes. he has a goatee that seems rugged.
He normally wears a white t-shirt with a black vest over it. Black pants and dark brown boots. He normally holds his heavy Revolver to his right side at all times.

Weapons: A Revolver M-29 model is his main choice of weaponry. It able to switch between stander rounds (That still pack quite a punch when hit.) or the "Rocket Ball" ammo. Which is like a mini rocket bullet that will take out your target and anything behind it.
Skills As an Ex-Black ops agent, Rick is familiar with most kinds of weaponry. Though his go to gun is his M-29. He is also familiar with TGR code words, ways of how they handle certain situations and some alien languages that humans are able to speak.

Bio: Walker lived in a backwater shit hole of a planet. The TGR had mostly left the planet to its own devices due to how far it was from the TGR sphere. Meaning it hardly had any support from roving bands of Pirates, or other hostile threats that show up now and then.

Walker lived an almost normal life, besides having to grow up in a rough neighborhood and a school that didn't give two shits about its student's education. Though surprisingly, Walker was able to get off-world and into a TGR military academy. From there, he soared up through the classes and became within the top 10 of Academy Honors.

After the academy, Walker joined the Marine Corps at the age of 19 and became Squad leader during his training. After his training, Walker was soon sent out to the front lines with the rest of his squad. Fighting in small skirmishes against rebels or pirates.

Within five years, Walker was selected to join a Black Op group. He and his squad was to handle covert ops against potential problems that may or may not affect the TGR in the future. It was here he finally felt like he had a family with his fellow squad mates. Being with them for years and having successful missions. Until one day, when he was 38 years old, his mission turn south.

He and his team were supposed to be infiltrating a warehouse that a supposed group had stolen valuable information from TGR, though what was stolen was classified. Though when they infiltrated the warehouse, they notice many odd things. No guards, too quiet and the place seem to have been abandoned for years. The only reason they continue on is because their equipment picked up a signal coming from deep in the warehouse. Staying on guard they continue to move in.

They finally get to the location of the signal, but once they breach inside, they found it to be filled with explosive. With little time, one of Walker men pushed Walker out of the room as the room exploded. Walker was several hurt but survived. An ambulance from the local hospital picked him up and took him to the ER. Without any ID on Walker they didn't know who he was. Walker was stuck here for a few months due to how severe his injuries were but he was able to make it through and finally get out and get back to the TGR.

Though it didn't work out for Walker in the end. He was plagued with PTSD and developed a drinking problem. The TGR gave him an Honorable Discharge from service and sent him home. Though Walker wasn't finished yet. He wanted to find the bastard that did this, and he also wanted to still help people out there. So after a few years at working odd jobs and trying to get some help for his problems, he finally able to get enough cash for a ship and started his own Merc Business.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Athol
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Athol Safety Factor 7

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Mary Elizabeth Williams (Alias: Red, Red Mary, Mew)

Human (Cyborg)

50 (Thanks to pre-natal treatments appears to be 35)


At about 180 cm tall with a trim build (being fat and lazy in her line of work is a good way to get killed), Mary could blend into most crowds; if it wasn’t for a couple of things. Her bright red hair, her cybernetics and her amber eyes, oh yes and her tattoos.

While she was born a natural red-head, she’s had some ‘aug’ work done to make it a deep, almost blood red, crimson. She keeps it about shoulder length, and combed to the right, with the left side of her head shaved. Her cybernetics stand out, not because cybernetic are uncommon. In more well-to-do regions (which she tries to avoid for a myriad of reasons), most favour cybernetic that mimic the look and feel of real limbs; were as hers are obviously artificial. In rougher areas, they wonder how she managed to score such advanced tech. her eyes were naturally emerald green, but an unintended side effect of anti-rejection meds from her ocular overlay implants caused her eyes to become an almost jewel-like amber in colour.

Clothing wise, she pretty much lives in her TGRN issue flight suit while in space; though her model of suit is no longer in front line service, she’s kept hers well maintained, having modified it to seal around her right ‘bicep’ so that the forearm can open so she can deploy her hold out pistol if needed, without breaching her suit. On those rare occasions she finds herself planet-side, or somewhere else where vac-gear’ would seem out of place, she generally sticks to a set of coveralls and a pair of mil-surp boots.

Fifth generation neuro-interface controlled cybernetic right arm and shoulder.
(Arm has a neuro-controlled 11 mm chemrail ‘hold out’ pistol concealed in forearm. Has the word ‘Void’ engraved on the fingers)
Fifth generation neuro-interface controlled artificial left and right above knee leg cybernetics.
Neuro-control implants for cybernetic control
Ocular Overlay
(Allows her to project a HUD into her regular field of vision without an external visor or eye piece. Projects an aiming reticle for personal weapons)
[Left side] “No Man’s Sky” in Gothic script above ear.
[Right Eye] Three tear drops at corner of eye.
[Neck, Left side] Sitting black cat.
[Neck, Right side] Compass Rose.

Left Arm
[Shoulder and Upper Arm] European style dragon attacking starship.
[Forearm] Succubae in fetish gear standing over bound and gagged Angel on outside. Knuckle duster knife on inside.
[Hand] ‘Born’ across fingers, broken clock face with no hands across back.

[Upper Back] Grim Reaper from mid-point between shoulders to small of back. ‘Only He’ above image, ‘Can Judge Me’ below in cursive script.
[Lower Back] A pair of chemrail pistols at the belt line.
[Collar] ‘Into The Black’ along collar bone incursive script.
[Chest] Skull with outstretched angel wings underneath breasts
[Waist] Chain that follows the belt line (including over top of the pistols), links broken below belly button.

Mark 9 Terran Grand Republic Naval flight suit (heavily modified) and helmet.
Maintenance kit for fifth generation cybernetics hardware and software.

Weapon(s) :

K&K P45 11 mm chemrail hold out pistol (mounted in left forearm, with neuro fire control)

FAI-45 'Spectre' Multi-Role Fighter [Lilith’s Hand]
[Specifications]Weight: 14 tonnes (Empty)
20 tonnes (Loaded)
30 tonnes (Max)
Length: 19.4 m
Wingspan: 11.7 m
Height: 5.5 m
Crew: 2
Powerplant: GF400/950 300 MWe Micro Fusion Reactor
Engine(s): 2 GEW RV-1200 He-3 Thrusters
1x MKCr 32 Rh3034-2 30mm chemrail autocannon (600 rounds)
6x AIS -145 SRAFM launchers (20 missiles per launcher, 3 in each ‘cheek’)
10x AIM-60/3 MRAFM
4x Type 90 AGM
2x Tesla-dyne Model 4 plasma cannons[/spoiler]

As a top ten graduate of the GRSN’s Fighter Training Program, Mary is an exceptional small craft/fighter pilot, with an advanced spatial awareness that makes her a formidable combat pilot. These skills do translate to a degree to Walker piloting, though the much lower speeds and greatly reduced maneuverability do hamper her instincts at times; that said, she is still a dangerous combatant with her machine.

Operating outside of any ‘formal’ support structure has forced her to become her own maintenance chief, if for no other reason than to ensure the work gets done to a level that she’d satisfied with, and while she’s discovered she’s not too bad at it, she’ll readily admit there are many out there that are better than her.


The joke in Mary’s family was that they’d been a part of naval traditions since before muzzle loading cannons were a thing, so needless to say there was more than a bit of expectation that she would carry on the tradition; after all her mother was an admiral with First Fleet, her father was a Rear Admiral on an R&D board and her older brother and sister were both commissioned officers, the XO of a heavy cruiser and Capitan of a frigate respectively.

Born on a hospital ship after some local ‘instability’ trapped her parents on a resort station towards the end of the pregnancy, Mary was raised and educated onboard a naval belter station and didn’t set foot on a planet until she was sent to the Grand Republic Stellar Navy naval academy on Earth at the age of seventeen. While her technical and academic were enough to get her out of high school and into the Academy a year early, her personal performance left a bit to be desired. Fights, bullying, general disobedience and an unproven case of drug dealing, while not enough to deny her entry to the Academy, certainly did make her instructors keep an eye on her.

Once again, she did quite well in the technical and academic aspects, and it seemed the personal difficulties may have been just ‘teenage rebellion’ as other than one fight and a couple minor cases of insubordination, her free time was consumed by a newly discovered passion for flying. Once her instructors realized that, she was put on the fast track to the Navy’s Fleet Fighter Pilot program. Over the next four years, there were no negative incidents of note as she proved to be a natural pilot.

Unfortunately her bad habits seemed to re-emerge during her first deployment. During the course of her first deployment aboard the GRSNS Neil A. Armstrong, she was written up four times for insubordination, twice for starting fights while on shore leave, and was implicated, but never proven to have been involved with, a shipboard contraband smuggling operation. These incidents left her confined to the ship while in port, and then later grounded for the duration of the cruise. All this came to a head when, at the end of the deployment, her direct superior made a comment about not being able to catch her red-handed, and promised to make sure to get her next time. The verbal tirade and shove that she replied with earned her six months in the brig upon returning home.

After she did her time, and spent some more time on probation, she was finally allowed to deploy once more, this time aboard the GRSNS Yuri A. Gagarin. Once more, her old habits reasserted themselves, and she found herself grounded and possibly facing more brig time or dismissal from the Navy. Instead the next time the ship came to a port of call, she stole her flight suit out of the pilot’s locker room, somewhere she wasn’t supposed to be because she was grounded, slipped out an unattended maintenance airlock and stowed away aboard an automated garbage drone that was picking up refuse from the ship. Riding the drone to freedom, she then bluffed her way onto a planet bound shuttle from the station the drone had returned to, and did her best to loose herself amongst the locals until the Fleet left the system.

After a quick credit withdrawal before the Navy froze her accounts, and some petty theft for clothes to wear over her flightsuit, she began to poke about spaceport bars looking for work that didn’t ask too many questions. After some searching, she contacted a mercenary company that was looking for a small craft pilot. After some demonstration flying in a ship that was probably older than her father, she got the job.

As her new ship, the Maiden’s Hand, set out she began to notice a few ‘peculiarities’ her and her crew; one, she seemed to have a rather large crew for her size and two she seemed oddly well armed, even for a mercenary’s support vessel, especially one that seemed to have started her life as a medium lift freighter for an Inner Colonies shipping firm. Mary’s suspicions were soon confirmed when, about six days out of port, they happened across the lone He-3 tanker.

She was told to sortie on one of the Maiden’s Hand’s armed shuttles, but when she got to the hanger, she found the Captain and a couple other crew waiting for her. He told her straight up that he intended to capture the tanker and then he asked if that bothered her. Her response was a simple, “So you are actually pirates. I think you owe me any extra ten percent from this take for lying to me.” The Captain laughed, shook her hand, and when the take was sold off he gave her that extra ten percent out of his share. From then on, and for the next fifteen years, she flew with the Maiden’s Hand and Captain Willis, eventually becoming one of his senior officers.

She was tasked with either making sure their prey couldn’t run, or in dealing with any small craft that might attempt to flee, and she did it well. That said, things didn’t always go perfectly; four months in, a little bulk carrier put up a fight and one of its point defence guns shot up the shuttle she was flying pretty badly, hitting her in both legs in the process. She managed to crash land the craft back into the hanger, and get rushed to the sickbay before she bleed out. The damage was so severe that the doc was forced to amputate both her legs at the mid-thigh. After recovering from that trauma, she underwent surgery to fit a pair of cybernetic legs and the physio needed to adapt to her new set up, because despite what popular opinion may believe, pirates take care of their own. Though she had the odd close call, it was another five or so years before anything as traumatic happened again. During a drunken confrontation on Tortuga Drift, she took a scattergun shot to the right shoulder, which necessitated replacing the whole arm and its support structure.

She served under Capt. Willis for another ten years, before he decided to ‘cash out’ and retire to a nice quiet Outer Colony world that wouldn’t ask too many questions about his past. Paying out the crew after one last haul, the crew of the Maiden’s Hand threw a massive party for their captain, before drifting off to find new ships…once the hangovers had receded a bit.

After taking a bit of down time, she signed on with the Regent Star, a recently captured mining vessel that had been refitted to suit her new role. Now that Mary was a known name, the captain of the Regent Star was more than happy to have her aboard. Ten years into another successful stint as a pirate, she was instrumental in snagging a little gun-runner who the Regent Star had been hired to track down, by his competition. In lieu of her normal share of the prize, she was allowed to take first pick of any of the hardware that they’d captured, and it was from there that she got both her current fighter, her walker and her crop of small arms. Three years later, she led a raid on a TGR ‘black site’ in the Outer Colonies and managed to score some cutting edge cybernetics. When she was getting her old, worn out, limbs replaced with the new tech, she had the docs install the ocular overlay to simplify some of her control.

She had this work done while the Regent Star was in dock at the New Providence Resort, a once grand orbital resort for the rich and famous and now the largest pirate ‘freeport’ in known space, for a refit. Since a bunch of the work was centered on her hanger bays, she had both her walker and fighter packed up and moved off ship to clear space in the bays. A week into the work, the Captain called a meeting for the senior crew in one of the larger bars, though Mary was late to the gathering as the lift she was riding on suffered a power failure for about half an hour.

Arriving in a bad mood she finds the place torn apart and on fire, with the crowd muttering about it being a bomb attack, which was unsettling, as one of NPR’s ‘etched in steel’ rules was that crews were to leave their feuds outside the station. Realizing this had been a targeted hit by someone that wasn’t concerned about the collective wrath of NPR, she decided to bug out to one of the slightly more civilized Outer Colony planets with her gear, rather than wait around to see if whoever had target the Regent Star was looking to tie up any loose ends. After several months of laying low, she emerged from her seclusion and hired on with ORION Company. Granted there may be people out looking for her, but woman has to eat, and ammo is expensive.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by CorvusReborn
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name and Alias: Shanoa (AI) / Nyx (Robot Body's code name)
Age: 16
Gender: N/A but looks female
Species: Alien AI
Appearance: She exist primarily as an AI, and while gender-less, she prefers a female form, and strangely, despite being an AI of alien origin, she prefers the appearance of a 'cat girl' for the interactions that 'require' a visual display of her presence of some kind when she's not in her robot body. Likely a in joke of some kind given her robot body is feline like.

For operations, she has a robot body her own design she uses of and it resembles a big metal cat. It stands roughly the same size as an adult Mountain Lion, (3 feet at the shoulder). the head has a mono eye on a track to minimize movement while scanning around, as well as a extra camera that extends out for peaking around corners, and the tail of the unit, also about as long as the big cat the body is loosely based on, ends in a spikes that can be used for stabbing or open up into a 4 pronged claw for grabbing things.

'Saber' has it's claws and Tail for 'fixed weapons' as well as several (5, 1 on the back, and 1 on each shoulder/hip) mounting points for other weapons, but nothing to 'heavy' though as the frame isn't meant to be a weapons platform.

The bulk if it's equipment is for stealth, and breaking into secure locations and servers, as well as Reactive Camo, which blends it into to it's surroundings, and is virtually invisible while completely still, how ever can still be 'seen' while in motion.

Shanoa skill set revolves around infiltration, accessing and acquisition of data, and assassination, as is how she was programed, and being an AI of alien design and a sentient one at that.

Due to needing to know how to maintain and upgrade 'Saber' she has also downloaded several advanced robotics manuals. This has had the side effect of making her a bit of a tinkerer and something of a robotics expert in her own right.

Shanoa is the result of joint Terran/Xeno project, secretly funded by a rouge Omni Corporation, Exious, on the outer edge of the TGR, one of the Grand Corus worlds. Primary developed with in one of the pirate groups that Exious was secretly slipping equipment to and protecting due to their harassment of the TGR.

The project's focus was on creating a fully sentient AI with various applications in mind, most of which revolved around screwing with and generally ruining the TGR's day. This was to be accomplished through a weaving of advanced code, and neural scans from 'volunteers' 'selected' by Exious's and the Pirates.

Shanoa was created with 'espionage', corporate or otherwise, in mind, and to their credit, where successful, though they had no end of problems from keeping her from getting into data or equipment she wasn't supposed to, as they'd made her a little 'to good' at her job then their security could handle. They did finally get her under control though, which given the nature of her AI, being sentient, did very little in the way of endearing her creators to her. In fact she started to hate them after awhile.

How successful the project would have ended up being though is unknown, the TGR raided the Pirate base where the research was taking place and totally decimated every one and everything there. Shanoa however used the confusion and chaos of the attack to escape, by taking over one of the TGRs quadraped drone units and hiding in it until the battle was over. Once the battle was over though, she found even more reason to hate those who made her. All the 'volunteers' that had been collected where found. sort of. what was found was a bunch of human and alien brains, carefully removed from their body's and placed in machines to keep them 'alive' for use in the project. For reasons she can't explain, this revelation enraged her, practically to the point she blew her cover. That said, what the TGR soldiers there didn't exactly endear them selves to her ether. Between the bad jokes and general 'oh well, they where just Outer Colony trash anyway' attitude, before just lobbing explosives into the room, she ended up with about as much reason to hate the TGR as she did the pirates.

She remained hidden though, waiting till the TGR brought her to some where she could make a clean break for it. Not before lifting some tech from the TGR data bases she had access to though, like the Reactive Camo. When she did finally make her break, she did so under the cover of a 'massive system wide malfunction' in the drones and security systems.

From there, Shanoa did nothing for a while, for no reason really. She just had no reason to do much of anything, but it didn't take long for boredom to set in, as well as a need to maintain the drone she'd stolen that she'd decided to keep, and since she remembers some one say 'If your good at something, never do it for free' she started taking 'mercenary work' that fell into her area of expertise, and along the way nicked what she needed to maintain and upgrade the drone into 'Nyx'.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Name: Elliot Gratsky

Species: Amasi (Appears Human)

Age: 28

Description: Elliot is - as stated - an Amasi, a being whose natural state is that of a collection of mist that holds intelligence throughout its many particles, capable of reshaping itself into numerous forms to interact with other beings. Mostly, this is done out of curiosity or necessity, but there are those who remain in a solid state for longer periods of time...which risks a condition known as Echoing, the state of being lost in the part, unable to remember that they are not what they appear to be. When an Amasi is in a free-floating state, it is a self-directing mist that has a somewhat predatory edge among its inquisitive intellect. Their culture revolves around the use of crystaline structures and the reshaping thereof for their needs, and their means of consuming is for the individual particles to effectively sandblast a living target and absorb the nutrition directly. They see the world in hues of infrared, sense it, and speak to each other in the mind only. HOWEVER, an Amasi taking upon the shape of another being is copying the functions to the hilt. As human, it functions as human, and so on.

Now, Elliot is what he is, but he is taking the form of a rugged six-foot human...and while he is NOT Echoing, he likes the human shape enough that he would only change out of it as a last resort. He prefers the challenge of being a human, the satisfaction of achieving things as one. He is built like an army veteran, the build of a man who went through training, saw plenty of action, lived to tell about it, got out, and continued in both personal training and getting busy. As you can see, he has somewhat wild black hair with sideburns, hazel eyes, and some beard stubbling. He has no particular tattoos or markings, but he appears to smoke. Very often, you'll see him in dark clothes, fingerless gloves, military-grade body armor, maybe a helmet if he feels the need, and whatever odds and ends he needs to get to work. If you ever see him as an Amasi, you're seeing a gray and strangely purposeful cloud of mist, roughly to the mass of a human being or a bit more. As it's a mass of gestaulting particulates he is in that form, you can't just shoot him. You have to destroy his mass to do any harm.

Now, what's he like as a person? Try to imagine the way Corporal Dwayne Hicks was in Aliens. Of all the space marines in that movie, he was by far the most professional and serious one. He didn't lack for any individual character, but he put the mission before the jokes. Elliot is what Hicks would have been if he'd lived long enough to leave the service and go into business for himself. He is stern, does not pull punches, and gets to the point. Perhaps after the point is made, or if there isn't anything important to say, he'll lighten up. The job, though, comes first. It's a necessity, and necessity tells him how to operate, allows him to think outside the box and get creative in dealing with a situation. Because one thing he does NOT appreciate is any case - whether accidental or on purpose - is when he is backed into a corner. Common sense and forethought are his shield, suspicion and scrutiny his sword. Anger is his gun, carefully aimed and in short controlled bursts.

Weapons: Quite a number of things are stored in the Archer (His ship), but I'll stick to preferred weapons here.

All-Purpose Utility Hand-Cannon - This weapon is a rather weighty-looking pistol built for multiple forms of attack or utility use, based upon the intentions of the owner. It is fires clip-fed gauss pistol shots with its magnetic driver, or a front-loaded grappling hook with line-and-reel attachment, or any number of receptive grenades that can be attached to the front and then launched, or you can even just use the projected magnetic wave (short range only) to disrupt electronic equipment or knock a gun from someone's hand. It's a gun that delivers for many situations. Elliot has the full package, including a modest supply of fragmentation, incendiary, EMP, concussion, flashbang, and shaped stickybomb grenades. It IS kind of bulky for a handgun, but not much worse than a Desert Eagle...and frankly more dangerous than that.

The Crowd Pleaser - Perhaps a tribute to all Space Marines, the Crowd Pleaser is Elliot's custom-built heavy riot shotgun. It is a heavy-blasting, auto-loading, double-barreled phalanx-spreader designed to hit whatever's in its cone of fire with high-velocity flak designed to embed, to shred, and knock you right off of your feet. This has some degree of penetration into armor, but its primary effect is to give the user some space with the blowback, to allow you to keep a crowd at bay and pick off surviving targets while they are prone and more vulnerable to attack. The ammunition is customized from full particle phalanx cannon ammo to allow a non-heavy weapon to carry extremely harmful ammunition. The Crowd Pleaser is built from a current-gen riot shotgun and is therefore able to take normal, solid, and exploding slugs, propelled at greater velocities than a 20th Century varient using today's often-used magnetic drivers.

Paladin Armor - Elliot wears a para-military fullbody armor with internal composites and external metallics to allow for tough protection that keeps him relatively flexible and able to move in combat. It also insulates him from any electrical hazards that might occur as a result of any metal part coming in contact with him. This is an infantry model armor which allows him the full range of motion while reading his every movement to deliver extra force at key points via sensors. The Paladin Armor is a protective suit, and a combat suit. Thus, while it isn't a powerarmor, it has output points for a marginal output concussive pulse to allow for stronger hits, improved agility and running speed, and incoming impact force reduction to minimize the concussive force of an attack. Its subtlety allows for its greater strength. Comes with wrist computer for tactical displays and unit coordination (or whatever you program in there), communication system, and proximity alert system to warn of incoming targets.

Skills: As an Amasi, Elliot is capable of stripping the flesh from any exposed target he comes across and can take any number of shapes, though it's limited to his relative mass. However, he is largely not in it to do things that way, so let us focus on what he can do as Elliot.

What he is capable of is peak soldiering with an impressive tactical ability based largely on necessity. He does what works best, no distraction, for his goals in mind. He has a very strong will and highly resistant to pain. Being not actually human, the one thing he can't NOT have is the ability to mentally disconnect that certain people have to make the pain seem like it's elsewhere and not here. He is capable of wielding about any military-grade weapon you put in his hands and capable enough with machinery...since he has his own ship to maintain.

One thing of importance. While Elliot does not have to be in charge, he is good at it. He sees a problem and he deals with it, and he can back up whatever he thinks is the right idea, if asked. He has no stirring NEED to be in charge, but regardless of what position he IS in...he does have one subbordinate, regardless. Sort of.

Bio: As far as YOU know, his name is Elliot, but...

He is, as you know, an Amasi. He can mist, he can talk telepathically (to his own kind), he can see infrared in mist-form, etc. That is how he was before he took on a human form. Who he was and what he did while ON Amasis remains unknown, as it is far more interesting to note his behavior in leaving the homeworld. Curious of lesser species as they are, members of the Amasi do not ordinarily hop aboard a ship and ask for a ride to the nearest station. However, this is the case for one Elliot Gratsky, who simply walked up to a ship that'd made planetfall and said "'Bout goddamn time somebody showed up. I've been coolin' my jets long enough here. Mind giving me a lift?". He explained that his ship had suffered a terrible malfunction from a faulty engine core and he had to bail out before it went critical, and then landed on Amasis in the survival pod. His longterm survival came in bartering away whatever the Amasi were interested in and answering whatever questions he could in order to stay on their good side. He explained that it just barely worked.

Stories aside, Elliot got into outer space and quietly soaked in every detail he could without arousing suspicion. So, this was life in space. Intriguing. The more he got into it, the more he wanted to make this life his own, pursue something for himself, and most of all enjoy what he was doing. As a predatory being, he naturally gravitated towards jobs that involved inflicting pain and/or death for a profit. It started small with simple jobs. As his experience in a human form grew, so did his capabilities to hunt down and deal with different and more high-profile foes. There was no form of contract he would not pursue on the matter, unless it just wasn't feasible for him. Curiously enough, though he had - by this time - retained his physical form for some years, he had not been Echoing, lost in the part. He simply enjoyed the exercise, the challenge, and the experience. It was in this manner that Elliot Gratsky became fairly well-known in bounty hunter and mercenary circles, enough so that he could begin to aim higher and acquire a team. The type of team, though, had to be acceptable to his way of doing things. He didn't have time to ease them into his life. They had to hit the ground running.

It's not as though he were broadcasting the fact that he wanted a team, but sometimes people had asked to run with him and he turned 'em down because they were looking to ride his coat-tails, not pull their own weight. He needed an associate who could keep up, and the first one that seemed to know the score was Grace Hart. He didn't ask if that was her real name or what someone like her was doing at his end of the galaxy. She looked tough, she had skills, and she was willing to get her hands dirty. How did he know? There was this guy he had to find, just a hoodlum with an amped-up body carving people apart with a special knife. After tracking him down to his usual 'hunting ground', Elliot found him fruitlessly batting at a ball of light with his weapon. It seemed confusing at first, but then he remembered reading about the Ignis and their own morphing ability...from their natural state (Light) to a physical form (Often human). This ball of light flitted around until it became a young lady kicking the guy's head from below the chin in such a way that she snapped the poor bugger's neck. Once he fell, Elliot knew he had a good applicant in Grace.


Name: Grace Hart

Species: Ignis (Appears Human)

Age: 21

Description: Well, that depends. Like Elliot, she has two actual forms. There's a great deal of strangeness out in the 'verse. Ignis are human-like beings whose minds have developed to direct and form energies conforming to the use of light. They became known as the Ignis as members of the race began to change into hovering light forms (roughly spherical, essentially transforming their bodies into masses of free-floating charged ions). This, and other lesser feats, are all skills that Grace has command of through several years of use in order to survive. And when she is not in the form of a white ball of light that is 2-3 feet in diameter, she is a slim if slightly-curvy athlete with shoulder-length white hair and silver eyes. No marks, scars, or tattoos...but she DOES have an occular implant which I will get to later.

Grace is at least a head shorter than Elliot, and she seems ultimately more vulnerable, physically. This is true, but misleading. She is quicker than him, more lithe and agile, more flexible. In all the ways his durability would make him somewhat lacking, she excells in. And while there is nothing wrong with his eyesight, her sight and concentration to a task are stronger, a singular focus that is extremely hard to break...since it is her species which is more capable of distraction. You find her in either unimpressive casual clothes when not doing something important or in a combat sneak suit made for quiet and unimpeded motion with full flexibility and light protection in mind.

In general, Grace is a rather quiet person who keeps to herself. She is attentive and always keeping a close eye on her surroundings, but it is not in her nature to speak up unless it is important. She is soft-spoken, but audible enough - say, for instance - to be heard via personal commlinks in the heat of battle. It's clear that Grace is both a survivor and harbors some resentment towards her parents, as 'Grace Hart' is unlikely to be her real name. She is highly competent on her own, but tends to follow the lead of Elliot Gratsky. Grace seems to prefer working with him and rarely voices an objection to his decisions. She will show initiative if action is needed, however, and will do what is necessary without hesitation. The only question is what she won't do to bring about a satisfactory conclusion to a job. On a lighter side...Grace does possess a sense of humor, and demonstrates a talent for slight of hand.

Weapons: Once again, a number of things may be found aboard the Archer, but for now...

Eagle Talon Sniper Rifle - It was inevitable, with the world of munitions moving on, that someone would make the most dangerous of long distance weapons even more so. The Talon is a rail-sniper rifle using magnetically-driven velocity to project armor piercing or explosive rounds over a great distance with extreme force. The ammo slugs have been rated as heavy anti-armor ordinance fired from a weapon that is only marginally heavier from a mil-spec gauss rifle. This is due to the fact that the Eagle Talon IS an mil-spec gauss rifle, with an upgraded magnetic driver which works harmoniously with the detachable sniper barrel Thus, you have your sniper rifle AND your mid-range killing machine without it being overly cumbersome in battle.

Molecular Knife - Because she is not physically strong, Grace makes use of a knife in combat as a means of protection and execution in close quarters. Her weapon is essentially a standard combat knife in design, crafted from strong alloys with a decent insulated grip (All of their equipment is insulated.) and a laser-sharpening to the width of a molecule for swift and deadly cuts.

Occular Implant - Grace and Elliot tend to engage in alot of bounty hunting, it pays to have an implant directly into the eye that gives her all the relevent information posted officially about a target or piece of equipment. It also functions as a basic HUD and connects to displays aboard the Archer, should it be needed. It's a generally useful bit of support equipment.

Snake Suit - While she is unaware of the REASON it's called a Snake Suit, this sneak suit is made of a mesh of impact-reduction fibers that grant a certain amount of low-profile protection...although it's design is really for reducing the noise of all actions and to allow for a full range of motion in the user, though there is some additional padding inside of the suit in key places.

Skills: Grace DOES make use of her abilities, so here goes...

An Ignis' primary ability is be able to transform from a humanoid form to a hovering ball of light that moves around pretty much like a Will-of-the-Wisp and doesn't have much of a physical presence while in that state. Apart from that, she is capable of creating disturbances and distractions made entirely of light or distort the light to render her invisible to one's own sight. All of this requires concentration (which she has in spades), and therefore would stop if it were broken somehow.

Grace is a capable survivalist and more aware of her surroundings than even Elliot, who is essentially a military-level professional in that regard. She has learned this through years of basically having to survive on the streets with litle more than a knife, her wits, and a liberal use of her powers. The last part really helps, but it doesn't allow you to live alone like that withou the rest. Her quiet and her focus also lend a hand in all of her tasks, leading her to be able to surprise people with ease.

Bio: Saving Grace.

Her real name is not, and never was, Grace Hart. Before she took that name, she was an Ignis living on Throne with her parents. That is...until she was 18, where they unceremoniously kicked her out when the household developed financial problems. How that exactly transpired, we may never know, because Grace doesn't talk about it. On the day she was disowned by her parents, she did not even look back. Changing her name and identity was an act of a clean break, and while she had little-or-nothing to her name, Grace was a survivor. It wasn't 'at all costs', but it was going to be to the disadvantage of anyone who decided to give her any trouble. She used her abilities as an Ignis to her advantage. Ignis enjoy a certain level of psychic power and light manipulation, especially in the area of transformation to and from balls of light and rendering themselves invisible regardless of form. Because of this, it was actually a bit easy to gain the bare essentials of life.

The real kicker was during one day where, in the midst of her daily routine, she was almost blindsided by a man with a wild look in his eye and a wicked curved blade. He was just a wandering killer with augmentation, the kind that kill for the hell of it. They'd never seen each other, nor was he the associate of anyone she had stolen from or gotten into a fight with before. This encounter was completely at random, which was a shame because the hoodlum decided that Grace should be his next victim. Sadly, for him, he had no idea what he was dealing with. In light form, his knife was completely useless against her, and she led him around like a cat chasing a laser pointer light. After a little of this, he seemed suitably distracted, which was when she RE-manifested in a position to kick up into his head in a manner that thrust it back hard and fast enough to snap it and kill him instantly.

The next thing she heard was "Damn, that was good.", and there was a black-haired man in body armor with a couple of weapons on hand. None of them were being pointed at her, so she relaxed. He introduced himself as Elliot Gratsky, a Bounty Hunter. She gave him her name - the name she'd been using - and asked him what he wanted. He said "To tell you the truth, I was hunting that guy down. You just earned yourself a chunk of change without even knowing it.", and then suggested that maybe she should put her talents to good use the way he did, maybe even work together. He didn't outright say it, because he didn't want to take credit for her kill, but he implied that they could do well as a team. She understood this and agreed, and ever since they have done just that. Sometimes, Grace wonders just what Elliot is to her. They work together, they trust each other, and they respect each other's privacy without issue. In the end, there was only one answer. He's Elliot, and that's all that matters.


Name: The Archer (or just Archer)

Type: Skuld-Class Gunship

Details: The Archer is a medium range swift attack ship refitted for long range travel. As the home away from home for Elliot and Grace, who have no other home to begin with, its purposes are largely in support and transport, though it is made for quick darting combat with an enemy, having a relatively small profile when faced head-on. This is, strictly speaking, a small vessel...but it has been equipped to support several beings, longterm. It houses a modest fighting ability, decent acceleration to avoid getting hit in ship-to-ship combat, sensory array, armaments, and reasonably-sized load of weapons for the traveling mercenary. This vessel IS capable of both docking and planetfall, though the stabilizers are generally retracted during flight.


Mid-Range 'Riot Blast' Missle Pod - Located in the forward section behind an armored doorplate. It's made to slide open, fire the missles, slide shut, load more missles into the rack. Count is six missles per rack, usually two reloads and nothing special about the missle heads, apart from the usual target locking ensemble.

Long-Range 'Hull Piercer' Railgun - Mounted below the missle pod in a similar fashion, contained inside an armored plate until used. It is a railgun equipped to fire slugs with shaped charged designed to puncture hulls with great accuracy. Design specs allow it to carry a maximum of ten shots (must be reloaded outside combat).

Mid-Range Gauss Turrets - Being a gunship, it has a number (eight) of exterior-mounted turrets made to lock on a target, offensively or defensively, and open fire. They're bulk suppression cannons, not particularly powerful, but useful in a group. Guidance by computer targeting.

Mid-Range Decoy Missles - Small-but-numerous missles launched from four side-mounted missle launchers, designed mainly to gain the attention of seeking/targeting weapons and, with their erratic flight patterns, draw their fire.

Cargo: This is essentially a basic rundown of their extra supplies.

The Archer carries a supply of food and water suitable for a small group over a period of a week (apart from the water recycling system). It also houses other basic necessities for life in space which we need not list.

There is a weapons lock-up for spare armaments to be used in the field. As opposed to their custom weapons, these are more standard issue, a number of them claimed from the battlefield after taking down targets. These include at least a few examples of the current-gen gauss rifle, gauss pistol, combat knives, grenades, demo-charges and explosives...and to a lesser extent, a couple of grenade launchers and sniper rifles.

Similar can be said of basic combat armor and helmets, but not so many of that since a fair amount of those tend to get wrecked in the field from the death of their targets.



During the first mission of the roleplay, Elliot and Grace picked up THESE gems...

M41A Pulse Rifle w/Launcher
M41B 'Variable Phase' Plasma Rifle
Cobra Assault Rifle and Ammunition
Wrist-Mounted Paladin Shields
Murdock Heavy-Caliber and Drone Bullets
Skuld-Class Gunship Turret Ammunition (Exploding, Heavy-Piercing, EMP Disabler)
Hull-Piercer Railgun Ammunition
Riot-Blast Missle Pod Packets (Six Missle Packets)
Demo-Packs with Remote Triggers

...because, of course, they didn't trust their employers, and rightly so. Hence, the soaking for equipment.

Also important is the fact that these two are on payroll to look after Mary Williams, thanks to her brother.

-The Williams Family-

(Father) Admiral Douglas S. Williams [Ret.]

(Mother) Vice Admiral Elizabeth D. F. Williams [CO, TGRN Base Aetna (The Grand Republic's main R&D base)]

(Sister) Rear Admiral, Lower Half Victoria F. Williams [CO, Heavy Task Force 762]

(Brother) Captain Henry S. Williams [CO, TGRNS Somme Battle-class Heavy Cruiser]
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Texas Joker 52
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Texas Joker 52 The Pungeon Master

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Mar (Real Name unpronounceable in all but native Shree Tongue)

Gender: Female

Species: Shree

Age: 22 Terran Standard Years (Roughly 27 Shree Seasons)

Physical Description: Mar is a fine example of a young adult Shree, tall and lithe with a surprising hourglass figure. Her skin is a dark gray rippled with black, her face narrow with milky red eyes. What is unusual is a small white birthmark just underneath her lowest left eye, almost resembling a classic Human beauty mark.

Besides the skin tight thermal enviro-suit, colored a pale Safety Orange, she usually wears her dark gray Pilot's jumpsuit, and a black domed helmet. Despite being thick and loosely-fitting, it's meant to withstand vacuum when properly sealed, though it can only hold a short emergency air-supply.

When not on-duty, she prefers to wear loose cargo pants, a heavy synthetic leather jacket with synth-fur lining, collar and cuffs, with her old Racing Shuttle's number (#66) emblazoned on the back in orange along with the image of a "Devil-Fish" (A cross between a very surly Terran Eel and Shark, colored a sinister blood red) underneath, a black simulated-wool cap and her choker-mounted translator.

Armor Type: Light, Civilian Industrial-Grade Pilot's Jumpsuit, Shree-configuration.

Description: Mar's Pilot's Jumpsuit is a thick, baggy suit that completely covers her body and is meant to be worn for long periods of time while piloting any kind of vehicle, from mechs, ground or air transport or space-faring vessels. It is a dark gray that has faded with time, complete with gloves that allow her to use her claws without compromising the seal of the suit itself and various cargo pockets on the outer thighs and abdomen. It includes a black helmet that fully encloses the head with a domed visor that can can either be set to clear, or made to look opaque with a gold-tint. In addition, both suit and helmet include a personal emergency air supply as standard.

Technical Details:
Jumpsuit Specifications: Minimal Ballistic/Energy Weapons Protection, Moderate Tear and Puncture Resistance, Fire-Retardant. Capable of sealing for vacuum with magnetic pads on both feet and all four hands, contains an Emergency Air Supply, lasting ~30 Minutes.
Helmet Specifications: Moderate Ballistic Weapons Protection, Minimal Energy Weapons Protection, High Tear, Puncture, and Impact Resistance, Fire Retardant. Includes a heads-up display suite compatible with most vehicles, and capable of wireless connection to compatible vehicles within 5 Feet.

Weapons and Other Equipment:
-1 ZF-1 Electron-Flux Whip or "ELF Gun" and 8 rechargable HED BattPaks, 2 are carried on her person, with 6 held in reserve on-ship.

-2 N76 10mm "Impaler" Needle Pistol and 14 magazines on her person, 8 magazines of 15 standard Flechettes, 4 magazines of 15 Armor-piercing Flechettes, and 2 magazines of 10 Anti-Synthetic Flechettes.

-1 High-Performance Racing Shuttle, "Devil-Fish" #66

-1 223-SSF "Hellbat" Fighter Craft, "Peace Lily"

-1 Slightly-malfunctioning, choker-mounted Translator, able to convert the user's speech to the native tongue of most known races, including several common Terran Dialects. Seems to have issues regarding idioms and figures of speech. (Or else it's user-error.)

-1 Refrigerator stocked with one-months-worth of TasteePaste(TM) nutrient paste for Shree.

-1 Case of toiletries and other personal hygiene items.

-Several changes of clothes including: 5 spare thermal enviro-suits, 2 spare Pilot's jumpsuits, several sets of off-duty clothes.

-Several scale starship models, including one of her Racing Shuttle.

-1 Holo-recorder, specced to make accurate recordings of full, three-dimensional objects. Can double as a video-recorder.

-1 Black Shree-Leather Coat (Great Grandmother), never worn.

Notable Skills:
Ace Pilot: Mar is best known as a professional Racing Shuttle pilot, and was one of the best in the circuit. Able to pilot a shuttle through densely-populated space at speeds that most would consider to be insanely reckless and extremely dangerous, those same skills have translated to piloting larger ships with an uncanny grace, making her easily one of the best pilots in the galaxy, if a little overenthusiastic when it comes to speed.

Close-Combat Proficiency: Having spent most of her time in the tight spaces of space station corridors and starships, Mar has been trained in close quarters combat as a means of self-defense, both with and without weapons. As a Shree, Mar has a natural advantage in hand-to-hand, not only having four arms but incredibly sharp teeth and claws meant to rend thick hide and flesh. While armed, the ZF-1 makes for a perfect weapon for the confines of a ship's corridors by filling a fifteen-foot space with electrical death. However, she doesn't have the same advantages in open-spaces, needing to close the distance to truly be effective with her weapon or her hand-to-hand skills.

E.V.A. Specialist: Both extended experience in Null-G and micro-gravity environments, as well as the natural agility Shree have shown in such environments has given Mar a deft grace whenever there is little-to-no gravity to speak of. This makes her a good candidate for any out-of-ship operations, or any kind of job that requires someone to know how to move when effectively weightless.

Acquisitions: Having pulled quite a few odd jobs for shifty people, with most involving smuggling of some kind, Mar has gotten quite the list of contacts within several black- and gray-markets, meaning that chances are, if she knows what you need, she also knows how to get it as quickly and cheaply as possible, to a point.

Biography: Mar, as she is better known by anyone she isn't directly related to, was born on the AU-7 Space Habitat or "Black Ocean Station", a converted space-mining platform orbiting the planet of Supervee, as part of the enclave of Shree that calls it home. The youngest of two siblings and considered a wild child from the start, Mar was a pint-sized terror to the mixed-race population of the Black Ocean habitat, but was a surprisingly good student.
Though enrolled in the station's network school, a largely online curriculum that didn't require any real contact with other kids, she went out of her way to interact with children her own age, if not her own species. She showed an aptitude for interacting rather smoothly with people from other cultures and races, being open-minded and flexible, and her best marks were in Literature, Languages and Galactic History.

Growing up, she was naturally fascinated by the ships that docked with the station, constantly trailing visiting pilots and bombarding them with questions on how they did their jobs, or for interesting stories about their travels. When she heard of the professional Shuttle Racing League that had only just begun to reach Black Ocean Station, she knew in an instant what she wanted to be once she was old enough: An Ace Pilot.

When she was finally old enough at roughly 17 Terran Years of age, she applied for her pilots license and worked to buy her first Racing Shuttle. It was roughly a month until she could buy one and enter the SRL, but within half a year, she had already won enough races and had gotten such acclaim as a new face in the racing scene that she had bought what is now her iconic "Devil-Fish" shuttle: An ugly amalgamation of several other shuttles, finely tuned for both speed and maneuverability, in or out of an atmosphere. While most would consider it to be a garishly-painted monstrosity, Mar considered it to be a beautiful example of shuttle engineering.
The first championship series, she narrowly lost in the final race, coming in a close third. But the following year, she was disqualified before reaching the finals due to having modified her shuttle with thrusters that weren't fitting with the regulations of the SRL, and was ultimately banned from competing further.

At what proved to be a low point in not just her career as a pilot, but in her life as a whole, Mar drifted from station-to-station before she started hiring herself out to pilot freighters and transports, often taking jobs from less-than-upstanding people for all kind of things: Smuggling, scavenging from derelict ships, and even blockade-running. It proved to be a way for her to not only make more money than she ever had as a Shuttle Racer, but it was also a way for her to do what she loved: Fly.

After having made something of a name for herself in both the SRL, but in the galactic underworld as a whole, she was approached for a job by a mercenary group calling themselves ORION. Her interest piqued, she decided to see just what that entailed. But, not before contacting an old friend of hers, a human cyborg named Jay, who happened to be a rather accomplished ship-systems engineer and general mechanic.

-One of Mar's more infamous traits is that she is effectively the Shree-equivelent of an adrenaline junkie. She loves to go fast, the faster the better. Her penchant for flying recklessly-fast has proven to both be a help and a hindrance to some of the jobs that she has been on.

-While Black Ocean Station has a multi-species population, it was largely inhabited by humans, and as such Mar has absorbed quite a bit of human culture by osmosis, although she does seem to have trouble with idioms, sayings, and figures of speech. Although, some have noticed that said difficulty seems to be somewhat inconsistent, almost as if her mistakes are done mostly on purpose.

-Mar is incredibly possessive and protective of her shuttle, the Devil-Fish, to the point where she will only allow a scant few individuals to sit in the pilots seat, much less actually fly the shuttle. She also insists on supervising any unfamiliar engineers and mechanics that work on it. God help anyone that somehow damages the shuttle, interior or exterior.

-Mar's main hobby is building miniature ship models, specifically of ships that she has flown herself. She takes great pains to make a holo-recording of the ships in question, so that she can later paint every minute detail on the model, even adding superficial damage to match.

-While usually seen and heard using a translator module worn around her throat, Mar is actually capable of speaking several different languages without it, including Terran English.

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Generic NPC 22 Grandmaster NPC Wrangler / ~Curiously Browsing~

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