Avatar of Generic NPC 22
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 4 (0.00 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Generic NPC 22 8 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
TFW you come back from a long weekend away from your online RP and you notice that you're still the last one to have posted.
8 yrs ago
This attempt at starting a short story has already proven to be more fruitful than the last. I actually wrote a couple of words! ^_^
1 like
8 yrs ago
Finding it ironic that I'm having a discussion with a friend about GMs allowing their players to become emotionally invested in your world's NPCs instead of wantonly killing them off.
8 yrs ago
Just wandered into this settlement on the Internet called "Role Player Guild." Currently exploring its depths and looking to see if this is a suitable settlement for the Escapists. More report later


Name: Generic NPC 22
Mission: Escapist role playing scout looking for a new home for my fellow Escapists.
Status: Resident Alien

Offsite Roleplays

Current Stories:
Orion Company (A merry band of men, women and cybernetic organisms traverse the galaxy seeking fame, fortune and more firepower)
The Really Wild Wastelands (A comedic spin on the D.C. Wastelands, setting for Fall Out 3)

Previous Stories:
Avatar Adventures (Generic character facing generic struggles)
Wild Wastelands High School (A teenage angstian spin on the Really Wild Wastelands)
London 2056 (A Cyberpunk story)

Roleplaying Guild Roleplays

None currently or historially

Unabashed Alliteration: The character has a penchant for alliteration, especially when creating crafty captions for co-habitating characters.

Long Winded Posts: <- See here.

Semi-Scientific Pseudo Sorcerer: Due to a disruption in this character's neuro-pathways, this person often attempts to explain the hows and whys of an action an a fashion that attempts to make the impossible seem sorta kinda possible. The character is a natural enemy to their arch-nemesis, "The Hand Waver."

Generic NPC: Often requests their fellow players for a specific and large quantity of items in return for a minimal reward. This trait allows the character to assume any imaginable form, and, due to the laws regulating such things, some unimaginable forms. However, the Generic NPC often assumes a nondescript and generic body with no distinguishing features or personality traits other than the unwavering desire to ask adventures for multiple items.

About the Author:

When not fighting crime, causing swaths of destruction, angsty drama, or uniting star crossed lovers in an alternate universe where Superheroes/Supervillains exist or where the world has become a radioactive wasteland filled with mutated Jackson's Chameleons, this polymorphic, multi-talented, post cobbling doer of things (read ninja) enjoys spending time with family (including 3 quadrupedal furries), watching horribly crafted movies and trashy Japanese Animation. As a forewarning to all those who choose to interact with this rather strange personality that's somehow appeared in your midst, roleplaying sessions may include comedic levels of graphic violence, intentional improper use of grammar, creative suggestions on alternative uses for genitalia, semi serious/semi joking siscon and hopefully fun.

Further inquiries regarding Generic NPC 22 can be sent to their Public Relations Representative, Generic NPC 21.

Most Recent Posts

The Orion Files | CHS Redeemer
Pre-Captain Conversations...
Irina Rostikova

"GRACE HAS SOME NERVE!" The rather irked Irina muttered loudly as she maneuvered her constellation of eight drones into position around the Sweet Child of Mine, the large freighter that had served as the base of operations for Orion Company since it had formed all those weeks ago.

"What are you expecting?" Edward's voice responded coolly over the intercom in response to her complaint,"Comrade Grace invested a great amount of time, energy and patience in overseeing your flight training. While I understand that the incident involving the rental shuttle was an unforeseeable accident, it reflects poorly not only on yourself as a student but on Comrade Grace as an instructor."

Irina paused for a moment, pulling up a schematic of the Sweet Child of Mine and connecting to a database of objects that could be used to track the ship's location, surveil the ship's communications, disable the ship's systems or destroy the ship altogether. Making a slight gesture with her hand, the deployed constellation of drones started a scan of the ship, looking for changes to the ship's systems and comparing those changes to the objects in the database. Given the number of changes that had been made, with the amount repairs and the systems upgrades that had been made while the ship had been docked at Tortuga, the scan would take some time.

"Oh." The Fuzzy Pink Furball responded simply. Leaning back against cradled arm that kept her from being flung about the room while the ship was in motion, Irina's mind figuratively performed a complex series complicated calculations that dealt with interpersonal relationships, "She doesn't have to be so mean about it."

"When the subject being taught affects not only your survival but that of our comrades, I do not believe that each instructor will find the most effective means of communication. Were she nice in regards to these incidents, would you be thinking of this topic at this moment?" Edward continued, the sound of his footsteps echoing over the communications channel.

"You still haven't made it to the bridge yet?" The Mechanically Inclined Merchant asked, changing the topic before Edward's logic could seep any further into Irina's mind.

"No, I have not but I will be there momentarily. The Shock Trooper Corp hold a belief that humans manufactured the corridors to be narrow on their ships as a tactical choice in order to hamper the movement of a Catican boarding party. Whether there is any truth to this, it does not take away from the fact that it takes some time for me to traverse the freighter." Came the response which proceeded a grunt when the Massive Mountain of Muscle attempted hug the wall of the corridor, allowing one of the Sweet Child of Mine's crew members passage past him.

"While you're talking to Captain Walker about the prisoner, you should tell him about the results of the Genomic scan that performed on her... and see who she's had the most contact with." Irina said with some concern in her voice, "Chances are she's already..."

"...Imprinted upon that individual and should be relatively trustworthy, yes." Edward interrupted, the sound of his footsteps had stopped, "I am at the bridge now."

"Alright. Tell the Captain that I'm about 30% done with the ship wide scan. I know that Shanoa already completed her's but the humans have a saying 'measure twice cut once.'" The Terraphile said with an audible smile

"I will report back to you after I have spoken with the Captain." Edward responded, his voice sounding unsure what to make of the ancient Terran adage.
Well, of course it really depends on the emotion that I'm attempting to convey in my post but generally speaking whenever I have an issue with writer's block, here are my standard go to songs:

For some odd reason I've been gobbling up Myth and Roid on a pretty frequent basis:

and also Kano

Yes... I do watch a bunch of anime. Here's a couple of others...

(Alright... how to start this? Wait what style should I use? Should I be all formal and start with the usual "GREETINGS AND SALUTATIONS!? " NO! NONONO! They'll think I'm all weird and stuffy! How about I just role play it? But then what genre? Noir? Scifi? Fantasy? Slice of Life?)


(What if I just wrote whatever came to mind? Like an interior monologue? Sure that works... but that would mean that they're reading everything that I'm thinking right now.)


(Calm down. Calm down. They seem like a non-judgmental bunch. They won't think that you're a bit nutso for making this your introduction. No... they'll think how out of the box! Yes... yes... that's right...)

~Looks out through the camera~


(No no no... you're totally blowing it. Stupid interior monologues! Just say something and run off before they get a chance to throw bricks and door knobs at your pretentious ass! Do it! Do it, now!)

"Umm... Hi? I was just visiting to see if this would be a good place for my friends and I. But it looks nice enough place to stay a bit longer... and... try an RP. I hope we can all have ... um... fun"

(Good job! Now run.)

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