This still going? D:
musicway said
This still going? D:
LoneSilverWolf said
Well you could've posted what you did prior to the event, Obsidan--no need to change up an *entire* post, I bet you could've used some of it!And no I'm not back permanently, I've just had some time to get to the forum today (THANK GOD). On the other hand, I have some horrible news. There's a probable chance my time at the forum will be pretty much done after wed or thurs, though maybe as late as friday. I'll be posting in the off topic section detailing why.In the meantime I'm going to enjoy RPing with everyone and hope that what I THINK is about to happen, will somehow not happen. :/
musicway said
This literally has nothing to do with Wolf leaving, but I'm backing out of this, I'm sorry to say. I've brought back a few RP's on the writing forum that I originally came from. and this didn't quite make the cut on my list. Sorry guys, I just didn't get far enough with my character to take the final steps of staying with this. I'll see you all around though, hopefully :) As for you, Wolf, hang in there buddy, you have my love.