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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Curwen sighed, dejected. "Probably no point." he said, shaking his head and turning to....oh damn. That was Gynar working that weird machine, wasn't it? Curwen had seen him a few times when he'd been called to MIB HQ, just doing his best. Crying shame that he was involved in this debacle. "You getting any sort of reading on the demon on that thing? Because what I'm thinking is it's long gone. If it wanted a fight it would be out here fighting. Probably took hostages just to try and force us to do what that idiot that ran inside just did for free."

God, what the hell was that kid? Not only han the wards responded to him, they seemed to have broken as he went through. He wondered what sort of shady crap that MIB was up too if they were calling up guys like him. "Does anybody know who that moron was?"

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

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"Man for fuck's sake," Daniel cursed as Curwen informed him that the demon was long gone. The mission had ended before it had began. What kind of band of thieves and murderers were they running here? "Alright, my idea is for one or two of you to return to base and see if you can get that kid fired, some of us need to stay here and secure the school before the police get here. I'll see if I can fetch my scrying mirror, see if I can track him down using that. Curwen, I'm gonna need to ride bitch with you when we move unless anyone else wants my pungent chemical odor in their car," he suggested quickly, jogging a short distance from the school.

He pulled a bottle of red powder from his jacket and drew a circle on the back of his left hand. He held it stationary as he placed the other hand to his mouth and whistled, causing a flurry of feathers as Russel sprouted from his hand as if he had been stored within. He sent Russel off with a trilled whistle; signifying to the bird that he needed his scrying supplies.

Scrying was a less than reliable way of discovering things, but it would work in a pinch. He quickly returned to the school and drew his firearm.

"Secure and make them forget, as usual."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by SpawnMeme


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Gynar would still be observing the area about him for a time with the device, trying to gather up any sort of electromagnetic anomalies with the device. He would go to stop abruptly as the Earth shaked, causing him to stumble as a low yelp escaped the extraterrestials mouth. He'd nearly drop the device as he would attempt to regain his balance and he barely did as he shaked his head and lowly sigh. He didn't know what exactly had happened but he knew the wards had been weakened due to the readings on them having grown weaker as the kid had passed through the wards.

Gynar would blink his eyes between the two as he would turn to look at Curwen through his large glasses and the tightened hood of his pullover before softly speaking, "I mean besides the... wards that seem to act like some sort of series circuit... I haven't picked up anything and the wards have definitely weakened due to smaller electrical anomalies emitting from them."

He'd then go to lower the device and then raise it up, gesturing off to Daniel with the end of it for a moment, "I would go back, though hope you realise that it takes a good deal of energy to make a wormhole, and doubt I could get there back in time plus I don't know the kid's name."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

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The two would wander the halls unsuccessfully. There was only two ways to get into the basement. The vents which were too small for the men and the missing stairway. They could jump from the main floor to the basement. It wasn't that far maybe ten or twelve feet. Most of the basement was used as storage. There were props from the drama club and many tools the janitor used. They might be able to create a staircase for the kids but it would be dangerous and unstable. The kids were huddled on the far side of the room. Luckily none of them were hurt but they weren't getting out of the basement without some help.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Henry "Hank" Dauterive / Michelle "Micheal" Jones

The two men were talking to each other trying to figure out how to get the kids out safety, After what seemed like about 20 mins of arguing the two were going to try and jump the stairs and try to get though the door. Henry was the first to jump and thanks to his body the pain of jumping and landing would not hurt much. Then Micheal would jump next although he would need a running start because he was a human and much older then Henry.

If the two of them made it then they would get near the door to the basement but if they failed then they would fail into the emptiness of the hole where the stairs were.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Storybookandco


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jericho would nod, wholly agreeing with reporting Archie.

"Leave that me. This is why I hate taking orders from a suit who is sitting in a nice cozy office and isn't on site with the people they choose to send...ah well, could be worse...So how do you gents think we can salvage this? Any ideas?"

He would look between Daniel and Curwen, hoping someone could think of an answer.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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"I guess..." Curwen said, in deep thought, looking between the school and his allies. "Okay, first things first we've got to control this crowd. If you (@Storybookandco) think you can make that work, be my guest. Neuralize the lot of them. Daniel, could you assist him with that until your scrying supplies get here? I think you're barking up the right tree trying to track down that demon and we need to do that as soon as possible. I have my own methods of searching things like that out, so I'm gonna layer that effort on top of yours."

Saying this he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a few vials of chalk white ash, labeled with names like "Spot," "Fido," and "Killer."

"Now Gynar, I think you have a good idea about the name. We don't have enough information, so lets go find some facts. While they're busy with this mess we should head inside and secure the hostages. I hope to the outer gods the demon wasn't spiteful enough to kill them on its way out, but if it was I'll need your help to carry them somewhere more private so I can talk to them anyway. They'll have information we need, and I'd like you to scan them over with your gizmos to see if you can pick up on any demonic residue from their bodies, if we have a proper sample we're one step closer to finding this things name and taking it down. We should save trying to get the kid fired for later, for now we've got to do all we can here."

"Any objections, gentlemen? Air them now, 'cause if not lets get to work."

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

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Daniel nodded curtly at Curwen's instructions.

"Let's get started then, my scrying instruments shouldn't be long," he said while walking over to Jericho. He pulled out his neuralizer and addressed the gathering crowd.

"Everyone, no reason to be alarmed, we just need a few moments of your time, that's all. As soon as we are done you may return to whatever you were doing beforehand," he said authoritatively. He began scanning the area for any witnesses who were holding cameras or anything of the sort, footage of them getting posted would take quite some time to clean up. Noticing one, he snapped his fingers and pointed at the man's phone, causing it to glow slightly. The man looked at him in confusion and perhaps a bit of fear. "Delete any recordings or pictures please, trust me," he instructed in a stern voice.

He looked over at Jericho and gestured him onwards.

"Let's take care of this as soon as possible."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

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The two men landed on the floor of the basement without a problem. The challenge would be getting the kids out. Five of the six kids huddled in the corner. With the sound of the two men jumping into the basement they started to scream. They scattered in different directions. Luckily there werent alot of places for them to go since it was all one big area. But there were plenty of places for the kids to hide and items for them to use as weapons to protect themselves.
Luckily the students hadnt had a chance to the field yet so most of the witnesses were all in one general area. Most pf them were scared and willing to accept any logical story. A flash of the memory eraser would do the job. There were a few stronger minds that would need a spell to erase their memories and replace them with whatever the official story was.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Henry "Hank" Dauterive

Hank was the first to put away his weapon, Trying to show the teenagers that they meant no harm. Signalling for Michelle to put away his weapon having his hands up, "Hi look we're not here to hurt you, We want to help you get out of this mess" The Lich said keeping his distance form the teenagers. "All i need for you guys is to help me help you" He said looking around at the scared faces of the teenagers.

Michelle "Micheal" Jones

Micheal trying to get his bearings, Putting away his weapons as instructed by his partner, "Ya we're here to get you out of this hell hole, And away form those demonic buttholes" He added walking beside Hank. He told them that he would personally get rid of the demons much to the intense glare coming form Henry.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Storybookandco


Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Jericho would nod to Daniel and try to think of a cover. He decided on one, and had gathered the students' attention so he could enact the plan. He held out a memory eraser and cleared his throat. He would say loudly.

"Alright boys and girls, listen up, I am going to tell you all what you just witnessed..just focus on this here...aaand..."

He flashed the memory memory eraser once when everyone had looked at it. He continued.

"Good! Now what you just experienced was NOT of the supernatural, it was merely a well planned prank from a couple of knuckleheads that went WAY to far. We do not know the identities of these tricksters, but we know they don't go to this school."

He scanned the crowd to find the kids who had stronger minds, and when he identified them, he would press two fingers from his free hand against Daniel's forehead and taps once. He urges him to look at the crowd, and he would see 4 kids that seemed to glow, an altered perception spell it would seem...he whispered to him.

"Those kids are going to need a bit of extra work to get them to forget. Think you could help with that?"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

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Daniel made an inquisitive noise from the back of his throat as he examined the four kids under the effect of some kind of spell. He stared at them a moment, watching the unnatural glow that surrounded them.

"Yeah," he said with a sigh. "I'll take care of them."

He pulled a bottle of black powder out of his jacket and strode into the crowd, carefully pushing his way through the clueless amount of students, faculty, and others. He popped the lid of the powder and spread it over his hands with a clap.

A thick haze of smoke began to appear around him and the four.

'This spell,' he recalled. 'Is able to cut any magical connections that exist without the necessity of seeing the spell-caster, it's pretty easy to counter, but it's also pretty hard to detect, to any outsiders it simply looks like the people inside the cloud had just disappeared.'

Just in case one of the men inside the circle had been the one to cast it, he spread the smoke around each of the four men, keeping their faces visible.

He pulled out his own memory eraser device and flashed it at the four, repeating word-for-word what Jericho had said to the crowd before.

Well, almost word for word.

"You understand me ya mooks? Yeah, now you get it. Also, this smoke haze? You were smoking dope, don't do that again, trust me."

After finishing that, he dispelled the haze with a wave of his arms. He turned back towards Jericho and offered him a thumbs up, beginning to make his way through the crowd once more.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sewer Rat
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Archie, sensing the demon let out, he smiled coldly, all according to his plan. He snapped his fingers, and the mist began to surround him, and Teleporting him. He opened his eyes to see a door to a Chinese herb store.It was raining in some city he didn't care to learn. He began to chuckle silently, and began to enter. "Hellloo.." He began to say in a sing-along voice"I'm her- Oh!" He was skipping across the store, looking around, until he heard a load of a gun, he turned slowly to see the owner, holding a shotgun about 5 feet away from Archie. "W-what are you doing here! I-I thought.." Said the man, he was scared, knowing of Archie's reputation of body counts. Archie only smiled, and swiped his index, and the shotgun began to heat up immediately, making him drop it, it began to heat up, soon melting into the ground. "What do you want!" He began to say backing up toward the back of the shop, "You know what I want," He said quietly walking toward the counter, and began to phase through it reaching the owner, face to face. " Not so bold without your protector, huh?" He said, almost angry. The Owner, began to reach toward the cash register, and took out what looked like a piece of gold, one side curved all around, and the other, sharped, as if it was ripped. The man began to slowly give it to Archie, then, out of pure desperation, threw it toward the front window, going straight into a hard stream into a storm drain.

"You'll never have it!" He began to say, he was brave, though, it was short lived. Archie, had kicked him, and so much, the man broke the wall behind him."Let that be a lesson, don't ever, EVER, do a stunt like that again, or you'll pay." He knew he couldn't kill innocents, but the owner doesn't need to know that.

Archie walked out of the store, "Damn, now I have to ruin my clothes," He sighed, then looked at his watch, he timed on how long it would take for the group to get the demon, he had enough time, he snapped his fingers once again, disappearing, leaving the surrounding people in awe, though they stared for a second, but began to walk again, they had more important things to do.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Curwen walked into the empty school, out of sight of prying eyes, before uncorking the vials in his hand. To call something up you needed either a body or a name. It was far easier to do with a body, or at least the essential parts. In his notebooks Curwen's ancestor had boasted that, were you to render them down into what he called their "essential salts," a man could contain the entire ark of Noah within his medicine cabinet. Curwen himself highly doubted that, but the process for rendering a creature down had proven useful. He upended the vials in his hand, allowing the salts to trickle out behind him.

Normally some sort of incantation would be in order, an invocation of gods far older than man in an incomprehensible tongue no human mouth was designed to speak, but for these all that was required was a sharp, short whistle. They would come. After all, he was their master. The whistle echoed out into the empty hallways and reached out beyond the veil of death. The salts began to swirls up, morph, and mutate, until beside Curwen strode a pack of twelve or so ash-grey hounds of varying breed and build. "Seek." He said, and each of their noses lifted into the air. One pointed down the hallway and barked once before taking the lead as Curwen and the pack Strode along behind it.

They came to the broken stairway leading into the basement, and Curwen pet the lead dog on the head as he strode forward, alone to the edge of the hole and peered over. His relief upon seeing the children alive almost overwhelmed the confusion at the two adults down there. "Hey." He said, calling down to them and pulling out his badge and flashing to them. "My name's Curwen, I'm a federal agent. Division 7." He quickly replaced the badge back in his pocket. "Is anyone injured down there? I'm going to try and help you out of there."

He turned back to his pack, and pointed to one of the smaller ones. "Tommy, seek rope." The little shade bounded off on ghostly legs that seemed to carry it far more swiftly than they had any right too. They might look indistinguishable from ordinary dogs save their strange color pallet, but these were shades. They had the endurance of the dead and the speed of the wind. Tommy wold find something like a rope. "The rest of you," he said quietly, so as to not let those in the hole hear. "Seek demonic. If you find it, don't fight. Come back to me." The rest of them scattered in all directions, down the hallway, out windows, one even deforming into a fine smoke and flowing up one of the vents. They would search the city for any sign of demonic activity and report back to him. Hew nodded, and went back to the edge of the hole. "It'll take just a minute. Who are you boys, in the meantime? I was told there were only kids in here."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Henry "Hank" Dauterive / Michelle "Micheal" Jones

Henry was the first to show his badge and then Micheal showed his afterwards, "We are Division 5, My name is Henry and this is Micheal" The Lich said pointing to the older gentlemen. "I heard their was other agents coming but i didn't think you guys would come so quickly" Henry said quickly telling Micheal to protect the kids if any demons comes.

"Well we we're assigned to work out this mess, We could use some of the drama club stuff to make a stair case or something" Micheal suggested to Henry who was thinking about what the two of them could do.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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The dogs would find few traces of the demon outside of the basement. He had hadn't been in any of the upper areas. They would find faint traces near where the wards were broken that lead to the west. But the demon was airborne so there wasn't much of a trail for them to follow.

It took the kids several minutes to calm down enough to realize that the men were trying to hurt them but trying to help them. Once they did they were a lot more willing to help. build a staircase. There weren't a lot in the basement that could hold a lot of weight. So having a rope was helpful. It meant that they wouldn't have to put as much weight on the few things they were able to find. Still the staircase was wobbly and unsteady. It took almost an hour to get all five of the teens and the two agents out of the basement.

A courrier was sent from the bureau to the scene. The director had been contacted and he was less than thrilled with his new teams performance. He didn't know how to fix it. They weren't team players but they needed to be. It wasn't so much that they had gotten into each other's way, which he had expected, as that they hadn't take control of the situation or handled it in a professional way.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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The two men helped the teenagers across and would make sure personally that they would be escorted safely out, Henry was mostly helping the teenagers over the large gap with Micheal in the back helping the teens form the basement floor. Once the two of them had left the school or wherever they were being met by a courier, A note left by the director that Micheal thought was for praising them but was dead wrong.

"Tsk after all that and don't even get a thanks" Micheal complained feeling insulted by the note, "Just be lucky he does not fire us or something worse as punishment, We didn't even rid of the demons in school which could cause further problems" Henry corrected him glaring at him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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"Just in there huh?" Curwen muttered, looking down into the basement. The kids that crawled out of the hole looked all right, just shaken up. While the children followed the two men out of the building the dog that had brought the rope, a small non-threatening looking mutt with stubby little legs and big soulful eyes, tottered along beside them occasionally accenting quick, nervous pats from them. "He's a comfort dog." Curwen said to the curious look one kid gave him, keeping pace with the little hound. "I keep him around for situations like this."

Of course, little Tommy wasn't just acting as a comfort dog. There were only traces of that demon in the basement. That means it had only come to form in the basement. The dog was searching for any unusually high traces of demonic taint among the students, the kind that would be left behind in a possession victim or stained the aura of a summoner. If the dog indicted any of them he would casually lead them off into one of the empty rooms for a private chat.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

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The demon left little on the kids that were in the basement. Which meant they had most likely hadn't been directly involved. Which rose the question of why they had been down there. Had the one that was missing intended to hand them to the demon as a sacrifice? Or had they been witness to prove that the missing child had succeeded.

The missing child was a girl named Sage. If the agents asked around no one in the school knew her very well. It could be that she had been seeking acceptance of her peers. If anyone asked the students that had been found that they didn't remember how they had gotten to school. They couldn't tell the agents much about the demon since the first things they remember was the two men jumping into the basement.

When the basement was investigated they would find nothing at first. Nothing that stood out as out of the ordinary. But if someone who could see magic went into the basement they would be able to see the runes in the far corner of the basement. Someone, probably Sage, had gone a lot of trouble to hide them. A deeper search would reveal a demon trap on the floor. One that hadn't held the demon because it hadn't been made exactly correct.
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