<Snipped quote by Jorick>
Yeah, I'm not even sure how long it's really been at this point. Regardless, I hope things are going well. (Aside from your working up through the ranks on the other site.) It's nice to see you.
Probably three years or more, I guess. I left Roleplayer Guild back in late 2014 and didn't really hang around the Skype group much longer than that.
But yeah, I'm good, same shit different day. I've become less of a raging shitbird though, so I guess that's a change. The old days of angry Jorick shitting on idiots for fun have faded into disgruntled Jorick sighing and shaking his head and finding other things to do. Leaving the old Spam free-for-all culture allowed me to shed the last of my 4chan-acquired asshole inclinations, leaving me with just the natural douchebaggery underneath.

<Snipped quote by Jorick>
even without having any of the context of the situation? that's pretty hilarious to me
The context is pretty snazzy too, though.
A huge part of it is that he never really managed to adjust to Iwaku's standards for its off topic area, ie not being a cesspool of arguments and shit flinging like the Off-Topic Discussion area was back in the day. Lots of stupid drama and fights between him and his pals versus other groups of people on the site. That caused all sorts of problems and got him some warnings. The biggest thing with the fighting was that got into a whole big feud with a former admin that was a big mess, ended up with said former admin only being temp banned when he really deserved a permanent one. That mess led to Brovo being given a bit of a pass for a while and getting a bunch of soft warnings when they should have been more severe, because they'd (I wasn't part of the Security staff at that time) let that whole feud thing go on way longer than they really should've and they were giving him a bunch of chance to chill the fuck out and try to get with the program with the community atmosphere and such.
But then he ended up being even more of a shit. Lots of personal attacks in dumb argument threads, for starters. He also picked on one particular member of the forum a lot, going out of his way to argue with them or disagree with their posts in public, then in PMs offering armchair counseling under the guise of just being concerned about them and wanting to help, but then turning around and mocking them with his buddies on his Discord server. This of course led to his little crowd of sycophants also joining in and shitting on that member, which made the nonsense even worse.
So we ended up saying enough was enough (dude's case file in our Security area is the largest one of all by a hefty margin), threw the book at him and gave him a choice: three month ban to step back and learn to stop being an awful blemish on the community at large, or just take a permaban and go. He moped about it in his Discord server, then when I showed to to add clarification when he misrepresented the fuck out of the message he was sent, he talked himself into losing the temp ban option by flinging a bunch of insults at me and trying to play the victim and cast blame at other people. It was a shitshow for the ages.