Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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JELDare Trying to improve

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Welcome to Mana-Script Academy, after you successfully passed our entrance exam you've been accepted into the 4th class at our prestigious school. We hope you enjoy your stay here, when you arrive you will be picked up by our on site staff and will be shown around our campus. We hope you meet many new friends on your first day, as they may be important in later classes. You will also receive a timetable when you arrive for all your lessons, most lessons will be shared with our sister school Beautiful Nova academy, but you will be shown how to go to your classes in the first week." Is what the letter read and now you've just gotten off your train.

Standing on a wooden train platform surrounded by a bunch of strangers, waiting for a mysterious pick up.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Location: Train Station - In the Platform

BGM: Land of Beginnings (Bravely Default: Flying Fairy)

All the students dropped off and looked around. It seems, like normal people would do, they were all curious about this place. One could see that they were all having expectations for what it'll happen in this new year, at a new school. Of course, this wasn't any normal school and neither the students were normal. If a simple human were to step here, it'd be like going into a fantasy land. The chatter between everyone seemed to increase more and more as the students seemed to be forming pre-friendships while they don't know much about each other. It seemed like smiles filled the faces of the new students.

Except for his.

As he boarded off alongside anyone else, he did the same thing: looked around at the new possibilites. However, he wasn't surprised. A *gasp* wasn't coming out. His face was straight normal, as if he was actually unfazed about the scenario. So... this is where I'm going to study now... me and this... strange power., he thought. Maybe in his thoughts he was surprised, excited, but in the external range of vision he looked like a statue that just moved his face here and there.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Floch
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Floch King of Eldia

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Location: Train Station - In the Platform
Fuyoeru Reina

BGM: Celtic Music - Legend

The sensation that surrounds the environment is quite intense; to Reina anyway, the way she is looking about and observing how people are and how her surroundings are not your everyday shtick for a normal girl and even a genius. Being in a different world doesn't surprise her much but indeed it does bring a curiosity to how things are in this world, nevertheless she doesn't want to think too much about it, she have had it with her constant watch in the media like anime etc. Therefore she isn't too surprised to how things are going to be, she hopes that she could do the things she could back in the normal world, for crying outloud, she wants to be like her favorite superhero magical girl; The Magical Girl; Arachnid Lady who fights crime as a vigilante.

"So I'm in a world where there's another world inside it, concealed from a world that is too embarrassed to admit that there's another world. So does that mean I'm the girl who is playing a girl in this setting disguised as another girl." She sighed in her thoughts upon boarding the train with all the other students.

Thinking; "This is so Gary Pots' 7 Books and Aura's Hosting Club combined and any other school. The Godly Pebble, The Hideout of Truths , The Prisoner of Ygdrassil, The Cup of Wrath, The Authority of the Dragons, The mongrel Prince, and The Lively Hollows like from Bleach Detergent. Pff.... Might as well call it, Mana Script: Scripted School for SUPERNATURALS hmmm I love that show... Unnatural. Perhaps the Chestnut Brothers exist in this verse?"

She could only do as much as keeping thoughts to herself, Reina wouldn't want anyone to hear what she's thinking. Hopefully there won't be a telepath! Reina wouldn't like it, one bit.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Frettzo Summary Lover

Member Seen 7 days ago

Train Station

The train trip had been so nerve-wracking for Lea. Being forced to sit still for most of the time and having sat next to some kid who slept like a rock for the entire trip, she felt like she was about to explode.

When the train stopped and the doors opened, the first one out was her. Like a bullet, she ran out the train, backpack slung over her shoulder.

She took in a deep breath, grinned, and looked at the other kids, who were now filing out of the metal prison.

There was a red-haired girl with the greenest eyes shed ever seen. Oh my gosh, Lea thought, her own eyes lighting up as her gaze fell on the girl's, her eyes are the same color as leaves, that's so cute!

Next there was... Another red haired person? A boy this time, with green eyes just a bit paler than the girl's. He had headphones on and seemed to be listening to some music. Is he the girl's bro or something? Redheads are so rare... Lea pursed her lips and tapped her foot on the ground.

Following the two redheads was a brown haired dude. He was definitely listening to music, given the earphones. He had a hoodie and could not have looked any more inconspicous, even if he tried. I wonder if he's listening to rap or dubstep, Lea smirked, he certainly looks like the kind of guy who would spend hours listening to old Skillet.

Afterward, a strong-looking girl with her hair in a ponytail and the most perfect eyebrows Lea's ever seen came out of the train. She must be some kind of athlete or fighter, Lea clasped her hands under her chin and stared at the girl for a few seconds too long, she's so cool!

Then came out... A bunch of wasps. Lea raised an eyebrow, So that's why I kept seeing wasps in the train! I wonder if anybody got stung?

A boy with white hair, red eyes and a very peculiar sense of fashion was next. Oh gosh, he looks like a lab mouse! She giggled to herself, then noticed the guy looking around in the most impassive manner ever. I wonder if he's so nervous he can't express himself? She shrugged and looked at the last one.

An asian girl. She was very pretty and seemed to look at everything with a critical eye.

For a moment, Lea felt intimidated and shrank her shoulders. No, I can't feel like this, they're all friends, I just have to speak to them.

She took in another deep breath and slapped her cheeks gently.

"Hi, everyone!" She shouted, lifting an arm up to wave, "I'm Lea but you can call me Leaf," She giggled and lowered her hand, "let's be friends!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Charles would sigh as he stepped off the train among the other students, he'd glance around at the surroundings and the others. Though he wouldn't seem to interested and would quickly turn his attention down to his hands where he would be holding a 3DS game system, he would turn his attention to the game continuing to play where he left off before he had to get out of his seat. He would though soon start to get disinterested when he had to grind to fight the next boss so he saves and turns off the system before reaching it out towards the air where it would vanish into his inventory.

Having left home for this he had brought with him all his games and game systems that he had enjoyed back home. His family was a gaming family so he enjoyed games when he could, granted not every game was enjoyable since it reminded him to much of his ability. He'd look at the other students to see if there was any famous faces within the crowd. He had begun to wonder how long they was going to be standing here before they get picked up. He'd look at the girl who just announced herself to everyone and he'd look slightly surprised at that. "uh hi" he'd say in return before actually paying attention to the other students for once.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Gabriel walked out, bag slung over her shoulder and a hand buried deep in the pocket of her jacket. She had a nonplussed look on her face as she swaggered through the crowd of more-or-less chipper students.

She was just happy to be off the damn train. There was hardly any room to walk around, and she was aching to stretch her legs. Though even if the sight of land was a sight better than that dull train, it didn't help her appreciate it any. The fact of the matter was, she was practically thrown here after her family decided theu had no idea what to do with her.

She snorted; big surprise there. Her attitude wasn't necessarily the best, but she could hold back enough for it to not cause too much of a scene - the problem was, she didn't cause a scene, she caused a motherfucking spectacle.

That was enough for her old man to ship her here, not that he blamed him. Still thought it was a dick move though.

So anyway, here she was, and while she wasn't thinking anything sappy like 'Ooh I hope I can make new friends' she did hope that she didn't die of total boredom during her stay here.

While she was thinking about this, she had gone through a myriad of foodstuffs that she had been continuously pulling out from her bag, since the moment she'd stepped out.

Several dozen strips of jerky, a couple of sandwhiches, a few energy bars, an apple, and currently in hand were three skewers of barbecue that were quickly being devoured.

All that food gone in a matter of minutes.

Gabriel turned, her attention drawn to the . . . Is that plant?

"Aye, that's a plant alright," she muttered to herself.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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JELDare Trying to improve

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aaron had gotten off the train, shuffling cards in his right hoodie pocket, he'd been playing solitaire on the train. He'd decided to take one earphone out, just in case someone said something interesting.

Upon hearing Lea, or 'Leaf' as she declared herself, Aaron decided to look around and see his cohort. The first thing he saw Leaf, confused on whether she was human or a sentient plant, his brain then questioned "How does she reproduce? Is she human down there or, like a plant, does she reproduce asexually?", then he saw Charles. He smiled to himself a fellow who enjoys games, his cost him money though and not his opponent. Agni, he peaked Aaron's interest, in The Other World and finding out who you'll be living with and yet, nothing? It was very peculiar to him and then there is her, she seems to be disgusted and disinterested. I haven't heard the other two say anything yet, the girl with red hair looks like she's enamoured by the setting, it's not like we're in a light novel like 'Traces of me in a parallel world'.

Aaron turned to Leaf with a smile "Nice to meet you, I'm Aaron."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

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CS Link

Location: Train station platform

Temper had hated the train ride, she always did. Whenever she was at the whims of pther people's schedules, having to slow herself down as they caught up with her with nothing to do in the meantime but wait for them left her bored and restless. Several times she'd taken time out to step off and explore the different stations as they'd passed through, only a few minutes at a time and back in her seat again before anyone even noticed she'd been gone.

After a while the conductor had come around with a puzzled expression on her face at the thunderclaps popping in the air almost too regularly to be natural. Temper had to keep herself in check after that, after all most people still didn't seem to like it when she 'slipped away' into her own little time zone, her 'thinking time' as she called it. Taking life at her own pace suited the young woman though, her laid back casual approach made life so much more bearable than having to spend all her time in 'boring time' with everyone else.

It was a little lonely at times though, and when she'd started to run out of books in her home town Temperence had finally agreed to let her paretns send her somewhere her talents could be "honed to the betterment of society", as her father had put it. Her parents had had it rough with her over the last few yeasrs, especially when she'd been a baby, slipping into thinking time between feedings and nappy changes so that they'd had to be constantly awake and caring for her, even if the first two years of her life had been squeezed into only a few months from their perspective.

When the train pulled into her final destination Temper's first reaction was to slip into thinking time and make her way casually off the train before the crowds had a chance to get in her way. Relaxing she realised that she'd only end up having to wait longer for whatever transport they'd arranged to get the group of them to the school from here, so instead let the seconds slip away as strangers made their way past her.

With only a few people left, the herd having cleared out, Temper finally stirred from her seat, moving at a slow pace as she gathered together her things and made her way out onto the platform. Several orthers seemed to be gathering around, as if waiting for something, and Temper made her way over to them.

@Frettzo: "Hi, everyone! I'm Lea but you can call me Leaf, let's be friends!"

Nodding her head with a lazy smile Temper simply replied "Hey," before heading passed the purple-skinned girl and settling into place leaning against a nearby wall. A moment later Temper did a double take and slipped her blue tinted glasses down her nose to take another look at the girl, confirming that she really had bright green skin before turning her attention back to her book.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Floch
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Floch King of Eldia

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Friends?! Is Lea kidding at all, school is for studying and that is the sole purpose of going to school, having friends for a lifetime would just be an additional accessory or bonus; People nowadays only focus on their impulsive emotions and that's what leads them to distractions. Reina facepalmed with the commotion that already begun, her O.C.D triggered and just wants to save the girl from humiliating herself, like she already looks weird and to do something like this would just ruin her upcoming years. To this Plant Girl, it may matter a lot but to Reina it's just plain stupid, she keeps her thoughts to herself.

Suddenly Reina made her move and replied with a mean remark to a girl who had just finished her meal from the looks of the crumbs/left over dirt on her face anyway, Reina deduced and immediately showed hostility. "And what of it, .
you piece of shit
It's not a plant, get your facts right because plants don't talk."
She quickly approached Lea and grabbed her hand implying that they should get as far from the others.

"Sorry everyone. Pardon my girlfriend I mean she's not my girlfriend and she's my bestfriend, she's always this....ehh... energetic... don't get the wrong idea. I just don't want her stupid self stupid. You guys can have Leaf-chan later so it's not that I'm borrowing her but it's important so...
To make the situation complicated, Reina just said something even more complicated which can also tarnish both of their reputations.

As she held Lea's hand and walked away from a short distance from the rest. She wrapped her arm around her neck tightly while whispering in an irritated/condescending tone. "Leaf-idiot. You do realize that you're making yourself be an easy target for idiots around here right?"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Location: Train Station - In the Platform

BGM: Land of Beginnings still playing

Soon, as he kept looking, he saw other students arriving. Some of them were peculiar enough and did caught his attention:

First and foremost, there was a girl composed of leaves. Was she a human or a plant? What was important is that she radiated happiness. That was notable since she publicly greeted everyone, in loud and clear tone.

Then, a red haired guy who seemed rather bored. He had noticed that the guy had a gaming system. Agni wasn't fan of games, but he didn't mind. Though in his opinion, this person looked like someone who had one only goal. He hoped this person wouldn't get bored easily.

... Was that a giant wasp? Looking closely at it, doesn't it look like a living cloud of wasps or is it some sort of trick? Does it have a mind? Many questions were raising about it.

The blackjack player approached the plant girl. In his opinion, those people were perfect tricksters. He did felt as if he could be talking, but behind the words were lying a second intention. Agni felt as if he needed to be careful, but somehow he didn't look like a bad person.

In another side, another girl with black hair seemed lost in thought all alone. What could she be thinking? It seemed profound. It'd be best not to bother her while she was thinking, for a first impression. She seemed smart.

That amount of food and she ate all of it in one bite and gulp. That... was incredible, if not worrisome. She also looked happy, now that she was out of the train. Is she hyperactive? Agni thought that maybe he wouldn't be able to keep up with her rhythm.

The last one was lazy. She looked even more bored than the gaming guy. Was she depraved of sleep? This would be a very boring trip to her,if she was that bored. He wondered if there would be something to cheer her up.

Yes, his possible classmates alongside himself were all so peculiar. This was like a circus.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Frettzo Summary Lover

Member Seen 7 days ago


Leaf grinned and waved at the ones who answered to her, but when she opened her mouth to speak more with Aaron, she saw the pretty girl walk toward her and grab her hand. She was pulling her away. "Huh?" Leaf tilted her head and followed her, turning around slightly to smile awkwardly at the other kids.

"Leaf-idiot. You do realize that you're making yourself be an easy target for idiots around here right?"

Leaf huffed but was quick to giggle, "You called me Leaf-chan, that's so cute!" She said, giving Reina's hand a squeeze before letting go, "And no, silly. They don't look like idiots. From what I can see there's some kind of gamer, a guy that looks like a lab mouse, a girl with pretty eyes, a pretty girl -that's you, you're so exotic! I'd never seen an Asian before-, a cool fighter girl... And a bunch of wasps." She pursed her lips and after a moment, reached up to undo her ponytailed leaves. When she managed to do so, a massive amount of leaves gently fell onto her back, covering it completely.

"Sorry, I want to enjoy the sun, you know. What's your name? Where are you from? I'm from South America!" She grinned and started taking in every detail of the girl's face, curious as she was about her race.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Samson Tristoff

Samson looked at the platform in one of the moments of clarity he was blessed with and carefully made his way onto the platform without bumping into anyone, an easy feat considering most people moved out of his way, for one reason or another. Having established a location to wait, unfortunately near a seemingly somewhat excitable bunch, Samson ran his fingers over the letter he'd received. Manascript Academy. A place where he would be free to develop and understand his Alteration. Helpfully enough, the letter had been in braille and plain English. More and more conversations were breaking out as people got to know each other. For the time being, Samson simply stood staring ahead and waiting for whatever was supposed to pick them up to arrive. He knew nobody here and had no particular interest in getting to at the moment.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Floch
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Floch King of Eldia

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Breathing heavily from the amounts of energy that Lea is emitting and before she could even reply, she is bombarded by her questions. Interesting this Lea is, would she snob her out or just get a friend? Reina doesn't want to make any enemies but it just looked like she just did, at least to what she is currently feeling anyway, specifically to that girl who ate a lot of food. Moments like this call for a stress reliever? Probably not, having a friend won't hurt.

"R-Reina.... I-I'm Japanese but I was raised in Singapore.... I like soccer and Brazilian boys are hot..well forget what I said." Little by little, Reina falls to the ground because of the exhaustion of Lea's alteration. She's sweating profusely and feeling excruciating pain to no end and plant like features are starting to bud out such as weed like hair, a rose in her eye and her right hand becoming plant like. This didn't last long because Reina's able to suppress it and was able to get herself back to normal. She accidentally copied her alteration by merely looking at her too much and even after suppressing it makes Reina extremely exhausted as she is now having a hard time to get back up.

She breathes and tries to stay calmly. "Your power..." Reina is kind of pissed because of the pain she felt.
"...too difficult to control even though I understand how it works, I can only copy abilities if they are exposed and you're one of them... your form that is...." Reina's back to normal, showing no signs of plantification.
"I understand."
"I understand." "I understand."
"I understand." "I understand."
"I understand." "I understand."

"I understand." "I understand." "I understand."
"I understand."
"I understand." "I understand." "I understand."

Not to mention thoughts are overflowing right into her mind and is causing her to have a headache. Reina's able to regain composure thanks to the radiating sunlight reflecting in the windows that she absorbs, doesn't change the fact that maintaining her human figure would be difficult- Reina wants this ability gone badly because of how much pain she is feeling at the moment.

"Anyway where we're we?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 24 days ago


Interactions: @TheHangedMan

While the train ride itself was fairly boring, Henry was more focused on carrying his belongings - a phone, a small jar of honey, several pens and pencils, a 100 dollar bill, and the letter that he was given by the academy. He mostly left them on the ground covered in wasps, but the jar was far too precious to leave there - an ant could easily steal the succulent contents, especially considering the lid was not very tight. It couldn't be, or else Henry wouldn't be able to open it at all. Upon getting situated, and when the other students exited the train, Henry quickly observed them.

None of the individuals looked particularly eye catching - or, at the very least, none of their alterations made them appear radical. Only one girl appeared different from the others, appearing to be entirely made of plant matter. The thought of having another mutated student calmed Henry slightly. He was very nervous, after all - this was very different from his old home town in Virginia.

While the other students didn't show any obvious signs of their alterations, Henry still took notice - it would be detrimental if one of them had a dangerous alteration. An albino man who appeared very muscular, but thanks to the hair, Henry's father most likely would have assumed he was one of the gays. Henry, however, did not rush to such conclusions - he simply chose to believe that the man had a particular style. People did alter their appearance simply on personal taste, and hair is the easiest part to change, after all.

A fairly aesthetic woman was next, appearing to be of some Asian descent, and was gorging herself on food. Henry was briefly bought back to a Nutrition class he had taken at his old high school, and judging on the large quantity of food, the woman had eaten at least a few thousand calories. Perhaps she did not normally eat like that, and it was simple stress.

Another albino was present, this one wearing a hoodie and seeming to be rather aloof. Henry could not make a good assessment of the man, and chose to keep his distance.

A black haired woman with long hair, a short and black haired man, a red headed girl, and a dark red headed boy appeared as well, but there was really nothing to comment on about them. They were simply present, and the vision of a wasp was not good enough to make perfect observations. The most interesting of the group, the plant woman, began the introductions - or, Lea began the introductions would be more appropriate now that Henry knew her name.

Almost immediately, everyone began to either introduce themselves, or return a half-assed greeting - something that pissed Henry off. If you do something, at least be serious about it. He was about to introduce himself to Lea, when another girl began to talk at length, before dragging Lea away. Following would have been as easy as sending a wasp to spy on them, but Henry had been yelled at several times for sending his wasps and listening behind others backs - apparently, it was very rude.

With nothing to do, Henry chose to do what his mother had recommended - sharing was a valuable way to make friends, and she had said being close to a person makes them more efficient in their duties. With several wasps pushing his honey jar against the ground, Henry slowly moved it to the woman who had eaten so much food earlier - out of the available people, she was the most likely to accept the offer.

As the jar was finally pushed to her feet, Henry quickly focused, and with focused effort, succeeded in speaking.

"Would you like? Look Hungry. Sharing develop friendship."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Frettzo Summary Lover

Member Seen 7 days ago


"R-Reina.... I-I'm Japanese but I was raised in Singapore.... I like soccer and Brazilian boys are hot..well forget what I said."

"Brazilian boys are really cute though," Lea smirked and was about to playfully hit Reina on the arm before she noticed her exhaustion and her falling to the ground. At that moment she knelt beside her and put a hand on Reina's neck. Her temperature was relatively normal, so she wasn't sick. Then she saw Reina's body begin to change, her hair turning into leaves - A different kind than Lea's own leaves, but leaves nonetheless - and a rose growing in her eye. "Uuh, you got a little something in your eye there, Reina-"

As quickly as the changes began, they began to fade. In less than a minute, Reina's body was back to normal, but she still looked really tired. Lea smiled awkwardly and rubbed her neck, "I'll help you up," She said before acting as a support for her, grunting as they stood up, "I remember it was painful when my leaves first started growing. The first time you bloom is also really uncomfortable. You said my power was difficult to control... Does that mean you have some kind of imitation Alteration? Can you copy people's Alterations? I guess it's too far fetched to hope you have a plant-based alteration like me, heh." She talked quietly and gently so as to not cause any more fatigue to Reina.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 6 mos ago


At Reina's words, Gabriel began to bristle, her temper rising rapidly. Who the f#$@ did this damn b#£$ think she was-!?

Before her anger could boil over, her thoughts were interrupted by a jar of honey that was shoved to her feet. The presence of foodstuffs was pleasant, but she was more surprised by the mode of delivery.

Wasps. Hell, a whole hive of them. They didn't seem hostile, and as far as she were aware they couldn't be trained, so it was probably the ability of some dude's Alteration.

She was half-right.

"Would you like? Look hungry. Sharing develop friendship."

Gabriel actually felt a shiver run up her spine as she realized the host of wasps was a person - the wasps weren't an ability, they were the person.

The shock of it all was actually enough for her to forget she was angry. That, and food.

"Uh ... huh. Hey, thanks," she replied with a grin. "Can't tell if I'm actually lookin' at you, but thanks." Picking up the jar, she inspected its' contents.

"I got just the thing for this." She said, and proceeded to pull a whole loaf of bread out of her bag, along with a case of utensils. Twisting the jar open, she spread honey across a slice of bread, before sandwiching it together with another slice smeared with peanut butter.

Gabriel looked at her impromptu treat with glee, before tunring back to her benefactor.

"You're a pretty swell ... uh, guy? Er, what's your name anyhow?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Floch
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Floch King of Eldia

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Smirking like nothing happened. Reina made it clear to ignore about the Brazilian hunks. "Yeah... I don't just copy but I immediately understand how alterations, physical movements, and complex subjects work which allows me to simplify those complexities and use it to my advantage. I know my alteration is such a cheat code." Reina looks displeased at herself to the point of even condemning herself. "Sorry if I offended you if I seemingly shown better control than you." Reina's eyes currently are glowing purple which means she understood what Lea's alteration could do but not to the same level as Lea herself. Her grammar, her vocabulary, even though she's Asian, Reina's fluent in speaking the English language and sounds like a natural in it.

"I guess it can't be helped then when things escalated quickly. I owe you one." Reina being composed shows lesser hostility and meanness towards Lea. She smiled and said; "Which reminds me since you're from Brazil, how many languages do you speak? It can't be helped, I dragged you all the way here with no consideration so I'll take responsibility for my crap. But don't get the wrong idea, it's not like I'm saying we're friends..." Flustered on what to say, Reina blurted out random things. She blushes saying all that. "Whatever, it really sounds like I'm making myself sound desperately to need a friend. HUH?! NEED/WANT what the heck?" SMH Reina's mood changes immediately from cold to hot to cold to warm then to mellow then to normal then hot n cold again.

She literally can't express herself properly. "I mean if you want to be friends that's alright but don't come shedding your leaves crying if I'm too mean to you, I didn't bring you all the way here just because I wanted to save you from being the center of attention and eventually regretting it!" She crossed her arms while pouting.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

CS Link

Location: Train station platform

Leaning against the wall Temper felt her stomach growling. It had been a long journey, especially for her with all the slips she'd made adding time to the trip, and she'd used up a lot of energy on the way. Lifting her gaze from the pages of her book she glanced down the platform, trying to see if there was a cafe or snack stand where she could get something to eat, but with all the people gathering around she couldn't see anything.

On the verge of giving up her search and going hungry until the group got to the school, Temper happened to glance over at her fellow students just as the crowd cleared, giving her a clear view of Gabriel who seemed to have plenty of food to spare. She even seemed to be attracting the attention of quiet a few of the wasps who had been buzzing around the platform.

Quickly slipping into thinking time Temper casually made her way through the frozen crowd, weaving between the people as they held their poses like an army of less well-disciplined terracotta warriors. Stepping up beside the girl Temper relaxed, slipping back into boring time with a small popping sound before tapping Gabriel on her shoulder while smiling in what she hoped was a friendly way.

"Excuse me," she said in an uncertain, hesitant tone, "Could I possibly scrounge a snack from you? I'm starving here and I'm not sure how long we're going have to wait. Preferably something with nuts, if you have it." As she spoke Temper batted the crowd of wasps away with her hand, tempted to slip back into thinking time to get rid of them all but wanting to hear what Gabriel would say first before she did.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Charles would look at everything slightly awkwardly unsure how to process everything that happened so he sighs and speaks out loud "Well this is a.... energetic bunch to say the least" he was mostly speaking to himself but didn't care if anyone heard him. He would adjust his fake glasses, which do have lenses just they are transition glass so they darken in the sunlight to behave like sunglasses they just aren't made to any prescription, along with scratching the side of his head with his other hand.

Charles would pull up his inventory menu and pull out the lighter looking at the design on it which would be of a dragon's face on one side. He'd rub the design with his thumb thinking about his past some then thinks about his partner.. or pet depending on how you see it. He wanted to call out salamander more and let him enjoy the world but he didn't have the mana for it yet and he might need salamander's support soon so he decided to wait on such a thought.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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JELDare Trying to improve

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aaron smiled as he introduced himself to Leaf, just before the Asian girl dragged her away. Aaron kind of stood there awkwardly, holding up a twitching hand, that he'd raised to wave. He stood there kind of dumbfounded, not sure what to do next. He turned around to see another group of three conversing.

Suddenly realisation dawned him on, he'd let himself get isolated. Now he was left with two options; 1) Interrupt another conversation to make himself apart of something. 2) Try and talk to one of the other two guys who weren't talking to anyone.

Being afraid of having people look down on him to begin with, he decided he'd go with his second option, but which one to introduce himself to? He looked at the guy playing a game, since he seemed cool, that was until he pulled out a lighter and began to stroke it. So Aaron looked at the guy with headphones on.

Aaron walked over to him and held out his hand, "My name is Aaron, I saw you over here by yourself, do you not feel a little lonely as everyone else is introducing themselves?"

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