Welcome to World's End Online

It was one of the VR MMO games to pop up when Virtual Reality became sophisticated enough to simulate the real world. Following the craze for VR MMOs due to popular shows, books and what have you, World's End Online, developed by an obscure company based in Japan aimed towards being a medieval experience. While the foundation of the game was solid, the bog standard story, and painfully repetitive quests brought it down, as well as the painfully generic settings. While they have noticed most not even trying to be part of the medieval world and bringing in less than accurate fighting styles into the game, the promotional crossover anime event they tried to boost the game's player base with was not as successful as it could be.
However, even with all its downsides, it retained a fanbase of its own, due to its extremely robust base. The combat system was well received, having all the classes in its class system being able to do their own unique thing.
It was why, when a group of people stumbled upon a lone instance filled with nothing but an obviously oriental shrine, it was something that was highly unusual. It was not found by any normal means, nor did the map show anything about it. Some may have glitched into it, others found an odd gateway in a place that's out of the way and supposed to be empty, and yet a few found it through an empty name in their location teleport list. But all results in them, in finding the place.
The shrine had that attention to details not found in the rest of the game, giving off the feeling that it was somewhere that could feasibly exist and had people living in it. It was why, when maintenance to the server prevented the group from exploring, they returned back to that place afterwards, and found not a shrine, but a simple red gateway, and a bunny eared maid looking wholly out of place from the generic medieval tone of the whole game.
Perhaps they were bored of the generic medieval tone of the game. Perhaps they wanted to see what she had to offer, or perhaps they were just looking for new things to fight. In any case, the bunny eared maid offered a whole new campaign, and all they had to do was accept the EULA again.
World's End Online. To most it is a disappointing game, the story so spread out it may as well be nonexistent, no real overarching quests to make what you're doing feel significant. The rather obscure developers from Japan did not help its reputation as well; the game being thought of as a money grab from some greedy nobody to cash in on the VR MMO craze currently sweeping the world. To those who stuck with it however, found the combat system startlingly well done, as well as the surprising amount of polish on the game actual mechanics. Weapons had weight to them, skills from the class system and player levels helped but was not the be all end all means to winning. For many who stuck with this game, the combat, atmosphere and the ridiculous amounts of cosmetics to be found was enough to keep them playing.
Which was why, for the small group that discovered the hidden area, a strange new campaign could be tantalizing for any amount of reasons.
1.All the rules of RPG applies.
2.Don't be a twat.
3.Will add to this if there are need to clarify some more rules about things ive overlooked.