Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago
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Week One

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago

LOCATIONTown Square — Java Cafe
INTERACTING WITHNo one in particular; open for interaction

Since the school year had let out about three weeks ago, Evangeline Zima had been doing what she could to find a balance in her social/professional and personal life, though it didn’t go according to plan every single day. Being a young adult in Salem with a decent social life, she, when not at her bartending gig at The Edge Nightclub or when she wasn’t setting up meetings here and there with some of her mother’s associates for the possibility of an internship at Fairy Queen Cosmetics, Eva was trying to keep up with - well, with everything. But it was growing increasingly difficult. The expectations, the way people would want her attention for this and that - she was finding herself cracking under the pressure. Not to mention, she had to maintain daily appearances with her family.

It was just too much.

Eva wandered through the Salem Town Square, doing her best to hide the pressure she was under, she had decided that she would head off to Java Cafe. It was still pretty early in the morning and with the city bustling with its own life because the preparations for tomorrow’s 4th of July celebration was nearing its final stages. Eva could see the red-white-and-blue-colored decorations all around the square. They were also all around the town. Anywhere from the Horton Lakefront property, where the main celebration was set to take place, had a setup that made Eva blush with excitement. It was just so extensive. In her years living in this town, she had always been so overwhelmed by how the Hortons and Brady's went out of their way to make the town come alive when these big celebrations happened. No matter what cause or the circumstances were, they always shelled out the best for their town.

And when Eva thought of her family and how, despite being members of the Salem community, still had a sort of stigma because of the rumors that were clouding her family for taking over where the Castillo’s had reigned. Though she didn’t want to believe that her family, or at least her father and eldest siblings, would be involved in such illegal acts, that didn’t stop the rumor mill from flying around, causing even more added pressure on this already fragile girl confidence.

Keep it out of your mind, Eva.

Silently, the blonde reassured herself, pushing out the thoughts of her insecurities and worries for the time being as she walked into Java Cafe. It was quite packed, so she would pull out her phone as she waited in line. She couldn’t tell just exactly how many people were in front of her. The way the Java Cafe worked was through a ticket system. Pretty much you would take a numbered ticket from a machine off to the left side of the cafe after getting your order was inputted into the computer. It would be assigned to whatever your number was and when it was called up, your order was ready.

As Eva stated her order, she was given the number 24. Not just a few minutes later, she heard the number of 13 being called. This produced a sighing reaction from the Zima girl. Though the Java Cafe was known for its speed, she still felt as though today just wasn’t her day.

Time escaped her as she flipped aimlessly through her text messages and her social media. It might be regarded as junk to some, but Eva had a few guilty pleasures. Social media just happened to be the current of those pleasures that she found herself indulging in at this very moment; and as her eyes went from her phone, briefly, to the front counter of the cafe, she saw the number of people had decreased a surprising amount. It truly was a wonderful thing that she was that much closer to finally getting her usual that she always had gotten at Java: A slim white chocolate mocha with a shot of espresso and cinnamon whipped cream. Sometimes, when she was feeling extra indulgent, she would ask for shaven white chocolate on top, which she did today.

Sometimes bad days could be healed with just a little extra chocolate.

“Number 23!”

Eva’s face lit up with a bright smile, whether forced or not was up to debate, but she happily walked up, seeing the mountain that was her desert-for-coffee order. She handed the barista a five dollar bill and took her indulgent coffee outside. She took a seat a table nearby where she would enjoy this nice day as she dove face-first into the towering whipped cream, which she found herself with a white-tipped nose.

LOCATIONThe Docks → The Brady Pub
INTERACTING WITHWyatt and Shawn (NPCs); Ali @Dirty Pretty Lies

There had never been such hectic working schedules than it was when big celebrations were about to hit Salem’s streets. Cinco de Mayo, high school graduations, and proms, sporting events (especially the homecoming and finals) - all of them brought out the party animal out in the younger generation of Salem’s population. More often than not, those in the 16-22 age group were the usual suspects when it came to getting way out of hand. For the Salem Police Department, they were always on edge because none of them knew what to really expect.

As Colin Brady had been making his usual rounds in preparation for what was about to happen in the town tomorrow, he finished up following up on a case that he had made an arrest last week. One of his CI’s was to meet with him near the docks. This guy’s name was Wyatt, a former drug dealer that found he would be able to make a better profit giving Colin just exactly what he needed to make his case. And in the event of a big bust, which it was leaning towards that direction, Wyatt would get about fifteen percent of the cut due to him being on record as a ‘special confidential informant’. The way it worked was if the information he gave Colin proved to be credible and it led to the arrest of certain enemies of a certain family that Colin had did favors for here and there (not by choice), then he would compensate Wyatt for his troubles.

“You’re late!” Wyatt said, looking all around him.

Colin ignored Wyatt’s tone, “don’t give me that. You called me saying you had some information, so out with it before I lose my patience.” Colin wasn't in the mood for Wyatt’s antics, not this early in the morning.

“No, I need assurances, first.”

Colin raised his eyebrow. He was already not liking where this was going. ]“And what might that be?”

“My cut. I need to know how much it’s going to be.”

“First off, it’s not a cut. This isn’t some drug deal that you get your own share. We collectively add the findings from the other agencies and whatever that number is, you get a small percentage of the findings. Or do you not remember the contract you signed?”

Wyatt seemed to back off, though it was obvious to Colin that he didn't like the tone that Colin had taken with him. Well, tough shit. It wasn't going to get any better for scum such as him.

“Now, the information.”

After Colin got what he needed, he sent a text to a number that was named ‘E.C’. In the text, he sent the following: My CI gave me the information you predicted. A shipment of H will be coming in at the docks through a southern entrance. You can have your men seize it with no worry of police interference.

Once that text had been sent, Colin let out a long, rather annoyed sigh. He couldn’t believe he was actually forced to do this. Not only that, he had to personally attend to this 4th of July celebration tomorrow. Because his family was one of the co-hosting families, it would reflect badly on him if he decided to skip out on it. Well, if he was going to be forced into something as annoying and irritating as that tomorrow, he needed to stock up on as many beers and assorted hard liquors as he possibly could. It just so happened that the family pub had just what he needed.

After a quick drive, Colin made his way through the square, seeing that one younger Zima daughter enjoying an over-the-top beverage of sorts. He didn’t pay any mind to her. He breezed past most of the Salemites who were going about their daily routines. Going through the park and taking a shortcut through some trees, Colin had managed to get himself to part of the square, though it connected to the park as well, to where the Brady Pub was. It was as average you could think: spread throughout, it had the color scheme of the Irish flag, as to further emulate that it was a traditional Irish pub that you’d find back in the old country.

Through the glass, Colin took notice of how his parents and sister, Alianna were there. Caroline and Shawn, as they were called by anyone who wasn’t their family, were doing as they always had done: serving their customers with Ali helping them out when she could.

Colin took in a few deep breaths. He had to remember the goal: to get as hammered as you could as quickly as you could. In that, he walked in, greeting those who were walking past him with such a bullshit smile that they must’ve been complete idiots to buy it. Still, Colin was perfect at misleading people into thinking he actually gave a shit about pleasantries. Oh well, he was halfway there.

“Oh, Colin, up early, aren’t we?” Shawn had said, giving his son the usual banter Shawn Brady was known for.

“Oh you know, the bad guys aren’t going to stop themselves,” Colin forced himself to laugh at his father’s lame joke.

“So true,” Shawn’s laugh was like cat nail on a blackboard. Still, Colin knew his father meant well; if only he would ease up on him sometimes. “So, what brings you here? You off-duty?”

“What? Can’t I just come and see my folks without it being a big deal?” Colin defensively asked.

“Colin, I was just giving you a hard time. No need to get your panties in a wad.”

“Whatever, just give me some coffee. Or would you like I take it elsewhere?”

There was a moment of hesitation from Shawn, feeling uncertain how to respond or what was wrong with his son, however, after a long moment of silence, he said, “one coffee coming right up.”

The moment Shawn went to brew up a fresh pot of coffee, Colin couldn’t be happier. It was like this every time he showed his face in the Pub. Colin would hope to not catch any shit from his father, but Shawn couldn’t help himself. In fact, it seemed like it gave the old man joy to constantly remind Colin that he was a screw-up. Even if he never said it, Colin could see it in his eyes and could tell it in the tone of his father’s voice.

When he got his coffee and Shawn went to tend to some other guest, Colin saw his sister walk by. “I don’t know how you stand working here for him. I could never do it. I’d probably kill myself after the first day.”
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by SpicyMeatball
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SpicyMeatball The Spiciest of Them All

Member Seen 1 day ago

LOCATIONThe Horton House, then nearby The Java Cafe
INTERACTING WITHMark [NPC], Annalise @Ejected

Freedom at last, free from the clutches of the dreaded American education system. School was out at last and summer was here. This meant a few things to Olivia. First, it meant that she could finally spend some quality time with her skateboard without pissing off the principal. Second, it meant that she could forget about algebra, biology and how long Plutonium took to decay, and focus on just relaxing and having fun. Third? Everyone was in town, and that meant everyone. All of the regular weirdo's, a few of the touristy types, and her favourite of all, the suspects. It wasn’t that they were actually suspected of crimes, but Olivia had certainly heard some juicy rumors floating around town and she’d be stupid not to act on them.

On this particular morning, she had woken up bright and early to get a headstart on people hunting. After going through her normal morning routine -- get up, eat, shower, eat again, pick out clothes and do her conservative makeup -- Olivia sat down at her desk and flipped open the Macbook that sat upon it. With a few clicks and some quick typing, she navigated to her site Suspects of Salem. She scrolled through the few dozen photographs that plastered the webpage -- all with captions that gave an air of suspicion to them, to follow her site’s weary feel -- and then looked at her newest posts.

A few comments, hardly any new hits. Just the regular crowd. Well, a crowd would imply more than two or three people and this was not that.

With a slightly frustrated sigh, she closed the lid on her laptop and stuffed it into her bag before grabbing her camera from her desk. Olivia pondered for a moment before twisting off the shorter lens that had been attached to the camera and putting on her newest acquisition. It was a longer distance lens that had cost her the majority of the earnings she’d made the past summer, but damn it if it wasn’t worth it.

With a reassuring nod to herself, she looped the camera strap over her neck and right arm before grabbing her bag. It was still open season for the most scandalous and post-worthy photos and she wasn’t gonna waste another minute. First stop? The coffee shop. It wouldn't be packed at this hour. Not yet at least.

Ten minutes later, she was rolling down the main street of Salem on her skateboard, the sound of Avril Lavigne’s "What The Hell" blaring from her headphones. Looking rather inconspicuous in her signature leather jacket, jeans and red converse shoes, Olivia cruised up to the Java Cafe. With a swift stomp on the edge of her skateboard, she popped it up into her arm before hopping in line. Having arrived quite early, the line was still quite manageable and within five minutes, she’d received her hot cup of black molten lava. The lifeblood of her existence, the thing that kept her going after long nights out. Today was no exception. She had to be at her best so she could get some awesome shots.

After crossing the road, she strapped her skateboard to the outside of her bag and pulled out her phone. Olivia punched in a quick text and sent it off to her partner in crime whose apartment she now stood in front of. Looking up to the second story window, she waited until the face of her best friend Mark popped up. Then, she approached the fire-escape and began to climb carefully with one hand, her other hand occupied by her coffee. As she reached the top Mark opened up the window and smiled, motioning to her coffee “Hey Liv, you get me one?”.

“Dude, you literally live fifty feet from the place.” She smirked at him before sitting down on the metal grated floor of the fire escape, pulling her bag over her shoulder and placing it to her side. “Anyone interesting yet?”

“Don’t look now, but Zima blondie just showed up.”

Olivia’s head shot towards the coffee shop once again and sure enough, there stood Evangeline Zima. With a smirk, she pulled up her camera and looked down its viewfinder, zooming in just enough to get a good profile shot of Eva’s upper torso and head. The camera clicked away as she took half a dozen shots of the blonde, before framing up a few other of the regular weirdo’s at the coffee shop. After a good thirty or forty shots Olivia rested the camera in her lap and crossed her legs, reaching for her coffee. The smell of the hazelnut roasted goodness filled her nostrils as she took a sip, the deep brown liquid warming her from the inside.

“Well, I’ve got an hour or two to kill here before me and Anna were gonna hang out. Care to join me while I people-watch?”

She picked up her phone and sent off a quick text to Annalise. Admittedly, she had no idea what she wanted to with her friend. Perhaps they could head to the skate park.

Hey! Just making sure we’re still on for today <3

Today would only get better from here if it followed its current trend.

LOCATIONSalem University Hospital, then to the Brady Pub
INTERACTING WITHAlice Horton (NPC), All of the Horton Children @Hero@Spooner

A quiet ER was never a good ER. It was like being in the eye of a hurricane; while it may be sunshine and rainbows in that moment, you just know it wouldn’t last. Out of the twenty beds kept at the Salem University Hospital emergency room, only two were currently occupied. The first was a man who claimed to be having a heart attack who in reality, just had indigestion from a party the night before. And the second? The second was Jessica herself. Yes, she’d managed to ruin a day with absolutely no one coming through the doors of the ER by hurting herself. After arriving at four in the morning for her shift, she’d tripped getting out of her car and landed awkwardly. This had resulted in a sprained ankle and as such, she now sat upright in an ER bed with an air-cast on her right foot. Certainly a wonderful way to start the day. It couldn’t possibly get worse.

“Jessica, oh my god!”

Jess inhaled deeply and pinched the bridge of her nose as the voice of her mother echoed through the ER. She was wrong, this day just got worse.

“Are you alright? What happened to you dear?”

“I’m fine mom, just fell getting out of my car. Could I ask you to grab my folder from the nurse’s station so I can actually be productive right now? I’ve got a lot of paperwork to do.”

“Sure sweety.”

Jessica took in another of what was going to be many deep breaths today and picked up her phone, scrolling through the few notifications she’d received. Then she glanced at the date. Tomorrow was the party. Perfect. Now she could show up and be the one everyone pitied, because it wasn’t enough that she’d actually have to socialize. Or see Aliana hanging off of her brother. Or make sure Olivia didn’t get herself into too much trouble with that damn camera. And if that wasn’t enough, she’d now have to tell her father that she couldn’t help set up for the celebrations because of this morning’s incident.

“Here you are dear. Don’t work yourself too hard, you need that ankle to heal. Can I get you a drink or something? You look exhausted.”

“No mom, I just need some quiet right now. Thank you for the paperwork….god did I really just say that?”

Jess shook her head and started going through her folder, flipping through the pages as she clicked her pen idly. Why did she always have to put off her patient reports? These would take hours to do, but it wasn’t like she had anything else to do in this particular moment. Her ankle had made sure of that. Her only salvation was that it was a sprain and not a break, and she’d hopefully be off of her crutches in a matter of a few weeks. There was just one tiny problem with that. At least a third of that time would be with crutches, meaning she could only do the paperwork end of her job, not the exciting patient-care end of it. Great. She needed to get out of this place. Jess glanced at her watch, she grabbed her phone and opened up her messenger app, sending out a text to her dear siblings.

Good morning fellow Horton-spawn. What’s everyone up to?

Also, if anyone could give me a ride from the hospital, that’d be great. It’s a long story.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Prosaic
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Prosaic Local Ghost

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Zeke was the guy that they called in when no one else would pick up a shift.
He was trusty, he could be counted on, at least that's what his boss kept telling him. Working as a barista wasn't hard, and it was infinitely better than working with his parents. He heard enough of his dad barating him about college and real jobs when he was at home. He couldn't imagine what it would be like to hear it at work. Work was the only place where he didn't have to hear anything about his choices, save for a few concerned elderly types.

The Java Cafe was his escape. As long as he was there, he was just the nice barista that was in need of a haircut. Nobody questioned him about when he'd go to college and make something of himself or why he wouldn't just get a real job. It was peaceful. He liked the patrons, he liked the coffee, and he liked the atmosphere. As long as he was here, this was his domain.

The cafe would be busy today, he could sense it. All of the approaching festivities meant that there would be a hum of excitement through the square. The teenagers would be planning the trouble that they could get into, the kids would be out buying sparklers and the adults would be trying to polish up the perfect shindig. He knew that his parents had already gone over the top with decorations.

He was really only excited for the fireworks, though the food was a bonus. He loved to watch the fireworks, they were one of the only things that made this holiday worth it. He liked to find somewhere with a good view and watch the colorful explosions overhead, it usually gave him time to think. Maybe he'd sneak a beer or two from under his parents noses, celebrate freedom in style like a true American.

That's what he usually did at events. He found some way to get plastered and isolate himself. He had seen the ill effects of him drinking with friends, and he tended to get a bit too friendly with the males. He didn't blame himself for getting a little too flirty when he was under the influence but it was better to avoid it altogether. There was no need to go blowing his own cover.

Of course, sneaking off and drinking in excess was getting harder and harder as he got older. His parents were expecting more of him. They might expect him to maintain his presence all night, which he wasn't very good at. Sure, he could be friendly and jovial in company but he knew that the sheer amount of people would start to drive him crazy. He didn't want to get snippy with a party-goer and have them tell his parents. That would be fantastic.

He could just imagine it now. His father had been irritated with him before but if he ruined a party? Yikes!

For now, he needed to worry about making coffee. Though, making coffee wasn't a very worrisome event. It did require a chunk of his focus. The order came in from a blond that couldn't have been much older than him, she was pretty and seemed to be having a hard day. He was also pretty sure that she was a Zima, her distinctive facial features and her dusty golden hair were more than enough proof of that.

He decided to give her a little extra on the white chocolate shavings, which would bypass the usual amount. Pretentious measurements weren't a requirement but he had a system, dammit. Give one person a little too much this or a little too much that and he might get their coffee back with a specialized complaint. He liked to avoid hearing anything extra from his customers. He took the risk with her, nobody complained about chocolate.

When he handed off the order to her, he gave her a pleasant smile. She seemed happy to receive her coffee and that was good, he wouldn't have to worry too much about her bringing it back in a fury. He'd be pretty much swamped in coffee making for the rest of the day, he didn't really think he had the time or patience for angry customers. His sanity was hanging by a thread with the amount of people that were coming through the door.

He kept his smile in place as he worked, polite and welcoming but certainly not enjoying himself.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Venus So long, and goodnight. ♡

Member Seen 30 days ago

LOCATIONThe Pool at Hacienda Castillo
INTERACTING WITHMi Gordo (Big Brother Adrián) @spooner

In the summertime, most of the young population in Salem was occupied with being productive members of society: be it with summer jobs, advancing their studies, off on internships or even vacationing with family. Marlena Castillo was not one of these people. The youngest Castillo daughter was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, so the thought of doing anything besides relaxing and having fun was not a welcome one. Why would she be so cruel as to take away the chance for someone less fortunate to make a little something? Hell, they could call her Mother Teresa of Calcutta for her benevolent consideration! Not working was the best contribution to society Marlie could make.

Instead of doing something as menial and mundane as working -gag-, Marlie had spent her summer days between frequent shopping sprees, clubbing and hanging around with her best friend Julia Davis. Although she’d occasionally dropped by her mother’s office to coordinate the last details of her lip kits, the cosmetics were already in the distribution phase, so there wasn’t much for her to do besides a tour of the lab (which she’d done enough times so that it lost all the fun). This had been fun enough the first month of vacation. But now, with Julia gone and doing the same thing for so long, the enjoyment was starting to wear off.

This was why, on Independence Day’s eve, Marlie found herself in the middle of her home’s pool, getting a tan while slowly gliding around in one of those mattress-style floaters. She had her black bikini and shades on, a refreshing drink in one hand, rose gold iPhone X in the other. The young woman had taken a few selfies, and was in the process of tweaking them out a bit when she noticed Adrian making his entrance to the pool area. Finally, a golden opportunity to complain to someone who would sort of listen!

“Ay Gordo!” Marlie whined from her spot in the pool, flipping her glasses up to the top of her head and looking at her older brother with puppy dog eyes and a pout. “I’m bored out of my pinche vida! Why can’t Daddy jet us off to Bali, or Santorini, or Cancún- even if we’ve been there a million times?! Julia’s off on some dumb holiday with her family, and I’m just here by myself all the time because nobody in this lame, stupid town likes me…” she complained saltily, taking a sip of her piña colada. "Está de la chingada esto."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by spooner
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spooner *cough*

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Location: ► Castillo Villa ◄
Interacting With: ►Emilio [NPC] Marlie@Dirty Pretty Lies

Adrían stared down at his father as the latter was barking orders at him. Now that Emilio was put on house arrest, Adrían was the one who had to carry out the various deals that had to be made for the company. Not only that is was his job to keep them some what clean. But Adrían was not particularly listening, because he was scrutinizing the state of the windows that lead out to the back patio of the villa. They had not been cleaned correctly as per his instructions, and that made him mad when the help didn't follow his commands. That's what they are paid to do isn't it?! He made a mental note to have a talk with Guzman their cleaner when he had a moment over. Just then he snapped back as his father ended his sentence “...so you need to fix that! You get it pendejo?!” Who was he calling stupid? It wasn't Adrían who was caught and incarcerated bringing shame on the family name.

“I already have Uncle Aurelio and Hector working on that, and besides it's not like you have any real idea what is going on from inside here anyway. No one would trust you with anything important right now...” he trailed of at the end sensing he should probably keep what he wanted to say to himself, judging by his fathers glare. “Claro! I'll get on it papa” Adrían marked the end of their conversation with a huff. He grabbed the file laying on the table between them and turned leaving the room. While climbing the stairs he scrolled through his phone and found the contact he needed. The dial tone was still going when he locked himself in his office.

“Hector! Do you have any news?” Adrían whispered when his guy answered. “Oh? And how do you suppose we do that?” he paced the room “Hector she's a child... I'd rather keep her out of it” He looked out of the window and saw his sister floating around in the pool. He sighed “You really think the Zima kid would fall for that? Fine, I'll ask.” He hung up and followed his sisters floating with his eyes. With a frustrated breath he swung his door open and went into his bedroom to change in to a pair of swimming trunks and a short sleeved shirt that he kept unbuttoned.

As soon as he stepped outside in to the July heat he regretted it, Adrían despised being too hot especially when he needed to concentrate. He sat down on one of the pool loungers and spread his papers out in front of him. He was inspecting one particularly interesting file when the voice of his sister reached his ears.

“Ay Gordo!” she began to whine, “I’m bored out of my pinche vida! Why can’t Daddy jet us off to Bali, or Santorini, or Cancún- even if we’ve been there a million times?! Julia’s off on some dumb holiday with her family, and I’m just here by myself all the time because nobody in this lame, stupid town likes me…” Marlie continued. Without looking up Adrían scoffed.

”Well hermanita, daddies personal accounts are all frozen so he couldn't send you anywhere if he wanted to...” He flicked his gaze towards his floating sister . ”If you are so lonely, why don't you go out and get new connections? Or go be productive.” He paused, was he really about to ask his baby sister to do their families dirty work for them.

”What do you know about the eldest Zima son?”
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 3 mos ago

LOCATIONIn some chick's place --> Horton Home --> Salem Hospital
INTERACTING WITHGrant Horton, Jessica Horton @SpicyMeatball
MENTIONSElliot Horton, Olivia Horton

A thud, a shriek, and the sound of a generic ringtone rang in Lorenzo's ears. Mostly because he had fallen off the bed and had made a half-assed attempt at grabbing something to prevent his fall. Not that he had grabbed anything that could have helped, as the blanket slipped off the bed with him and he went crashing onto the floor. The back of his head ached something fierce as he sat up, the ringing finally coming to a halt. A mess of blonde hair poked over the edge of the bed, a sly smile on the woman's face as she watched Lorenzo stand up. He shivered, the previous night's events slowly coming to light as he watched his naked lay look up at him with a pair of gorgeous hazel eyes.

"Rise and shine," She purred, propping herself on her elbows.

Carefully dropping down to his knees, he shuffled his way to her, inspecting her face. "Just so you know, that was not the wake up call I was expecting, Miss Natasha" He informed her of his disappointment, jumping back up to his feet.

He heard her laugh as he wandered into her bathroom, and after a moment of washing up, he went back to her room and began searching for his clothes. There was no avoiding her eyes on him, and while the thought of a morning bang was tempting, he had somewhere to be. Once he found his pants, he felt Natasha press herself against his back, and decided to give her his attention.

So of course the pants never came on and twenty minutes later he was searching for the rest of his clothes.

"What is with you throwing my clothes everywhere?" Lorenzo whined as he pulled his shirt out from under the bed.

"Because you look better without them," Natasha grinned, though she had wrapped her blanket around herself. "I'm surprised you stayed the night, you don't mind the walk of shame?"

Actually, he hadn't gotten a solid amount of sleep in about four days so he had just passed out once he hit it. But that wasn't something he was going to admit right now and he also really needed to get going, so he just flashed her a trademark Castillo Cosmetic Lorenzo™ smile. "No shame in getting to spend the night with you," He stated, giving her a wink as he pocketed his phone and wallet.

She giggled, as they always do, and with a few parting words, Lorenzo zipped out of the apartment. Exhaling deeply, his step definitely had a skip to it as he walked over to his car. He let out a yawn as he drove off in the company lease's Infiniti Q60 he had for publicity purposes. Getting paid to look good was a literal dream come true for him: fame, beautiful women, the money was good, and admittedly finally finding products for his sensitive skin was amazing. Things were great for him at this moment, and he was enjoying every minute. It was corny, yeah, but after being stuck in school for so long he figured it was about time that things started to look up for him.

I swear to God, he's completely fucking useless.

An irritable man was signing his life away, his pen skating across multiple clipboards as the finishing touches of the party were set. The place was a mess of people as each decoration was put in place, several lugging food and drink across the place, others making sure the electrical was all set for the speaker system. Everything was coming to life, the place beautifully set. As a majority of the helpers were leaving, Grant let out a groan. How the hell did he get stuck doing everything? Well, that wasn't entirely true--Olivia had gotten her share of the work done, though he had no idea where she was now. He wished Elliot was around; he was way more reliable than good-for-nothing Lorenzo.

As the sound of an all too familiar engine roared through the air, Grant let out an irritated huff. Turning towards the source, he gave Lorenzo a scowl as his older brother sauntered out of his car, waving his arms around like a maniac. Lorenzo had that same stupid grin as usual, carefree and jovial. Normally Grant would just ignore it and go about his day, but he was too pissed at his irresponsible brother to not say anything.

"Aw, come on, don't look at me like that," Lorenzo whined, finally dropping his arms. "I'm here, aren't I?"

Grant opened his mouth to respond, though he decided to focus his frustration before letting his older brother have it. "You're here now. I needed you hours ago," He snapped.

Lorenzo pouted, though he held up his finger as his phone beeped. Grant was about to say something when his own phone went off. As he checked his messages, he noticed it was Jessica. Lorenzo let out a yell that made Grant jump and nearly drop his phone. "Jessie's in trouble!" Lorenzo exclaimed, grabbing Grant by his shoulders. "Yell at me later! I'M COMING JESSIE!" He yelled at no one in particular as he immediately ran off, sprinting to his car.

"What--LORENZO!" Grant shouted, but Lorenzo had jumped into his car and sped off.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by spooner
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spooner *cough*

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Location: ► Elliot's crappy apartment - Java Cafe◄
Interacting With: ►Ali @Dirty Pretty Lies Eva@Altered Tundra Zeke@Prosaic Horton Siblings @SpicyMeatball@Hero

The last box had finally been carried up the stairs in to his new, small and shitty apartment. Elliot closed the door and sank to the floor, he looked around at the one room he had afforded to rent in town. The location wasn't that bad, not far from his parents and siblings, but the inside left a lot to be desired. But it didn't really matter how shitty the apartment was to Elliot, at least it was something he could call his own. He didn't have to share it with his brothers or hide his stuff from the prying eyes of his little sister. There was one person he wanted to share this space with though, his girlfriend of 4 years Ali Brady. Unfortunately the apartment can barely fit Elliot and her father would never allow her to live like this. Besides Elliot wants Ali to have a better start to their life together.

As he sat there staring around at the boxes he would have to unpack, but his eyes fell on a box full of decorations. “God damn it...” Elliot sighed, he had forgotten that his dad had ask him to bring it over to the house for their 4th of July celebration. He pulled out his phone and called his girlfriend. After a few rings it went to voicemail, she must've left her phone in her locker during her shift.

“Hey babe,just calling to let you know that I just need to swing by mom and dads before I come pick you up, I might stop and get coffee to so call me when your shift is over, ok bye! I love you.”

He pocketed his phone and and pushed himself of the floor with a groan. He staggered down the stairs of his apartment building, his body still sore from all of the lifting. He unlocked his car and made his way over to the Java Cafe, it was a short drive and soon he was parking in front of the coffee shop. He jumped out of his car and turned to lock it remotely but it didn't work, so he kept pressing the button whilst walking backwards. Suddenly he felt his butt collide with one of the tables that stood outside, he screwed his face up as he heard a mug fall to the ground.

Elliot slowly turned around to face his victim. It was a blond girl Elliot recognized as Evangeline Zima “I am so so so sorry! I will buy you a new one did you get any on you?! Oh shit I'm sorry I really need to stop walking backwards!” He smiled apologetically and ran a hand through his hair becoming increasingly more flustered. “Ehm... what where you drinking?”

Elliot rushed in to the shop to get their order, luckily the coffee shop was quite empty and the guy behind the counter was a friendly face, Ali's brother Zeke. “Hey buddy, could you do me a solid and make another order for the blond girl who just got her coffee?! I'll owe you one!” He shot him a smile and a wink.
As he was waiting for their order his phone buzzed, he rolled his eyes as he read his siblings rantings,

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago

LOCATIONTown Square — Java Cafe

Like all the days of her life in Salem, Eva was doing what she could to enjoy the morning sun’s rays and seeing all those under them enjoy their day. As her coffee met with her already cream-tipped, rosy lips, she let out a rather delightful squeal at the fresh shavings of white chocolate mixed with the cinnamon of the cream and the natural flavor of the mocha. Everything about this drink that she remembered from yesterday was, by all rights, just as it was yesterday. Truly, it might be one of the few things in her life that are more indulgant than it should be, but it is also one of the few things that give her genuine joy.

Right on the dot, Eva went to check her phone and she realized that it was getting quite late. In fact, based off of the time she just saw on her cellphone’s clock, it was getting to the point in the morning where she had to leave for her intern at Fairy Queen Cosmetics. Though it seemed odd just one day before her eldest sister, Kat’s birthday. The odds of someone so strong and someone so independent of any oppressor’s will was actually born on the United States of America’s own birthday of independence was quite the coinicidence. Even for as long as she has lived in this town, Eva still couldn’t get used to the fact that coincidences still existed, not when it came to Salem’s colorful history. Thank Allah those days were over. This happy blonde just wanted to get to her own life without the worry of some war brewing.

Being lost in her own train of thought, Evangline was literally crying right now. Tears ran down her face - wait no, those weren’t tears. They were the dripping of melted white chocolate. Oh no, not--”My DRINK! She cried out loud, reality suddenly hitting her just as her drink had done just moments ago. Silly Eva was lost in her thoughts again. Silly Eva didn’t watch where she was going. How could this happen?

Zima eyes went up at the perp behind this mostrosity. When they did, she didn’t see the face of a mean-hearted monster who would force such perfection all over her brand-new outfit that she had bought just yesterday as way to celebrate her sister’s upcoming birth anniversary. No, she saw the face of someone, who by all rights, was someone so apologetic, someone who felt the need to buy her a new one. And, if she wasn’t mistaken, someone who looked familiar. But where had she seen him before?

“Wait, you wouldn’t happen to be one of those Horton siblings, would you?” Eva more mused aloud than asked him. She followed him as they went back inside Java Cafe. He seemed quite determined to be the upstanding man and help out the damsel in disress. What a gentleman, Eva was overtaken by butterflies in her stomach, flap-flapping away as he asked the golden question: what did you have to drink?

“I..no, I cannot have another. It is against my rules. No, I refuse!” Eva stood her ground, “I need a change of clothes. My apologies. But, I’ll take a rain check on that. Let’s say, oh! Tomorrow morning. You can buy my drink then!” Eva smiled at him, unknowing to what just happened. “Let’s say around 8.” Being the kind of young woman she was, Eva made a note on her calender app on her phone. “I expect you’ll be punctual, uh...what was your name again?’

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Venus So long, and goodnight. ♡

Member Seen 30 days ago

The price of carrying a legacy was no easy feat.

Aliana Brady knew this well. Upon her graduation from Salem U, the young woman had been appointed by her parents as the Assistant Manager of The Brady Pub: the oldest drinking hut of Salem, and a historic staple of the town. The pub had been run by the Brady family for over three hundred years, and there were no plans for new management outside the family any time soon. However, working with family came with a price to pay. As if impressing an unknown superior wasn’t easy, it was harder to prove to a pair of stubborn parents that their daughter had the capacity to handle the family business. Of course, in their minds, Aliana was still the rebellious child who fussed about cleaning her room or following instructions. No matter how hard she’d tried, Shawn and Caroline still refused to give her some leeway to show her full potential. This had lead to more than a few arguments, with them promising to cut her some slack then ultimately failing to do so. But even with these odds against her, she would be damned before she let anything come in the way of showing her parents all that she was capable of.

Completely oblivious to some skank making some moves on her boyfriend a few miles away, Ali was hard at work. She had spent most of the morning making inventory of what was needed in the pub, to make the order for restocking before that afternoon. This had involved some back and forth between her tiny office and the bar area; and it was during one of these times when she heard her older brother’s voice addressing her.

“I don’t know how you stand working here for him. I could never do it. I’d probably kill myself after the first day.”

Aliana could only smile and shake her head at him. She was more than aware of Colin’s rocky relationship with her parents: it was a persistent, dampening cloud of resentment that none of the two parties ever let go of. The young woman understood were both sides were coming from, though. Shawn and Caroline had been notorious for shoving their aspirations for their children down their throats. The couple would make a point of always reminding them what they expected from them, and how anything less than that would make them an object of shame in their eyes. Enough to say, one would crack under the pressure; which is exactly what had happened to Colin. Hell, it had even happened to her back in her teen years! They were only human, after all.

On the other hand, Aliana knew their parents’ banter came from a good place (even if it was hard to see sometimes). The elders wanted their children to be successful in live, and to have more than they ever had growing up. The whole family also wanted Colin to stay as healthy as he could, and to stay as far away as he could from those disgusting drugs that threatened to fuck up his existence not that long ago. Sure, Shawn and Caroline could use better words and tone to express themselves, but it was as useless as teaching an old dog new tricks.

“Who’s to say I haven’t tried?” Ali replied to her brother, rolling her eyes at him but keeping the smile still in place to know she was just going along with the joke. “Seriously, though. You know I love them to death, Colin, but they’re so damn stubborn that sometimes I feel like I’m talking to a brick wall,” she complained, letting out a frustrated sigh. “So if you know of any other place that they’re looking for a manager, hit me up. Lord knows I could use the money.”
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by SpicyMeatball
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SpicyMeatball The Spiciest of Them All

Member Seen 1 day ago

INTERACTING WITHMark [NPC], Evangeline @Altered Tundra, Elliot @spooner, Aliana @Dirty Pretty Lies

Click…..click click...click click… … …

The shutter on Olivia’s camera clicked and clacked away as she watched the events unfold between Elliot and Evangeline in disbelief. With great effort she managed to hold back from calling out to Elliot as he backed up, and it took even more effort to hold back her own laughter as the coffee flew everywhere. It was almost as if everything had moved in slow motion and she’d been there to capture every single moment of it. Having now frozen the entire ordeal in time, even having been lucky enough to have captured the coffee cup mid-spill, she smiled to herself and lowered her guard for a moment. As she pulled the camera away from her face, she looked to Mark with the biggest shit-eating grin on her face. Nothing more perfect could top this today.

Except...what was that she saw on Elliot’s face? She looked back down the viewfinder and zoomed in on the pair. Was that…? No, it couldn’t be. At first, Olivia thought it was embarrassment that had drenched her dear brother head to toe, but as she looked closer it looked more like nervousness. That could only mean one thing. Was her brother, the same guy who had been dating Aliana Brady for just over four years now, attracted to Zima blondie? Click. Elliot’s hand running through his hair. Click. Eva’s nervous little stance right before she was led back inside.

If only she could hear what they were saying.

She finally lowered the camera and her gaze shot back to Mark, who leaned through the open window behind her. “You saw all of that, right? Do you have any idea what this means?” An evil grin spread across her face. No secrets could be held from her, especially not now when she had all of the time in world to run around town with her camera. And now that she had the pictures that she did, it wouldn’t take much to play her brother like a fiddle. It would only take quick visit to The Brady Pub to do the trick. Olivia was sure that Aliana would certainly have something to say about the pictures she’d gotten. But first, a little tormenting.

Pulling out her phone, Olivia quickly punched in a text and sent it off to Elliot: I see you’re getting nice and toasty with blondie there, El. She then pulled the memory card from her camera and copied the pictures from it to her laptop, before packing all of her gear back into her bag, leaving her camera on it’s strap around her neck. She had to be quick if she was going to beat Elliot to The Brady Pub, assuming he understood what she meant by the text. After quickly sliding down the fire-escape ladder she grabbed her skateboard and pushed off of the sidewalk, gradually gaining speed. “Hey Elliot!” she called out, before reaching down and tapping her camera.

Olivia rounded the corner and dropped down onto the road from the sidewalk, smiling as the warm breeze blew across her face and toyed with her ponytail. A grin spread across her face as The Brady Pub came into view and she pushed harder off of the pavement to gain more speed. As she came to the entrance, she quickly dismounted her board and popped it up into her arm before walking inside. Olivia grabbed her laptop from her bag as she walked and quickly brought up the picture showing Elliot running a hand through his hair and looking flustered, before looking up to Ali.

“Hey Ali, I have somethin’ to show you.”
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 3 mos ago

LOCATIONSalem University Hospital
INTERACTING WITHJessica Horton @SpicyMeatball

They see me rollin'
They hatin'
Patrolling they tryin to catch me ridin' dirty

The old song blasted through the radio's speakers as Lorenzo's car zipped through traffic. It was funny, he was usually a rather careful driver, especially if any of his family was in his car. But when he was alone, he did as he pleased, cutting people off, gunning it, and slamming on the brakes when he was looking on his phone rather than having his eyes on the road. He was enjoying the song, reaching the hospital's parking lot as it came to its appropriate end. As he turned his car off and got out of the car, his phone went off again. Guessing it was probably Grant passive aggressively chewing him out, he ignored it as he strolled into the hospital.

Placing his hands on his hips, Lorenzo scanned the entrance. He had completely forgotten to ask where his sister was, though he did an educated guess and went through the ER's entrance. Luckily for him, Jessica was in plain sight, though unluckily for him, she was a patient. Something had happened with her foot, or ankle, as it had a weird looking cast on it. There was probably a better way of explaining it, but that wasn't important. She seemed annoyed, doing something with some papers from a folder.

Lorenzo couldn't help but grin, strolling up to her rather casually. "Your chauffeur has arrived, mademoiselle," He stated, pretending to tip an imaginary hat. "So what happened?"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Prosaic
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Prosaic Local Ghost

Member Seen 2 mos ago


"Elliot? How did you even manage to-"

He sighed heavily, shaking his head and deciding not to persue the subject. He liked Elliot, the guy seemed very serious about his relationship with his sister. Despite being younger, he could be a bit protective of Aliana. He didn't want to see her get hurt but Elliot seemed too nice for that, he seemed to be working his ass off to provide a good home for the two of them. He suspected that their families might be hearing the sounds of wedding bells in due time.

Of course, even if Elliot wasn't dating his sister, he still probably would have liked him. He was likeable by nature, and very friendly to boot. It was hard to think of a feasible reason not to like Elliot. The blonde Zima girl that had followed him inside seemed like she was thinking the same thing by the way she was looking at him. How could you not like Elliot?

When she refused Elliot's offer, he was a little grateful but when she started to set a date, his mouth curved into a peculiar frown. It wasn't his business, surely, but it was happening right in front of him. He wasn't sure if he worked tomorrow, his shifts could be sporadic but he'd asked for tomorrow off. His parents wouldn't appreciate it if he worked on one of their big days. He was starting to wish he'd agreed to come in anyway.

If the Zima girl wanted to get fresh with Elliot, he wanted to be there to report it back to Aliana. Of course, he trusted Elliot to some extent to not make the wrong decision but he didn't really trust the Zima girl. He didn't even know her, she was just some pretty blonde that liked her coffee with white chocolate on top. It would be terribly assumptive for him to make any guesses about her based on that.

If she tried to put the moves in on Elliot then his sister was going to be pissed. The whole conversation conspiring between them was enough to make him leery. Really, what mattered was if Elliot accepted her offer. Though, that wasn't automatically bad, it was still a little bit of a shifty move.

He could see Elliot's younger sister calling out to Elliot, camera in clutch, and a grin that could only be described as devious upon her face. The girl took off on her skateboard at light speed, assumably with incriminating evidence. He couldn't help but pity Elliot for what he'd have to face if Aliana chose to believe that those photos meant anything. He'd hate for them to argue over nothing.

"Hate to be that dude, Elliot, but you better go catch up with her. If you need anyone to vouch for you, you've got me."

He saluted Elliot before turning back to his work.
It wasn't like he could do much more, Aliana was working and she wouldn't actively be checking her phone. If he dropped her a message then it would likely be sitting there until she was free. That would be useless and he could get in trouble for tapping away at his phone during the work hours. Though if Aliana asked him, he'd tell her exactly what he'd made of the situation.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SpicyMeatball
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SpicyMeatball The Spiciest of Them All

Member Seen 1 day ago

LOCATIONSalem University Hospital
INTERACTING WITHLorenzo Horton @Hero

The longer Jess sat in the hospital bed, the more she disliked the situation and the more she hated herself for getting into this situation in the first place. It was the most abolsutely perfect day at the hospital. No crazy patients, no code blacks and no overtired doctor on shift. And yet here she was, laying in a hospital bed because she tripped. Jess grumbled at the thought of how ridiculous she must look now; she was still in full uniform, nametag and all. Just salt in the wound at this point. Hopefully someone would come rescue her.

Jess perked up immediately when she felt her phone buzz. She stifled a laugh when she saw the message from Enzo. “Overdramatic as usual..” she mumbled to herself, though instead of her usual resting bitch face, a gentle smile now graced her lips. Finally, she’d be able to get out of the hospital, and more importantly, out of this scrubs. The only problem now was that she’d have to show up to tomorrow’s celebrations on crutches. Jess scowled at the thought, wondering if she could suck it up and walk on it for the day without major reprocussions. Gritting her teeth, she cautiously put her legs over the edge of the bed and let them dangle a moment before attempting to put a minute amount of pressure on the injured foot. With a small yelp, she withdrew the pressure and quickly tried to recompose herself by assuming her original position on the bed.

Jess’ eyes darted around to see if anyone had seen or heard that, and only after she saw another nurse walk by without giving her a second glance, did she drop her guard and relax. Maybe crutches wouldn’t be that bad. It’d give her an insight into what a patient was feeling, if anything. Hell, maybe it’d be good. The whole damsel in distress thing was attractive wasn’t it? Maybe she’d get lucky and some guy would come and sweep her off of her feet.

She almost laughed out loud at the idea, covering her mouth at the last second. The idea that she’d get a guy because of her crutches wouldn’t be the worst pickup attempt. She’d certainly had a worse time at relationships in highschool. With a grumbling sigh, the young brunette grabbed her crutches and stood up from the bed, balancing awkwardly on her one good leg. It was such a foreign feeling to her. Jess wasn’t one for extreme activities, and so unlike her sister, she’d never really acquired any major injuries apart from today. She nervously put the crutches forward and took a breath, processing what she was about to do. It was a simple concept in theory, but in practice crutches were really a pain in the ass.

And so the rather experienced nurse, with three years of service to the hospital and four years of education, with numerous experiences teaching other people how to use various assistive devices, and with a rather athletic physique, fell flat on her face on the first step, sending the crutches skittering across the floor. “Fuck!”

Jess just layed on the cold, tile floor for a moment as the other two nurses on staff came running over. Without even looking, she could tell that her co-workers were trying hard not to laugh. Before coming up to her hands and knees, she looked to the side at one of them, then to the other and spoke with a very cold voice “Not a word about this leaves this moment. Understood?”

Suddenly she was glad that it was a quiet day in the ER. It had saved her the embarrassment of doing that in front of 15-20 other patients, most of which knew her face. Now back in her bed, she grabbed her paperwork once again and had just started to focus when Lorenzo came into the ER. A huge wave of relief washed over her as her brother approached her bedside. With a newfound energy, the young woman sat up from her bed and leaned over to hug her older sibling, nuzzling her head into his chest. “Thank you Enzo, its been a long morning.”

“So what happened?”

Jess took in a breath and let it out slowly before looking back up to her brother. “Got out of my car and ate the pavement. I think I must’ve still had a foot in the car cause I twisted my ankle bad. Its just a sprain.” She scowled at the sound of the nurses giggling across the room before gritting her teeth. “Oh yeah, and apparently I can’t use crutches.” She spared her brother the explaination of how she fell flat on her face not five minutes before. It would spread around town in time. Jess grabbed her bag and stuffed the folder inside of it, before standing up on her good leg. “Could you grab my bag?”

“Thank you again for this...it means a lot.”
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago

LOCATIONThe Docks → The Brady Pub
INTERACTING WITH Ali @Dirty Pretty Lies; Olivia @spicymeatball

When Shawn--Colin means dad--had come and given him his coffee, they exchanged glances for a long, tense moment. They didn’t say anything to each other. Colin had a few choice words, but as he saw Ali, he figured it wasn’t worth the hassle. He wasn’t here to fight with his father. He had come to the family establishment to see his sister. If nothing else, that was more important than sticking it to Shawn..even though it would’ve been more than satisfying to take any chance to say what he was thinking.

He took a few sips of his coffee, wincing just at how strong it really was. He ignored it. Regardless of the strength of the coffee, it was doing its job, more so it was allowing him to finally wake up after pulling a double shift that lasted throughout the dead in the night and he got his first break when he had come into the Brady Pub. It would’ve been better if he could have some whiskey with his coffee, but with all of the peering eyes, he couldn’t risk them getting on his ass about that as well, on top of his already-known drug addiction; of which Colin has been seeking help for a few years now.

“Pretty sure Shawn and Caroline wouldn’t appreciate you using their lord’s name in vain,” Colin teased his little sister, giving her a bit of a snarky smirk, taking another sip of his coffee. Still wincing from it, he poured some sugar into it until he found himself to be satisfied. When that point in time came, let out a sigh. “You could always quit. You know they aren’t going to give this place up anytime soon.” Colin said, telling her what she already knew, “maybe Zeke could help you get a position at the Java.” He was just throwing ideas around.

As his mind went to his little brother, he probably should’ve gone to the actual coffee cafe rather than showing up at the family joint. It would’ve been less stressful for all parties. Ah well, it was too late now. Besides, Colin spent way too much time away from Ali. Since moving out from their family home, Colin hadn’t seen his siblings as much. Though Salem was a small town--or it had that feeling, anyway--he found himself ignoring his family. It wasn’t by choice, but it was the truth of the matter.

When Colin had finished his cup, he was debating about another, but as the thought had crossed his mind, he noticed some young girl came into the pub. It was that younger Horton, Olivia. “Well isn’t it Nancy Drew herself. Hope you’re staying out of trouble, kiddo,” Colin teased her also, ruffling the top of Olivia’s brown scalp.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ejected
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

LOCATIONThe Carver Household — The Brady Pub
INTERACTING WITHOlivia @SpicyMeatball ; Aliana @Dirty Pretty Lies;
Colin @Altered Tundra; Mentions Blu

{"Fly like a jet, sting like a hornet"}

Ever since she’d strutted gracefully across the stage and practically snatched her high school diploma from her former principal just over a month ago, Annalise Carver has been living her absolute best life. In fact, the young woman had spent the first week following graduation in downtown Chicago with a couple of her closest friends; they’d pooled together whatever money they had saved over the course of the year and stayed in a ratty motel which just so happened to be right down the street from some of the hottest clubs in Illinois. Of course, Lexi and Abraham Carver had no idea that their youngest child was out club hopping and carelessly spending money; All that the couple knew was that Anna and her friends had gone on a trip to the beach. The only person who even knew of her actual whereabouts during that time was her elder brother, and even that was solely for safety purposes. Annalise was determined to end her high school years with a bang, both figuratively and literally.

As soon as Annalise had come back home, she’d begun to plot out exactly what she wanted to do before she would have to begin her classes at the University. This mental list comprised of many normal, teenager Summer activities such as going to local concerts and community pools, but also things that she knew her parents would not approve of such as going to wild parties, smoking her weight in dank weed, and losing her virginity. Of course, she’d have to somehow do all of these things without her parents and the general public finding out, which meant that she’d be doing a great deal of sneaking around and avoiding certain people, but she was willing to take the risk.

Now, the young woman cruised down the street on her bicycle, the breeze running through her hair and feeling nice on her freshly washed scalp as she thoroughly enjoyed the Summer weather. Hanging around her neck was a pair of earbuds which had been turned up to their maximum volume; loud rap music blared through them as Anna sped down the road. Anna had decided to ride her bike around town that day rather than drive; not only did she not want to waste gas, but she also wouldn't have to go on her daily jog around the neighborhood since she'd be cycling all day. She was just nearing Horton Town Square when her phone began to vibrate in her back pocket. She quickly skimmed the message from Olivia Horton, but decided that she'd wait to respond back until after she'd chained her bicycle to a nearby bike rack, headed into The Brady Pub, and ordered something to eat; She was starving. She was surprised, however, when she pulled up to the front of the pub and saw that her friend had beaten her there.

After carefully locking her bike away, Anna quickly walked inside of the pub where she was greeted with the familiar, mouth-watering smell of coffee beans and food. Anna chuckled as she watched the eldest Brady brother ruffle Olivia's hair, her stomach growling as she approached the youngest Horton child from behind. She was just about to open her mouth to make her usual silly remark when she caught a quick glance of the image that had been pulled up on Olivia's laptop. Shit. "Hey, guys," Anna said as she came to a stop next to the other three. She simply nodded her head and smiled in greeting to the Brady siblings before looking back at Olivia. "Uh... bad timing? Cause we can always hang later if you're...busy." Anna silently wished that the younger girl would tell her to stay. She was dying to get the whole story behind the picture.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

Member Seen 29 days ago


LOCATION Private apartment — Coffee shop

Daylight came in lines, stretched across the empty expanse of white paint over smooth drywall as sunlight filtered through the plain white blinds of the lone window in the lone apartment of the small apartment. Pale grey tendrils of smoke lifted in the air, coiling around the lines of light quickly before disappearing towards the ceiling with each exhale. There was only a single light on in the apartment, that was the light up in the hall, it's glow barely visible from the lone bedroom. A glow that came to Alek's eyes in faultering waves of consistency as his focus remained hard on the cigarette at his lips, to the small dollar store ashtray, and back again to his lips.

Noise and activity broke the concentration, leaning his body forward from it's heavy rest against the wall under the lone window, the heavy plastic under his body making tiny protests with each little move he made. Protests that hardly matched the protests that came with fire inside his own body, through his nerve endings. That she was the furthest thing from his mind didn't seem possible two months ago. He had been so certain if he could just clear his head that things would be different, that everything would work itself out. That he would be back with her one day. The only thing that seemed to work itself out last night, though, was who died and who lived.

Alek had never been more certain after last night that right, and wrong, hadn't factored in the slightest little bit into what worked itself out.


Alek's brown eyes met Sergei's grey-blue eyes as his friend haunted the doorway of the single bedroom. In one hand Sergei carried a black duffle bag, and in the other he carried a black garment bag. Though Alek took his sweet time re-focusing his eyes on his old friend, and the figure behind him, finally he nodded his head upwards just-so, "Hey."

"I brought a change of clothes for you."

A half-hissed inhale of cigarette smoke, an exhale more sigh than release of cigarette smoke, and Alek nodded his head downward in understanding. "Thanks. Is this...?"

Sergei shot a look over his shoulder, before entering the room to set the bag down and set the garment bag in the bathroom attached to the bedroom. "Doc Smith."

Alek had a strong suspicion the doctor's name wasn't really "Smith", but kept it to himself as he put the cigarette out with a few jabs of it's lit cherry into the ashtray. "Hey Doc. Thanks for this."

A good bit past middle age, sliding on blue latex gloves, a crown of salt and pepper hair on sun that rarely looked to see sun with a nose just a size too big for his face and white eyebrows, Doctor "Smith" stepped into the room and looked at Alek with minor concern. "Your money already thanked me well enough." The doctor knelt at Alek's side, moving the ashtray with it's stamped out half dozen cigarettes well off to the side before placing his own dark blue duffle bag next to him, and began picking through it's collection of side pockets and primary compartments for the medical supplies he'd need.

"How much pain are you in?"

The doctor asked at the moment Sergei set down both the small glass, and the bottle of vodka so pure it wasted like water, on the opposite side of Alek. Alek smiled, faintly, "I'm fine. The blood makes it look worse than it is."

That was the white dress shirt he had been wearing since the night before, the entire right side of his midsection a blood stain. A stain that had been there since everything went so well for the Zimas in the US, yet so incredibly sideways for Alek himself. Emotionally exhausted from the wrestling of his heart and his head since last night, physically exhausted from the blood loss, and mentally numb Alek silently went to the task of removing his shirt, and peeling off the wifebeater under it. "Smith" was watching him for signs of pain, for discomfort. There wasn't much of a show for the good doctor to see.

Bare chested the tear in his skin along the side of his body left by the grazing bullet fired at him by the only woman he'd ever loved became fully visible.

"Not bad, actually," remarked the Doctor, before he went about his work.

"He's a hardy son of a bitch." Sergei joked, with little grin on his thin lips. Sergei's high and tight dark brown hair, the small scar on his chin, the bulk evident on his body despite his otherwise 'business casual picked up from the local Wal-Mart' choice of clothing--all of it screamed the kind of man most men were careful not to stare. The man was a bulldog, not the smartest, but Alek had never met a more loyal person in his entire life. "Where do you think she is?"

Alek met the question a quickly contained grunt of pain, as the Doctor began the quick stitch job of the bullet wound. Sergei went for the bottle, kneeling to undo the bottle's top, and pour the Zima heir a double shot. Two double shots later, Alek's face twisted in a mix of pain and acceptance, before returning to it's prior numb state, giving the glass over to Sergei so he could take his shots. Alek wasn't greedy with his friends. "She's in European airspace by now. She's gone."

Sergei snorted as he filled his own doubleshot. "Sounds like her."

"Yeah, well, I'm starting to think she's the smart one in all this."

Going off facial expression alone, the doubleshot didn't seem to register with Sergei at all. "More like manipulative bitch than smart, I'd say..."

When Sergei's eyes reconnected with Alek's after he took his shot, the mistake was clear, the unspoken warning in Alek's look putting an end that particular subject. She may have shot him, she may have used him, and none of it for the first time. But she was still who she was to Alek, and the heartache had still felt like a broken bone that refused to properly set and heal. A feeling that he knew that she long ago knew had become well acquainted. If anything he was the one learning lessons the hard way that he long ago should have learned from the woman.

"Done. I'll leave the pill bottle on the kitchen counter."

Alek blinked down, surprised at what he saw, "That's some damn good work, Doc."

The Doctor's voice swelled with pride, "I used a new dermal regena--" Doctor 'Smith' and his voice trailed off as he realized the dull, empty, stare Alek was now giving him. "Right. You don't care. I'll be going if there's nothing else?"

"Pay the man double, Serg."

Sergei popped up as the Doctor placed the bandage over the wound and replaced all his supplies in his dark blue duffle. "Follow me, Doc, and we'll get you all set. The clothes are in the bathroom, boss."

A few shots, or five, later and Alek was in the bathroom before setting bottle and glass at the vanity just outside. He couldn't be bothered with the light in the bathroom, and pissed in darkness. The garment bag was taken to the vanity, the black dress shirt, black slacks, and black dress coat that was many thousands of dollars more than Sergei's outfit in all likelihood. That, Alek thought as he downed another shot, or his friend needed a better tailor. In the duffle Alek found his black sunglasses and Dunhill cologne. The vodka was re-capped and set back in the black duffle from which it had came, zipped up and ready to go. Out in the empty main room of the one bedroom apartment safehouse Alek swiped the pills and swallowed two, tossing the bottle in the duffle too. Sunglasses on, he escaped out just in time for Sergei to return to lock the safehouse door.

"Where to?"

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by spooner
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spooner *cough*

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Location: ►Java Cafe – Brady's Pub◄
Interacting With: ►Zeke @Prosaic Eva@Altered Tundra Olivia @SpicyMeatball

Elliot shook his head “You know me... I'm an idiot!” he sighed smiling at Zeke. Not counting Ali, Zeke was his favorite Brady. It was never awkward with him even when they were just sitting around the house and Elliot appreciated that a lot. Even though Elliot already had enough siblings he felt that Zeke was one of them.

Elliot spun around when he heard Eva turn down his offer of a new coffee, “No? Not even a take away?” He looked her up and down and noticed the coffee stains “Oh... oh no! It is me who needs to apologize, I'll pay for the dry cleaning... here I'll give you my number so you can send me the bill.” He dug around in is pockets for a piece of scrap paper and found an old receipt that he scribbled his phone number on and handed it to the blonde. When she suggested a rain check for the next day, Elliot's stomach churned. On one hand didn't want to lead her on or something, but on the other hand he did owe her a coffee. “Uhrm... I'm quite busy tomorrow at work...It's Elliot by the way, but I guess I could squeeze in a quick cup before my shift starts at 10. So I'll just...” His phone buzzed again and he glanced down at it.

He furiously typed in a response and sent it just as he heard his little sister voice coming from the entrance. The she stood camera in hand and a shit eating grin plastered all over her punchable face. Elliot was just about to shout at her about what she meant with that text before she ran of, he could hear her skateboard hitting the ground and the sound of her skating away. He turned around to face Eva again with his brows knotted together “I am real sorry but I have to go and take care of something... Thanks Zeke!”. He jogged out of the shop intending to run after Olivia but then he remembered he had his parents stuff in his car.

“FUCK!” he yelled right out earning him a few concerned stares from the people walking through the square. He knew exactly where his sister was going, she thought she had something over him however small that was. He also knew of a special someone who did not appreciate him socializing with out her there. He fished his keys out of his pocket and jumped in to his car and sped out of the parking lot. But of course the where five cars trying to get out at the same time as him. On the drive over to Brady's Pub it felt like all of the stop lights were against Elliot so it took for ever to get to his destination. When he arrived he almost shot out of his car and wrenched the door open, the scene that presented it self was not the one Elliot had expected. The whole town of Salem was practically there looking at a picture of him on Olivia's laptop.

“Jesus fucking Christ Olivia!” Elliot hissed as he walked towards her and slammed her laptop shut. “You! Outside... Now!” His voice was shaking with anger, he grabbed his sister by the arm and dragged her outside. “What the fuck Olivia? What are you playing at?!” He scolded as soon as the door slammed shut. “Are you trying to start something because you're bored?! Is this for your stupid blog?” He huffed. She knows how jealous Ali can get, why is she going out of the way to show Ali some stupid picture of him. “No, you know what? I have nothing to hide! Go right a head miss super sleuth go show everyone your incriminating evidence.” He opened the door again “Go on you shithead!” he gestured for her to go inside.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Venus So long, and goodnight. ♡

Member Seen 30 days ago

Knew he was a killer first time that I saw him
Wonder how many girls he had loved and left haunted
But if he's a ghost, then I can be a phantom
Holdin' him for ransom

”Well hermanita, Daddy’s personal accounts are all frozen so he couldn't send you anywhere if he wanted to...”

Marlena scoffed, rolling her eyes. That was the shittiest excuse Adrian could come up with to justify her misery. Was he even trying? “Mom’s accounts aren’t frozen. And as far as I know, Daddy has access to them. So it’s not that they can’t send me anywhere and more that they don’t want to send me anywhere.” she complained, letting out a defeated sigh. “Oh, well. It is what it is, I guess.” the young woman said sadly. She placed her phone and her drink in the safety of the floater’s cup holders and used both hands to propel herself across the water in Adrian’s direction.

Seemingly ignoring Marlie’s never-ending complaints, Adrian made no comment on what she’d said, and instead provided her with ‘solutions’ to solve the ‘problem’ his sister was facing. ”If you are so lonely, why don't you go out and get new connections? Or go be productive.”

The black-haired girl gasped exaggeratedly, brown eyes widened in disbelief. Um, excuse me, what?! “But I don't want to be productive!” Marlie whined in that baby voice that she knew annoyed him so, crossing her arms in front of her chest and looking every bit like the spoiled child that she would never admit she was. This wasn’t the answer she wanted to hear! “Why should I be productive? I’m the baby of this family. My job is to laze around and spend the money. Being productive? That's what you and Lele are for,” the young woman added, making mention of the older sister that she was sure hated her guts for some unknown reason. “Plus, it’s my summer break. After five months of ‘productivity’ in college I deserve a little break.”

”What do you know about the eldest Zima son?” Adrian asked Marlie, looking at her expectantly and once again choosing to ignore her comments.

“Who?” Marlena asked loudly, brow furrowed in total confusion. His question had come out of left field, completely obliviating all previous anger at her older brother deciding to ignore her for a second time in the same conversation. “I didn’t even know those people had a son.” she said earnestly, looking taken aback by this piece of information. Once she recovered herself after a few hard blinks, she quickly grabbed her phone. “I may not know anything right now, but there’s nothing that can’t be solved with a little social media digging!”

If there was anyone more skilled in the art of social media stalking, it was Marlie. She had plenty of years of experience in the job, and was nothing short of dedicated when it came to finding what she was looking for. A quick search of the Facebook profiles of the two sisters Marlie knew about quickly produced a name for the subject in question: Aleksandr. Based on that, she pulled up the basic sites: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The first two ended up to be dead-ends, but it was in the last one where she struck gold.

“Ayyyyyyy, papaciiiiiiiito!” Marlie purred, biting her lower lip as she stared at the few gems she’d finally managed to score. His Twitter -although useless in terms of information about himself- had provided the Castillo daughter with plenty of material to lust after. As much as she hated to admit it, Aleksandr Zima was fucking hot. Contrary to his pasty as shit relatives, the young man was tanned to perfection; with impeccably styled dark brown hair and a neatly-kept beard that emphasized his strong, pointed jaw. But it wasn’t this was really got Marlie’s gears going. In a particular picture, the eldest Zima sibling was showing off his chiseled body for the world to see. A pair of strong arms she could picture pinning her down to some surface, rock-hard abs to run her hands up and down in, the beginning of that marked V line that she imagined running her tongue down through…

He looked like a Greek god sculpture that had come to life.

Marlie sighed deeply, taking a long moment to admire the blessings received from the Lord. Absentmindedly, she took a long, hard sip of her piña colada before talking to Adrian again, eyes still glued to her phone’s screen.

“The only thing I know after this quick Twitter research is that I would love to see his face between my legs,” Marlie said candidly, without so much as a hint of shame. Smirking suggestively, she finally tore her eyes away from the screen and turned to look at Adrian, who was looking less than pleased at her spicy comments. “Okay, fine! I get it: something serious!” she complained loudly, throwing her arms in the air in surrender and rolling her eyes at her brother before turning back to her phone. “My god, can’t fucking take a joke…” she grumbled angrily under her breath, thumb furiously scrolling across the device’s screen.

More quick research lead Marlie to Aleksandr’s corporate profile at Zima Enterprises’ official site. Under a very official-looking photo, he young man was listed as nothing less than the Executive Vice President of the Board of Directors of his parents’ company. His education level and university of origin was also listed underneath his position, and once you clicked on his name there were various photos of him at official company events.

Deciding this should be more than enough information to start with, Marlie made a mental recap of all the facts gathered before passing them on to Adrian.

“So from the very limited information I’m seeing -because this fucking guy’s, like, a ghost-, all I know is: A) his name’s Aleksandr Zima; B) he’s your age; C) he came to Salem just a few months ago, and apparently the Zimas threw some big ball over at their snake pit to celebrate him. D) He’s some fancy Executive Vice President of the Board of Directors of those snakes’ company, and E) He’s got a degree from the ‘School of Economics and Political Science at Marlborough College, London’” the young woman finished, saying the name of the school in a mock British accent.

Marlena looked up at her brother proudly, clearly looking for praise at having provided him with some kind of information about the man. But there was something nagging at her, something she couldn’t shake off no matter how hard she tried…

It hit her like a ton of bricks, and she wanted to smack her palm against her forehead. How had she failed to ask the most obvious question of all?!

“Wait a second, why are you asking about him, anyway?” Marlie questioned, increasingly curious as to why in the world her brother wanted to know any type of information on the son of their biggest enemies in town.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
Avatar of Hero

Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 3 mos ago

LOCATIONSalem University Hospital
INTERACTING WITHJessica Horton @SpicyMeatball

There was no hiding it, Lorenzo outright snorted as Jessica would tell him her tragic tale of eating pavement. He wasn't a stranger to it; if his teeth could sue him for physical abuse, they would. He blamed trying to master the scooter. Still, his snort turned into a chuckle as she would continue to inform him that she couldn't use crutches. So she was going to hop around everywhere? The thought alone would make sure his grin was now permanent even as he controlled his laughing,

Truthfully, he loved all his siblings. He knew his fair share of ungrateful older brothers, but he cherished the relationships he had with them to the point that they were a source of pride for him. Olivia was still a brat who would rather expose his more embarrassing sides to the world, Elliot was still a vanilla kid trying to find his way, Grant was still a emo punk who had yet to get past the phase, and Jessica was still Miss I-Won't-Change-My-Mind-Because-I'm-Bullheaded, but he could honestly say he wouldn't change any of them. Well, except Grant. If it were up to Lorenzo, he would make him less moody. And maybe Olivia. Her decency for privacy flew out the window so long ago he missed when she was still innocent.

Not perfect but he still loved them.

Taking Jessica's bag in his left hand, he offered his right arm for support. As she would thank him, he scoffed. "Don't thank me yet, I blew him off helping Grant to come get you," He grinned mischievously, letting out a satisfied sigh. "It's almost too easy to rile him up. But, uh, I'll need you to talk him down so he doesn't cry or cut himself when I get back to him."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago

LOCATIONTown Square — Java Cafe
MENTIONEDElliot and Zeke

Eva had meant to be on her way to running her morning errands, but she couldn’t walk around town with the entirety of her scrumpcious coffee all over her brand new clothes, so she decided to head to her favorite clothing shop that was within walking district of the Java Cafe. The owner, Andre, was a close and personal friend to her family (more a friend of her mother’s), so as it had always went whenever she needed a quick fix up for any fashion emergency, she knew he had her back.

“Do not worry about it, angel. I know just the thing that will suit your particular needs.” Andre said, a smile far and wide across his face.

After taking her back where his exclusive merchandise was, it only took Andre five or so minutes to find the perfect replacement outfit for her. To her disbelief, he picked out just what she had been looking at when she came by his store. It was an outfit that consisted of a pink, frilly skirt and a white crop top. Topping it off was a pair of Prada sunglasses and a cute salmon-colored jacket. As she tried it on, she looked in the mirror. As she had let out a squeal of delight, both her and Andre exchanged an excited, loving embrace. If there was one thing that both could appreciate, it was the satisfaction of looking fabulous.

“You are a treasure, Andre. You have no idea how much I am in your debt.”

“Just promise me this one thing.”


“Don’t spill coffee on this one.” They both laughed, then she gave him the money to cover it. “Eva honey, this is on the house. Just think of it as a favor for all that your family has done for me.”

Again, he had her speechless. Though, Eva’s good nature refused her to not pay something. “You must take it. I insist!”

“I’ll tell you what. If you give me some insights on Fairy Queen Cosmetics’ new makeup line, I’ll consider us square.”

“It’s a deal!” She shook his hand, giving him kisses on both cheeks. “Bye Andre! Have a great day~”

As she had absentmindedly left the store, she found herself tripping over someone’s shoe, falling straight on her face. Not even a full minute after getting her brand new outfit practically free, she, as well as the shirt and skirt on her body, was covered in dirt. “Oh no!” She cried out, horrified. “I’m hopeless…” she muttered to herself, getting up. As disappointed as she was when she realized who it was that had caused her to fall, the frown on her face turned upside down. “Oh, big brother Alek!” She smiled at him, “you..look positively horrid. What happened to you?” She inquired, curiously gazing at him, though she couldn’t help but be worried for him. He looked like he’s been through the ringer.

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