What I have in mind here is both simple and complicated at once. Basically the group will take on the roles of a group of wanderers arriving in a new area of the Wastelands, looking to establish themselves and survive as long as they can. Starting with practically nothing over time the players will salvage, scavenge and otherwise acquire the materials they need to grow their settlement and fight off other groups.
There will be rough classes, including the Road Warriors (drivers skilled in vehicle combat), War Dogs (melee fighters) and Blackfingers (mechanics/engineers), along with a selection of vehicles. Players will start with either a motorcycle or light frame vehicle (a buggy or trike) and can obtain better vehicles by performing special missions to find heavier frames and body parts, over time building up their perfect deathroller while at the same time managing their resources to keep their wheels on the road.
At the same time the group will work together to build their encampment, starting with a small hidden hideaway and building up to a fully fortified stronghold. Upgrading the base can be done either by gathering materials and constructing new buildings and fortifications, or by scouting and invading Pre-Fall structures whose heavier construction or location gives them a defensive advantage.
Gear, weapons and equipment can either be looted or crafted, with the team working together to obtain parts to slowly upgrade their loadouts to improve themselves. Character development will be entirely based on what goodies they have, and making a character toughter or stronger will be down to obtaining better armour and weapons, and obtaining even a small boost will be the reward for performing missions.
The technology level of the world will be 'rustpunk', with most things being either recovered modern era tech or repurposed salvaged items used in a way not originally intended. No advanced technology or high-tech items, with things like mobile phones, computers and satellites having ceased functioning during The Fall.
To put all that into simple terms:
- Start with almost nothing.
- Find scrap.
- Build vehicles and gear.
- Gather resources.
- Build a home.
- Survive as long as you can.
The specifiuc details of the world will be open to discussion before the game begins, with the actual gameplay mechanics being developed by me as GM during that time to fit the specific scenario.
Hopefully this will work as a collaborative effort, with my role as GM to determine how difficult proposed things would be to do in the given setting rather than simply refusing them altogether. Having said that, anyone trying to build spaceship, energy weapons and fully aware AIs will find a lot of their time wasted.
Tagged as '18+' due to the adult nature of the ravaging warbands raping and murdering their way across the world. The players can choose to join in on this, or try to keep themselves safely away from such madness.
Possible starting points:
- A wandering band of survivors finally reach a new area after struggling their way across The Big Nothing, with the last of their supplies running low.
- Residents of a bunker break the seal on their generational home and head for the surface as their resources run dry and are faced with the horrors of the World Above.
- An invading warlord's War Rig and accompanying army have been wiped out, and now the remnants have to recover their strength before getting their revenge.
- After a vicious storm the crew of a naval vessel are shipwrecked in a strange land, with no knowledge of how to get back out to sea.