Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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Aaron heard what Callum had to say and picked up his bags. "Come on Agni, it'd be rude to keep the staff waiting, even if they did it to us." And with that Aaron. Walked over to he minibus and took a seat on the second row, putting his bags on the isle seat, so he could have the window. He turned his music up, in preparation for a loud engine rumble. He smiled thinking about all the adventures this school could bring him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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Interacting with: Aaron Zairos @JELDare

"I suppose so. I'm coming.", he said. After picking his bags, Agni went inside the minibus. Although they have been talking for a while, he preferred to leave Aaron to the scenery and to the music he was listening. Agni chose to sit in the last rows, picking the window as well.

He took a book out of his bag and began to read it. For some reason, it was a horror mystery genre book, the one he "liked" the most, even though the concept of liking is related to emotional aspects. He always favored a crushing mystery where the protagonist is with his life at risk then an adventure with a cliché happy ending or a romantic comedy where it's obvious that the couple would stay together, marry and possibly have kids.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Floch
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Floch King of Eldia

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Interaction: @MagusDream @JELDare @Frettzo

The ambiguity of the situation just made it worst. Reina was unable to comprehend what just happened, leaving the matter alone as she proceeded with the rest of her classmates to the minibus, she leave everything to the forces of nature and for something so sudden to have occurred, she hated the results because it mitigated her ego. Seated with her newfound friend, Reina became an open entertainment to Lea for the fact that the latter is enjoying the display of her ability to understand things at a faster rate and mimicking an alteration, from languages, to unsolved theories, to mathematical problems, and any possible unsolvable things-- Reina answered it all in one day. She is becoming agitated with the constant behavioral pattern of her friend and it does not piqued her liking at all; "I'd stop for now but it was fun, I can definitely solve anything with my alteration not just copy it. Sheesh you talk too much! How old are you? But I guess opposites attract."

Reina fell on Lea's lap like as if it was a cushion.

"Say.. I'm really curious about everything. I don't mean to show arrogance but let's take it to the next level shall we? Think of all the amazing stuff you'd see from me, heck I may even solve the secrets of your body and see if you have a human form. Watch this, Leaf-chan-- I will show you the full potential of my alteration." Contradicted! Reina just ate her own words and decided to use her alteration more because it made someone happy yet she disliked how she's showing off.

Reina approached the young men who happened to read a horror story book. "Mind if we join you two? Oh! Did you know that fiction are often based on legends and such legends are truths?"

"Based on your facial-muscular pattern and body language." Pertaining to Agni. " I have calculated that you are in a thought of an unfulfilled expectation, allow me to fill you up and excite every hormone in your body." Reina grabbed the story book and briefly skimmed through it, she is not surprised by the ending as well but rather developed a begrudging interest in the story.

"Fuyoeru Reina and this is my friend, Leaf-chan, and you two?"

The unexpected side of Reina surfaced! What does she have in mind?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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"Not this stupid bi-"

Gabriel's thoughts on Reina was once again interrupted as the students gathered were once again called to board the buses to the school. Just narrowly avoiding exploding on the insufferable Singaporean, she huffed and turned away from her just as another loud bang echoed out. She was less surprised this time, but wow Temper's super-speed thing was loud.

Well, at least she thought it was super-speed. It was either that or teleporting.

She followed Henry's swarm of wasps to the back of the bus, where Temper had reserved them seats. Guess that meant they were friends now? They were certainly the strangest friends she's had, but she wasn't complaining. They were pretty cool so far - better than chatterbox that she was tempted to sock twice already.

"Goddamn she talks a lot," grumbled Gabriel. "She could at least freakin' keep it down." Shaking her head, she plucked another insect from the box, inspecting it. Worm this time, wasn't sure about the species though. Oh well, down the hatch it goes.

"So, anyway, name's Gabriel. Wasn't able to give it a while ago, but there you go. Nice to meethca guys."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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Interacting with: Reina Fuyoeru (@Indra) and Lea Boscán (@Frettzo)

"Mind if we join you two? Oh! Did you know that fiction are often based on legends and such legends are truths?"

And when he finally thought he could get to read in tranquility, someone else comes to speak. Different from the conversation with Aaron, this sounded more like a long monologue... especially because this girl seemed to speak what seemed so obvious. Of course Agni knew that most stories derived from fiction and some of them based on real facts. He liked to read books, after all. "I know. This, for an example, is based on the myth of Jack the Ripper. It's a nice story." He said, not looking at her at all. Also, "two" who? He wondered if she hadn't noticed that he and Aaron weren't talking anymore, since he was on the second row, listening to music.

"Based on your facial-muscular pattern and body language... I have calculated that you are in a thought of an unfulfilled expectation, allow me to fill you up and excite every hormone in your body."

Agni wasn't even paying too much attention to what she had just said, since she spoke in a tone which he constantly ignored, as it did sound very... wrong. As he kept reading, however, the girl took the book from his hands and began to page it all by herself, at a quick rate. It was a little fast, so much that she had reached the ending. In circumstances like this, how would a normal human be? Angry, bothered... but he just kept his stone cold face while getting up and taking the book back.

"Your basis is off the mark. I don't have any sort of expectation unfulfilled... rather, I don't have any expectation anymore. Also, if you want to read my book, ask for it. I don't like when people are forceful on me, through actions and words. Lastly, keep your perverted talk about hormones to yourself. Not everyone's comfortable with it." Agni said, while sitting back at his chair.

Then, she presented herself and her leaf friend. "... I'm Agni Blackheart. I don't mind if you sit here, but..." As he spoke, two pairs of eyes appeared near him and a growling soon could be heard. Those eyes, dark red and glimmering like a ruby, belonged to Agni's nightmare wolf familiars, which were one of the main ways he had to defend himself. "It seems like those guys are already aware of you two and they don't like you. We can talk later if you want, but you should go back to your seat before they bite you." Agni warned them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

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@MagusDream @Indra @Frettzo
Charles would raise his head from his game when he heard the growls and turn towards the back of the bus where the others was gathered. He'd sigh at this "can you three keep it down?" he'd ask the three, they was in a minibus so they was all fairly close together even with their choices of seats. He'd shake his head at them 'we are all part of a small class best not to be fighting each other' he thought to himself since he didn't like getting super involved but didn't like what seemed to be a fight about to go down. He'd turn back to his games after he said his peace and leans back in his seat as he plays it.

Charles would look over to the person in the seats across from him and think for a second before saving and putting away that game and he would scoot over to edge of the seat so he could reach over to tap Aaron's shoulder to try and get his attention, if he manages to he'd pull out two 3DS systems out of his inventory "hey man, name's charles... want to battle?" he asks Aaron as he pulls out two copies of the smash bros games taking out the old games in the 3DS' and putting the smash bros in them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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JELDare Trying to improve

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@olcharlieboiAaron turned to see Charles handing him a console. "My name's Aaron and sure why not, it'll kill time, right?" Aaron took the console off of Charles, smiling as he did. He looked at Charles closely, trying to analyse him, it was clear that he was a gamer, he had to be after having two consoles in his bag, but what was more? He was clearly not the perfect picture of an extrovert, though he'd only seen two so far who had been. Was Charles a good gamer? A bad one who just enjoyed it for the game? These thoughts swam around Aaron's mind getting lost in themselves and tangled up. For the first time in a while, he decided he'd play a game just to enjoy it. He locked in Pit and he was ready to play.

Callum turned around "Okay kids, we'll be setting off now, so take your seats." With that Callum started the engine and begin to slowly move off, doing a three point turn so he could head back the way he'd appeared from.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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JELDare Trying to improve

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The minibus pulls up in front of the school.

"Okay kids, we're here, time to get out." After Callum helped everyone off of the bus he locked the doors. He lead them to the doors, he turned to face them all. "This will be where you get taught for the next few years." He flung open the doors, light pouring out it had an almost blinding glow to it. Callum turned to see the light, covering his eyes, the light turned off with the sound of a switch. Bailee walked out "I got you again, you never expect it." She began to laugh.

After the two had sorted everything out, they began to show the group out into the courtyard, with the school building behind them, a fountain in the centre and their dorm rooms across from them. Callum gave everyone a key car, "Okay so your card has your dorm number on, each room as three beds, two singles and one bunk. Each room also has a map to it, we'll meet you all in the cantine, which is at the front of the school building, at seven o'clock for your evening meal. You're first class is not until tomorrow morning, which you'll need to report here, before going to it, at nine o'clock." With that the two caretakers walked back towards the school building.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

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Charles would chuckle at Aaron nodding "that's for certain, along with being enjoyable playing with another" he says as he locks in as random with slight grin. As the bus ride drove on he would battle Aaron as much as he was willing winning about 45% of the time, though some games he was clearly just playing around while the times he won he had actually played seriously. Always picking random so he just played with what ever character he got each game. When they reached the destination he took back the game "Your a good opponent" he would tell Aaron as he thought of his inventory to pull it up and put the systems away. He'd follow the others out of the bus and listened to the two teachers as he guessed they was, though the light trick was nice it also was annoying.

Charles would look at the Key card he was handed "Dorm 2 huh.." He'd mumble to himself, when it seemed the introduction was over Charles would look at the map to see here his dorm was then head there. Swiping the card to enter then instead of picking a bed he would start setting up his systems at the t.v., he sets up all the newer system, he has the older ones as well but he decides to only set those up when he needs to. Also setting up a connector so he could plug all them into the t.v. at once, having a PlayStation 4, Xbox one, and a Switch all set up in moments. Then he'd think about where to set up his computer chuckling to himself wondering which bed he should also take.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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"Aye, thanks for the lift."

Gabriel waved to Henry and Temper. She'd see them later, hopefully. For now it was time to set down some roots. Also, she really wanted to take a nap. She was already dozing off during the bus ride, and right now she was yawning like every ten seconds.

"A'ight. Dorm one, room 201..."

It didn't take her too long to find it, and from the looks of it, she was the first one there. Great, that meant she could call dibs on the bed!

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

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CS Link

Location: School bus --> Dorm 2, room 302

With eyelids drooping Temper let the rest of the crowd file off the bus ahead of her before finally lifting herself out of her seat. The long journey from home was really beginning to weigh heavily on her and the young girl was a little confused when told dinner would be at seven, especially since her wrist watch already showed the time as well passed nine.

After a moment Temper slapped herself on the forehead before reaching into her satchel, pulling out her alarm clock. With a grin she saw there was quite a while to wait before the meal and so instead of slipping into thinking time she instead lined up to fetch her luggage from the bus storage compartment along with the rest of the students.

When she finally had her bags Temper made her way upto her room, but as she opened the door she saw a young man crouched in front of the TV fiddling with a selection of game consoles and other peripheral equipment.

"Oh, sorry," She quickly said, shifting her bags on her shoulder as she backed out and checked the room number, doing a double take as she realised that this was the right room after all. Stepping back inside Temper made her way over to the bed closest to the window a little nervously, dumping her luggage on it as she eyed up her roommate.

"Err," she muttered, unsure of what to say next, “So... looks like we’re sharing the room, huh?” Temper wished she could just slip out for a while, but this was one of those occasions where pausing time just wouldn’t help.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Charles would jump when a girl walked in and very much seem nervous when she went out and came back in dropping stuff on a bed. "uh.. I guess so.." he replies to her, he would be even more nervous realizing he is now sharing a room with a girl. He knew he had to get over this but it wouldn't be so easy. So in his nervous he'd reach out into his inventory to pull out a slim jim and eats some of it, to try and calm down.

Though it would probably be strange the fact she doesn't see any bags on him and he pulled a snack out of thin air. After calming down some he'd scratch side of his head "so... um.... what is your name?" he asks her, "I'm Charles gamer extraordinaire" he says half jokingly to try and lighten the mood.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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Agni, after listening to all of the explanation, went directly to his room. Room 301. I suppose this is it., he thought. The door was inscribed with the number, but it could be a prank. It wouldn't bother him, but he went inside anyway, seeing that no one was inside it yet. "So, I'll be sharing rooms. I wonder who it is. No one generally shares a room with me because of my state, but whatever. It's not as if this place was normal in the first place.", he spoke. Agni picked one of the beds, it being the most far to the door and began to organize his things.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Interactions: @TheHangedMan

Having finally arrived, Henry's swarm was able to avoid the small crowd attemptign to exit by simply out one of the open windows - allowing him to be one of the first people out. Before him, in a relatively desolate landscape, stood the school - a castle. Henry had seen many of these structures in fictional works, but it was his first time being in front of such an archaic structure. The man who had driven them to the location welcomed them, throwing open the large doors with an extravegant gensture.

He, along with several of the students, recoiled slightly from the intense light. Henry, however, did not react in the slightest. Wasps generally are unresponsive towards bright light, and he wasn't very disoreintated when the woman had finally turned the light off. After being introduced and debriefed on the way things would be done at this school, the students were told their rooms, and Henry quickly made his way there - or, 25% of his body made his way there. 750 of the other Wasps made their way to the nearby forest. While there was mostly only dead wood, that was perfect for the construction of the nests that Henry needed in order to survive.

Finally making it to his room, Henry entered to see that Gabriel had already arrived, and had time to situate her luggage. Henry did not greet her at first, instead quickly claiming a drawer on the opposite side of the room, swarming over the nightstand and placing his luggage on the top. Despite his best efforts, it was impossible to pull open with his limited number - causing him to greet the woman for the first time since he entered the room.

"Assistance needed. Open drawer, please."

Several seconds passed before he added to what he had said.

"Happy to share room with you. This my drawer - you take room."

He was nowere near as eloquent as he would like, but talking was very difficult. He needed only a small amount of space, and the Nightstand was large for what it was - almost a dresser, really. He would easily be able to store at least 5 nests in it, with plenty of space to spare for his belongings, food, and water.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

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Location: Dorm 2, room 302

@olcharlieboi "uh.. I guess so.. so... um.... what is your name? I'm Charles gamer extraordinaire"

"That's... an unusual surname," Temper replied with a tired smile, trying to keep the levity going even as she felt the yawn rising up from inside her. She was exhausted, the long journey and many, many slips she'd taken weighing heavily on her.

"I'm sorry about this, but would you mind if I..?" With that Temper slipped into thinking time.


"Right, okay... where were we..?" She asked, genuinely confused as she tried to remember what they'd been talking about 'the night before'. "Ahh, yes. Hi Charles, may I call you Charlie? My name's Temperence, Temperance Fuggitt, but people generally just call me Temper."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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JELDare Trying to improve

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aaron stared at the fountain for a bit, as everyone around him went to their rooms. He watched the water pour, he asked himself if it was cleaned regularly or if it was from an infinite source bound to an object from someone's alteration. He looked at his reflection in the pouring water. He pulled out a small ten pence piece, from his pocket, and threw it in.

He wandered the halls until he reached his room, 302, that was right. He swiped his card in front of the scanner and entered, as a long bang went off as Temper began to introduce herself to Charles. "Nice to meet you Temper, name's Aaron. It's good to see you again Charles."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

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@Genni @JELDare

Charles would chuckle about to speak when the pop happened and he'd look confused... at how temper is in completely different clothes now. She become to continue to speak and he'd listen he'd go to speak but notice the door open he'd wave back at Aaron when he enters, Charles would sigh some and look back at Temper "...I don't know what that was.. but what ever, the Gamer Extraordinaire was a joke..." he would tell Temper "My full name is Charles McCloud.. yes you can just call me charlie." he says shaking his head some with a confused smile, then he looks to Aaron "looks like we're room mates hu.. cool" he says with a grin "means we can kick each other's butts every now and again" he says jokingly before scratching back of his head "So which beds do you two want?" he'd ask Temper and Aaron, "I'll take which ever you all don't want, also don't mind me pulling things out of thin air" he says half joking... as he begins to pull a parts of a computer out of his inventory which would probably seem like thin air.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Frettzo Summary Lover

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Lea opened the door and walked into her new room with a nervous smile on her face. She'd seen boys and girls entering the same room before. Did that mean that she'd be sharing her room with boys as well? After closing the door behind her and turning around, she saw him. An albino guy, the one that seemed bored all the time. Lea sighed and walked toward the bunk beds, climbed up onto the top one and started pulling stuff out of her backpack. At the same time, she spared a few glances to Agni -- she thought that was his name, at least. It could have been Ignite or Ingrid.

Eventually, after a few awkward moments, she turned to look at him fully and spoke, "I'm Lea, are you a robot? That'd be pretty cool. I don't think I've seen you move your face yet." She remained nervous for a second, then giggled and went back to her things.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Samson Tristoff

Samson patiently waited for others to exit the bus before leaving as well, and listening to the small speech. He ran his fingers over the small key card, helpfully in both braille and normal English. His room was 301 hm? Samson made his way there, with the assistance of a map he'd glanced at briefly. Opening the door he found that two people were already inside and on the tail end of an introduction. Samson take the luxury of using normal vision for a moment and concluded by the amount of beds that these two were his roommates, and he didn't have any others. The other boy seemed to share his coloration, though looked notably more frail and shorter than Samson was. The girl, at least that was what Samson presumed she was, seemed to be... mostly plant?

Well, it wasn't the strangest thing he'd seen. Samson coughed politely, in case his presence had not yet been noticed, "Hello, I'm Samson, it seems we'll be sharing the room between the three of us. If either of you have any issues with the room or some such, feel free to bring it up." Samson's tone was calm and measured, perhaps somewhat deeper than one might expect, but somewhat soothing all the same. He felt obligated to say something about being willing to make accommodations for the girl, Lea, since she was a girl, but didn't know how she'd react, so figured it would be best to simply speak neutrally as possible and leave the discussion topic open. He'd overheard the boy say somewhat dramatically that his name was Agni Blackheart so he didn't have to worry about the awkwardness of asking names and he repeated them mentally several times to ensure he didn't forget. It seemed there was only one bed left so Samson naturally moved towards it with his suitcase and began unpacking his things.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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Interacting with: @Frettzo, @Eklispe

Soon, Agni discovered who were the other owners of the room, alongside him. The first one to enter was the chirpy, highly energetic leaf girl. Her name was Lea, as long as he remembers it. It didn't bother him... he didn't even knew how to be bothered anymore. She had presented herself once again and curiously asked if he was a robot. I mean, who could blame her? She was talking to a living puppet. Agni turned himself to her. "I'm Agni. And no, I'm not a robot. Feel free to consider me one, though. I don't feel anything anyway, so I won't be angered, bothered or anything of the sort." He said, in his dead tone always present on his voice.

Then, the door opened and a cough was heard. When he looked at it, Samson was standing there. He quickly presented himself and began to unpack his things, while speaking about eventual issues with the room. "I've no issues about the room, though I can't say the same thing for her. Is there any problem you would like to point out?" Agni asked Lea.
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