Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Jerkchicken
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Kid what's you problem?" He said before his eyes focused on the tv flickering on with its message. Lance rolled his eye at the video tape and found him agreeing the girl that it's pretty lame having to do a job on what should be a nice vacation thing. Plus he wasn't entirely sure how'd he help out given his starter. Sure, he could capture some new mons at whatever they were going.

"How about we call ourselves the Stardust Crusaders, The Golden Wind... or hey Fairy Tale." He said in between sip. Team red was kinda lame and he was just mashing words together on whatever seemed cool in the moment they appeared in his mind. He then eyeballed the others and saw they had a pokedex. A slight annoyance crept on him as now he'd have to go back to get it before they left. "Anyway let's go, but first I need to get me one of those things."

Lance grabbed his backpack and opened the door, but not before chucking the girl a frosty can towards her. He then rushed out into the corridors and found the professor in some room. "Hey give me the purple one, I forgot to grab one on the way in."

The professor who was just tired at this point shuffled towards it.

"Hey just toss it to me I can catch it just fine."

"Fine" said the beleaguered professor.

Lance caught it one hand and then tossed the professor a beer. He deftly switched it on one-handedly and then fiddled around the menu staring at it, while the professor began drinking it like if it was precious life water. "Hey Prof, how do I transfer contacts through my real phone? Do I need to pop a plate or find some slot and put in my SIM card in it?"

The professor while not liking being the tech guy for these things was happy to oblige since at least it wasn't something terribly inane. "Sure, let me just fiddle with it... Ok you just take this side and then pop the plate off, and their you go. It's right in the bottom left of the battery and then slid it under this brace. Might need to call your service since you're gonna be replacing your phone model."

"Got it." Lance said as he tossed him another beer as a token of thanks. He then walked out side and followed the instructions to set everything up. He then looked at the text message indicating what they were up and trashed it. He then waited for the two others while he walked to the docks and called his carrier.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Damian Grant

Interacting with: @Menhir@Jerkchicken

As expected, he knew that the girl wouldn't be interested in the slightest at a battle in the slightest unless..

He added a twist.

Damian watched as that other guy toss a beer at the girl before exiting, quickly he intercepted it and held it tightly in front of her to grab that girls attention. Both her and Lance seemed to have short attention spans, for free food, money, and bedding in exchange for one little task it was the least they could do to repay Professor Oak. This team wouldn't last if nobody had respect for one another.

"How about a wager, you win and I'll be your loyal personal servant for however long it takes for us to complete this task. If I win you have to take this assignment seriously. For someone so slothful, you can't possible passup this offer."

In life you have to gain a little to gain a little, sure he may be blowing things a little out of proportion but made a promise that he would stick to his pokemons side. Though they just met it was crucial that he gained Elekids trust since they would be together for a very long time.

"I'll give you until the end of the day to think about it, lets go elekid." Elekid nodded and followed its trainer towards the exit. Damian grabbed the door handle and opened the door but before leaving outside he stopped and opened the door. As for the team name he didn't mind Team red but he felt that people so uninterested in the job shouldn't be the ones picking a name.

"As for our team name, how about Delta Emerald?" he said before closing the door behind him and meeting up with Lance outside at the docks. Surely he had to ask him a question, "Hey, do you always keep beer on you?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Wolpertingers
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The reporter tilted her head at Samantha as she began delivering some responses while the turtle minion began to sniff at the journalist, but few of them that gave any useful information. Well at least she knew the girl wasn't aware of her broadcasts. But, frankly that was to be expected. Her programming was at such an inconvenient time-slot that most wouldn't have caught a glimpse of it anyway. As Samantha, in shock of the information that was provided earlier, came up to Rebecca she once again held up her microphone to get the actual answers. But such a reaction was interrupted by the sudden shock of the TV spurring to life that Whismur once again hid behind the furniture.

Rebecca spun around and blinked at the TV. "Huh." she remarked as gears in her head began turning. Her Pokedex began buzzing and began to move off a small table which it was presently located on. But before it could fall off her Whismur dashed to collect it. Slowly Whismur shuffled towards Rebecca who went to her creature to collect the PokeDex.

With the PokeDex in one hand, and the microphone in the other she held it out in front of Samantha and spoke. "Yes. I told you already. Please try to keep up! But I'll explain again sure. The Crybaby ruined a shot by glowing a bright white so I had to smack him to make him stop. I can demonstrate if you want, but the Crybaby hasn't done anything wrong yet so I would advice against hitting now. But I assure you if you wait for the creature to do something inane I will show you how to properly smack your monster! OH! OH! Now as you said, I know you aren't done with me. But before I engage the interview with you proper, please would you mind answering the following questions? Name? Occupation? Purpose for being here? Any knowledge of any cover-ups? Schemes?"

She flicked the device open to see that, it had a personalized message. The device somehow seemed to know which room was chosen, but while it went on about Team Names and missions and all those things, Rebecca Pierce had her mind scheme up the potential of the device.

So she went to Eddy on the other side of the room and slammed the PokeDex near him. "You! Oh besides the questions of 'name', 'occupation', 'purpose for being here', can you tear this thing apart? You have some idea of how the device works and I need the GPS tracker removed and reprogrammed! It'll have far more use for me outside than inside where someone else can track me!"

Rebecca Pierce grinned as she plotted out the use a spare tracking chip would provide her. All she'd have to do was find the appropriate target for news, place it on and if she had control of the device to locate the chip she wouldn't have to stake out a high profile target for journalism! It would be a win win for everyone!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jerkchicken
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Hello and welcome to Happycall customer service for-" The faux cheerful computer voices said as Lance punched the keypad number cutting its dialogue reel off and getting to into the services he needed. "Please hold while a representative gets on the line." Muzak pumped through the speaker. Lance stood there thinking that at least nothing was happening right now so he could just standby and get this over with.

He saw Damien coming out but not the girl, well it didn't matter since they're not running late yet. He asked him a question about his beer. "That's unimportant, now let's get on the boat he's here." Lance said as he moved towards a man approaching them. "Hey man give a moment I'm taking care of this phone issue real quick." He then disappeared into the ship's wheelhouse for some privacy. Moments later he'd emerge with his new phone finally working. Connecting to the internet, he started downloading various programs.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheIrishJJ
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TheIrishJJ Isn't showing anyone his cucu.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mark Longfield

Location: OI Institute Room 2

Interacting with @Bigg Slamm@Archmage MC

Mark turned around to the new person who came in through the door behind him. "Hi, I'm Mark," he told him. Meanwhile, Lotad went up to the Lillipup, blinked a couple of times, and then spoke to it, "Lotad"

As they all relaxed, there was a ping on all of their pokédexes. it reminded him of his PokéGear, which he had left in Alto Mare, since he had been told that he wouldn't get any signal in the Kanto region. He looked at the message and read it, surprised by the poaching in the Kanto Safari Zone. Whilst he had never visited it, he hadn't heard of there being any poaching in the Johto Safari Zone.

"Poaching? Never had that issue before." said Magnus.

"Looks like it," Mark responded, "I wonder what we can do about it, there's only three pokémon between us, and they're only just starting off.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bigg Slamm
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Bigg Slamm The Biggest Fish in the Sea

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Victor and Humphrey had quickly polished off the delicious treats. He hadn't had this good of food since that one time his parents took him to the Striaton City Gym for an exhibition match and dinner for his elementary school graduation. It was during that match that made him want to become a pokemon trainer. He was then brought back from the memory thanks to the voice of the red head with the Lotad. He had introduced himself as Mark. Victor nodded in acknowledgement and said, "Victor, and this is Humphrey" He gestured to the puppy pokemon who had barked his own introduction for the Lotad. Happy to have a new possible friend Humphrey jumping around Lotad and barking. He'd drop down on his stomach, toss his head back, and chuff egging on Lotad to play. After a while of waiting the TV turned on and Professor Oak came on screen congratulating the winners of the lotto and mentioning something about an important task. A moment after the TV turned off all the Pokedex's in the room went off. Checking it Victor's eyes went wide. He couldn't believe his eyes then Magnus spoke up. Never had that issue? No shit. It's despicable! Then Mark made a good point. What could they do? They were new trainers with inexperienced pokemon.

"But something has to be done. Professor Oak must see potential in us or she wouldn't have asked us to go and help. If anything it wouldn't hurt to at least try. We can't let the opportunity given to us go in vain. I say we go for it. Besides it'll be a good way to fill out our dex's." Offered Victor in a bout of inspiration. He also had an ulterior motive. Thwarting a band of poachers would make for an excellent first chapter in his novel. Standing Victor scooped up Humphrey and gestured toward the door. "Well I'm going. What say you Team Blue?" He asked.

@TheIrishJJ @Archmage MC
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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clanjos Giant Hero

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Eddie coughed a bit as this "Rebecca" girl came up to him. The smell wasn't getting any better. The Abra, unable to smell in its sleep, continued eating mashed potatoes. Suddenly, Eddy had an epiphany- he knew how to deal with "artiste" types. Maybe a reporter could be worked the same way? He spoke clearly into the microphone.

"I'm Eddy. Eddy Kaufman. I'm a cameraman and effects guy for Trauma Pictures. Those last two... er... three? kind of mesh together. If you want the story, though, you're going to need a shower and a change of clothes. You've gotta look your best in an interview, right?"

The question about the Pokedex's workings did get him. He'd just read the little manual on the inside of the folding bit.

"Look, it'd take a while to figure this thing out. We'll worry about it later. For now let's get you ready for that interview."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wolpertingers
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Rebecca stood, clearly in a state of shock. It wasn’t a good shock of processing answers before giving follow up questions. On the contrary, this was a shock of horrible revelations. Eddy did in fact find a notable and exploitable chink in the journalist’s metaphorical armor.

With her legs trembling she barely muttered out, “O-oh Rayquaza.” And so played like a damn glass flute, one of those colored kinds, Reporter Pierce fell down on her knees and palms and began sobbing. The Whismur, for whatever reason ran up in an attempt to comfort her.

“I m-must lo-oo-ook like a damn amateur hour now!” She said between tears and mucus. “I don’t mean it! I r-really don’t!” She slowly rose and wiped the unwanted substances from her face with her hand. Rebecca took a moment to regain composure.

“It’s just that, that I’ve been under a lot of stress due to the mistake of that Crybaby on top of the declining clicks to the site a-and that the studio is threatening to give my time slot to the in home Poffin Mixer ad that comes before it!”

“I just thought, maybe, maybe if I got some real quick stories I could drive up traffic...” Rebecca breathed out as she brushed some locks of hair with her hand.

“But you’re right, I need to be on my best foot.”

She glanced between the two, “Neither of you would mind waiting until I clean up would you?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Menhir
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sweatervest slammed the door behind him and stormed off in a huff. Malie wasn't sure what his deal was, but obviously the guy had some serious personal issues.

"...If you wanted a drink, you coulda' just asked for one...", she grumbled, confused and a little irked by Sweatervest's petty attitude and totally baseless aggression. She could too possible passup this offer, thank you very much. She flicked her wrist to close the cover of her pokedex. Just as she was about to shove it back in her pocket, however, it buzzed again. With a sigh, she flipped it back open and tapped the read button, pulling up a short message urging her to leave for the boat. She didn't know this place even had a dock, much less it's own boat. Why didn't they just use ride pokemon like everyone else?

With a heave of effort, Malie pulled herself upwards into a comfortable slouch, tucking her Slakoth under one arm as if it were some kind of adorable braindead gym kit. Presumably the other two members of Team Silver (tentative) had already found the place after ditching her, but Malie never had the greatest confidence with directions. Alola's architecture was, as a rule, entirely linear, and she liked it that way.

She shuffled over to the room two and poked her head in through the doorway, craning her neck upwards to look at some four-eyes standing in front.

"Hey, I'm from Team Heart Gold. You guys wouldn't, like... Y'know, know where I'd find a boat..?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

@Bigg Slamm@TheIrishJJ

The others stated what Magnus was thinking. Considering the three of them had relatively green pokemon going against poachers seemed a bit of a missmatch. But then Magnus had experience dealing with loads of different gangs in Orre, so he could probably handle these poachers. "Fair point. I have experience with all sorts of gangs and such. Best if we figure out what our partners know on the way." Magnus said, getting up and making sure his Ralts had a good grip before moving towards the door, motioning for the other two. "C'mon, we can figure out what our pokemon know along the way. Might be able to make a plan with that."

At Victor's request, before the trio made their way to their objective, they took a short detour to see off another group at the ferry docks. Magnus didn't know them, but Victor seemed very excited about seeing them off. Magnus shrugged and went along with it, who knows, maybe he'd get to know those people later on. But considering they were here as it were, they took another ferry on its way to Fusha city, which was apparently close to where the safari zone was.

After the ferry ride, they made their way to the safari zone. On the way, Magnus learned a bit more about his Ralts partner. Sure, confusion was an ok attack, but what really fascinated Magnus was Teleport. That could have a lot of use. "So guys... You all ready?" Magnus said to his team mates as they stood outside the safari zone.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheIrishJJ
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TheIrishJJ Isn't showing anyone his cucu.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Archmage MC@Bigg Slamm

Mark decided that they had to at least try. If they didn't do that, then the poachers would be able to take all of the pokémon that they wanted. Anyway, they had time to get to know each other and their pokémon on the way to Fuchsia City. Mark replied to Magnus, "That's true. And it looks like we've got a range of pokémon and types here. Grass, water, psychic, fairy, and normal." he said, gesturing to Lotad, Ralts, and Humphrey respectively, "If we work together, and work well, we could be quite a formidable team, especially if we use our time on the way there well."

"Lotad," said Lotad, in a sort of agreement.

"Here we go, Lotad knows what I'm saying!

After a walk to the ferry terminal at Pallet Town, a ferry ride which Mark thoroughly enjoyed, and another walk once they got to Fuchsia City, they were standing outside the Safari Zone. Mark looked at the entrance, with Lotad at his side. When Magnus asked if they were ready, mark responded, "Absolutely."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bigg Slamm
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Bigg Slamm The Biggest Fish in the Sea

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Menhir@Archmage MC@TheIrishJJ@Jerkchicken@pkken@CaptainSully

Victor was grateful that Magnus and Mark agreed with him. He really didn't want to travel alone. Although he wouldn't truly be alone with Humphrey by his side. Victor absolutely didn't want to face a horde of poachers alone either. With a smile he turned back to the door to lead the way to the docks, but was surprised to see it open on its own. He was greeted by a girl with sunglasses and a slakoth. She asked where she could find a boat. Seemed to Victor that she and her team were also heading south. "Umm the docks downtown has ferries. We're heading there ourselves if you want to tag along." Offered Victor before leading the group out of the lab and towards the docks. Once there they made sure she caught up with her group and saw them off. Then after procuring their own transport they made way for Fushia City.

Along the way Victor and the others worked with their pokemon and learned a bit about them. The ferry ride was also the perfect backdrop to get a bit of writing in. It was more like notes for later or a journal, but it still felt like he was on the right track to finally writing the perfect adventure novel. Once they made landfall it wasn't much walking until they reached Fushia City, and after some asking around it wasn't long before they arrived at the Safari Zone. Magnus was the first to speak asking if they were ready. Following Mark, Victor added, "Let's do this." At the gate they were welcomed with smiling staff offering various tours of the Safari. Victor spoke up for the group. "Sorry, but we are here to meet Ranger Andrea. We were sent by the Oak Institute to help with the poaching problem." He said apologetically.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Menhir
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Malie waved goodbye to Team Blue (how boring!) and did an about-face as soon as they were out of eyeshot, snatching the beer out of Sweatervest's hand as she stepped past him onto the boat. Popping the top with a quiet hiss, she took her first sip and immediately spat it out into the open water. She looked back at Sweatervest who, for his part, seemed to be mostly staring at the canal like he was scared of it or something.

"Dude, gross! This stuff's all, like, warm and junk. Gotta get your head in the game, man, nobody's gonna want a warm cold one. That's why we call 'em cold ones, you catch me?"

She waved the can for emphasis as she sat down on one of the boat's padded benches, setting her Slakoth down next to her

"Dunno why you even took it if you didn't even want it, dude. That kinda thing oughta be a crime."

Malie took another from her can in spite of what she was saying. It was still practically a crime, yes, but not a crime worthy of actually wasting her nonspecific canned beverage.

"Anyway, man, Team Alpha Sapphire ain't gonna last if nobody has respect for each other, ya dig? So you gotta, like, quit stealin' people's drinks all the time and maybe tell me your name because I... I don't actually, uh, know who you are."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by CaptainSully
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ranger Andrea emerged from a nearby building hearing her name and Professor Oaks in the same sentence, 'This must be the group she told me about.' Making her way towards the group with a smile stretched across her face, trying to make herself as welcoming as she could. The motley crew of barely adults concerned her, especially seeing as they had only just become pokemon trainers. However she trusted Oak's judgement and so decided to make the most effort that she could.

When she reached the group she removed her hat and gave a lax salute with two finger. "Hey there! You must be the guys that Oak has sent." She wiped her brow before returning the hat to her head. "The job's pretty simple really. We have a group of no more than three people who are jumping the fences in the northern area. They are stealing pokemon and we can only imagine what they are doing with them. The reason we have people pay for safari balls to catch pokemon here is because it allows us to regulate the numbers and more importantly, fund our conservation efforts. If you can find and stop these guys we'd be eternally grateful. In fact we're going to give you each a handful of safari balls that you can use while you're on the look out."

Andrew threw a small bag of safari balls to each member of the group. "We don't know much more about them other than they come from the forest that surrounds the north section and that they look like off road biker types. You know, brightly coloured overalls and all that." Looking back to the building she came from, she glanced back at the boys. "I really need to get going, when you have these guys cornered and beat give me a call. Oak said she has uploaded my number in your pokedexes."

Almost as quickly as she came, she was gone. It was up to the group to find the small gang and try to stop them.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CaptainSully
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Location: Pallet Town [Oak Institute]

With the interruption by Oak finished, Sully and Celeste set out on their journey. It was an uneventful bus ride, each taking two seats to themselves to make phone calls to loved ones and friends who were not lucky enough to be there with them. They arrived in the bus terminal and made straight for their meeting spot. Conversation was generic small talk and getting to know each other. Talking about themselves, their families and what they were doing there. They were mid flow when they were caught off guard by a mountain of a man blocking their way on route 3. He was closer to seven foot tall than six and had arms thicker than Sully's legs. His beard stuck out from his chin like a well sculpted piece of stone.

"You two wouldn't happen to be Sully and Celeste would you?" The mans voice was booming, so much that it was slightly disorientating. The pair managed to nod before receiving club like blows on their shoulders. The man let out a hearty laugh knowing he had the right people. "Good! My names Adrian and i'm a mountain ranger. I've known Professor Oak a long time and she says that you two will be more than able to deal with the problem we have here. The mountains and cave systems are home to many pokemon, they have been there as long as records have been kept. However we have some gold hunters setting off explosions trying to make a big score. They are collapsing passages and caves, trapping pokemon inside. They come in, set off an explosion, have a look for traces of gold and are gone before me or one of the other mountain rangers can get there. We don't know what they look like or even how many of them they are. We can't cover every part of the cave and they simply set off explosions wherever us rangers aren't."

Adrian took a breath, putting his hands on his hips and looking up at the sky, sighing heavily. "If they are not stopped soon then it's only a matter of time before we start seeing some human casualties. Fortunately the pokemon who get trapped are mostly able to burrow or dig their way out, I wouldn't fancy the chances of a human. We need you to patrol what we call the second floor basement level. We'll take the other two levels which should mean they will look to do something there. I can appreciate that this is dangerous but the second you have them cornered, call us on one of the wired safety phones on the wall. Any questions?"

Sully and Celeste looked at each other, both with expressions of hesitation. They knew that it would be dangerous but they also knew they had to do it. Almost in unison they turned to Adrian and spoke, "We'll do it!" Adrian couldn't hide the relief and joy that they had agreed to help. "Thank you so much...I mean it from the bottom of my heart. Anyway, I need to get going on my patrol. If you follow the signs you'll be able to easily make your way to where you need to go. I'll see you both again soon." With a wave of his monstrously large hands, he bounded off towards Mount Moon's entrace.

"He pretty much told us what we already knew, but only now am I worried." Sully turned to Celeste before continuing. "We need to make sure we get this right first time, there might not be a second chance."

"You're totally right." Celeste looked down at her hands, the nerves causing them to shake. She gripped her fists tightly before raising her head back up towards Sully. "Let's get going."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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clanjos Giant Hero

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Eddy smiled and gave Rebecca the thumbs up. It was good to see she was reasonable on some level. Carrie, meanwhile, was starting to choke on potatoes- she might be awake or might just have trouble swallowing when she was asleep, Eddy wasn't sure.

"Don't worry, take as long as you need to freshen up. I'm pretty sure people can handle getting jumped by caterpie for a while. We'll go chill in town somewhere, call us when you're done and we'll meet up."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jerkchicken
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Are you all ready?" Asked the tanned man in a t-shirt, short, and bucket hat. Dr. Aquarius lead them all aboard his nice boat, which has the name "The Hiatus" painted on its sides. "Right so I'm Dr. Aquarius and welcome to my boat, The Hiatus. We'll be arriving to the seafoam islands in half an hour, where you'll help me on you assignment."

Dr. Aquarius stepped into the wheelhouse and commandeered the boat from the docks and onto the open sea. He stepped out once more and spoke to them, "Anyway since I'm sure you're wondering how you'll you do with only one pokemon that's low level, don't worry. When we get to the islands I'll be giving you all four ultraballs to help you acquire some new pokemon on the field. Anywa, that's it I'll be back at the wheel now."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wolpertingers
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Excellent!" Rebecca declared, happy about this newfound news. Placing a hand on her hip and gesturing with her microphone at the two with the other, Reporter Pierce continued. "You'll need a good amount of relaxation, not because of any of those Caterpie jumpings, but due to the fact that I'm going to go through so many questions to obtain the scoop from both of you." A distinctive twinkle was present in Rebecca's eyes alongside, a perhaps predatory, grin.

"Anyhoo-" She glanced down at her Whismur as she strolled through the room to collect her belongings, "I'll give a ring after I've purified my normally elegant self, and prepared a more appropriately dashing attire!" She craned her head from side to side to make sure she wasn't forgetting anything.

"Toodles for now, this is Reporter Rebecca Pierce signing off~" said Rebecca as she gave a flickering finger wave to both Eddy and Samantha, while she looked for a hard-camera, which she seemed to decide was up in the corner. And with that Rebecca Pierce made her way out of the room as her Whismur slowly followed.


Passing by an intern, it had to be based on the nervous way they were holding a clipboard, Rebecca grabbed a hold of their shoulder and spun them around. The intern, trying not to gag muttered out a weak and unintelligible response. Rebecca, "Hi! I'm Reporter Rebecca Pierce, and I am here for an in-depth look at your washroom facilities!" The intern, not quite understanding why this verbiage was used, knew that this was a very important question for him to answer.

So he did by pointing down one of the hallways.

"Oh also get someone to provide some new clothes, make-up and a hairdresser! No need to rush, it'll take awhile but I expect it there by the time I'm finished thanks!" eagerly shouted out Rebecca as she made her way to those facilities as Whismur followed along.

The intern blinked as the woman passed out of sight, before staring at his clipboard. He was in thought contemplating the choices he had made in his life that led him here. If he had to deal with strangers like that, did he choose wisely?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

By the time Rebecca walked out the door Samantha was back to covering her face with her hands, though this time it was in exasperation rather than to just block out the smell. She had been unable to say anything after the way Rebecca had so dismissively brushed away her concern over how she was treating her Pokémon, left completely speechless by the way the girl seemed to just live in her own journalistic world with little consideration for anything else. Eddy at least seemed to have a better idea of how to handle her, though the way she just broke down in tears was a little disconcerting.

With Rebecca now gone, trailed by her poor, beleaguered Whismur, it was just her and Eddy left in the room with their Pokémon. Slowly, Samantha pulled her head out of her hands and turned to face her remaining partner. “She’s completely delusional right? It’s not just me?”

Letting out a sigh Samantha wandered over and sat down heavily on the bench to one side of the room, making sure to avoid the wet patch that showed where Rebecca had been sitting. “Hopefully she’s not like that all the time, because I don’t think I can handle it if she is. And if I catch her hitting that poor Whismur for no reason I’m going to give her a piece of my mind.”

Huffing out a breath to try and release some of her frustration, she forced herself to think of something else before she got too riled up. She turned her attention towards Eddy and gave him the once over out of the corner of her eye; he was kind of tall and maybe a little skinny, had messy brown hair and was probably a little older than herself. Trainers could be all sorts but Eddy looked like your normal, typical guy. Hopefully she could get along with him better than she would with Rebecca.

Samantha extended a hand towards Eddy for him to shake. “My name’s Samantha. You said you were a cameraman?”


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Damian Grant

Interacting with: @Menhir@Jerkchicken

While his annoying groupmate was inside the building lounging, Damian had been staring into the ocean with rather cold feet. Such a large body of water that was seemingly bottomless held an absurd amount of secrets. Just the thought sent chills through his spine and caused goosebumps on his arms, well that as well as the fact that he could not swim whatsoever.

His trance was snapped by the same annoying groupmate who was showing her clear annoyance of him snatching the beer...

Was she even of legal age...he wouldn't mind asking but that is a rude question to ask a woman you just met, he looked rather uninterested as he raised the can and waved it in her face, his hands still in his pockets. This girl was seriously immature, he hoped for this task to be over soon. Even Elekid was face palming at how carefree she was.

She had to be in her mid teens for sure! Damian began chuckling to himself as she claimed it should be a crime, "A crime you say? Like the one you've just commmited right?" She couldn't be serious right now, out of disbelief that this brunette was serious. Damian took a seat on the same bench as far as possible from her as he awaited for the boat to arrive. Though she kept rambling at least there was a mutual agreement that this team wouldn't last without some respect between the members. This was good, this was very good, a nice start now that they are on the same page. It irked him a bit that she didn't remember his name but why ruin the good moment!

"My name is Damian Grant, I am from Verdanturf town in the Hoenn region." After introducing himself Dr.Aquarius had arrived on his boat introducing himself as well briefing them on their duties as he came to take them to Cinnabar island. He even offered some pokeballs to catch more pokemon while at the island which was pretty sweet. "We'll talk more on the island" Assuming that she will go to sleep on the boat. The boy shakly boarded the boat, clear that his sea legs were nowhere to be found. He decided to sit as close to the center of the ship as possible. Elekid follow suit taking a seat next to Damian letting out a few yawns showing he could take a nice nap in which Damian gave his pokemon a rub on the head signaling it was okay to take a nap. The boy then turned back to the brunette.

"Mind if I catch your name?"
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