Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Kipsateking
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Kipsateking Lv 20 noob

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Welcome everyone to

Forgotten Lands, The Great Nations


This is a fantasy nation RP where we will build our world almost from scratch.
Taking influence from D&D, Warhammer fantasy, Tolkien, ect each person shall design their nation and work together to create our own unique world.
Here are the current rules for designing your nation:
1. They cannot have overly advanced technology, these nations should all be medieval with the most advanced having only just discovered gunpowder and the least advanced will have only just discovered how to use metal tools.
2. They cannot be completely isolationist, not liking others is fine but don't exclude yourself from everything.
3. They have to fit with the general theme of the other Nations, I don't want any smurf villages next to my dragon caves and vampire castles.
4. Must have a few characters who live in the nation who can be used as a way to see the daily life of the inhabitants.

Here are the rules for magic, since no two people can ever use the same system:

Once I have all of the nations I will have a map made and we can start RPing.
Other than people's actions the main driving force will be how the nations react to events, which will provoke responses from the various governments and ruling classes hopefully forcing them into interesting situations.
I will be a looking for one or two CO-GMs to help me make decisions and keep thing under control.
Thanks for staying with me for all of that, let's try to have some fun!
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kipsateking
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Kipsateking Lv 20 noob

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by UltraCraftGames


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name of nation:Draconia
Name of leader:Lord Draconus
Brief introduction to leader:Lord Draconus is a very old dragonborn. Some say hes even one of the oldest ones. Hes a very wise man.
(Name of other character:Cryst
Brief introduction to other character:Cryst is an apprentice to a sage trying to learn magic.
Culture:Their culture revolves alot around dragons and magic.
Religion:They believe that dragons once were gods that created everything.
Attitude to magic:They see it as an amazing force that they use constantly.
Brief history:Once dragonborn clans were torn apart warring constantly. Till they started slowly forming larger and larger groups. Eventually creating the nation of Draconia.
Military:Most of theyre military is dragon riders most dragons they use are very small and cant doe much by themselves. High ranking generals however get regular dragons. They while having melle attackers mostly use mages and archers.
Government:The goverment consists of a council of high ranking officials including Lord draconus.
Main sources of income:They use their strong magic to gain most of their resources either conjuring or manipulating.
Current goal:To be as good as magic as possible and to unite dragons with dragonborns.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kipsateking
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Kipsateking Lv 20 noob

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@UltraCraftGames that's a decent start, but could you please expand on all the aspects of your nation so I can get a better idea of it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Woundwort


Member Seen 3 mos ago

I'll start to work right now.

If you still need a Co-GM, I'll apply. I normally resist all types of power unless it's actively thrown on me, but I want this RP to succeed, and staff is key to that, right?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by UltraCraftGames


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Well ill expand a bit. It was originally just a bunch of warring clans that eventually started slowly making peace and the clans merged eventually creating the nation. For them magic is seen as something thats amazing that everyone uses. Pretty much everyone in the nation is a magic user. The nation itself is a huge magical complex with floating islands and things like that. For religion pretty much all of them believe that draons used to be all powerfull gods that eventually started creating beings and the dragons we see now were beings they created in their own image. The goverment is a singular council of 12 members the main one being lord draconnus. The council decides on what projects the nation works on and things like that. Pretty much all of their resources are gained from magically extracting them from the planet or conjuring them. I hope that expanded on a bit.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by UltraCraftGames


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Guys i made us a discord discord.gg/E6M8rr its got no bots or roles its just a place we can talk in. @Thinslayer@Kipsateking@gorgenmast@Ophidian@Blackfridayrule@Liotrent
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Liotrent
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Thinslayer
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Name of nation: Fellmore

Name of leader: Erudessa Durvain, Chief of the Tarhide Tribe

Brief introduction to leader: Once a high-ranking leader of the elves and star healer among clerics, Erudessa was betrayed and thrown to her enemies, where she was expected to be killed. Instead, the orc chief of the Tarhides, Gorman, had mercy on her and took her in as one of his own soldiers. He trained her in the martial arts and the ways of the orcs, and more importantly, trained her to stand up for her beliefs. Erudessa used to be powerful, but overly kind, without the backbone to do the right thing when push came to shove. Gorman challenged her until she became a stronger person, physically and morally. When one day he led a raid on an elven settlement, Erudessa had the spine to challenge him and his entire warband. Their resulting duel left the orc warchief wounded, where he revealed that he always meant her to replace him. When he died, Erudessa stepped up, and the warband accepted her.

Now, as the newly appointed warchief of Gorman's warband, Erudessa's new quest is to unite the other warring tribes of Fellmore, to bring peace to a divided race, and some measure of healing to a broken people.

Other Characters:
Tomas: A huge, muscular orc often used to make a "boss fight" for unsuspecting champions. Many a wannabe hero has fallen to his club. However, few have seen his sensitive side. Unable to speak and illiterate, he devotes his noncombat life to building homes and farms for the clans living in the desolate lands of Fellmore. He would have been chief of his own clan had his enemies not used his illiteracy against him to seize his title. Gorman was the only orc who saw him for who he was, and took him in as a brother. He and Erudessa share a close friendship, despite the deafness barrier.

Grieling: A short, spindly orc renowned for being the only orcish healer in the entire country. He brags that he learned it from watching humans, but it's more likely he learned it from the medical textbooks stolen in a raid several years ago. Wherever its origins, his skill is remarkable: many orcs brought to the brink of death have been saved by his timely intervention. Since he knows no magic, his healing skills are entirely rooted in conventional medicine, an art long lost until recent times. Erudessa is one of the few other healers in this part of the world who understands conventional medicine, so she and Grieling often train together when opportunity permits.

Bawz: Leader of the Thornclaw Tribe, and the meanest, greenest orc in Fellmore. Bursting with macho manliness and rippling with raw power, Bawz and his Thornclaws are the greatest rivals to the Tarhides since the Fracture. They owe their success to their ruthlessness and uncompromising politics. The weak are food for the strong, and where the weak are useful, they become slaves for life. Unfortunately, the other tribes see them as role models for success, yielding a broadly unforgiving culture.

Culture: Fellmore is a barren, icy desert, with clay for soil and acid rain for precipitation. Only the hardiest life forms can survive here, and orcs are at the top of the food chain. "Waste not, want not" is the motto they live by. Natural resources are so sparse that orcs hunt other orcs to cannibalize them, and where their enemies are few, they pick up and move until they find some. The orcs living on the borders are a bit less violent; the coastal orcs can fish, while those by the Fell River in the south and White Mountain in the north have developed farming techniques. The midland orcs have access to most of the land's iron resources, but little in the way of sustenance, so midland orcs survive mainly by raiding their neighbors. Orc women stay behind to till the clay soil and eek what crops they can out of it, and are largely responsible for the building and maintenance of the home. As such, orc society leans toward matriarchy.

The constant struggle for survival forged the orcs into a warlike race, and not the honorable kind. They raid and pillage their neighbors, eat and tear apart their captives, and enslave those they feel are useful alive. Depending on the tribe, they may kill their captives before eating them. The Tarhides are utterly unique among orcs in that they are the only tribe that does not engage in any form of cannibalism (though they are not above throwing dead bodies to the wargs or burning them for fuel).

The Tarhides weren't always named that. Once upon a time, they were called Wyrmfists for their honored role as Keepers of the Wyrm, a mighty limbless creature some worshipped as a god. In their arrogance, the Wyrmfists thought they could subdue the Wyrm and bring it under their control. The creature turned and slaughtered them. Their bitter defeat made them the laughingstock of the nation, and in acknowledgement of their shame, they renamed themselves Tarhides. They remained a popular raiding target until, after decades of careful management by their chieftans, they grew strong enough to hold their own once again. They are the most civilized tribe, though that isn't saying a whole lot. Farming and mining are the most common professions (after warriors, of course). Thanks to their relative peace, they are also the most advanced tribe, having made incredible advances in recycling and resource conservation. Without ample access to iron, however, they remain incapable of dominating the other tribes.

Religion: Broadly speaking, orcs tend to be agnostic or atheistic. They are either too consumed by their struggle to survive to bother with religion, or they are so embittered by their lives that they actively deny the existence of deities. Worship of the Wyrm used to be more common when the creature wandered the land, but since its departure and isolation, its followers dwindled to almost none. A few orcs on the border have adopted the religions of their neighbors.

Attitude to magic: Orcs would love magic if they could get their hands on it. It's no coincidence that so many flocked to the Warlock during the War. However, few orcs are capable of practicing magic themselves, in part because they haven't had the time or peace to train in it like the other races have.

Brief history: Fellmore used to be a culturally advanced civilization. But disaster after disaster drained the life from their lands, and in their desperation, orcs turned on each other, devolving into the divided brutes they are today in a climactic civil war called the Fracture. Since then, they have only been united once: when a magical orc called the Warlock took charge. Since his demise at the hands of a small group of foreign "heroes," the orcs parted ways and quickly returned to their old habits. Now, with Erudessa on the scene gradually uniting the tribes under her leadership, Fellmore is becoming poised to take the world stage once again.

Military: A single orc soldier is called a warrior. The smallest unit of military organization is the Warband, a group of about 5-20 warriors that train, fight, and live together as brothers in arms. A single clan, consisting of several extended families descended from a single matriarch, may have dozens of warbands, and all the warbands in a clan are called an arm. A tribe consists of all clans that, for whatever reason, stopped killing each other long enough to tolerate each other's presence and work together toward a single goal. All the arms in a tribe are called a body.

Despite their penchant for physical brutality, orcs are capable of subtlety and creativity. Some warbands are renowned for their ability to create impromptu siege weapons wherever they go, while the more scientific tribes use crude bombs and chemical weapons. While the term varies a little by region and dialect, most specialists are called engineers (techs in the midlands, magi by the coasts).

Government: Tribal/Feudal, with Chiefs overseeing each one. They cannot afford to be tyrants, since orcs are fiercely independent and have no qualms about ganging up on a cruel leader.

Main sources of income: Raiding, pillaging, scavenging

Current goal: Unite under one banner, Become self-sustaining
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Thinslayer
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Added farming and fishing to the border orcs, and clarified that the midland orcs are the biggest raiders, along with other minor edits.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kipsateking
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Kipsateking Lv 20 noob

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Thinslayer@Liotrent those are both really good, approved! Feel free to post them in the characters tab.
@Ophidian welcome to being a CO-GM, I'll probably try and get one more so that I have people to bounce ideas off of.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 3 days ago

Name of nation:
Sorenio Republiqa duo Azula Coatl
The Flowering Republic

Name of leader:
Rodreigo Moreango Pedro duo Montagonea

Brief introduction to leader:
Rodreigo Moreango Pedro duo Montagonea, referred to as well as the Duego Rogreigo, Moreango, or Pedro is the current head – Patrico – of the Montagonea family, a wealthy family cartel trading abroad in exotic spices, porcelains abroad and salt at home. Elected as the Duego of the Republic of the Azul Coast in his fiftieth year. A coldly moral man, he presides over the Flowering Republic with an unwavering sense of what he considers to be ethical. Over his seventeen year tenure he has had three major heads of the oligarchical families put to death over perceived violations of the Republic. While this has netted him a lot of his enemies, the expansive breadth of the Montagonea family and its wealth as access to its own substantial private army has thus far retained a sense of political balance within the streets of the capital of Porto Saolo Grosso.

Name of other character:
I would really rather save this for when the IC starts. I have my reasons.

The Sorenio Republiqa duo Azula Coatl is not also known as the Flowering Republic without reason. Nestled in the eternal summer of the south the inhabitants – rich or poor – enjoy a enriched livelihood in the fertile river valleys of its provinces and a rich abundance that makes even the poorest seem as modest merchants to many outside visitors. A culture built on a religion of festival, it is not entirely unusual to come to the Republic and find it in the midst of, or setting up for a procession in honor of one of the people's twenty-four patron Santos duo Suano, the Saints of the Sun. The festival atmosphere and the eternal bloom of its streets and countrysides has spawned a diverse and rich culture varying broadly by region to region, or in the city of Porto Saolo Grosso by district.

It is said that every morning the people are woken by song, and stimulated by coffee at a breakfast of bacon and fruit. Wine, red, rich and sweet by lunch with honeyed bread. By dinner, rich beer over beef and vegetables and rich plums.

The Republic speaks many different dialects and several languages collected almost as if by adhoc, an effect of the Republic's colonial history as its merchant and plantation families reach beyond the Republic's borders in search of unbroken earth beyond, or land to pull out from under a feudal baron's demesne to expand the horticultural and viticultural ambitions of the Flowering Republic.

The principle cult of the Republic is the cult of the son and its twenty-four saints, each marking a beginning of and end of a month in a rally race through the years. Marked with parades, flowers, and feathers many devout worshipers use the time to clean up the homes. Celebratory dinners to the saints are often held in the home, with small portions of food set aside during the festival time for the spiritual ascendants to partake in, should their souls so choose. Doorways and landings are scrubbed clean with water, and by the end of festival all food which had not been eaten is given to the beggars.

The cult of the Sun is not the only religious entity though. Scattered in the rural highlands and valleys is a smattering of other observances to the natural world in which communities live. The cult of the fish, the tiger, the tree, the orchid, the stars, the moon. Referred to often as The Pagan Communities by the affluent of the cities where the Cult of the Sun is strong. This however overlooks the transient nature by which faith is often observed among much of the people.

Attitude to magic:
Attitudes to magic can be summarized as two competing schools of thought. Salvation of the spirit vs Salvation of the material. Magic is not looked down upon by the people of the Flowering Republic, either treated indifferently or with reverence depending on where one comes from. But the study of magic has turned less from its utility as a means to, “send up sparkling roses, like some street juggler” but more towards its implications and furthering them. There is much more in its philosophical meditations. While in the course of this the study of magic and its philosophy its worldly impact has not gone unobserved, while complicated the baubles and implements used to study or come from study have entered into private consumption by the wealthy classes of the study, such as Scopiomagio; implements for the long-distance communication between distant parties.

The attitudes towards magic are emblemized within the two major academies of the realm, the Academio duo Escolatoir and the Academio duo Importo.

Brief history:
The Republic was born out of the corpse of another, ancient Empire. When this old Empire fell, its extant governates, colonies, and subjects wrestled sovereignty from one another. The warlords that rose came to sack the capital, and stole away with its memory, its wealth, and its importance finishing any and all hope it had to march along into time. The extant territories, now sovereign coalesced into feuding baronies and minor lordships as the private villas and estates became countries unto themselves.

In this time, Porto Saolo Grosso came to think of itself as the last bastion of that old way. Renowned at the time of its empire for its vistas and rich soils it was already better placed than most and subject to neighboring jealousies. Initially itself ruled by a feudal nobility, though it would come to a bloody end. In the time of the dynasty though, the independent city was bolstered against invaders in a succession of small wars leading to great success.

These wars brought a great amount of land and wealth into it. As well as the mercenary companies formed out of the old captains and the old guard of the old Empire and their sons. In these early wars the call for soldiers turned the old noble to refer to the unemployed former military, and the income brought in service enriched the pockets of the company commanders and their leading officers. After the wars, these men were in position to take in some of the land spoils acquired and started a transition from war fighting to farming and agriculture. Their immense political clout forced an imbalance between them and the fledgling nobility that became poorly handled.

Over a century later, the Estadio Famílias – private landholders not recognized as feudal kings – embarked on a rebellion against their rulers in protest over a lack of recognition. While singly not as powerful as the king or the counts, they amassed together such an impressive wealth they were able to overthrow the feudal nobility and elected a Republic among themselves, naming it Sorenio Republiqa duo Azula Coatl on paper, but also proclaiming it the Flowering Republic.

Since then the priority of the realm has been the management of itself and its access abroad. As a Republic built on land ownership, the political pressure from rising or established families often leads to a call to acquire additional territory to increase the franchise.

Since the abolition of the old feudal order the old militia and levee system has mostly been abolished. Though with the sizable wealth many of the large families of the Republic hold it's not uncommon for them to possess even a small private armed force, the larger ones operate entire companies on their own as security against piracy or their rivals. A standing army is thus maintained as the Compativa Duego – the Duego's Retinue – to form the backbone of the army. Common levies are still often time raised, but are not considered the main body of the military force and are purely supplementary; given basic training and given the most readily usable weapons.

The filial retinues and the Compativa Duego are often more readily equipped and professionally trained at owner's expense. Armed with the state of the art arabesques and trained in swordsmanship they are the vanguard of the mercantile interest.

The Sorenio Republiqa duo Azula Coatl is by no surprise a Republic. Access to Republican politics is invested in land ownership, with the definition of land spanning from farm fields to owning a galleon of significant size. This how ever means that often the unlanded or uninvested sons of voters can not themselves vote until they inherit, and to prevent scoffing remarks of the Flowering Republic being a country of old men there is often increased pressure to find means to enfranchise the sons of voters, especially those of the strongest families.

There is no party in the Republic. Only family.

Main sources of income:
The Republic trades in many things. Southern spices including such things as cinnamon and black peppercorn or salt and sugar. The fisheries off-shore are considered rich and are of some importance with salted, preserved fish being an important export commodity for northern markets. The interior of the Republic has its gold and silver mines, which are vital for the Republic's mint and are not owned by any of the families, but strictly as an aspect of the government itself as a vestige of the feudal demesne; bonds and loans issued by the Serene Council – or du Serenado – are based off of the output of these mines, the reserve of precious metals, and current circulation.

Of other importance is the production of wine and beer in the Republic, with the vineyards accounting for a sizable total of the Republic's agriculture export. Otherwise, agriculture is primarily for sustaining the Republic itself, a blockade would not starve them as designed.

Current goal:
As needed, when called for: increase the franchise by accepted means, to retain the balance between families.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mistiel
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Mistiel Edgier than a Sphere

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A music-loving oligarchy of free-spirited people who don't wish to be constrained by anything more than notes on parchment.

Formation: Democratic oligarchy from a bunch of farmers who fled a tyrant's realm.
Population: TBD
Currency: Notes (little bronze music notes denoting different amounts per kind of note)
  • Main Cities:
    • City - Note (the capitol)
    • City - Soprano
    • City - Mezzo
    • City - Alto
    • City - Capriccio
    • City - Castrato
    • City - Etude
    • City - Rococo
  • Ethnicity:

    • Race - Human
    • Race - TBD (depends who their neighbors are and what demographics venture into Treblea most often)
  • Language:
    • Language - Common (As they are fairly centrally located, singing would be done in the most predominant language typically.) If there isn't a common language for their region, then it would just be a modified variant of whatever tyrannical empire, kingdom, etc. that the original Treblean farmer founders spoke.
    • Language - Sheet music / Music (instrumental music is their chief language)
  • Religion:
    • Religion - Music is the purest expression of the essence of the divine and supernatural.
    • Religion - TBD (from neighbors)
    • Religion - TBD (from neighbors)
  • Health: Being that this society would hold some similarities in general hygiene with Woodstock in the real world, the overall health and nutrition on average is decent, but may not win any awards among other nations. It is not uncommon for people to bathe along with their instruments in the name of finding inspiration. This of course works best if the instrument they are bathing with is not damaged by the water. For example, this is a popular tactic among Treblean drummers who find it helps them find new beats if water is in turn 'beating', swishing, or rushing over them.
  • Education: Unless it's music, with a small growing community of people devoting themselves to the arts, education is rare here. Parents don't so much teach their kids as let them have free reign. Roughhousing among children is encouraged, even sexual exploration, although the ruling Council of Genre issued one of their few decrees that no one may have children until the age of seventeen years (or until both participants' bodies have reached their full height).


  • Foreign Relations: Likely allied with the Republic or the dwarves. Would dislike any autocratic or tyrannical orders that attempted to impose their will through sanctions and/or conquering (can't remember the medieval version of the word sanction. Decree doesn't seem quite right. Just "taxes" then?)
  • Military: The people of Treblea don't use weapons in the conventional sense as of yet, although that is a major point of contention in the present day Council of Note and Councils of Genre meetings right now. Up to this point, even as technology has begun to evolve little by painstaking little, internal crime and border disputes have been virtually nonexistent. There has been no real governing body for other nations to dispute! The nation wants no trouble from outsiders, but sometimes wishing to be left alone when you are centrally located with goods and services people want, not to mention natural resources and land, that is usually quite improbable.

    If ever a Treblean citizen had to defend their homes, it was likely from a wild animal, magical or otherwise, and they did it with various bronze or wooden tools, or just various objects. Sometimes an instrument was used, or even broken over, an animal or crazy person's head. Given peoples' love of music in Treblea, hurting an instrument was akin to cutting off someone's limb. If you used your instrument to hurt another human being, you often times ended up feeling more emotionally hurt than the other person whom you had just tried to physically harm.

    Suffice it to say, Treblean military is in a state of basic development to put it gracefully. While they have no organized military, they have a peaceful people who are willing to use their brains and their limbs to defend their homes and peaceful livelihood. Is it a utopia? Not exactly. Does music serve as a way to communicate, not only promoting but maintaining unity? Absolutely!

Geography: Mostly grassy plains surrounding a natural, almost-perfectly round circle of seven rolling hills. In the large, seven mile wide depression in the epicenter of the seven hills lays their sprawling capital city of Note. The citizens enthusiastically refer to themselves as Noteans, and as such their currency came to be known as Notes and distributed throughout the nation as it grew. All Trebleans at least aspire to make a pilgrimage to Note once in their life from their home villages on one of the seven outlying hills. Each of the seven rolling hills are named, and they are about two to three miles in diameter. A dense forest surrounds the entirety of the seven hills and all that's in between. The folks in the center of Note rely on the Trebleans living in the outlying villages for lumber, which the Trebleans naturally also find a way to do musically.
  • Land Mass -
  • Terrain - Flat grassy plains, gently rolling hills that stretch for miles (also usually grassy, flowery, etc.), and surrounded by forests. Animal population is most densely located in the surrounding forests, but herbivores are relatively plentiful out on the prairies. There are two lakes, one large and one small, between Note and the outlying hills, and each lake is roughly opposite the other. The larger lake looks a bit like a shoe or a boot, and the citizens call it Lake Grazioso for its graceful waves and mild weather. The smaller lake is known fondly by fishermen as Lake Capriccio, a small, spirited body of water known to be home to several species of equally spirited, not to mention noisy, avian creatures (a.k.a birds).
  • Climate - Temperate

Currency Symbols: Musical notes made of copper/bronze that are shaped like a Whole Note, Half Note, Quarter Note, Eighth Note, and Sixteenth Note respectively. The more intricate the design (the more notations) means the more that piece of currency, or Note, is worth (since it would have taken longer to forge and just looks more intricate).

Animals: Mostly herbivores, birds, and a multitude of insects. There are some carnivores and potentially magic creatures in the surrounding forests on their circular border. As a nation, Treblea might very well be mostly landlocked (GM's discretion).

*Things the country is known for
Resource: Musical instruments
Resource: Works of art/commissions for same
Resource: Wheat and sorghum (harvesting with scythes is a form of music AND art AND sport to Trebleans)
Resource: Lumber (need wood to make some instruments)
Resource: Copper (for their currency as well as some tools).

Government (cont'd)

Type: Democratic oligarchy (Note and each of the seven villages is divided by loose agreement into musical genres that serve them as districts of a sort. Each genre in each village elects their own representatives (Note included), and they form the equivalent of a city council. In turn, that city council, which they call a Council of Genres, elects a representative from them - although sometimes it has been a random citizen from a random genre of qualifying age so as to break a deadlock tie - represents their entire village (or Note) at the big council meeting that comes together in times of great need in Note itself to represent every village and Note itself as a united nation of music lovers.

Council of Note Leaders: Rax Coalstonn, Rex Tungsten, Lyrnia Tangstven, Svelte Langstven, Bridley Longstonn (male), Jaykob Lungstren, Alixia Garstven, and Yorny Galstven.

Current Goal(s): To share their collective love of music with the world. To provide a place of refuge for those who love music and love their freedom. They are viewed like lambs in the eyes of predator countries looking to conquer it. Treblea has the misfortune of being centrally located, with multiple nations able to fabricate de jure claims against it.

As such, the "open nation" of Treblea desperately seeks to keep their freedom from tyranny while also r maiming protected against foreign invaders who see their little circular nation as a pie of resources ready for slicing.

Also, while Treblea's few mines produce ample bronze from their copper (hi hi, hi hi, it's off to work they go!), their country lacks iron or any alloys stronger than copper. This makes them dependent on trade if they want to make even simple advances in tech that enhances lifestyle (such as ovens, pots and pans, anvils, or better instrument frames.

Attitude Toward Magic: Magic near Treblea is mostly concentrated in the forests surrounding the outlying village/towns. Rumors and whispers of fantastical beasts grow with each passing day. Many a citizen is content to pay wise heed to these rumors and stay ensconced with their instruments and tools alike, whiling away the day in pursuit of musical and artistic pleasure. There are a select few people born with the wanderlust, however, and those people typically venture out into the forest as soon as they come of age to do so, sometimes earlier; although the earlier they leave, the less chance they have of surviving the presumably dangerous forest ring to see whatever lies beyond. To some in the outlying seven villages, it's almost a rite of passage marking someone as either incredibly bold and brave, or dumber than a bag of keytar picks.
As the nation is visited more by outsiders, magic may be practiced more often within its borders, lending itself to more and more arcane mysteries and the like!

Brief History:

Treblea was born from several honest farming folk who had frankly had enough of a tyrannical ruler. They got fed up enough to mount an escape, stole what provisions they could, including a mule-driven wagon (unfortunately driven by two mules of the same gender), and trekked across the land until finally they happened upon the miles wide depression between the seven hills. Declaring this to be a reasonably protected site, far from their old home, they set up shop - so to speak - on the very arable land that grew beneath their feet. Soon, more and more people fleeing the tyrant's lands, or others altogether, ended up there and the farms gradually got pushed further and further outwards to make room for the burgeoning clump of shacks and hovels that would eventually sprawl over into the more noteworthy capitol of Note.

Being that they came from a system of government that was extremely strict, and even had completely outlawed music, the people of Treblea decided to make music a focal point of their daily lives just to spite their old ruler. It turned out that this fad caught on, and was even lovingly embraced by their descendants. Pretty soon the old ruler was completely forgotten and an entire culture was born, led by a council system so complex that it actually turned out to be straightforward and simplistic.

Someone's brilliant idea to make seven different villages, one for each hill, to stand like sentries over the surrounding forests was met with approval, and the rambling, growing mass of Note quickly dispersed into seven somewhat organized directions to do just that. Their dialect of the most predominantly spoken language took on a musical cadence, as they essentially all taught themselves how to express themselves with musical instruments (singing caught on at first, died out for a while, then came back with a vengeance in present times). As a result of this musical focus, all of their city/town/villages - Note and even the two lakes included - were given names related to music, sometimes even words they had invented on their own.

As I am writing this sentence (1AM on a Sund...Monday morning), I am buzzed as all get out and may regret this in the morning. However, what I've written right now seems to make perfect sense in the insanity that is my brain. Bon appetit, mon petit chou fleur! :)

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Woundwort


Member Seen 3 mos ago

We're getting a damn good variety of nations. Excellent. I was sort of worried we wouldn't have any humans about-beyond the ones in my up and coming vampire county. And even then, they're sharing space with undead and catfolk.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Blackfridayrule
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Blackfridayrule One Who Plays With Fire

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I’ll work on posting mine here tonight!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by UltraCraftGames


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

join the discord black discord.gg/E6M8rr
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kipsateking
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Kipsateking Lv 20 noob

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Dinh AaronMk@Mistiel both of your sheets look good.
Though @Mistiel your nation seems a little too idealistic, I like the carefree hippie vibes but, I struggle to believe that a nation would be able to freely give away goods without people raiding them or taking advantage of them. They can still be peaceful and generous but I'd like to see some sort of struggle, maybe they rely on the protection of their neighbors or need to borrow resources in order to keep functioning.
I still like the idea I just don't want it to have lots of resources and no crime or trouble from neighbors and seemingly being in a cultural golden age.

@UltraCraftGames I didn't give you permission to put your sheet in the characters tab, it still needs a lot of work.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by UltraCraftGames


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

i removed it
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 2 mos ago

This is right up my alley! Okay so I will probably make a human Magnocratic Meritocracy with slaves. All free people have access to free magical education for the basics. Depending on their skills, drive and talent they can advance higher and higher. This also means that traditional family structures don't exist. It's only for humans though, as other races can never become part of the citizen class. Foreigners are restricted to the trading harbour areas. To fuel this rather idealistic nation it will depend on magical enforced slavery. The country side, while quite saturated by magic, will have been ravaged by a recent civil war. Though it would be in the process of being healed. The main goal would be to gather more and more magic, no matter the sacrifices. Until ascenscion into godhood is achievable (a lofty goal to be sure, it's a testament to the magnocratic class' arrogance). What do you all think?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kipsateking
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Kipsateking Lv 20 noob

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Could everyone who has been accepted please send me a PM containing the geography and size of their nation as well as any preferred neighbors.
Just to clarify those who are currently accepted are:
@Mistiel(sheet needs some changes though)
@Dinh AaronMk
@Ophidian(I don't have a sheet from you yet but I have a pretty good idea, plus you're CO-GM)
I aim to be accepting around six to nine people (possibly including myself) and things will be on a first come first served basis, I appreciate there may be more than this many people who are interested but I don't want to be juggling too many things at once. I could be willing to accept more later or if there are people willing to help manage things.
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