~Character List~
Unnamed Protagonist Crew
Captain: Unknown
Name: Ryu Saitou
Gender: Male
Age: 18, almost 19
Species: Human
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 122 lbs
Position: Doctor (Possible Captain)
Bounty 0

Personality: Ryu is a rather reserved individual. He keeps mostly to himself, preferring to spend his downtime reading and learning as much as he can about humans, since he had been away from human civilization for ten whole years. As such, he has developed a fondness for reading and learning new things. He almost always has a book on him that he can read through when he has down time. However, he is still more than willing to cooperate and communicate effectively with crewmates. However, he does still try to keep his past and powers secret.
Due to his upbringing during those critical stages of development, he has discovered a very strong moral compass and appreciation for life. He does not enjoy seeing lives end, no matter how insignificant it may seem. In his mind, there are only two times when it is okay to kill another life form: for sustenance or to protect other life. He has also decided that, if he is going to live with humans again, he will do it saving life if he can do so. He was raised to respect life and was taught medical knowledge by the one who raised him. And he has decided that he will NOT let that go to waste.
Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Kaeru- Draco-Draco Fruit, Model: Flame; Ryu is a Flame Dragon Human, wielder of the Flame Dragon Fruit, one of six natural Dragon Fruits in the world (each of a different elemental focus). However, it is very untrained. Presently, he can only utilize partial transformations of a single, limited section of his body. He cannot yet attain the two basic Zoan forms of Dragon and Dragon Man hybrid. He also cannot yet fly or breathe fire.
Medicinal Knowledge- Having been raised and taught by the elder in a land with little to no technology, he has learned about all kinds of medication most take for granted that can be found in nature: both ancient and modern. He has a grasp on a wide range of diseases that plague all forms of life, including many plants and knows the symptoms and remedies by heart. He is still only vaguely familiar with medical technology, however, as he is still new to the modern world. Though in his bid to preserve all forms of life, he has spent a fair amount of time studying up modern medicinal practices and techniques as well since his departure of the Isle of Dragons.
Memory- Memory: While not perfect, Ryu's memory is practically photographic. This allows him to memorize just about anything he looks at...however, he must actively commit something to memory in order for it to stay with him for an extended period of time.
General Knowledge- Due to the aforementioned memory, as well as his ten long years devoted to his studies, he has the ability to retain a vast amount of information. While not exactly a walking encyclopedia, he does have a large amount of general knowledge about the world, and anything he doesn't know about, he will typically strive to learn.
Claws, Talons and Fangs- When utilizing the ability of his Devil's Fruit, he gains access to dragon claws, talons and fangs. These result in attacks much stronger than his human form.
Akaryu no Tsume/Kagizume- Claw/Talon of the Red Dragon; Transforms one arm/leg into a dragon's claw/talon and attacks with it, be it through thrusting or slashing. Hits much harder than a normal strike.
Akaryu no Kiba- Fang of the Red Dragon; Transforms his head into a dragon skull, allowing him to bite down with great force. Provides the greatest damage output of all of his techniques, but avoids using it on living things and prefers to use it when needed to destroy objects like chains.
Akaryu no Wingusu- Wings of the Red Dragon; Transforms his back to form dragon wings. Can use these to give himself extra jump height, to attack an enemy behind him, etc.
Akaryu no O- Tail of the Red Dragon; Transforms the base of his tailbone into a dragon tail approximately 1.5 meters long (~66 inches)
Akaryu no Sukerusu- Scales of the Red Dragon; Transforms a part of his body into dragon scale, hardening it and protecting it, though a strong enough blow can still be felt. Piercing attacks will be more effective than blunt attacks, as they may potentially completely puncture the layer of scales.
Akaryu no Yoroi- Armor of the Red Dragon; A purely defensive technique similar to "Akaryu no Sukerusu" that transforms his skin layer into dragon scale, protecting him from harm. In this form, however, he covers the entirely of his skin, protecting him in all areas except for his dragon form's natural weak spots. He cannot move of his own volition while using this ability, due to the sheer amount of concentration it takes to transform the entirety of his skin. His weight doesn't change while applying this technique, so he's just as capable of being pushed back or thrown around as usual.
Gender: Male
Age: 18, almost 19
Species: Human
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 122 lbs
Position: Doctor (Possible Captain)
Bounty 0
This is his face, but he will have the clothing that's depicted in his hybrid form:

Without the weapon:

Personality: Ryu is a rather reserved individual. He keeps mostly to himself, preferring to spend his downtime reading and learning as much as he can about humans, since he had been away from human civilization for ten whole years. As such, he has developed a fondness for reading and learning new things. He almost always has a book on him that he can read through when he has down time. However, he is still more than willing to cooperate and communicate effectively with crewmates. However, he does still try to keep his past and powers secret.
Due to his upbringing during those critical stages of development, he has discovered a very strong moral compass and appreciation for life. He does not enjoy seeing lives end, no matter how insignificant it may seem. In his mind, there are only two times when it is okay to kill another life form: for sustenance or to protect other life. He has also decided that, if he is going to live with humans again, he will do it saving life if he can do so. He was raised to respect life and was taught medical knowledge by the one who raised him. And he has decided that he will NOT let that go to waste.
Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Kaeru- Draco-Draco Fruit, Model: Flame; Ryu is a Flame Dragon Human, wielder of the Flame Dragon Fruit, one of six natural Dragon Fruits in the world (each of a different elemental focus). However, it is very untrained. Presently, he can only utilize partial transformations of a single, limited section of his body. He cannot yet attain the two basic Zoan forms of Dragon and Dragon Man hybrid. He also cannot yet fly or breathe fire.
Medicinal Knowledge- Having been raised and taught by the elder in a land with little to no technology, he has learned about all kinds of medication most take for granted that can be found in nature: both ancient and modern. He has a grasp on a wide range of diseases that plague all forms of life, including many plants and knows the symptoms and remedies by heart. He is still only vaguely familiar with medical technology, however, as he is still new to the modern world. Though in his bid to preserve all forms of life, he has spent a fair amount of time studying up modern medicinal practices and techniques as well since his departure of the Isle of Dragons.
Memory- Memory: While not perfect, Ryu's memory is practically photographic. This allows him to memorize just about anything he looks at...however, he must actively commit something to memory in order for it to stay with him for an extended period of time.
General Knowledge- Due to the aforementioned memory, as well as his ten long years devoted to his studies, he has the ability to retain a vast amount of information. While not exactly a walking encyclopedia, he does have a large amount of general knowledge about the world, and anything he doesn't know about, he will typically strive to learn.
Claws, Talons and Fangs- When utilizing the ability of his Devil's Fruit, he gains access to dragon claws, talons and fangs. These result in attacks much stronger than his human form.
Akaryu no Tsume/Kagizume- Claw/Talon of the Red Dragon; Transforms one arm/leg into a dragon's claw/talon and attacks with it, be it through thrusting or slashing. Hits much harder than a normal strike.
Akaryu no Kiba- Fang of the Red Dragon; Transforms his head into a dragon skull, allowing him to bite down with great force. Provides the greatest damage output of all of his techniques, but avoids using it on living things and prefers to use it when needed to destroy objects like chains.
Akaryu no Wingusu- Wings of the Red Dragon; Transforms his back to form dragon wings. Can use these to give himself extra jump height, to attack an enemy behind him, etc.
Akaryu no O- Tail of the Red Dragon; Transforms the base of his tailbone into a dragon tail approximately 1.5 meters long (~66 inches)
Akaryu no Sukerusu- Scales of the Red Dragon; Transforms a part of his body into dragon scale, hardening it and protecting it, though a strong enough blow can still be felt. Piercing attacks will be more effective than blunt attacks, as they may potentially completely puncture the layer of scales.
Akaryu no Yoroi- Armor of the Red Dragon; A purely defensive technique similar to "Akaryu no Sukerusu" that transforms his skin layer into dragon scale, protecting him from harm. In this form, however, he covers the entirely of his skin, protecting him in all areas except for his dragon form's natural weak spots. He cannot move of his own volition while using this ability, due to the sheer amount of concentration it takes to transform the entirety of his skin. His weight doesn't change while applying this technique, so he's just as capable of being pushed back or thrown around as usual.
Ryu was originally a World Noble's son. He was a Tenryubito. However, one day, his family was on a cruise and the ship was destroyed. As far as the world knows, all of the marines on that ship and that family were killed in a storm. However, Ryu soon woke up in the care of a large dragon that could speak telepathically to him. He soon came to realize that he had been saved by a dragon. He'd been saved out of pity due to the fact that he was a young child of 8 years. The dragon in that cavern, the elder, soon revealed that where he found himself was an island completely unknown to humans. They called it simply the Island of Dragons, where dragons lived a life not unlike human life, though naturally without technology.
At first, Ryu was angry and suffered withdrawal from his privileged lifestyle. One day, however, this dragon, the elder, took him to a large tree they called Yggdrasil that gave life to the entire island. This area of the island was considered sacred to the dragons. The giant tree bore six large fruits. The dragon revealed that these fruits are what the humans called "Devil's Fruits" and that these specific fruits are unique to this island, and each fruit is considered as sacred as the tree itself. From that day forward, Ryu began to learn from the dragons. And over a period of ten years, he has undergone a dramatic personality shift and studied underneath the elder.
One day, ten years later, however...everything changed. The government discovered this island's existence when a routine hunt by the dragons accidentally comes across a Shichibukai...and they are killed by that Warlord. They then discover where that dragon came from, and eventually, an Admiral is brought alongside that Warlord to the island. They soon discover the existence of this mysterious tree that grows Devil's Fruits...and they attempt to strike a deal with the dragons: hand over the fruits and allow them to study the tree...or the entire island is destroyed. The elder, about to accept the offer, is interrupted by another dragon, who attacks the Admiral, believing that the dragons should prefer to die than to lose their sacred fruits and allow humans to invade such sacred ground. The Admiral kills that dragon, and the dragons rally behind the now-dead dragon. The elder, now backed into a corner, makes a choice. He flies up, protected by his kin, and remove the fruits from the tree and escapes.
In the end, the dragons realize that they cannot defeat these two humans, even if they all fought together. As such, they decide what they will do: they burn the tree down completely. They would notallow these humans, so evil in their eyes, who would kill their entire species, to gain something so precious as knowledge from their tree. They would rather destroy it and bring the fruits away from the island and scatter. In the end, five dragons meet with the elder. They each take a fruit and leave the island, leaving just the red fruit with the elder. The elder urges Ryu to climb onto his back so that they can fly away. Unfortunately, they are cut off by the Shichibukai while the Admiral deals with the rest of the attacking dragons. The elder, the strongest dragon on the island, gives the fruit to Ryu and insists that he flees while he fights the Shichibukai. Ryu does leave, but is forced to hide when the Admiral shows himself. Knowing that there is no way he would escape with the fruit, he does the only thing he can think of to get it off of the island: he eats it.
He is then found and detained by the Admiral. The next day, he is placed into the Shichibukai's custody to be taken to the Marine's top scientist to study the effects of the fruit and find a way to track down the other dragon fruits. However, when they next arrive at a port for supplies...Ryu finds that a key has been left behind. Whether it was a goof of the Marine on duty or intentionally left by somebody, he didn't care. He just used the key to escape his seastone cuffs and fled the boat, commandeering another ship, and setting sail into the seas. However, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched the entire time....
The story picks up several months after his escape into the world. He has attempted to master the power of his fruit, and since escaped the Grand Line by bartering passage on sailor's ships in exchange for labor...to whichever sea we decide to start in. Once he arrives, he leaves that crew and seeks to start his own. He believes that he has acquired enough skills with his fruit to either gather a crew of his own (a crew comprised ONLY of individuals that he finds to be trustworthy of knowing the power he possesses)...or join a crew that already exists that he feels he can trust.
At first, Ryu was angry and suffered withdrawal from his privileged lifestyle. One day, however, this dragon, the elder, took him to a large tree they called Yggdrasil that gave life to the entire island. This area of the island was considered sacred to the dragons. The giant tree bore six large fruits. The dragon revealed that these fruits are what the humans called "Devil's Fruits" and that these specific fruits are unique to this island, and each fruit is considered as sacred as the tree itself. From that day forward, Ryu began to learn from the dragons. And over a period of ten years, he has undergone a dramatic personality shift and studied underneath the elder.
One day, ten years later, however...everything changed. The government discovered this island's existence when a routine hunt by the dragons accidentally comes across a Shichibukai...and they are killed by that Warlord. They then discover where that dragon came from, and eventually, an Admiral is brought alongside that Warlord to the island. They soon discover the existence of this mysterious tree that grows Devil's Fruits...and they attempt to strike a deal with the dragons: hand over the fruits and allow them to study the tree...or the entire island is destroyed. The elder, about to accept the offer, is interrupted by another dragon, who attacks the Admiral, believing that the dragons should prefer to die than to lose their sacred fruits and allow humans to invade such sacred ground. The Admiral kills that dragon, and the dragons rally behind the now-dead dragon. The elder, now backed into a corner, makes a choice. He flies up, protected by his kin, and remove the fruits from the tree and escapes.
In the end, the dragons realize that they cannot defeat these two humans, even if they all fought together. As such, they decide what they will do: they burn the tree down completely. They would notallow these humans, so evil in their eyes, who would kill their entire species, to gain something so precious as knowledge from their tree. They would rather destroy it and bring the fruits away from the island and scatter. In the end, five dragons meet with the elder. They each take a fruit and leave the island, leaving just the red fruit with the elder. The elder urges Ryu to climb onto his back so that they can fly away. Unfortunately, they are cut off by the Shichibukai while the Admiral deals with the rest of the attacking dragons. The elder, the strongest dragon on the island, gives the fruit to Ryu and insists that he flees while he fights the Shichibukai. Ryu does leave, but is forced to hide when the Admiral shows himself. Knowing that there is no way he would escape with the fruit, he does the only thing he can think of to get it off of the island: he eats it.
He is then found and detained by the Admiral. The next day, he is placed into the Shichibukai's custody to be taken to the Marine's top scientist to study the effects of the fruit and find a way to track down the other dragon fruits. However, when they next arrive at a port for supplies...Ryu finds that a key has been left behind. Whether it was a goof of the Marine on duty or intentionally left by somebody, he didn't care. He just used the key to escape his seastone cuffs and fled the boat, commandeering another ship, and setting sail into the seas. However, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched the entire time....
The story picks up several months after his escape into the world. He has attempted to master the power of his fruit, and since escaped the Grand Line by bartering passage on sailor's ships in exchange for labor...to whichever sea we decide to start in. Once he arrives, he leaves that crew and seeks to start his own. He believes that he has acquired enough skills with his fruit to either gather a crew of his own (a crew comprised ONLY of individuals that he finds to be trustworthy of knowing the power he possesses)...or join a crew that already exists that he feels he can trust.
Name: Abbygail Hennar
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Species: Human
Height: 5'1
Weight: 119 lbs
Position:Navigator (possibly captain)
Personality: Due to her history, Abbygail isn't one to hold back the truth and has an instant dislike for anyone who does. She's also not a fan of the marines, for the very same reason and will take any opportunity she can find to make them look back. Her biggest weakness is pretty girls with long dark hair (she's not into guys.)
Rokushiki-A secret form of martial arts Abbygail's friend in the marines started teaching her. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to give her as many lessons as he would've liked. So she's not proficient enough to use most of the abilities in battle.
Navigation-While not the absolute greatest in terms of ability to predict the sea's every movement Abbygail is confident enough to read a map and get from point A' to point B'
Ethel-A custom made Kusarigama, with a very long chain Abbygail keeps wrapped around her chest and arms, with one side ending in a hand held scythe while the other is a weighted section of steel connected to a three inch blade.
Geppo -One of the six powers. Abbygail's signature technique, allows the user to propel their body on air to accomplish something similar to fight. Her skill with this ability is so great, not only does she use it to move through the air and under water at blinding speeds, she's capable of using it to increase the power behind her physical strikes.
Rankyaku-One of the six powers, which the user sends out compressed air blades with the user's limbs. On top of the traditional kicking technique Abbygail can uses variation were she thrust her knifed hand forward, launching a more focused version of the air blade, which has a lower range of effect, but with added speed and penetration power.
Tekkai- Abbygail tenses her muscles granting her a physical hardness similar to iron. While using this technique she is unable to move.
Abbygail grew up in a traditional small village with a traditional family. It was one where the boys were expected to go out to do the work and hunting while the women stayed home to clean, cook and rear children. This life, though easy with people she cared deeply for, wasn't enough for her. She needed adventure and to see the world. Of course both of her parents denied her request to go out to do. These constant denials didn't little to retrain her thirst for adventure. If anything all saying no ever did was stoke the fires of her desire. These flames continued to burn till she found one way out which would allow her to see the world and retain a good standing with her parents, and that was to join the marines.
So at the age of sixteen Abbygail set off to start her career as a marine. The training was grueling and she missed her family more than she expected but she persevered. After training was completed she was assigned to a ship under Captain Miyamoto Noozachi, a man from wano.
For about a year Things went on as by the book as they could be while out sailing the seas under a marine flag until one day Abbygail managed to save her captain from an attack by an enraged mother, whom blamed the marines and world government for the death of her son. Which was only a problem due to the captain being off duty and so completely drunk off his ass. In return for saving his life, once the man's hang over was finished, Miyamoto took Abbygail aside and trained her in a special art he had learned some time ago as thanks from another man who he himself had saved, along with the use in a special chained weapon that Miyamoto himself specialized in.
Thanks to the constant sailing, fights with pirates, and special training, the next three years went by in a flash. Then, there was the altercation that ended with the death of Abbygail's beloved captain along with the removal of his rank. Abbygail wasn't there when the fight happened, but talked to several marines, civilians and a couple of pirates who were. Not only did she learn Miyamoto was not at fault, but the entire cover up was orchestrated by the world government as punishment because the captain had the gull to stand up against a world noble.
Disillusioned with the world government and the marines, the final year of Abbygail's service were spent doing the bare minimum. She refused several promotions and retired from service with a rank of first lieutenant. Upon retiring she was delivered her former captain's prized weapon 'Ethel' which was named after his first wife. With it there was a message stating that it wasn't to be given to her until she left the marines. There was no further explanation.
Abbygail tried to spend the next year back at home with her family, but the slow life was too boring. She had grown accustomed to traveling and fighting. She couldn't accept anything else. So once again she left her little village. She couldn't bring herself to say goodbye in person, but left a note informing them of her decision.
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Species: Human
Height: 5'1
Weight: 119 lbs
Position:Navigator (possibly captain)

Personality: Due to her history, Abbygail isn't one to hold back the truth and has an instant dislike for anyone who does. She's also not a fan of the marines, for the very same reason and will take any opportunity she can find to make them look back. Her biggest weakness is pretty girls with long dark hair (she's not into guys.)
Rokushiki-A secret form of martial arts Abbygail's friend in the marines started teaching her. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to give her as many lessons as he would've liked. So she's not proficient enough to use most of the abilities in battle.
Navigation-While not the absolute greatest in terms of ability to predict the sea's every movement Abbygail is confident enough to read a map and get from point A' to point B'
Ethel-A custom made Kusarigama, with a very long chain Abbygail keeps wrapped around her chest and arms, with one side ending in a hand held scythe while the other is a weighted section of steel connected to a three inch blade.
Geppo -One of the six powers. Abbygail's signature technique, allows the user to propel their body on air to accomplish something similar to fight. Her skill with this ability is so great, not only does she use it to move through the air and under water at blinding speeds, she's capable of using it to increase the power behind her physical strikes.
Rankyaku-One of the six powers, which the user sends out compressed air blades with the user's limbs. On top of the traditional kicking technique Abbygail can uses variation were she thrust her knifed hand forward, launching a more focused version of the air blade, which has a lower range of effect, but with added speed and penetration power.
Tekkai- Abbygail tenses her muscles granting her a physical hardness similar to iron. While using this technique she is unable to move.
Abbygail grew up in a traditional small village with a traditional family. It was one where the boys were expected to go out to do the work and hunting while the women stayed home to clean, cook and rear children. This life, though easy with people she cared deeply for, wasn't enough for her. She needed adventure and to see the world. Of course both of her parents denied her request to go out to do. These constant denials didn't little to retrain her thirst for adventure. If anything all saying no ever did was stoke the fires of her desire. These flames continued to burn till she found one way out which would allow her to see the world and retain a good standing with her parents, and that was to join the marines.
So at the age of sixteen Abbygail set off to start her career as a marine. The training was grueling and she missed her family more than she expected but she persevered. After training was completed she was assigned to a ship under Captain Miyamoto Noozachi, a man from wano.
For about a year Things went on as by the book as they could be while out sailing the seas under a marine flag until one day Abbygail managed to save her captain from an attack by an enraged mother, whom blamed the marines and world government for the death of her son. Which was only a problem due to the captain being off duty and so completely drunk off his ass. In return for saving his life, once the man's hang over was finished, Miyamoto took Abbygail aside and trained her in a special art he had learned some time ago as thanks from another man who he himself had saved, along with the use in a special chained weapon that Miyamoto himself specialized in.
Thanks to the constant sailing, fights with pirates, and special training, the next three years went by in a flash. Then, there was the altercation that ended with the death of Abbygail's beloved captain along with the removal of his rank. Abbygail wasn't there when the fight happened, but talked to several marines, civilians and a couple of pirates who were. Not only did she learn Miyamoto was not at fault, but the entire cover up was orchestrated by the world government as punishment because the captain had the gull to stand up against a world noble.
Disillusioned with the world government and the marines, the final year of Abbygail's service were spent doing the bare minimum. She refused several promotions and retired from service with a rank of first lieutenant. Upon retiring she was delivered her former captain's prized weapon 'Ethel' which was named after his first wife. With it there was a message stating that it wasn't to be given to her until she left the marines. There was no further explanation.
Abbygail tried to spend the next year back at home with her family, but the slow life was too boring. She had grown accustomed to traveling and fighting. She couldn't accept anything else. So once again she left her little village. She couldn't bring herself to say goodbye in person, but left a note informing them of her decision.
Name: Kyysucara (Kyy) Namosaka
Alias: Eternal Spear
Age: 21
Position: Cook
Bounty: 0 Beri... for now.
Personality: Kyy is really flirty and perverted but knows when to be serious. In a fight, he focuses on the task at hand. But otherwise, he tends to just goof off and live his life without a care.
Background: More to be revealed through the story.
Soku-Soku no Mi: Kyy at a devil fruit that allows him to speed up and slow down a target as long as he can come in physical contact with it.
Tactics: Kyy tends to be a very tactical combatant, usually having a plan for most outcomes. But when he is outsmarted, he tends to be vulnerable due to shock of it.
Hokuroku Shimon: Dual spears that were passed down his family, from father to son. In Kyy's case they were actually passed down to him from his mother since her side of the family never had a son. The spears are designed more like tridents and trident end is made of Seastone.
Techniques: Added as they're revealed.
Alias: Eternal Spear
Age: 21

Position: Cook
Bounty: 0 Beri... for now.
Personality: Kyy is really flirty and perverted but knows when to be serious. In a fight, he focuses on the task at hand. But otherwise, he tends to just goof off and live his life without a care.
Background: More to be revealed through the story.
Soku-Soku no Mi: Kyy at a devil fruit that allows him to speed up and slow down a target as long as he can come in physical contact with it.
Tactics: Kyy tends to be a very tactical combatant, usually having a plan for most outcomes. But when he is outsmarted, he tends to be vulnerable due to shock of it.
Hokuroku Shimon: Dual spears that were passed down his family, from father to son. In Kyy's case they were actually passed down to him from his mother since her side of the family never had a son. The spears are designed more like tridents and trident end is made of Seastone.
Techniques: Added as they're revealed.
Name: Fell Rainer
Alias: Rainer or Killer Orca
Age: 17
Race: Half human half killer whale fishamn
Position: Shipwright/Swordsman
Bounty: 500,000

Rainers fishman traits are his black leather like skin on his arms, legs, and back as well as his retracted dorsal fin on his back. Also when he's completely submerged in water his gills open up, his dorsal fin extends and white spots appear around his eyes that shows he’s an Orca fishman.
Alias: Rainer or Killer Orca
Age: 17
Race: Half human half killer whale fishamn
Position: Shipwright/Swordsman
Bounty: 500,000

Rainers fishman traits are his black leather like skin on his arms, legs, and back as well as his retracted dorsal fin on his back. Also when he's completely submerged in water his gills open up, his dorsal fin extends and white spots appear around his eyes that shows he’s an Orca fishman.
- Ever since he was a child Rainer has always been someone who went with the flow. If he was hungry he'd eat. If he was tired he'd sleep. And if someone dragged him into a situation he'd roll along with it.
- Rainer’s biggest weakness is his simple mindedness. He's bad at creating complex plans and strategies. He acts a lot more with his heart then with his head and to him an issue is either black or white, so when he gets into grey situations he has trouble knowing what to do. This often frustrates him and makes him have a harder time thinking straight.
- Rainer is extremely shy about his fishman heritage and tries to hide it the best he can, to the point where he once disobeyed a direct order from his former captain in order to hide it, and getting punished as a result.
- Rainer loves the ocean to the point were he see's it as a sort of god and worships it. Rainer actually pities people who have eaten devil fruits, because in his eyes they have lost the greatest gift in this world, being able to enjoy swimming in the ocean.
- Likes: The Ocean and Seafood. Dislikes: Chains and being stuck on land.
- Rainer was born the child of both a female human and male fishman, however his father disappeared before his birth and his mother dying during childbirth. Living on the port town of Goton, was shunned by everyone in town because of his strange appearance, looking almost exactly like a human but with fish qualities. That coupled with his fishman strength drew a divide between him and with those of his hometown. After seeing that there was nothing keeping him in his hometown at the age of 5 he builds a raft and sets sail. He sailed for months with no direction, minimum supplies, and a boat that would break every couple days only for him to be forced to repair it. However despite 3 months of sailing with no sight of land he grew to love life off land and on the ocean.
- After those three months he finally lands at a random port town called Gemimi where the inhabitants hadn't ever seen fishman and panicked, thinking he was a monster. After fleeing from Gemimi he learns that the island had reported him to the marines for “Attacking Our Town” and that the marines had placed a bounty on him of 500,000 beri (It's low because he didn't actually hurt or kill anyone). Luckily the bounty had no picture and only described him as a “Fishman with black arms and legs. Learning this he begins to cover his arms and legs with plate mail as well as his neck with goggles in order to hide the fact that he's a fishman from humans.
- Now, he goes from port to port working odd jobs and learning a variety of skills, although the two skills he had a knack for were ship repairs and swordsmanship. While travelling and working odd jobs (Mostly ship repairs), he wanders the seas with no real direction, only knowing that he wants to be able to sail the seas he loves a free man.
- Shipwright - Rainer has the ability to repair most any ships and is able to at least do an emergency repair well enough for a boat to be able to float without any problems.
- Blacksmith - On one of Rainers odd jobs, he learned the art of blacksmithing.
- Fast Learner - Rainer has always had a knack for learning things fast, from learning carpentry to learning how to sail.
- Physical Strength - Being part fishman gives him naturally enhanced strength, although not as great as a full fishman strength.
- Great Reflexes - Rainer is very quick to react to things, and that transfers to fighting. His reflexes are great enough to dodge bullets, if only barely.
- Perfect swimmer - Being part fishman gives him incredible underwater swimming ability. Being able to swim as fast as he can run if not faster and even fight with his sword underwater without any difficulty. He can breath underwater and swim 50 mph.
- Sonar - Like a real Killer Whale, Rainer can use sonar underwater as well as hum a low pitch sound that can disorient enemies.
- Fishman Mode! - Just like other fishman, Rainer becomes much stronger when he is underwater. This is shown when his fishman qualities become more visible when under water, from both his dorsal fin opening and white spots appearing around his eyes. Because of the increased traits Rainer calls this "Fishman Mode!"
- Tansui - The first working katana made by Rainer. The only unique characteristics of it are it's dark blue handle wrappings and blue sheath.
- Metal Gauntlets and Grieves - Metal armor strapped to Rainers legs and arms by leather straps that are hidden under his clothing. Strong enough to parry a blade and cover his whole arms and legs, effectively hiding his fishman features.
- Work Goggles - Just a pair of dark tinted white goggles that Rainer wears when he works on ships as well as when he swims. The reason he wears them when swimming is because they cover his white spots around his eyes.
- Ocean Rain Style - A swordsman style that relies on parrying strikes and only actually attacking once or twice with either powerful and destructive swings or precise and deadly strikes.
- Drizzle - A swift strike downwards that ultimately trades power for speed.
- Low Hum - Rainer uses his Orca abilities to create a low hum that can disorient people around him if they're in a 5 foot radius.
Name: Janet
Alias: Red Bomber
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Position: Sniper
Bounty: 3.9 million
Janet is a confident girl who values her honor & pride. She is often blunt & honest, often saying things in a straightforward or even vulgar manner. She is rash and would attack Marines at any slightest provocation. She's open-minded, and generally a nice girl to talk with. She's a bad smoker due to her cigarettes exploding uncontrollably from her abilities. Also, she's a horrible cook, but she is kind of a food critic and a picky eater. Just like a typical person in East Blue, she was still unaware of devil fruits, the only thing she knows about her abilities is that she can explode instinctively.
Devil Fruit(if any): Bomu Bomu no mi (Bomb Bomb Fruit) - A Paramecia Devil Fruit that gives explosive properties to any part of her body, whether it be hair, mucus, or breath. Janet is still rather imprecise on controlling the size of her explosions.
Javelin - Janet is good in throwing javelins with dead accuracy from a far range, she could also use it as a melee weapon to hold her own at short-range combat.
Exploding Javelin - Janet's Javelins which are strung with her hair can explode upon impact
Cannons - Janet can fire ship cannons at longer range and firepower due to her abilities, but, the cannon that she is using will be destroyed mostly due to too much firepower.
Background: Janet was born from a wealthy family of Shell Town, living without worry until she was about 6 years old, but at that point things took a turn to the worse. She was fed a devil fruit by her parents (which they obtained through connections) and had accidentally killed them at the moment her explosive abilities activated. Left alone and abandoned, Janet lived the rest of her life in the back alley, rising up as a leader of a street gang due to her abilities & power. Not many dares to approach her turf without caution due to her "unexplained" exploding spears. Unfortunately for her, the Marines have taken her more seriously and eliminated her gang. Being the sole survivor, Janet turned to the high seas, starting afresh as a pirate with a rowboat. She gained a small bounty for attacking Marine Officers.
Alias: Red Bomber
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Position: Sniper
Bounty: 3.9 million

Janet is a confident girl who values her honor & pride. She is often blunt & honest, often saying things in a straightforward or even vulgar manner. She is rash and would attack Marines at any slightest provocation. She's open-minded, and generally a nice girl to talk with. She's a bad smoker due to her cigarettes exploding uncontrollably from her abilities. Also, she's a horrible cook, but she is kind of a food critic and a picky eater. Just like a typical person in East Blue, she was still unaware of devil fruits, the only thing she knows about her abilities is that she can explode instinctively.
Devil Fruit(if any): Bomu Bomu no mi (Bomb Bomb Fruit) - A Paramecia Devil Fruit that gives explosive properties to any part of her body, whether it be hair, mucus, or breath. Janet is still rather imprecise on controlling the size of her explosions.
Javelin - Janet is good in throwing javelins with dead accuracy from a far range, she could also use it as a melee weapon to hold her own at short-range combat.
Exploding Javelin - Janet's Javelins which are strung with her hair can explode upon impact
Cannons - Janet can fire ship cannons at longer range and firepower due to her abilities, but, the cannon that she is using will be destroyed mostly due to too much firepower.
Background: Janet was born from a wealthy family of Shell Town, living without worry until she was about 6 years old, but at that point things took a turn to the worse. She was fed a devil fruit by her parents (which they obtained through connections) and had accidentally killed them at the moment her explosive abilities activated. Left alone and abandoned, Janet lived the rest of her life in the back alley, rising up as a leader of a street gang due to her abilities & power. Not many dares to approach her turf without caution due to her "unexplained" exploding spears. Unfortunately for her, the Marines have taken her more seriously and eliminated her gang. Being the sole survivor, Janet turned to the high seas, starting afresh as a pirate with a rowboat. She gained a small bounty for attacking Marine Officers.
Name:(Birth name) Aria Elizabeth Kingsley (Current name) Miyamoto D. Musashi
Alias: The Red Eyed Swordsman, yes swordsMAN. This is due to the fact that her current first name Musashi is mostly used for males, causing people to assume she's male and this title was given to her before her bounty poster came up, but no one bothered to correct it.
Age: 18
Position: Swordsman/Quartermaster as while she is primarily a Swordsman, she hates feeling useless outside the battlefield so she uses her higher education as a former World Noble to take care of finance and cut up whoever is getting too greedy.
Bounty: 10,000,000

Personality: Musashi tends to be a level headed figure inside and outside of battle and tends to be quite snarky, due to years of being in battle and years of travel tends to treat dangerous situations quite causally often joking about the weird and dangerous situations that she finds herself in. That being said she has a complete disregard for the law, either due to her World Noble birthright or just flat out hating the world government, she is moral in the fact that she won't kill or harm innocents, but just tends to break the law when she feels like it, meaning she'll nick all your stuff if she has the chance. She tends to have a taste for expensive objects, fortunately for the crew she is rather fair as the Quartermaster though rather stingy, giving everyone just enough for what they need and nothing more including herself. Though this causes her to fulfill her tastes illegally, which causes her trouble fairly often. She is rather competitive and a sore loser, though she doesn't use dirty tricks and is rather fair, especially in battle. She doesn't give up on a fight and refuses to stay down.
Background: Musashi was born into Mariejois as Aria. At first she was the classic example of a World Noble being selfish and vain, until the age of 8 were her father got her a slave, a former cabin girl of the Red Blades Pirates who was about 2 years older than her. Of course the two immediately got off on the wrong foot, but after a year got to know each other. The Girl taught her about the life outside and the vast seas and her dreams of becoming the great pirate and living free as the wind. This girl was the first friend she had and she decided to do her first selfless act for the girl. When her father decided to go to Sabaody she convinced him to take her and her friend with her and once her father was properly distracted, she snuck off with her friend and set her free, she never saw her friend again, but she heard stories of a fearsome female pirate captain a seveal years after this event. Of course after she was gone the other members of her family scolded her for wasting what to them was a tool. This was the first time she realized that the world she was living in wasn't as bright as she once thought, after that to her the life she was living in was just a velvet lined prison. She wanted to be free she wanted to see that life, so she came up with a plan. An year had passed and she managed to grab the master key to the slave collar and freed the slaves hoping to travel with one of them in a pirate crew, however, contrary to the naive girl's beliefs the pirates weren't as nice as her friend has been and used her as a hostage and took her prisoner. They managed to steal a ship, but someone had snuck aboard their ship before they stole it. This man was Miyamoto D. Musashi, who was hiding in the cargo hold where Aria was being kept. They spent most of the time talking with each other, Aria explaining where she came from and Musashi explaining that he had came from Wano, to become the world's greatest swordsman. They continued for hours as to Aria, his company was the only thing keeping her from crying out in fear, however, voices began scream out from the upper deck, both of them not knowing why until the entire top deck was torn apart by one of the biggest sea kings in recorded history which drawfed the small trading ship that they were on. Aria grabbed a dagger that fell from the snake like sea king, no doubt from one of the pirates that the Goliath had eaten up and tried to defend herself, but what was a dagger going to do against a beast such as that, the beast lunged at her she closed her eyes waiting for what's to come, but it never did. When she opened her eyes the beast was split into two right down the middle with Musashi drawn his blade. While this was impressive this also caused the beast's dead to fall on the ship causing it to sink and both of them to become shipwrecked and washed up shore on some island she didn't know the name of. After that they started traveling together, with Musashi teaching her swordsmanship. They traveled for 3 years this is when she truly saw what the World Government was like, but what cemented her hate for the world government, was also end with the death of Musashi. It all started with a corrupt marine who challenged him to a battle of swordsmen, however, he had one of his subordinates take her hostage and when the duel was about to start he revealed to her master that he had taken Aria hostage. This shocked her master who turned his back on the Marine and threw a blade at the subordinate allowing her to escape, however, this left an opening to the marine's blade striking across the back and killing her master. She returned to find that they haven't given her master the courtesy to bury his body, just taking his swords from him. She and the villagers from the nearby town managed to bury her master. There she spent several hours carving a wooden from an oar using the dagger she has kept from the time that they had met, which she left the wooden as the grave marker, there she promised him that she'd take on his name, as she didn't like her own due to what she had seen and become the greatest swordsman.
Swordsmanship: Musashi while not a master swordsman is quite good with a sword and is currently about the level Zoro was at the beginning of story. She tends to use a dual sword style, though the style tends to be all over the place at times due to being a style she made herself in battle, though the basics were her master's and he didn't have time to pass on the more advanced techniques to her before he died.
Physical strength, speed, and reaction speed: She built up quite a bit of each being easily able pick up and throw a grown man. She also has the reaction and speed to deflect a bullet with her sword.
Endurance: She able to take a lot of punishment and able to get back up for more due to her personality and her promise to her master.
Free running: She picked up this skill from her various dine and dashes. She is able to get to jump around and use the area around her to get to places.
Hand to hand: She can fight without her blades, but this is more or less a final resort, so she's more or less just mediocre, good enough to deal with mooks not enough to take out the villain of the week with it.
Higher education: As a former World Noble she had access to higher education and learned skills such as math which allows her to calculate most of the crew's spending and how to spend their money.
Pickpocketing: She always had sticky fingers and after years of practice she got quite good at it.
Two katanas: A round disk guard, a black sheath, and a black pommel, they are more or less just regular old Katanas you can find anywhere. She just bought them from a random store in the West blue and that's about it with them, they don't have a grade or any sort of interesting backstory.
Dagger: A dagger that she gained when she decided to escape from the Noble life, otherwise just a plain dagger. Double edged, wooden handle and a sliver cross guard.
I'll reveal them as they go, though currently she can't cut though steel, nor use Haki, nor can she do attacks like Rankyaku.
Two Sword style:
Desert Storm: She starts off low to the ground before spinning and rising upwards while slashing sending several foes flying.
Trade Winds: Meant to deal with a group of enemies, she slashes person to person and uses the momentum from her swing to flow between them.
Alias: The Red Eyed Swordsman, yes swordsMAN. This is due to the fact that her current first name Musashi is mostly used for males, causing people to assume she's male and this title was given to her before her bounty poster came up, but no one bothered to correct it.
Age: 18
Position: Swordsman/Quartermaster as while she is primarily a Swordsman, she hates feeling useless outside the battlefield so she uses her higher education as a former World Noble to take care of finance and cut up whoever is getting too greedy.
Bounty: 10,000,000

Personality: Musashi tends to be a level headed figure inside and outside of battle and tends to be quite snarky, due to years of being in battle and years of travel tends to treat dangerous situations quite causally often joking about the weird and dangerous situations that she finds herself in. That being said she has a complete disregard for the law, either due to her World Noble birthright or just flat out hating the world government, she is moral in the fact that she won't kill or harm innocents, but just tends to break the law when she feels like it, meaning she'll nick all your stuff if she has the chance. She tends to have a taste for expensive objects, fortunately for the crew she is rather fair as the Quartermaster though rather stingy, giving everyone just enough for what they need and nothing more including herself. Though this causes her to fulfill her tastes illegally, which causes her trouble fairly often. She is rather competitive and a sore loser, though she doesn't use dirty tricks and is rather fair, especially in battle. She doesn't give up on a fight and refuses to stay down.
Background: Musashi was born into Mariejois as Aria. At first she was the classic example of a World Noble being selfish and vain, until the age of 8 were her father got her a slave, a former cabin girl of the Red Blades Pirates who was about 2 years older than her. Of course the two immediately got off on the wrong foot, but after a year got to know each other. The Girl taught her about the life outside and the vast seas and her dreams of becoming the great pirate and living free as the wind. This girl was the first friend she had and she decided to do her first selfless act for the girl. When her father decided to go to Sabaody she convinced him to take her and her friend with her and once her father was properly distracted, she snuck off with her friend and set her free, she never saw her friend again, but she heard stories of a fearsome female pirate captain a seveal years after this event. Of course after she was gone the other members of her family scolded her for wasting what to them was a tool. This was the first time she realized that the world she was living in wasn't as bright as she once thought, after that to her the life she was living in was just a velvet lined prison. She wanted to be free she wanted to see that life, so she came up with a plan. An year had passed and she managed to grab the master key to the slave collar and freed the slaves hoping to travel with one of them in a pirate crew, however, contrary to the naive girl's beliefs the pirates weren't as nice as her friend has been and used her as a hostage and took her prisoner. They managed to steal a ship, but someone had snuck aboard their ship before they stole it. This man was Miyamoto D. Musashi, who was hiding in the cargo hold where Aria was being kept. They spent most of the time talking with each other, Aria explaining where she came from and Musashi explaining that he had came from Wano, to become the world's greatest swordsman. They continued for hours as to Aria, his company was the only thing keeping her from crying out in fear, however, voices began scream out from the upper deck, both of them not knowing why until the entire top deck was torn apart by one of the biggest sea kings in recorded history which drawfed the small trading ship that they were on. Aria grabbed a dagger that fell from the snake like sea king, no doubt from one of the pirates that the Goliath had eaten up and tried to defend herself, but what was a dagger going to do against a beast such as that, the beast lunged at her she closed her eyes waiting for what's to come, but it never did. When she opened her eyes the beast was split into two right down the middle with Musashi drawn his blade. While this was impressive this also caused the beast's dead to fall on the ship causing it to sink and both of them to become shipwrecked and washed up shore on some island she didn't know the name of. After that they started traveling together, with Musashi teaching her swordsmanship. They traveled for 3 years this is when she truly saw what the World Government was like, but what cemented her hate for the world government, was also end with the death of Musashi. It all started with a corrupt marine who challenged him to a battle of swordsmen, however, he had one of his subordinates take her hostage and when the duel was about to start he revealed to her master that he had taken Aria hostage. This shocked her master who turned his back on the Marine and threw a blade at the subordinate allowing her to escape, however, this left an opening to the marine's blade striking across the back and killing her master. She returned to find that they haven't given her master the courtesy to bury his body, just taking his swords from him. She and the villagers from the nearby town managed to bury her master. There she spent several hours carving a wooden from an oar using the dagger she has kept from the time that they had met, which she left the wooden as the grave marker, there she promised him that she'd take on his name, as she didn't like her own due to what she had seen and become the greatest swordsman.
Swordsmanship: Musashi while not a master swordsman is quite good with a sword and is currently about the level Zoro was at the beginning of story. She tends to use a dual sword style, though the style tends to be all over the place at times due to being a style she made herself in battle, though the basics were her master's and he didn't have time to pass on the more advanced techniques to her before he died.
Physical strength, speed, and reaction speed: She built up quite a bit of each being easily able pick up and throw a grown man. She also has the reaction and speed to deflect a bullet with her sword.
Endurance: She able to take a lot of punishment and able to get back up for more due to her personality and her promise to her master.
Free running: She picked up this skill from her various dine and dashes. She is able to get to jump around and use the area around her to get to places.
Hand to hand: She can fight without her blades, but this is more or less a final resort, so she's more or less just mediocre, good enough to deal with mooks not enough to take out the villain of the week with it.
Higher education: As a former World Noble she had access to higher education and learned skills such as math which allows her to calculate most of the crew's spending and how to spend their money.
Pickpocketing: She always had sticky fingers and after years of practice she got quite good at it.
Two katanas: A round disk guard, a black sheath, and a black pommel, they are more or less just regular old Katanas you can find anywhere. She just bought them from a random store in the West blue and that's about it with them, they don't have a grade or any sort of interesting backstory.
Dagger: A dagger that she gained when she decided to escape from the Noble life, otherwise just a plain dagger. Double edged, wooden handle and a sliver cross guard.
I'll reveal them as they go, though currently she can't cut though steel, nor use Haki, nor can she do attacks like Rankyaku.
Two Sword style:
Desert Storm: She starts off low to the ground before spinning and rising upwards while slashing sending several foes flying.
Trade Winds: Meant to deal with a group of enemies, she slashes person to person and uses the momentum from her swing to flow between them.
Name:Lee Shin
Alias: Monk
Age: ?
Bounty: 2,000,000 Beri

Personality: He is stoic, often completely quiet. He will speak when spoken to, or necessary. He looks calm on the surface but beneath it all lies a storm of passion and fiery desire to be great and to atone for his past.
Background: Lee is from a small village on the Grand Line, near the Calm Belt. The island itself is of unrivaled beauty. The people of the island lived in peace with their environment, never taking more than what they needed. They have learned to coexist with it flora and fauna, taming what they can and leaving alone what they cannot. All in all, they are a people of peace, love and harmony.
Lee, being a rambunctious child, often got into trouble. His parents would laugh it off first, before offering stern advice with which Lee still acts upon until this day. On the island, few are chosen among its inhabitants to be trained as warrior-defenders of the island. Lee, being one of those chosen ones, was sent to the Great Monastery at Hirana to learn from the monks that came before him.
He was indoctrinated into the teaching of the temple, to no ease at that. He had to become a new person. Forgotten was his rambunctious past, and reborn was a man of pure stoicism, and harmonious with nature to his core.
One day, the three Elders at the temple summoned Lee, their prized pupil, to the central chamber. Within that chamber held all of the teaching and secret of the island and its history, along with a Poneglyph containing indiscernible text of some ancient information. The three Elders were kneeling on a cushion at the back end of the chamber, facing the entrance with which Lee entered the chamber from. Between Lee and the Elders was another cushion. On it was an odd looking fruit, black in color with red markings.
The Elders spoke to Lee "Master Lee, you came to us a untamed youth. Today, you are chosen to be the eternal protector of Ionia. With the power of the Ram God Ornn, you are to defend us from all harm, and uphold our harmonious ways against the tides of time. Should you accept, you will become the master of this temple, and the leader of our power. Be warned. The Ram God is unruly. His powers have corrupted your predecessors to cause great calamity. You must be certain, both in spirit and body, that you can control it. For if you cannot, it shall spell the doom of our people and everything with it."
Lee stepped forward, kneeling in front of the cushion holding up the fruit. Before Lee even reached for the fruit, he can swear that he heard a primal roar and waves of heat radiating from it. Taking a deep breath, he reached out and took the fruit. "I accept." He said, biting into the fruit and consumed it whole.
A pleasant, almost peachy, taste filled his mouth. That was the last thing he remembered before passing out...
Lee blinked a few times, reawakening from his bed in the monastery. A young monk stepped into this room "Master Lee, you're finally awake." "How...How long was I asleep?" "Its been three days since the Elders had you removed from the chamber." "Th-three...." Springing up from his bed, he bowed to the young monk and exited his room and went to the chamber.
Being the master of the temple, he was granted free access to whichever room he needed. Entering the chamber, he found the Three Elders in meditation. Moving swiftly as the Northern wind, and soundless as the shadow of midnight, he entered the library. He was looking for information on his new powers, and how to control them...
He did not leave the central library for four days and four nights. Within the central library was an empty room. He used the room as a practice room and he tapped into his powers for the first time. As he grew more comfortable with his new powers, he started being more careless with them.
As he exited the library in what would later be dubbed as his 'God Mode', he looked at the Elders with slight disdain. They were mere mortals to him, a god, now. They should bow at his feet. Instead, they approached him and simultaneously punched him in the chest. He has never felt so much pain before. It was like being hit by a ton of bricks all at once. Lee could have sworn the Elder's fists were pure black, almost purple in color as they struck him. The force of the strike knocked him out of 'God Mode' and Lee stumbled and fell onto the platform where the Elders were meditating.
"Master Lee, the Ram God is beginning to lead you astray. You must fight it and control it... We were able to bring you back this time, but it will not work again as the Ram God is clever..."
Lee took a deep breath, bowing to the Elders in apology and gathered himself into the meditative position. Sitting down, he closed his eyes, and looked within to find control...
The next time he opened his eyes, many suns have passed. He returned to the scene of a bloodbath. The Elders laid lifeless and charred near him. In horror, he dashed out of the chamber to much of the same. Death surrounded him. He walked around like a soulless man, seeking answers. There was one monk clinging to life. Upon seeing Lee, he shrieked. "You devil! Stay away, I beg of you!" Lee stopped, and simply stared at the dying man. "You've doomed us all. You will bring nothing but fire and dea-" The man's last breath was spent on cursing Lee...
Absolutely disgusted with himself. He sat down once more among the ruin and death that surrounded him. He put himself in a deep meditation, trying to make sense of what happened and how to atone for his sins. The tree above him blossomed, the flower petal were so red that they almost seem bloodstained...
-Peak physical condition, having the endurance of a typical marathon runner, strength comparable to a world class athlete, that is, he has efficient strength which is not overwhelming.
-Master Hand-To-Hand Combatant. Having been trained by the master of his island, his style of combat most closely resemble that of the Rokushiki. Powerful kicks, swift movements and powerful strikes all performs with accuracy. Throughout his travels, he has picked up and became proficient at numerous styles from across the land. With the blending and utilizing of these styles, Lee calls the techniques that he uses 'Sanshoku'. It combines strikes, kicks, throws, sweeps and takedowns. While he does not name his techniques specifically, he typical fights from a reactive position, preferring to react to his opponent's actions with one of his own.
-Limited regenerative powers granted by his devil fruit
-Extremely limited. Nothing more than basic cuts can be regenerated from
Weapons: None
-'Golden Fleece Mode'
-Lee Shin's default form when he activates his devil fruit. In this mode, his physical capabilities are heightened. His can 'walk' on air by virtue of the power of his kicks akin to the to Geppo of the Rokushiki and his punches are fast enough to deflect normal bullets.
-'Ram Mode'
-Lee enters this mode when he takes on the bestial form of his devil fruit. In this form, he has the highest speed he can achieve, along with agility. However, his hand-to-hand combat style is essentially unusable in this state.
-'Ares Mode'
-Lee enters this mode when he fully activates his devil fruit by awakening it. Currently, he does not know how to enter this mode on his own. In this mode, his physical form changes and his attack are so powerful that their friction with air sparks fires.

Alias: Monk
Age: ?
Bounty: 2,000,000 Beri

Personality: He is stoic, often completely quiet. He will speak when spoken to, or necessary. He looks calm on the surface but beneath it all lies a storm of passion and fiery desire to be great and to atone for his past.
Background: Lee is from a small village on the Grand Line, near the Calm Belt. The island itself is of unrivaled beauty. The people of the island lived in peace with their environment, never taking more than what they needed. They have learned to coexist with it flora and fauna, taming what they can and leaving alone what they cannot. All in all, they are a people of peace, love and harmony.
Lee, being a rambunctious child, often got into trouble. His parents would laugh it off first, before offering stern advice with which Lee still acts upon until this day. On the island, few are chosen among its inhabitants to be trained as warrior-defenders of the island. Lee, being one of those chosen ones, was sent to the Great Monastery at Hirana to learn from the monks that came before him.
He was indoctrinated into the teaching of the temple, to no ease at that. He had to become a new person. Forgotten was his rambunctious past, and reborn was a man of pure stoicism, and harmonious with nature to his core.
One day, the three Elders at the temple summoned Lee, their prized pupil, to the central chamber. Within that chamber held all of the teaching and secret of the island and its history, along with a Poneglyph containing indiscernible text of some ancient information. The three Elders were kneeling on a cushion at the back end of the chamber, facing the entrance with which Lee entered the chamber from. Between Lee and the Elders was another cushion. On it was an odd looking fruit, black in color with red markings.
The Elders spoke to Lee "Master Lee, you came to us a untamed youth. Today, you are chosen to be the eternal protector of Ionia. With the power of the Ram God Ornn, you are to defend us from all harm, and uphold our harmonious ways against the tides of time. Should you accept, you will become the master of this temple, and the leader of our power. Be warned. The Ram God is unruly. His powers have corrupted your predecessors to cause great calamity. You must be certain, both in spirit and body, that you can control it. For if you cannot, it shall spell the doom of our people and everything with it."
Lee stepped forward, kneeling in front of the cushion holding up the fruit. Before Lee even reached for the fruit, he can swear that he heard a primal roar and waves of heat radiating from it. Taking a deep breath, he reached out and took the fruit. "I accept." He said, biting into the fruit and consumed it whole.
A pleasant, almost peachy, taste filled his mouth. That was the last thing he remembered before passing out...
Lee blinked a few times, reawakening from his bed in the monastery. A young monk stepped into this room "Master Lee, you're finally awake." "How...How long was I asleep?" "Its been three days since the Elders had you removed from the chamber." "Th-three...." Springing up from his bed, he bowed to the young monk and exited his room and went to the chamber.
Being the master of the temple, he was granted free access to whichever room he needed. Entering the chamber, he found the Three Elders in meditation. Moving swiftly as the Northern wind, and soundless as the shadow of midnight, he entered the library. He was looking for information on his new powers, and how to control them...
He did not leave the central library for four days and four nights. Within the central library was an empty room. He used the room as a practice room and he tapped into his powers for the first time. As he grew more comfortable with his new powers, he started being more careless with them.
As he exited the library in what would later be dubbed as his 'God Mode', he looked at the Elders with slight disdain. They were mere mortals to him, a god, now. They should bow at his feet. Instead, they approached him and simultaneously punched him in the chest. He has never felt so much pain before. It was like being hit by a ton of bricks all at once. Lee could have sworn the Elder's fists were pure black, almost purple in color as they struck him. The force of the strike knocked him out of 'God Mode' and Lee stumbled and fell onto the platform where the Elders were meditating.
"Master Lee, the Ram God is beginning to lead you astray. You must fight it and control it... We were able to bring you back this time, but it will not work again as the Ram God is clever..."
Lee took a deep breath, bowing to the Elders in apology and gathered himself into the meditative position. Sitting down, he closed his eyes, and looked within to find control...
The next time he opened his eyes, many suns have passed. He returned to the scene of a bloodbath. The Elders laid lifeless and charred near him. In horror, he dashed out of the chamber to much of the same. Death surrounded him. He walked around like a soulless man, seeking answers. There was one monk clinging to life. Upon seeing Lee, he shrieked. "You devil! Stay away, I beg of you!" Lee stopped, and simply stared at the dying man. "You've doomed us all. You will bring nothing but fire and dea-" The man's last breath was spent on cursing Lee...
Absolutely disgusted with himself. He sat down once more among the ruin and death that surrounded him. He put himself in a deep meditation, trying to make sense of what happened and how to atone for his sins. The tree above him blossomed, the flower petal were so red that they almost seem bloodstained...
-Peak physical condition, having the endurance of a typical marathon runner, strength comparable to a world class athlete, that is, he has efficient strength which is not overwhelming.
-Master Hand-To-Hand Combatant. Having been trained by the master of his island, his style of combat most closely resemble that of the Rokushiki. Powerful kicks, swift movements and powerful strikes all performs with accuracy. Throughout his travels, he has picked up and became proficient at numerous styles from across the land. With the blending and utilizing of these styles, Lee calls the techniques that he uses 'Sanshoku'. It combines strikes, kicks, throws, sweeps and takedowns. While he does not name his techniques specifically, he typical fights from a reactive position, preferring to react to his opponent's actions with one of his own.
-Limited regenerative powers granted by his devil fruit
-Extremely limited. Nothing more than basic cuts can be regenerated from
Weapons: None
-'Golden Fleece Mode'
-Lee Shin's default form when he activates his devil fruit. In this mode, his physical capabilities are heightened. His can 'walk' on air by virtue of the power of his kicks akin to the to Geppo of the Rokushiki and his punches are fast enough to deflect normal bullets.
-'Ram Mode'
-Lee enters this mode when he takes on the bestial form of his devil fruit. In this form, he has the highest speed he can achieve, along with agility. However, his hand-to-hand combat style is essentially unusable in this state.
-'Ares Mode'
-Lee enters this mode when he fully activates his devil fruit by awakening it. Currently, he does not know how to enter this mode on his own. In this mode, his physical form changes and his attack are so powerful that their friction with air sparks fires.

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