Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Piercing Light
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Piercing Light ...

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It has been 100 standard years since the Battle of Endor. The remnants of the Empire have been stamped out, and the Republic has grown considerably in time since. They have taken to expanding their reach to distant star systems, intent on spreading order and peace. One such planet they have their sights on is Gamorria. Gamorria is located on the edge of the outer rim, and has only just recently had hyperspace routes mapped out near it's sun, Curous. The planet is nearly entirely covered by urban sprawl, though much of it's architecture was created so long ago no one knows it's history. To put it bluntly, Gamorria is a hive of villainy. There are no laws beyond that enforced by the strong and wealthy, it is a place where one can take anything they want, and be killed for anything in turn. The Republic have decided that it's time to tame this world, and have set up a military base on the planet.

That said, the Republic is spread thin across the galaxy, and has sent a relatively small force to the planet. The Jedi order restored under Luke Skywalker years ago could only spare a few Jedi, and the military force otherwise only has the bare minimum. Regardless, they must work with the populace in building a stable government and curbing rampant criminal activity. They have their work cut out for them, as they'll find that the problems in Gamorria span the entire galaxy.

This will be more of a PvE focused roleplay, with the players taking on the role of those aligned with the Republic. You'll take on missions, interact with one another, and try not to be killed by a strangely omniscient criminal organisation.



  • No Metagaming or Godmodding.
  • At the bare minimum I would like you to be able to post once a week, if you can't make a deadline for some reason then let me know.
  • Romance is allowed, but anything sexually explicit is not.
  • No controlling other people's characters without their consent.
  • The Character limit is 2 at the moment. If you want to create a minor NPC then let me know and we'll discuss the details.

Discord Server discord.gg/MBhUrS (Only join if your character has been accepted)
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Vox Angelis

Vox Angelis Dust in the wind

Banned Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Jaida Sarinn

Race: Human

Age: 25 years old

Gender: Female

Private commission credits to hassly.deviantart.com

Personality: Normally, Jaida is quite adventurous. She’s a girl who lives for the thrill and the excitement, and as such quite loves the adrenaline when doing something completely crazy. She loves to party and finds herself in someone else’s bed in the morning after more often than not. On the job however, Jaida becomes cool-headed, analytic and professional, or at least that’s how she appears to be. She just knows how to hide her excitement, sometimes a malicious and hungry grin sneaking through her façade.

Occupation: Ex-bounty hunter

History: Jaida was born and raised in Gamorria. She never quite fit with the ordinary folk. Bad influences and a daredevil personality led the girl to discover the underground world and eventually become part of it. She took odd jobs in her younger years, from errand girl to smuggling, until she settled with hunting as her main focus. For years, Jaida used to track marks. Blackmail, capture, threats, even assassination at some rare opportunities, the young woman had a broad range of what kind of jobs she would take as a bounty hunter.

But the path to being a criminal is a treacherous one. One day, Jaida found herself double-crossed by her employer. She had been ambushed just as she managed to track down her mark to an alleyway. She barely escaped with her life, but would forever be scarred from a neck injury that nearly killed her. When she woke up from a near-death coma, she realized just how foolish she had been, to simply risk her life by destroying others. Whether vengeance was on her mind or she wanted to turn the page on her criminal life, Jaida left the underworld. When she heard the Republic was on its way to Gamorria, she saw an opportunity and took contact with the arriving forces.

Equipment: Equipped with the best arsenal a criminal could get their hands on Gamorria, Jaida is outfitted with gear befit to her old occupation. For close to medium range combat, the ex-bounty hunter carries a single blaster. For assassinations and long-range combat, she carries on her back a blaster rifle outfitted with a multi-vision scope (infrared and thermal sights). Other pieces of equipment include tracking beacons, a sound-dampening stealth belt (it creates a layer of invisibility around the wearer when activated), security spikes and small detonating charges to blow locks.

Force Powers: None

Skills: As a bounty hunter, Jaida got exceptional abilities at finding and stalking her marks. She’s got a silver tongue and is quite able to hack computers to find information. While not an exceptional fighter, she has training in using blasters, but her abilities are mainly focused on using a sniper blaster rifle from faraway. Because of some of her marks were moving a lot around the planet, and even on other planets, the Gammorian bounty hunter learned quite early how to pilot speeders and ships.

Weaknesses: Jaida is grossly overconfident in her skills, mainly due to years of successful jobs. By that regards, it comes to no surprise she thinks she is always right and values little of the opinions of others. She is a hard woman to cooperate with, which is mostly a reason why she plays solo.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 20 days ago

Name: Valter Rook

Race: Human

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Appearance: Valter is usually cloaked in jet black, and silver mandalorian armor that is the symbol of the Reborn Mandalorians group. Underneath that he has messy brown hair, and light green eyes. He has a few scars on his torso, and one crossing his chin. He is Caucasian in appearance. He stands at around 5'10.


Valter is a brutal, and cold bounty hunter having experienced gang violence, and trained to be a killer by his fellow warriors, and bounty hunters. Years on Nar Shadda, Nal Hutta, and other backwater planets controlled by the hutts have made him more than capable of coping with harsh realities, and violence. He feels comfortable in the battlefield, and hurting other people. However his pride in being Mandalorian is unquestionable. He takes most any contract so long as the people behind it agree to pay in the end having worked for various criminal organizations, and takes care to complete the contract to the best of his ability as a mark of professional pride.

He finds himself to be snarky, and backed handed when around more light hearted people. He views justice as an made up illusion, and hates pointless mercy. People are either strong, or they aren't. The weak make the strong what they are after all. He views jedi with some contempt but like all contractors he is willing to work with them so long as they keep the situation professional. He has no issues with taking orders, or listening to people though he may not truly care for the person giving them. Though he can be cruel, and vindictive at times he doesn't enjoy the pain of other people he does it because he has to make a living in a cruel pointless galaxy ruled by politicians who don't care about people, and hutts who ruled through crime. He does though respect the bounty hunter's creed as much as he can in any given circumstance.

Occupation: Mandalorian Bounty Hunter/Enforcer, Member of the Reborn Mandalorians

History: Born on Cato Neimoidia his mother was a single parent and his dad was said to be a smuggler he was raised in the house of a rich friend of his parents who happened to be of the local species. Raised in a rather comfortable, and wealthy household he was educated, and raised very well, and was raised to be polite. His life lacked for not much as his family friend, Gundrei, who was housing his parents owed his mother a great deal for her life before she birthed him. Gundrei was kind, and understanding towards young Valter despite his being human. However life for all its perks was rather pointless because he lacked for everything but adventure life was not fun being cooped up in the middle of a rich man's apartment. It was when his estranged uncle approached him as a teenager that he found out that his half uncle was part mandalorian, and was trained under Deathwatch remnants from the long past clone wars. Deathwatch had been disbanded, and been replaced by a revived mandalorian culture.

After considering his current life's wealth, and lack of outside knowledge he decided to go with his uncle to train on Mandalore which had since the end of the clone wars been a peaceful, but good place to train for mandalorian people. Mandalorians of old weren't just a people but a culture. As such he took the surname Rook after consideration in order to incriminate Gundrei, and or his mom. He trained there under tough mandalorian training meant to strengthen him which nearly broke him on several occasions but his stubbornness refused to give out. By the time he was finished training he was a battle ready young man who was granted the right to call himself mandalorian.

He spent much time with his allies on Nar Shadda working for Voja the Hutt, and other Hutt Cartel groups in the outer rim. He bought a D11 Light Freighter from Kuat Drives during one point in his career using it as a way of getting around between jobs, and where he lives. His experience in this field toughened him, and made him sour to the way of kindness, and mercy. People had to do what they did out here, and he learned to accept contracts as they came. Eventually however as turf wars flared up in the outer rim between hutts he worked for he decided to make it over to New Republic space where he earned a contract with the military there to be sent on missions. He was open about his work with the hutts but always insisted he was nothing but than an enforcer making his living. His skills spoke for themselves, and he has been assigned over parts of Republic space since there working for them less than a year but proving himself an adequate resource for taking out VIP targets as a sort of government sponsored bounty hunter.

Equipment: Wrist Gauntlets (had interchangeable parts that he can swap out. A mini-rocket launcher, a lasso feature to tie up opponents, a blade attachment that protrudes a knife sized vibroblade, and a dart launcher), A modified DT-12 Heavy Blaster Pistol (better recoil), and a E-11D blaster rifle. Mandalorian Durasteel armor with a visor that acts as night vision, and targeting device. A standard low altitude jetpack.

Skills: Rifle, Pistol Heavy blaster, Explosives, and Melee/hand to hand proficiency. Survivalist training. Medical knowledge. Piloting (about average level). Jetpack training. Hacking (he can hack into common computers, and security systems picked up during time with hutts).

Weaknesses: Lack of protection against lightsaber/force foes, lacks proper melee weapons, lack of sniper training having proved his worth as a guard, and hutt enforcer. Lacks high tech equipment much of what he has is black market goods. Lacks droid repair, and overall mechanical knowledge he has a basic understand in order to keep his starship working. Little star fighter training. Poor knowledge of the force, and its methods (he knows just enough to kill a jedi as taught by his instructors over the years extensive, or more complicated rituals are beyond him.)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vox Angelis

Vox Angelis Dust in the wind

Banned Seen 1 yr ago

Another bounty hunter huh? This will prove to be quite interesting.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 20 days ago

I said I would be a bounty hunter in the interest check. Though in practice he turned out to be more of an ex-hutt enforcer turned Republic hitman.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

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Oh, this is going to be fun. I was going to bring my favourite pair of Mercenaries into this RP, but all things considered, I think it'd be more fun to play a pair of Jedi I have been mucking about with in my head. Especially considering a proper Honour-warrior Mando in the party.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Piercing Light
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vampire Stepdad
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Vampire Stepdad Lurker

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min max luck GET

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by DeletedUser9Gh7
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Athol
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Athol Safety Factor 7

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Throwing out an extremely rough CS to show interest. I'll finish/clean it up ASAP.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Piercing Light
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Vampire Stepdad@SoleAccord@mattmanganon@SantosGabriel77 All accepted.

Though Matt, I'll have to mention that Gamorria doesn't really have local governments. It's basically an anarchist society run by crime lords.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

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@Piercing Light Alright, made the changes you asked for. Also, do you have a Master character in mind? Because if not, I wouldn't mind Gloopra being her master.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Piercing Light
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yeah I've already got something in mind.

I should have the IC up soon.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Vulkan
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Interest! Here's my character.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Piercing Light
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vampire Stepdad
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Vampire Stepdad Lurker

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I like how we're all just lurking on the page waiting for the IC to pop up >:)
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 20 days ago

I'm just popping up to read the OOC stuff until things come along. Don't really have much to say on the matters at hand. Matt has made a character specifically made to be a foil to mine but it will probably end up extremely one sided in a way. "You're group attacked me at one point." "And? We have no organized leader. And I'm former Hutt muscle take your issues with my brothers to someone who actually cares what happens to your silly planet."

Matt's character assumes that the Reborn Mandalorians are a group dedicated solely to one end goal. But in reality they have no mandalore, and they have no head. They're a blanket group for smaller sub-groups of mandalorians who live and breathe their old culture while still being able to call themselves brothers. What one member strives for may not necessarily be what all of them want.
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