Would it be possible for us to see a sample character sheet with some of the sections like Skills or Abilities filled out? Just to get a more concrete distinction. Also, I would imagine that the Allies/Enemies/Stomping Grounds section would remain unfilled until later in the RP?
You should maybe check this RP for a rough idea.
Well @Kalas is quick on the draw.
"Mother had a saying, something about how sometimes a favourable outcome requires a few ill-advised actions."

J O S E P H E D W A R D T H O R E A U ◼ 0 2 / 0 8 / 1 9 9 5 ( 2 2 ) ◼ M A L E ◼ H Y P E R H U M A N
▼ A P P E A R A N C E:
"Yeah I know, I don't look like a Thoreau."

◼ HEIGHT | 5'-10"
◼ WEIGHT | 164 lbs
◼ BUILD | Athletic
◼ HAIR COLOR | Deep blue outer iris with an inner ice blue iris
◼ EYE COLOR | Dark brown with hints of ruddy auburn
◼ ETHNICITY | Caucasian
◼ SEXUALITY | Heterosexual
◼ WEIGHT | 164 lbs
◼ BUILD | Athletic
◼ HAIR COLOR | Deep blue outer iris with an inner ice blue iris
◼ EYE COLOR | Dark brown with hints of ruddy auburn
◼ ETHNICITY | Caucasian
◼ SEXUALITY | Heterosexual

Joseph has a slender frame that is covered in compacted muscle built up from years of exercising and toning his body. His torso and legs are built like someone who regularly competes in marathons and free running competitions while his arms and shoulders are built more like that of a boxer mixed with a martial artist. Joseph prides himself on being more balanced in his physique and as such has kept his flexibility and somewhat slender frame despite his well chiseled biceps and abdominal. Joseph is especially known for his keen piercing blue eyes. Deep blue with flecks of icy blue strewn throughout, Joseph's eyes are known for being able to look right through someone as though he is staring into their soul. Joseph has deep brown hair with strands of gold and auburn acting as natural highlights, these are most visible in bright light where as in dim and barely lit places, Joseph's hair can seem to be almost black. He keeps his hair anywhere from a short to medium length, often grooming it into various ways.
Joseph's general attire ranges from long sleeve mock tees to hoodies usually. Always paired with straight leg or boot-cut, dark-wash jeans. In collaboration with these, Joseph prefers to wear semi loose fitting tops in an effort to hide his more chiseled physique so as not to draw too much attention to himself. To that end he often will wear a t-shirt paired with a hoodie and jacket, or a long-sleeved shirt adorned with a hood and a jacket. Depending on the weather though Joseph may wear just a t-shirt, or a rolled up long sleeved mock tee. His outfit is almost always complimented with a leather jacket.
Joseph's general attire ranges from long sleeve mock tees to hoodies usually. Always paired with straight leg or boot-cut, dark-wash jeans. In collaboration with these, Joseph prefers to wear semi loose fitting tops in an effort to hide his more chiseled physique so as not to draw too much attention to himself. To that end he often will wear a t-shirt paired with a hoodie and jacket, or a long-sleeved shirt adorned with a hood and a jacket. Depending on the weather though Joseph may wear just a t-shirt, or a rolled up long sleeved mock tee. His outfit is almost always complimented with a leather jacket.
▼ B I O G R A P H Y:
"Words don't define us, actions do."

During the height of the Mavericks' career Joseph's grandfather, Forrest Emerson Thoreau was a officer with the Larissa Lilith Police Department, (a predecessor to the modern Crescent City Police Department), often providing support to the Mavericks themselves. Proud to call himself an ally to the Mavericks, Forrest often told a young Joseph tales of the daring heroics the vigilantes had once brought to not only New Lilith but all of Crescent City. However, Joseph's father, Silas Edward Thoreau didn't see eye to eye with his own father and while Forrest had been aiding the Mavericks, Silas had been away at Harvard earning his law degree and developing a deep rooted seed of hatred against those who took the law into their own hands. Upon Silas' return to Crescent City, the ambitious young lawyer set his eyes on the gross abuse of the law he considered the Mavericks to be. Appealing to the local district attorney, it was Silas who instigated the city's zero tolerance policy towards vigilantes and ultimately caused the Mavericks to vanish from history. Due in part to his contribution to the city's new anti-vigilante stance, Silas became a valued asset with numerous law firms trying to recruit the young hotshot. Having his pick of the crop, Silas settled in with Campbell and Reid quickly rising to partner over three short years. Eyed by the District Attorney's office, Silas was scouted to take over the position of state prosecutor. Settling into his new career with ease, Silas eventually met and impregnated a young woman by the name of Samantha Russells. Desperate to keep the bastard child out of public headlines, Silas married Samantha in a private civil ceremony. Nine months later, Joseph Edward Thoreau was born to his loving mother and career driven father.
Growing up distant from his father, Joseph spent most of his time with his mother and grandfather. His mother provided the love and care every growing boy needed while Forrest filled the void left by Silas and taught Joseph many numerous life skills. Drawing upon his years of experience as a former police officer, Forrest taught Joseph to listen to the beat of the city, to hear its voice and learn its rhythms. Due to the teachings of his grandfather, Joseph grew to a strong set of street-smarts, taught to remain constantly aware of his surroundings and how to read those within them.
But Joseph found he had trouble connecting to the city, especially on its crowded streets. Constantly overwhelmed, he found the only time he could clearly hear the rhythm of the city was from high above the street. Looking down on the world, Joseph learned how to pick apart the details and eventually found his groove. The city became his playground and Joseph would sneak out of the house to play among the roof tops. It was from this height that the corruption growing in Crescent City first became clear to Joseph, he could see the city was sick and that the illness was only spreading. It was here that the idea to follow in his grandfather's footsteps was laid in Joseph's head, within him a fire had lit and the flames of passion ignited a need to help the people of Crescent City, a need he wouldn't act on until quite a few years later.
Originally traversing them by climbing fire escape after fire escape before eventually growing bold enough to jump from roof to roof. From there Joseph's skills only continued to expand as Joseph learned to move more efficiently from place to place, learning the city from a whole new angle. At least he would have until his mother, Samantha caught Joseph sneaking in through a window one dark night. Never before had the boy seen his mother so scared as she checked him over for any sign of injury, acting as though he had been out re-enacting the stories of the Mavericks. Making him swear to never use the roof tops again, Joseph was literally grounded from that point on. But he learned to adapt, find new ways to hear the city as he moved through the crowded streets and eventually behind the wheel as his grandfather taught him how to drive and he succeeded in gaining his driver's license.
Despite never being the brightest in his class, Joseph never struggled through school. Maintaining above average grades and achieving honors upon graduation, Joseph had a wide selection of post-secondary institutions to choose from along with several sizable scholarships. However money had never been a concern for the Thoreau's thanks to Joseph's distant father. Deciding to take inspiration from his grandfather, Joseph turned his back on the numerous high brow institutions that had sent him accepted letters before deciding to pursue his education at the local community college. Enrolling for EMT certification, Joseph completed course after course until finding a career with the Crescent City General Hospital as a paramedic. Never had Joseph felt so much pride as the day his grandfather shook his hand to congratulate the young man upon his first assignment. Silas however was disgusted with Joseph's career choices, his attitude towards Joseph causing friction between both Joseph and himself as well as Samantha and he.
Having little contact with his parents due to his father's attitude towards his career, it came as a great shock to Joseph to learn that Silas had begun publicly backing mayoral candidate Emilie Blake. Knowing that backing anyone who wasn't Simmons would only garner the attention of the wrong type of people, Joseph pleaded with his mother to convince Silas to step back from the public face. But Samantha reminded Joseph that Silas had made his choices as Joseph had made his. Unfortunately this would be the last time Joseph would be able to talk to his mother as she was killed in a botched assassination attempt on Silas at one of Blake's rallies. Blinded by rage, Joseph confronted Silas, nearly attacking the man before the two broke down in each other's arms over the loss of Samantha.
Despite the city wide state of emergency keeping Joseph busy, the young paramedic has begun his own investigation into his mother's murder after the police have failed to turn up any leads.
Growing up distant from his father, Joseph spent most of his time with his mother and grandfather. His mother provided the love and care every growing boy needed while Forrest filled the void left by Silas and taught Joseph many numerous life skills. Drawing upon his years of experience as a former police officer, Forrest taught Joseph to listen to the beat of the city, to hear its voice and learn its rhythms. Due to the teachings of his grandfather, Joseph grew to a strong set of street-smarts, taught to remain constantly aware of his surroundings and how to read those within them.
But Joseph found he had trouble connecting to the city, especially on its crowded streets. Constantly overwhelmed, he found the only time he could clearly hear the rhythm of the city was from high above the street. Looking down on the world, Joseph learned how to pick apart the details and eventually found his groove. The city became his playground and Joseph would sneak out of the house to play among the roof tops. It was from this height that the corruption growing in Crescent City first became clear to Joseph, he could see the city was sick and that the illness was only spreading. It was here that the idea to follow in his grandfather's footsteps was laid in Joseph's head, within him a fire had lit and the flames of passion ignited a need to help the people of Crescent City, a need he wouldn't act on until quite a few years later.
Originally traversing them by climbing fire escape after fire escape before eventually growing bold enough to jump from roof to roof. From there Joseph's skills only continued to expand as Joseph learned to move more efficiently from place to place, learning the city from a whole new angle. At least he would have until his mother, Samantha caught Joseph sneaking in through a window one dark night. Never before had the boy seen his mother so scared as she checked him over for any sign of injury, acting as though he had been out re-enacting the stories of the Mavericks. Making him swear to never use the roof tops again, Joseph was literally grounded from that point on. But he learned to adapt, find new ways to hear the city as he moved through the crowded streets and eventually behind the wheel as his grandfather taught him how to drive and he succeeded in gaining his driver's license.
Despite never being the brightest in his class, Joseph never struggled through school. Maintaining above average grades and achieving honors upon graduation, Joseph had a wide selection of post-secondary institutions to choose from along with several sizable scholarships. However money had never been a concern for the Thoreau's thanks to Joseph's distant father. Deciding to take inspiration from his grandfather, Joseph turned his back on the numerous high brow institutions that had sent him accepted letters before deciding to pursue his education at the local community college. Enrolling for EMT certification, Joseph completed course after course until finding a career with the Crescent City General Hospital as a paramedic. Never had Joseph felt so much pride as the day his grandfather shook his hand to congratulate the young man upon his first assignment. Silas however was disgusted with Joseph's career choices, his attitude towards Joseph causing friction between both Joseph and himself as well as Samantha and he.
Having little contact with his parents due to his father's attitude towards his career, it came as a great shock to Joseph to learn that Silas had begun publicly backing mayoral candidate Emilie Blake. Knowing that backing anyone who wasn't Simmons would only garner the attention of the wrong type of people, Joseph pleaded with his mother to convince Silas to step back from the public face. But Samantha reminded Joseph that Silas had made his choices as Joseph had made his. Unfortunately this would be the last time Joseph would be able to talk to his mother as she was killed in a botched assassination attempt on Silas at one of Blake's rallies. Blinded by rage, Joseph confronted Silas, nearly attacking the man before the two broke down in each other's arms over the loss of Samantha.
Despite the city wide state of emergency keeping Joseph busy, the young paramedic has begun his own investigation into his mother's murder after the police have failed to turn up any leads.
▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:
"The city is hurting, it's time someone helped her."

Ever since he was young, Joseph has felt a desire to help others. This need was only further honed by his grandfather who was a retired member of the Crescent City Police Department. As an officer who had served during the Golden Age of the Mavericks, Forrest believed in heroes and Joseph inherited this belief but Crescent City was long past the age of heroes and crime was beginning to resurface without any opposition. Taking to the streets as a member of Crescent City's paramedics, Joseph decided to help in the best way he could by tending to those hurt in the rapidly growing crime wave.
▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:
"Time to level the playing field."

◼ ABILITY NEGATION | Joseph’s primary ability is that of ability negation. This is accomplished by blocking the flow of energy through manipulation of bio-electricity within the target. In a Mundane, this can lead to muscle seizure as a direct blow from Joseph can temporarily lock or paralyze the afflicted muscles. In Hyperhumans, Joseph can suspend the use of their abilities, causing them to be temporarily disabled and ineffective.
When in physical contact with another, Joseph’s body will instinctively negate out of self preservation meaning that if he were touched or assaulted while asleep or unconscious, his body will negate the abilities of his assailant. If the assailant is a Mundane, the ability will not activate unless Joseph’s body is in a state of dismay.
Physical contact is the easiest way for Joseph to manifest his abilities. However, Joseph is able to emit a small blast which can carry the same effects as physical contact. This blast will only negate abilities for several minutes, acting like a small taser blast. Repeated blasts will build up the duration of the negation but only to the extent of three hours. After this the host will recover unless Joseph incurs another attack upon them. Physical contact with Joseph has increased potency in comparison, immediately rendering a Hyperhuman individual powerless for several hours.
At peak potency, Joseph can project a field of effect, capable of rendering all gifted individuals in a set radius powerless. He can create a prolonged blast, repeatedly pelting a target or even summon a wider-spread attack capable of targeting multiple foes. Joseph is able to render most gifted individuals powerless for several days and may even be capable of stripping another of their abilities completely if prolonged physical contact is held.
◼ ABILITY AMPLIFICATION | A secondary ability, Joseph is also able to enhance the abilities of other Hyperhumans. By laying his hands on another who possesses extraordinary abilities, Joseph can increase the potency of their abilities beyond what they are currently capable of. This increase only lasts as long as Joseph remains in contact with the ability's host and its effects almost immediately dissipate as soon as Joseph releases contact. Joseph is able to form empathetic links with those who he's close to allowing him to amplify their abilities while they're nearby. However as with his other abilities, the effects are only temporary, wearing off an hour or so after Joseph terminates the link.
At his peak, Joseph is able to evolve the abilities of others to their fullest potential. This could lead to any number of outcomes and may even hurt the host as their powers become too unstable to control or contain. This effect can last for upwards of a day depending on Joseph's bond with the host, those he has an empathetic connection with will find themselves empowered longer than another gifted individual who Joseph has just encountered. Upon reaching this mastery, Joseph's ability does not rely on physical contact and can operate solely on a field of effect which can come at risk of enhancing even his foes. Physically touching another increases the duration of the evolution and its potency. While the field of effect can amplify abilities and with sustained effect can evolve the host, physical touch from Joseph accelerates the process, making evolution almost instant.
When in physical contact with another, Joseph’s body will instinctively negate out of self preservation meaning that if he were touched or assaulted while asleep or unconscious, his body will negate the abilities of his assailant. If the assailant is a Mundane, the ability will not activate unless Joseph’s body is in a state of dismay.
Physical contact is the easiest way for Joseph to manifest his abilities. However, Joseph is able to emit a small blast which can carry the same effects as physical contact. This blast will only negate abilities for several minutes, acting like a small taser blast. Repeated blasts will build up the duration of the negation but only to the extent of three hours. After this the host will recover unless Joseph incurs another attack upon them. Physical contact with Joseph has increased potency in comparison, immediately rendering a Hyperhuman individual powerless for several hours.
At peak potency, Joseph can project a field of effect, capable of rendering all gifted individuals in a set radius powerless. He can create a prolonged blast, repeatedly pelting a target or even summon a wider-spread attack capable of targeting multiple foes. Joseph is able to render most gifted individuals powerless for several days and may even be capable of stripping another of their abilities completely if prolonged physical contact is held.
◼ ABILITY AMPLIFICATION | A secondary ability, Joseph is also able to enhance the abilities of other Hyperhumans. By laying his hands on another who possesses extraordinary abilities, Joseph can increase the potency of their abilities beyond what they are currently capable of. This increase only lasts as long as Joseph remains in contact with the ability's host and its effects almost immediately dissipate as soon as Joseph releases contact. Joseph is able to form empathetic links with those who he's close to allowing him to amplify their abilities while they're nearby. However as with his other abilities, the effects are only temporary, wearing off an hour or so after Joseph terminates the link.
At his peak, Joseph is able to evolve the abilities of others to their fullest potential. This could lead to any number of outcomes and may even hurt the host as their powers become too unstable to control or contain. This effect can last for upwards of a day depending on Joseph's bond with the host, those he has an empathetic connection with will find themselves empowered longer than another gifted individual who Joseph has just encountered. Upon reaching this mastery, Joseph's ability does not rely on physical contact and can operate solely on a field of effect which can come at risk of enhancing even his foes. Physically touching another increases the duration of the evolution and its potency. While the field of effect can amplify abilities and with sustained effect can evolve the host, physical touch from Joseph accelerates the process, making evolution almost instant.
◼ PARKOUR | Although rusty, Joseph taught himself how to parkour during his youth before being stopped by his mother. His body still remembers the movements and he has since stayed in good physical condition both for personal interest and due to his chosen career.
◼ DRIVING | Although Joseph isn't by any means a stunt driver, he is capable of driving most vehicles, including large vehicles such as ambulances. Even with such a large vehicle, Joseph is able to steer it an a manner that would be considered agile, capable of weaving in and out of traffic nearly as efficiently as the average motorcycle driver.
◼ SELF DEFENSE | In a city as dangerous as Crescent City, one knows better than to work on the streets without some sort of defense training. While attending college, Joseph attended several self defense classes in anticipation of picking up patients in Crescent City's seedier areas.
◼ DRIVING | Although Joseph isn't by any means a stunt driver, he is capable of driving most vehicles, including large vehicles such as ambulances. Even with such a large vehicle, Joseph is able to steer it an a manner that would be considered agile, capable of weaving in and out of traffic nearly as efficiently as the average motorcycle driver.
◼ SELF DEFENSE | In a city as dangerous as Crescent City, one knows better than to work on the streets without some sort of defense training. While attending college, Joseph attended several self defense classes in anticipation of picking up patients in Crescent City's seedier areas.
Joseph can not use both of his abilities at the same, Joseph has to choose whether to enhance or negate constantly, he can't lay a hand on an ally to enhance while firing a negation blast at a foe. Furthermore, the effects of his abilities are not permanent, except in an extreme case when regarding his negation ability.
Range of effect is also a major limitation, as even at his fullest potential, Joseph only has a maximum area effect of a twenty five foot radius. His abilities are most effective with physical contact which combined with his lack of physical enhancement requires Joseph to constantly be pragmatic enough to get close to a foe.
Despite the effects of his abilities on both Mundanes and Hyperhumans, Joseph has no guaranteed effects on Homo-Magni, Hellions or Celestials. He can not disable their abilities, nor can he boost them as the latter is limited to only Hyperhumans and the former to both Hyperhumans and Mundanes.
Range of effect is also a major limitation, as even at his fullest potential, Joseph only has a maximum area effect of a twenty five foot radius. His abilities are most effective with physical contact which combined with his lack of physical enhancement requires Joseph to constantly be pragmatic enough to get close to a foe.
Despite the effects of his abilities on both Mundanes and Hyperhumans, Joseph has no guaranteed effects on Homo-Magni, Hellions or Celestials. He can not disable their abilities, nor can he boost them as the latter is limited to only Hyperhumans and the former to both Hyperhumans and Mundanes.
Joseph has no physical enhancements of his own, meaning he's vulnerable to every conventional form of harm. His abilities can be interrupted by a strike to his nervous system such as electrical shock from a tazer. A sustained electrical field, even at a harmless voltage would interrupt Joseph's abilities enough to render them useless.
Extreme voltages can and will render Joseph's abilities null and void, potentially even temporarily blocking them. Energy based attacks, particularly electrical ones are extremely dangerous to Joseph due to the way his abilities operate through bio-electricity.
Extreme voltages can and will render Joseph's abilities null and void, potentially even temporarily blocking them. Energy based attacks, particularly electrical ones are extremely dangerous to Joseph due to the way his abilities operate through bio-electricity.
▼ N O T E S:
"It's the people waiting for me at home that keep me going each and every day."



◼ Castell, Ellara | Joseph's on and off again girlfriend.

◼ Fitzgerald, Annabelle | A nurse at the hospital.

◼ Thoreau, Forrest | Joseph's grandfather and father figure. Forrest and Joseph have a bond that Silas is incredibly jealous of both due to his distance from his father and the attention stolen from his son.

◼ Thoreau, Samantha neé Russells (Deceased) | Joseph's mother.

◼ Thoreau, Silas | Joseph's father, Crescent City's current District Attorney.

◼ Young, Travis | Travis Young is Joseph's paramedic partner, the two have been friends since the first year of college and have been nearly inseparable since.

◼ Michaels, Charles | The original IllAdvised, Charles acts as Joseph's mentor.

◼ Castell, Ellara | Joseph's on and off again girlfriend.

◼ Fitzgerald, Annabelle | A nurse at the hospital.

◼ Thoreau, Forrest | Joseph's grandfather and father figure. Forrest and Joseph have a bond that Silas is incredibly jealous of both due to his distance from his father and the attention stolen from his son.

◼ Thoreau, Samantha neé Russells (Deceased) | Joseph's mother.

◼ Thoreau, Silas | Joseph's father, Crescent City's current District Attorney.

◼ Young, Travis | Travis Young is Joseph's paramedic partner, the two have been friends since the first year of college and have been nearly inseparable since.
◼ TBD | Test
◼ FIREHOUSE 53 | The fire house that Joseph and Travis' ambulance is based out of when Joseph's not working the rapid response vehicle.
◼ RHODES LIGHTHOUSE (Mavericks Bunker) | Coming Soon
◼ THE SOUND | The location of Joseph's apartment. Joseph rents an apartment at 221b Baker Street. TBD
◼ FIREHOUSE 53 | The fire house that Joseph and Travis' ambulance is based out of when Joseph's not working the rapid response vehicle.
◼ RHODES LIGHTHOUSE (Mavericks Bunker) | Coming Soon
◼ THE SOUND | The location of Joseph's apartment. Joseph rents an apartment at 221b Baker Street. TBD
◼ ILLADVISED ARMOR (Mk.III) | Joseph's personalised uniform is composed of a tri-weave titanium dipped fiber. In addition to this, the suit contains ceramic plates over the chest, back, thighs, shins and forearms. These ceramic plates are made of a combination of ablative and re-active armor allowing impacts and blows to be spread along the entirety of the surface thus minimising harm to Joseph. Likewise his cowl is composed of similar materials in addition to being lined with Kevlar. The entire suit has a layer of Nomex to reduce harm from heat and fire as well as being insulated against electrical attacks. The suit contains a light exoskeleton which increases Jospeh's durability, strength and speed by a factor of two which allows him to give toe to toe with some of the more minor superhumans without relying on his own abilities.
In the case of severe injury such as a broken or dislocated limb, the suit automatically tightens around the limb to create a tourniquet, and can additionally directly inject pain killers into Joseph's bloodstream. The suit's gauntlets include wrist mounted grappling lines and tazer charges embedded in the knuckles. Both the forearm and shin have scalloped blades mounted along the edge of the boots and gauntlets respectively. The palms of the gloves and the soles of the boots have retractable climbing spikes. Implanted in the center of the suit's chest armor is an electro-magnetic gyroscope which activates with the loud bang caused by firearms. This device produces an electromagnetic field which deflects bullets under .45 caliber away from Joseph. The downside of the device is that it possibly endangers any surrounding allies.
Joseph's cowl contains an elaborate Heads Up Display which allows him to monitor his own vitals, as well as scan those of his teammates or even foes. This HUD can also identify and locate clues, evidence, ballistics paths etc during an investigation along with the use of several other tools on Joseph's utility belt. The cowl also naturally contains a voice modifier, air filtration and headset. Joseph's forearm armor also contains holographic emitters allowing for a holographic interface and display wherever he's standing. The suit's electronics run on a self sustaining battery core, while this core regulates its own recharge rate it's able to use the kinetic energy produced by motion to up its recharge rate increasing the difficulty in draining the core while in combat.
The various utility belts that Joseph wears hold numerous tools such as flash bangs, smoke pellets, an acidic compound to eat through metals such as locks or hinges, an adhesive and solvent, zip ties, forensics tools, a first aid kit and various forms of currency just in case.
◼ ILLADVISED ARMOR (Mk.III) | Joseph's personalised uniform is composed of a tri-weave titanium dipped fiber. In addition to this, the suit contains ceramic plates over the chest, back, thighs, shins and forearms. These ceramic plates are made of a combination of ablative and re-active armor allowing impacts and blows to be spread along the entirety of the surface thus minimising harm to Joseph. Likewise his cowl is composed of similar materials in addition to being lined with Kevlar. The entire suit has a layer of Nomex to reduce harm from heat and fire as well as being insulated against electrical attacks. The suit contains a light exoskeleton which increases Jospeh's durability, strength and speed by a factor of two which allows him to give toe to toe with some of the more minor superhumans without relying on his own abilities.
In the case of severe injury such as a broken or dislocated limb, the suit automatically tightens around the limb to create a tourniquet, and can additionally directly inject pain killers into Joseph's bloodstream. The suit's gauntlets include wrist mounted grappling lines and tazer charges embedded in the knuckles. Both the forearm and shin have scalloped blades mounted along the edge of the boots and gauntlets respectively. The palms of the gloves and the soles of the boots have retractable climbing spikes. Implanted in the center of the suit's chest armor is an electro-magnetic gyroscope which activates with the loud bang caused by firearms. This device produces an electromagnetic field which deflects bullets under .45 caliber away from Joseph. The downside of the device is that it possibly endangers any surrounding allies.
Joseph's cowl contains an elaborate Heads Up Display which allows him to monitor his own vitals, as well as scan those of his teammates or even foes. This HUD can also identify and locate clues, evidence, ballistics paths etc during an investigation along with the use of several other tools on Joseph's utility belt. The cowl also naturally contains a voice modifier, air filtration and headset. Joseph's forearm armor also contains holographic emitters allowing for a holographic interface and display wherever he's standing. The suit's electronics run on a self sustaining battery core, while this core regulates its own recharge rate it's able to use the kinetic energy produced by motion to up its recharge rate increasing the difficulty in draining the core while in combat.
The various utility belts that Joseph wears hold numerous tools such as flash bangs, smoke pellets, an acidic compound to eat through metals such as locks or hinges, an adhesive and solvent, zip ties, forensics tools, a first aid kit and various forms of currency just in case.
◼ TDB | Test
◼ TELESCOPIC BATON | During his early days of being a vigilante, Joseph began by carrying two law enforcement standard issue telescopic batons. These weapons were easy to conceal on his person and spring in a moment of need.
◼ 'SICK STICK' | Originally dubbed the 'Kenobi' by Charles until Joseph renamed it the 'Sick Stick' as a play on the 'Ill' in IllAdvised. The weapon is a staff composed of two sections which are firmly held together by a spool of triple threaded high tension wire. While Chuck primarily used the weapon as one piece, it can be manipulated for a variety of uses thanks to the ability to pull apart. It can be used as a flail, nun-chuka, grapple and more. Unlike his mentor, Joseph prefers to use the weapon in its nun-chuk configuration, despite the difficulty associate with the weapon. Each end is able to administer a high voltage shock which makes the weapon particularly brutal. The coiled cable is spring loaded, enabling Joseph to actually fire the staff as an impact weapon or to surprise a foe who thought they were out of reach. Additionally, each end has secondary expansion which Joseph can use to vault himself or once again enhance his striking power. In it's single piece assembly, the staff is 30" long, which each end capable of extending an additional 6". Within the staff, the spool of wire holds 8' worth of thread which allows the weapon to be used as a last resort grapple
◼ 'NEGOTIATORS' | Originally built using pieces from a nail gun and a handgun, Charles designed a series of darts which administer an electrical charge that stimulates the nerves to create the sensation of pain from a gun shot without doing any lasting damage to the victim. The gun adheres to Charles' thigh armor using magnetism, he uses the same technology in his gloves allowing him to maintain a firm grip on his weapon as well as easily retrieve it from his hip or pull it back to him if he were to loose his grip on it. When Joseph adopted the weapon, he swapped the electrical charge in the darts for an amplified sedative. Having a second Negotiator built, Joseph prefers to dual wield the weapons against overwhelming odds.
◼ 'SICK STICK' | Originally dubbed the 'Kenobi' by Charles until Joseph renamed it the 'Sick Stick' as a play on the 'Ill' in IllAdvised. The weapon is a staff composed of two sections which are firmly held together by a spool of triple threaded high tension wire. While Chuck primarily used the weapon as one piece, it can be manipulated for a variety of uses thanks to the ability to pull apart. It can be used as a flail, nun-chuka, grapple and more. Unlike his mentor, Joseph prefers to use the weapon in its nun-chuk configuration, despite the difficulty associate with the weapon. Each end is able to administer a high voltage shock which makes the weapon particularly brutal. The coiled cable is spring loaded, enabling Joseph to actually fire the staff as an impact weapon or to surprise a foe who thought they were out of reach. Additionally, each end has secondary expansion which Joseph can use to vault himself or once again enhance his striking power. In it's single piece assembly, the staff is 30" long, which each end capable of extending an additional 6". Within the staff, the spool of wire holds 8' worth of thread which allows the weapon to be used as a last resort grapple
◼ 'NEGOTIATORS' | Originally built using pieces from a nail gun and a handgun, Charles designed a series of darts which administer an electrical charge that stimulates the nerves to create the sensation of pain from a gun shot without doing any lasting damage to the victim. The gun adheres to Charles' thigh armor using magnetism, he uses the same technology in his gloves allowing him to maintain a firm grip on his weapon as well as easily retrieve it from his hip or pull it back to him if he were to loose his grip on it. When Joseph adopted the weapon, he swapped the electrical charge in the darts for an amplified sedative. Having a second Negotiator built, Joseph prefers to dual wield the weapons against overwhelming odds.
◼ TDB | Test
I literally went to fetch my character from that RP. Keep in the mind the power levels were allowed to be much higher and the RP was geared slightly different but the same structure and 'universe'.