Welcome to the interest check for Lost in the Woods! This is a free, sandboxy game in which we'll play as people that has been trapped in an enchanted forest. It is a big, dark, scary forest, and for some reason it does not let people leave. There are several rumors concerning how to break this curse, but so far no one has been successful.
This is a fantasy game, so fantastic elements are accepted and encouraged. Elves, trolls, dwarves, orcs, or whatever. Just don't overdo it. It is also a medieval game, which means swords and tunics and knights and such. Easy peasy.
When playing this game you will get to partake in a little worldbuilding, too. Apart from your character, you will get to create a race (perhaps your characters, if that's not already taken) and a location within the forest. Such a location could be anything from a mine to a temple, or maybe just a hut. It's first come (and accepted) first served when it comes to races.
So! What are you waiting for? Submit your interest today!