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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 10 mos ago

There was nothing worse than not knowing if a friend was dead or alive. Well - actually, there probably was but still. At least he could hope. He couldn't believe that something bad happened to her. Wouldn't. He had been on a team with Zelia for a long time - far longer than Flynn. The two had just clicked. Forming a team and working together had just came naturally. Sure, like all partners they had to figure each others little quirks out to better fight alongside each other. But they managed. They had done well together.

Many had thought they were an item. A man, a woman. Hanging out a lot together. The rumor and gossip mill abounded. But it hadn't been that case. They had been friends - good ones, but friends. Any feelings they might have had - or at least, he had - were kept buried. And of course once Flynn and then most recently Skye joined, Trex hadn't even wanted to explore anything other than friendship for fear that it might break the team. Not to mention, he had been really fixated on improving himself and getting stronger - constantly working. There hadn't been time for any relationship.

Of course that all seemed so shallow now, looking back. Excuses. Still partially afraid to see what he truly felt about Zelia, Trex did know that he was terrified that something bad happened to her. Maybe she was trapped. Maybe she was dying somewhere. To have her slip away without him even being able to.... He cut those thoughts down. Worrying did not help. Letting one's imagination run would only make it worse.

"If she doesn't show up in a day or two," just waiting that long was going to be difficult. "I'll follow up with the medical camp she was at." He glanced at Flynn. "Since she sent you the latest letter, I assume we know where she was stationed - at least with some precision?" And if they didn't then someone would know.

Skye watched silently. Though she had grown more comfortable with Flynn - and people in general, it hadn't changed her more quiet nature. Just made her a bit more open. Part of her expected the worst. It was life. Life was never fair and always seemed to bring its heavy foot down. But, she couldn't bring herself to say it. Not only did she not want to hurt the team but she found that she wanted...no. She was surprised. Hoped. She hoped Zelia was alright. Strange. She leaned forward and placed a hand on Trex's. "We'll find her." Her words were quiet but with a resonating promise behind it. Trex looked at her surprised. She quickly withdrew her hand, still a bit self-conscious.
~ ~ ~

She took the food, that was good. Ryzo wasn't going to force her but he knew she would need it. He didn't pull any out for himself. He wasn't that desperate yet and considering she had been here a week, who knows how long it would be before they would get out. He wasn't anticipating rescue. Though possible, he wasn't the type to rely on others. Sure, his team might find him - and he had a good way of contacting them. However, he wasn't going to sit here and wait. Especially considering he would have to play it carefully otherwise Tye would take over and leave him to rot. His eyes narrowed slightly just thinking of her.

Remembering he had company, he quickly buried that. If there was one thing people from Caelum knew how to do - or at least him and Skye - it was mask one's emotions. "I think I have an idea. Or at least I know where I was before waking up in one of these tunnels." He pulled out the small book that he had when they first met. Keeping it positioned slightly away so she couldn't see what was in it, he leafed through looking for the map of Fiore that he had drawn. Finding it he held the book open so she could see. One page had a small integrate map on it. Though etched out, it was very realistic.

"I believe we are somewhere near here - Waas Forest." He pointed, his hand moving to uncover the other page which showed a sketch of a cove from the cliff above. The waves dashed against the side of the rock while a small trail headed down the cliff side to the small cove. "I was in Waas Forest looking....I was there before I woke and found myself in one of these tunnels. I doubt whoever did this took us far." He closed the book with a snap, jaw firm. Whoever had done this would pay. He'd make sure of that.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 23 hrs ago

"Or," Flynn interjected, he was all about encouraging his friends to comfort each other. Especially Skye, that was new for her. It was a good thing, showed her progress... But he wasn't about putting a timeline on checking in on a friend who had been awol, "Considering we haven't heard from her in far too long... And as much as I want to believe that she is just taking her sweet time being the absolute sweetest and building house and stitching people... She's been gone for three weeks. Let's check in now. Either they tell us that they sent her home long enough ago that we really start to worry and create a search party and comb the borders for her... Or they say that she is on her way and is currently nursing baby sheep back to health on a farm that Natsu destroyed," Flynn looked between his friends, "Anyway, we find out what we need to know and we spring into action if we need to. Cause if she's alive but not safe... She might not... have those couple days..." Flynn said, his face fallen. Flynn liked being the light of every room, the comedic relief in every conversation, it was clear that this conversation was hard for him. He couldn't bring himself to make it fun. It wasn't fun. Their friend was missing. Maybe dead.

He couldn't just wait and hope she would walk in the door without at least asking someone when to expect her.


Zelia looked at the map, she was slightly impressed by Ryzo's ability to nearly perfectly map out the entire country and the borders of the neighbouring ones... Not that she was going to tell him that. He was still an awful person. She caught his slip up that he tried to gloss over. Looking. Looking. Looking for what? "Waas Forest," She said, her voice hoarse.. She chuckled a little, "Still on the hunt, hey. How long did it take you to figure that one out? Flynn knew... Months ago... Before the war ago," a small spark of the old Zelia seemed to light up her eye. Sure, maybe antagonizing the guy who had just given you food and was possibly your only way out of here wasn't the best idea... But he deserved to have the fact that he was too late rubbed in his face. Yet again, Flynn had beaten them to the punch.

She reached into the pocket of her dress and pulled out a letter, there was blood on it. It was clear that Zelia had been reading it whilst she was stuck her, "Blue," She read, "You should see how blue she is," She looked over at Ryzo, "If that's what brought you to the forest... If that's what got you stuck here..." she laughed a little, "I'm going to call that sweet karma for everything you've done," She looked him in the eye, her laughter dying down. A more serious tone washing over her, "Maybe... You can make up for everything you've done. I don't know how... but I don't intend on staying her. Never have intended on staying. I want to get back to my team... My family."

She reached out and carefully placed a hand on the wrist that held his book and looked at the pages... Remembering a different time he had shared the contents of the pad with her, "You know... I don't know if when we first met... You were playing... If that was all planned. If was... everything I'm about to say, is useless. As empty as what you made up... But if it wasn't. Then... You don't seem like a bad guy Ryzo. Just with the wrong people..." She watched him for a moment before releasing his hand and pulling back, "Honestly, you all seem like you hate each other. So I don't even really know why you are a team to begin with."

She sighed and stared up at the ceiling, "I guess what I'm rambling about is... I want to get out of here," She glanced over at him again, "But I'm probably going to need your help... Do you want to be a good guy for a change?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 10 mos ago

What appeared to be relief crossed Trex's face. He had wanted to rush right away and see if he could find out what happened to Zelia. But at the same time he hadn't wanted to rush to any conclusions. She could just be late and he was over-exaggerating. Undoubtedly, as Flynn said, she probably was just getting sidetracked on her way back. She was kind-hearted so it was possible. And they'd all probably look a bit foolish if they had rushed it. At least that was his initial thought. But the fact that Flynn seemed to think leaving now to find her was a good idea, it helped Trex on the back and forth mental indecisiveness he had been going through. If Flynn felt they should leave now - even if it wasn't an issue - and he felt it, then it probably was a good idea to do so. He nodded.

"That's a good idea, Flynn." Trex smiled, though the strain from his worrying showed through slightly. "It's good to be with you again. Both of you." He glanced toward Skye.

Though she lowered her eyes briefly and bit her lip, Skye didn't completely duck her head and look away. Trex was again surprised at how far she had seemed to come. He glanced toward Fynn. The wizard must have been a good influence on her.

"Alright, let's head out. Or do you guys need to get anything?" He asked.

"No," Skye shook her head. She nudged a bag at her feet. "I'm ready whenever."

Trex raised an eyebrow surprised she was packed and ready to go but didn't press. And the girl didn't offer any explanation. Turning, he looked at Flynn.

~ ~ ~

The mocking, he expected as much. But the fact it died and she turned serious was not expected. Ryzo kept his expression completely neutral as Zelia spoke. There was no indication which part was accurate: If it was a game or real. Nor did he seem to respond to the comment about hating each other. He waited until she finished, her question hanging in the air for a few moments.

"Loving each other is not something honestly needed on the specific task we are set out to do." And that was probably all he'll give her on that. True, he and the others didn't get along. Hatred was a bit strong of a word. Tye was.... well she was Tye. But despite that - and despite what Zelia thought or felt, he didn't despite her. Nor did he hate any of this other teammates. The bond of...family, as it were, might not be the same as Zelia's but in some aspects, Tye and Zen were basically all he had left. Not that Zelia would understand. Nor did that mean he trusted Tye.

"You might not believe me in anything I say, Zelia," he turned slightly away and glanced toward the trickle of water, his eyes moving up to the source. He wondered if they could get out that way. He turned back. "But you're presuming that I'm a villain." He gave a slight shrug. "Though, I will concede that in your eyes I probably am." For a moment his neutral expression shifted and there was just a faint hint of something else. Whatever it was, he looked a bit younger, more...not innocent but good. Vulnerable? Whatever it was, it faded. "I will tell you that when I first met you I hadn't known who you were or your relation to Flynn. I didn't anticipate you being a rival for the color keys." He gave a slight shrug. "But believe what you will. But I concur. What matters is that we have no choice but to work together. Any rivalry or ...dislike, we have for each other we should put aside. If we can't find a way to get out of this than we'll both die here." He met her gaze, his neutral eyes meeting hers. "So, truce?" He held out his hand watching her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Zelia stared at Ryzo for a long moment, "My apologies if I find it a little harder to just set those feelings aside. I didn't do anything to you and yet..." She took a long and deep breath, "But that doesn't mean I can't work with you," She gently put her own hand in his, "Don't make me regret this."


Flynn smiled when Trex seemed to perk up slightly, clearly very happy to be active in the search for their friend. It didn't surprise Flynn in the slightest. He too was happy to get going and hopefully get closer to fully reuniting their group and he didn't have any confusing semi romantic feelings for their friend. Not that Trex would admit it... Although... Maybe after all of this, he might stop taking the fact that Zelia was always there for granted... One day she wouldn't be, hopefully it wasn't this soon.

Flynn looked at Lucy when Trex asked if they were ready to go and kissed her cheek, "We'll be back with Zelia soon."

Similar to Skye, as Flynn stood he pulled his bag out from under the table and pulled it over his shoulder, "What? You don't think you are the only who just arrived."

Lucy laughed a little at her boyfriend's expense, "We've been here for a few days, he has just kept his bag with him in case he heard anything and needed to go and save the day. He's been worried about all of you."

Flynn pursed his lips and shrugged, "What can I say... I care about you guys..."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 10 mos ago

No mocking smile toyed on Ryzo's lips, nor did he seem to take her remark negatively. Instead, he gave her hand a formal shake, noting that despite its softness it was a hand used to work. And he knew that. She wasn't one to just sit back and let others do the work for her. She was a partner, none who was not afraid of hard work. Which was good. That would aid in helping to find a way out of this mess.

"Completely understandable." He let her hand go, his own falling to his side slightly. "You felt betrayed and we aren't particularly allies prior to this. I'd be very surprised if you found it easy to just set your feelings and intuition aside. In fact, it would be rather foolish of you to do so."

The statement was more matter-of-fact. No malice, no sorrow. Just fact. He was from Caelum. One who trusted others to easily didn't live long. You always had to have a part of your guard up. You can work with others, even form alliances, but that didn't mean you tossed everything out - your feelings, gut, intuition. And trust...full complete trust was not something that should be given quickly. You could work with someone and have some level of trust without completely lowering your guard.

He was actually impressed and glad Zelia didn't fully trust him. He would have questioned her sanity otherwise.

Turning, he looked at the room. "Alright, so we have plenty of water but not a lot of food. I only have so much on me. Which means they didn't really search me or care." His eyes narrowed as he looked around the room. "The fact they inhibit our magic and then trap us is curious. They didn't kill us outright yet without food, we'd die soon enough." He inhaled. "The air isn't too groggy meaning there is some air floor." He turned to Zelia. "Perhaps if we find that entrance we might be able to expand it. Fresh air means a way to the surface. We find that and we might have a shot to get out of here."

~ ~ ~

Trex was surprised and a bit touched. He should have known his friends would rally quickly. "Alright, then we'll head out." He clasped Flynn on the shoulder even as he glanced toward Skye. He didn't touch the latter as the last he had seen her she had been way to skittish for such an action. And though she seemed a bit more...open, he didn't want to risk it.

He turned his gaze to Lucy. "Lucy, great to see you again. I'm glad you made it in one piece. Hope the rest of your team did as well," he said sincerely. Reaching down, he slung his back over his shoulder ready to leave.

Skye picked up her own bag. Like Flynn she hadn't just arrived but she did like to keep a bag always packed. Besides, she figured that if Trex or Zelia hadn't shown up shortly than Flynn would have gone looking for them. And she wasn't going to be left behind. Not that that was the only reason she would have gone along. Despite herself, she actually had grown to like Trex, Zelia, and Flynn. Concern for their safety would have sent her out as well.

It was strange to let others in. She wasn't sure she liked it but at the same time it was...nice. She belonged - or at least for now. And her time with Flynn during the war gave her some indication that they weren't going to just leave her or betray her on a whim. Or so she hoped.

She could be burned but...but for now, a little hope and trust was worth it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Zelia stood when Ryzo mentioned them needing to locate the entrance of the air that was keeping the air fresher than it should have been. She took a deep breath before she stood, her legs seemed shaky but they held as she walked over to the water that dripped down from the roof. She held her hand under it, there was a decent flow that ran over her fingers, pulling the dirt away from her skin. She gazed up at where it was trickling down from before she glanced back at Ryzo, “This water is coming from somewhere… If we follow it… we might find the surface… or drown”

Zelia reached up and touched the dirt and pursed her lips. The frustrating part that with her magic, she could have pulled that dirt apart no issue. That was her favourite thing about telekinesis, it was so adaptable. It worked so great with her team as well… She felt a small prick of tears in her eyes. God, she missed them all so much. Even Skye, who she hadn’t known nearly as long as Flynn and Trex… She wanted to get out here to see them again. She had to see them again. But crying about that wouldn’t make that happen. She needed to be stronger than she had probably ever been just so that that could happen. When she was with them, then she could break down with them in her arms. Successfully holding back the tears, Zelia looked at Ryzo, “I just know how we plan on being able to dig through anything… Or how we are going to be able to crawl out through that,” She grabbed the collar that rested on her neck, “If we could find a way to get these pesky collars off… We might be able to get out of here alive…”


Lucy gave Trex a small smile when he hoped that he own team had returned safely. She slowly slid out of the booth and nodded her head, “I’m more worried about the places that they all have been over them,” She gave a small chuckle before she pulled her own bag over her shoulder, a bag packed just in case. She placed her had on Flynn’s shoulder and kissed him, “Be safe… Bring her back.”

She looked over her shoulder at the rest of them and nodded to them all before giving a warm farewell and heading over to another table of survivors. Flynn watched her walk away for a moment before he looked back at the rest of the group. He rested his hands on his backpack straps and smiled at them, “Alright, where do we begin?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Ryzo watched as Zelia stood. She was weak. Extremely so. He wondered again how long she had been here. Had their captors intended to just leave them here to die? It made no sense. Why would they do that? Why put a collar on them and then never come back? If the intent was for them to die, than why not have them killed right away?

Either way, what-ifs and wonderings wouldn't help much. Going over beside Zelia he looked at the crack then his gaze looked at her. They were close - close enough that he could see the vibrant color of her eyes as well as the droplets of water forming at the edges: tears. He didn't comment on them or point them out knowing that it wasn't really his place. Besides, it was understandable.

He frowned slightly, his hand going to the collar at his neck.

"Well, I haven't figured it out yet but then again, it is a bit difficult to examine it when it's on your own neck. But now that we both are here, I can get a better look. Do you mind?" He asked his hand moving up slightly to touch her collar. He brushed her hair slightly aside and leaned in to examine it. It fully encircled her neck. No beginning, no end. It was completely fused.

"Interesting." He frowned. That would make breaking it more difficult. Still...

"How about you try that rock on my collar." He nodded toward a large rock. "See if you can bust it off. Just...just don't hit my neck okay?" A smile toyed on his lips but he was partially serious. He wasn't sure how much she hated him. He was betting on the fact that she wasn't going to purposely kill him as she could use his help to escape. Though, he wouldn't put it past her to 'slip' once or twice.

~ ~ ~

Trex waited for Flynn to say goodbye. He gave his friend a slight grin as the older boy headed out with them. Nudging him in the shoulder, he lifted his eyebrows. "Still with Lucy huh?" There was a bit of teasing in his eyes, though not as much as there once had been.

Moving on to the question at hand, Trex frowned. "Well, let's start at the border and work our way back. Her last location was up north so we'll go there and see what they say. Then we can trace the most logical route back - presuming there wasn't any conveys that came from that area. It will be a big search but hopefully we can narrow it down and find her."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 23 hrs ago

As Ryzo brushed her hair aside she gathered it over her shoulder and in her hands. Allowing Ryzo to get a better look at the collar that she wore around her neck against her will without her hair falling back in the way of his view. She stared intently at the ground. It was weird... standing this close to him. Zelia, although a very friendly and open person did not allow many people into her personal space. She could think of only one person she would continually welcome to stand as close to her as they stood now... and she didn't believe he reciprocated those feelings... This, however, never effected that relationship.

She looked over her shoulder at Ryzo as he suggested that she attempt to bash his collar off of his neck with a nearby rock. She crouched down and picked up, looking it over for a moment, a small smile playing on her lips as requested that she not hit him in the neck, "It's tempting," She teased before she held out the rock to him, "You are stronger and my magic is versatile. If this is going to work, you are going to have a better shot at pulling it off. Your strength and angle will be a great asset compared to my own strength and height," She pursed her lips, "I said I would trust you... So I'm trusting you not to hit me in the neck."

Zelia took a deep breath before she once again pulled her hair over her shoulder and closed her eyes, awaiting the blow that would hopefully damage this collar enough to at least use her magic.

~ ~ ~

Flynn shrugged, his cheeks turning a little red, "Yea... She's great... She's been helping me figure out all the weird stuff that's been happening with my keys. Spirits just popping up out of no where... It's been wild, man.. You've missed a lot," He wrapped his arm around Trex's shoulder and pulled him into his body, "We've missed you a lot."

He looked over at Skye and gave her a smile. He enjoyed the time during the war that he got to spend with her. Getting to know her and her quirks a little bit more. In some cases, she was still a mystery but Flynn no longer felt like he was forcing a friendship upon her. It felt reciprocated now. He released Trex and nodded his head, "That sounds like good a plan as any... Is there anyone we can contact to track down which infirmary location she was at? I know the North got hit pretty hard so they set up a few bases along the border."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Ryzo raised an eyebrow at her remark. The fact she smiled when she said it was tempting gave him an indication that she would NOT do it. Though she probably wanted to. He knew he had hurt her a lot. It was more his associates but the betrayal was just as great. He hadn't wanted her involved. But it was what it was. And the fact that she had been forced to stay asleep by someone from his party hadn't helped.

His gaze met hers as she held out the rock. Very interesting. She was trusting him not to hurt her - probably same logic he had: she figured he needed her. Which he did. Though, he also noted that if he freed her, she was not obligated to do the same to him. Very interesting indeed. It would give him a good idea of what she truly thought and how badly she felt she needed him.

He took the rock.

"I won't hit your neck." It was a simple statement though there was assurance behind it. He had no intention of hurting her. "You might lay down so the ground stabilizes it." He told her.

He knelt down beside her, moving a bit of her hair aside, gently.

"You ready?" He asked, his eyes meeting hers.

~ ~ ~

"Likewise," Trex shook his head. "I wish the war never happened. But we're almost all back together again." He gave a partial smile. "Alright, let's catch a train."

The trains had started picking up again and open to civilian use. Though there was still a lot of military and war transport. Bringing people home, transporting injured. Getting tickets for most civilians wasn't difficult but still based on priority. Thankfully, being wizards who had seen action, they were able to get up on the list.

Once on the train, Trex looked across at Skye and Flynn.

"So catch me up. What have you two been up to?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Zelia looked at Ryzo when he told her to lie down and nodded her head. She lowered herself to the ground and laid on her stomach, after all a rock hitting the back of her neck would be less damaging than hitting the front of her neck. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, "Go for it."

She felt the thunking of the rock against the collar and furrowed her eyebrows. There would still probably be a bruised from the collar impacting against her skin but it was worth it when she heard the crack. Her eyes snapped open and with a few more thwacks she felt it loosen around her neck all together. She waited for Ryzo to finish before she moved to sit back up and pulled the loose collar away with ease. She looked at Ryzo and grinned, "It worked..." She waited a moment before she looked back at her hands where the collar lay and then it was floating. She laughed a little before she moved her hands and it shot across the room and slammed into the wall. God it felt so good to have her magic back. She wasn't as dependent on it as some people were but it had felt like she lost a limp. She looked at Ryzo and the rock that was in his hand floated into the air, "Let's get that off of you."

~ ~ ~

Flynn leaned against the window on the train, watching the trees race by as they sped toward the north. He looked at Trex when he asked what they had been doing. He shrugged, "We did our best to help out but with Skye being..." He hesitated to finish the rest of the sentence. Sure, the war was over but the fear of foreigners wasn't gone just like that, "We couldn't exactly join the army and I wasn't about to leave our Skye all alone," He grinned at her, "So we travelled with Lucy around Fiore, heading to places that were attacked and helped rebuild. We saw some pretty amazing places, got to do some research along the way... but the whole colour key hunt was put on hold for the meantime."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
Avatar of Black Ninja

Black Ninja

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Ryzo hesitated slightly and then inhaled through his nose. With immense calmness and precision, he lifted the rock. He would be careful but at the same time hitting the collar would cause some slight vibration and undoubtedly would leave a bit of bruising on her neck. With that in mind, he brought his hand quickly and accurately. The rock hit the collar, the sound of the crack filling the small cave. Satisfaction filled him at that. It took several more hits - each one hitting the same spot with machine-like efficiency. When the collar was broken enough for Zelia to remove it, Ryzo moved back and tossed the rock aside.

"There, try it now." His eyes watched her.

He watched as the joy of having her magic again become evident. He watched as she levitated the collar before sending it against the cave wall. No doubt a major amount of satisfaction filling her at doing so. He watched, half expecting her to not bother with his collar. If she was smart, she wouldn't. She didn't fully trust him - nor did he give her reason to - and they were allies by necessity only. All the more reason why she should have left his collar on.

So when she levitated the rock up and mentioned his, he was a bit surprised. He quickly covered it by raising an eyebrow.

"Are you sure that's wise? You don't really trust me and from past interactions, we haven't really been friends."

He could technically argue that whatever they were up against, him being able to access his magic would be essential to her but he didn't. He was actually curious to see if she would free him without that logic. The Fiore Wizards were so much different than his own home. They did things that he would deem foolish or strange. He wondered how far that would go and if the fact they were enemies would change that or not.

~ ~ ~

Skye stiffened slightly as Flynn almost gave away the fact that she was a foreigner. True, Trex knew that. The entire team did. But not many others - if any. She had worked hard to hide her alien status, even pre-war. And had only recently - right before the war - made it known to her teammates....her friends.

Still, with the war suddenly happening, and the increased suspicion of foreigners - the fear of being discovered, kicked out - or worse, locked up - was still there.

Thankfully, Flynn didn't utter it - not that he would betray her. It had taken a some time for her to finally come to that realization. In fact, it wasn't until they had been heavily interrogated about their home origins that she had finally learned Flynn wouldn't. When he basically vouched for her, saying they were from the same village and even giving a lot of details about it, did she realize he wouldn't betray her.

It was a hard thing to accept. She was so used to being betrayed that to not be had hit her hard. It showed how much more her new teammates - friends - were.

Trex nodded.

"Yes, a shame really. It would have been nice to find a few more of them but everything changed. Maybe once we find Zelia again we can get back on it. I know we had a few ideas where the next one would be." He grinned at Flynn. "Don't worry. We'll get them for you."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Zelia looked at Ryzo as he asked her if it was wise of her to release him from his own magical prison. She cocked her own eyebrow in response, "It would be foolish not to. I don't trust you and we aren't friends but I also don't know what is out there. My magic is versatile but it pairs best with others magic," She looked at him, tilting her head slightly to the side, "I am not naive. If I felt it were wise, I would keep the collar on you. But I am not thoughtless enough to think that my powers alone will get us out of here."

The rock flew around him and then with one clean thwack, hit his collar with more force than Ryzo himself could have supplied. The collar fell to the ground. Not giving him a chance to attempt to convince her otherwise. His collar fell to the ground and she tossed the rock to the side. Her eyes were cold when she looked at him, "Let's find our way out of here."

~ ~ ~

Flynn gave his friend a soft smile, "I just want them to be safe," He said quietly when Trex said they would get him the keys.

He leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees, "So long as they end up in the hands of anyone who will treat them right, I'll be happy... I just know that I will."

He shook his head and laughed, "But let's not think about any of that until Zelia is back."

Flynn leaned back in his seat and stared out the window. They were heading north, the blue key was there somewhere. Hiding away. He wondered if keys that weren't found were ever scared of who they might be found by. He thought that he might be. After all, he had seen the way some spirits were treated by their wizards. Suddenly, there was a weight on his lap. He looked down to see Pea and groaned, "Why does this keep happening?" He wrapped his arms around the small spirit, knowing that she had come because she knew he was worried.

She hugged him, ignoring the groan, knowing that it wasn't because of her but because of the confusion. Flynn held her against his chest as though she were is child and rested his chin on her head.
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