Hidden 7 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
Character Sheet!

Please note that this thread is already full and only accepting character sheets from AlluringDhark, EldarionI and RockStar86!


Name (& pronunciation):
Place of Birth:
Species/Racial Origin:
Social Class/Community Status:

Physical Description

Limb Dexterity:
Detailed Physical Description:
Typical Clothing/Equipment:


Philosophy of Life:
Attitude Toward Death:
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience:
Education/Special Training:
Place/Type of Residence:

Additional Notes
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Reyna
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Character Sheet!

Please note that this thread is already full and only accepting character sheets from AlluringDhark, EldarionI and RockStar86!


Name (& pronunciation): Liliana (Lil-ee-ah-nuh)
Age: 25
Place of Birth: Nykyria (Ni-keer-ee-uh)
Gender: F
Species/Racial Origin: Human
Social Class/Community Status: Warrior/Outsider
Language: English
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: Estranged father still living in the northern mountains

Physical Description

Height: 5'6
Weight: 9st
Hair: Auburn
Eyes: Green
Limb Dexterity: Ambidextrous
Detailed Physical Description: Liliana has  dark reddish-brown hair that is typically twisted into a braid or two but cascades to her mid back in soft curls when not in a tie. She is of average build, her limbs appear longer and thinner but are in fact deceivingly strong. Oversized muddy green eyes reign above a long slender nose that trails down to a plump and pouty deep pink pair of lips. Although, her nose and mouth are rarely seen, but that's still to come. Her pale skin is riddled with a multitude of faint freckles and scars from battle. One such scar runs from behind her right ear down to her collar bone as a single thin light purple line.
Typical Clothing/Equipment: She can regularly be seen in her battle gear which consists of an asymmetrical leather tunic, refashioned to make her movements in battle more easily executed. Various bits of brushed steel can be found protecting joints and limbs. Each piece forged to deflect was expertly pounded out and embroidered with a beautiful design. Liliana knew nothing of their origin for she had claimed them in battle sometime in the past. The collection included a single spaulder strapped to her left shoulder, a pair of gauntlets fixed over fingerless leather gloves, and matching articulated poleyns attached to her knees. Thigh length black boots laced up her leg, provide some protection, but if one found themselves close enough to strike a limb, Liliana's long sword would dutifully intervene. Then, if and that's a big if they managed to break past her intial defense, a trio of sharp daggers would be deployed. Secured to her hip via leather belt and garter strap, the set was her most cherished belonging. Given to her by her mother before her death, they never left her side. A simple yet thick scarf is draped around her head from the nose down, covering the exposed flesh of her neck and upper chest. The cloth previously shielded her from the bitter cold of the mountains, but in the south it guarded her against the bitter stares of passersby, curious about her healed wound. It was a story she preferred not to tell or remember for that matter.


Personality/Attitude: Reserved but can be blunt. Not very open to strangers
Skills/Talents: Hand-to-Hand combat/Swordsmanship
Likes: Language and music
Dislikes: Heights
Goals/Ambitions: To find peace
Strengths:From her travels, she gained knowledge of various races and their language and culture.
Weaknesses: Being too solitary
Fears: Losing loved ones - so she doesn't love
Hobbies/Interests:Hunting, swimming, singing
Philosophy of Life: It is precious and shouldn't be taken for granted
Attitude Toward Death: It is inevitable
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: Death of her mother
Education/Special Training: Her fighting skills stem from an assortment of mentors in her travels
Place/Type of Residence: Abandoned cottage near the River Ssn in the woods of Va'elen
Occupation: Prior to the Corps, typically a hunter for various villages she'd come across
Memberships: Guardian Corps

Additional Notes: Liliana left her home in Nykyria at a very young age. Her mother having been killed pushed her father to the brink of a drunken insanity. Knowing her life depended on escaping, she fled to the south never staying in one place for too long. The less anyone knew/saw of her, the better she could protect herself. But one can only remain in solitude for so long, eventually the feeling of loneliness and abandonment become overwhelming.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EldarionI
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EldarionI Future King of Arnor

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Name (& pronunciation): Celethor Orthopeng (Kel-ah-thor)
Age: 1322
Place of Birth: Forest of Morvelon in Eshenahil
Gender: Male
Species/Racial Origin: Elf (wood-elf)
Social Class/Community Status: Hunter/Scout
Language: English, Elvish
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: Father is the royal blacksmith, mother is a seamstress. Pet eagle that follows him and helps with scouting, Ciara

Physical Description

Height: 6"0
Weight: 12st
Hair: Brown, long, straight
Eyes: Light blue
Limb Dexterity: Predominantly left handed but has trained both left and right hand equally.
Detailed Physical Description: Tall, strong, agile, fast. A capable archer with quick feet, ideal for running through the forest and climbing trees
Typical Clothing/Equipment: Leather armour, back quiver with arrows,


Personality/Attitude: Calm, determined, honest, trustworthy, patient
Skills/Talents: Archery, physically fit, good balance, incredible hand-eye co-ordination, trained as a blacksmith
Likes: Soft music, wind in the trees, nature, animals
Dislikes: Machinations, war
Goals/Ambitions: Protect the forest he's from
Strengths: Using his bow, military tactics, improvisation
Weaknesses: Close quarters combat, dealing with death
Fears: Lonliness
Hobbies/Interests: Wood carving, fishing
Philosophy of Life: Protect the gift of life
Attitude Toward Death: Fearless, avoidable
Beliefs: Believes in himself and his abilities
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: Death of his brother.
Education/Special Training: Archery, Military tactics
Place/Type of Residence: Tree-house, Forest of Morvelon in Eshenahil
Occupation: Scout for Eshenahil Elvish Army
Memberships: Guardian Corps

Additional Notes
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by BabyBump96
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BabyBump96 Super-Mam

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Work In Progress! <3


Name (& pronunciation): Duzmena Deeptank(Duhz-men-ah)
Age: 164
Place of Birth: Kholgrom under The Bronze Mountain
Gender: Female
Species/Racial Origin: Dwarf
Social Class/Community Status: Warrior
Language: English, Dwarvish
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: Her parents were both killed in battle when she was 23 so she was raised by the general of the Dwarven Army

Physical Description

Height: 4"8
Weight: 9st
Hair: She has long ginger, shaved sides and a long plait
Eyes: Amber
Limb Dexterity: She was trained to use her right hand for her sword and her left hand for her shield
Detailed Physical Description: She is quite short and but extremely powerful. She has a scar above her left eye that she got from fighting in a bloody battle in which her forces were outnumbered 4 to 1 but they still won the battle, just about.
Typical Clothing/Equipment: She nearly always wears her heavy dwarven metal armour, with her sword on her hip and her shield over her shoulder


Personality/Attitude: She is really competitive and loves a good fight
Skills/Talents: Excellent with a sword and shield,
Likes: Fighting
Dislikes: Goblins
Goals/Ambitions: Find the next good fight, kill as many goblins as she can
Strengths: Close quarter combat, working alone
Weaknesses: Expressing her emotions
Fears: Love
Hobbies/Interests: Improving her fighting abilities through vigorous training
Philosophy of Life: Drive back the goblin horde
Attitude Toward Death: Welcomes death, when her mission is complete. Kill her if you can!
Beliefs: Goblins are hell-sent destroyers and must be slain. She also believes that the might of the Dwarven Army will be restored and help bring prosperity back to her kind
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: The death of her parents. The battle that nearly killed her
Education/Special Training: Sword and shield combat, military tactics
Place/Type of Residence: Stone house on her own in Kholgrom under The Bronze Mountain
Occupation: Captain of the Dwarven Army
Memberships: Guardian Corps

Additional Notes
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RockStar86
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RockStar86 Demi-god of Rock

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Name: Holkulg
Age: 84
Place of Birth: Khod Karkrard
Gender: Male
Species/Racial Origin: Orc
Social Class/Community Status: Battle Mage (imprisoned)
Language: Limited English, Orcish
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: Parents have disowned him to his magical affliction

Physical Description

Height: 7"5
Weight: 20st
Hair: No hair
Eyes: Glowing blue/green eyes
Limb Dexterity: Carries staff in right hand. Uses staff as bo staff, using both hands for close quarter combat
Detailed Physical Description: Like most of his kind, he looks like a brute, big and strong. Despite is size, he is surprisingly light on his feet. His is one of the best Orcish mages to be trained today
Typical Clothing/Equipment: See appearance, Soulshard Staff


Personality/Attitude: Impatient, frustrated, misunderstood
Skills/Talents: Magic, mostly elemental and combat training with his staff
Likes: Freedom, the breeze on his face, the sun on his skin, the sound of a forge
Dislikes: Walls, cages, small spaces
Goals/Ambitions: Live his life the way he wants, for a change
Strengths: Casting magic, assisting allies
Weaknesses: Doesn't wear armour so his vulnerable to nearly all attacks
Fears: Traps
Hobbies/Interests: Doesn't have many as he has been in prison all of his life, he does like to draw when he's allowed
Philosophy of Life: Live free, if you can
Attitude Toward Death: Sometime, he wishes death to claim him to end his suffering
Beliefs: That he should not be in prison and used as a weapon because he can cast magic
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: Daily torture as a child fro being able to control magic
Education/Special Training: Trained as a battle mage
Place/Type of Residence: Mage Prison, Rozrerrag
Occupation: Prisoner, Battle Mage
Memberships: Guardian Corps

Additional Notes
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