I'm thinking of finally establishing my Dimensional War continuity here with a dystopian and near-cyberpunk like setting. The plot is basically your character can be a Moebian (note: A Mobian/Sonic FC from the anti-world of Moebius) citizen of the city of Siag. Siag is basically in my DW lore future Atlanta on Moebius, but under a totalitarian regime called the Order. Basically sort of Wolfenstein mixed with George Orwell 1984 vibes. Your character will have to live under the system, either they're for the Order and believe the Order is bringing stability to Moebius, just trying to make their way in life, or they're against the Order. This can go several ways as your character basically is living under something akin to a futuristic fascist government, however your character also can be a part of said government and perhaps see the system as necessary.
What I can allow:
.Your character to have super-powers.
.Your character can be a cyborg.
.Your character can be any Moebian species, (note: Hedgehogs and echidnas are persecuted under the Order system. So if you play as them expect to be seen as rebels/terrorists.)
.Your character can be a Overlander: archiesonic.wikia.com/wiki/Overlander, humans can be in the city under permit and visa. (Long story short: The Order is at war with humanity, but only their government and the Overlanders, which are another species, are their allies due to the lore.)
.Your character can be in the Order, (but I'll have to work with players on that to fill them on the system.)
.Cop thriller like vibes, (not everyone in the Order is a soldier.)
.Human characters (who all must have permit otherwise they're breaking the law.)
.Character creation (because I don't expect everyone to have a Sonic FC right off the bat.)
What I won't allow:
.Demons or anything supernatural to a fault, (like no demon character or OP Goku gods.)
.Unbalanced characters, (for many under the Order, the system is their god. Think cyberpunk with some leniency towards fantasy.)
.Hedgehogs or echindas being in the Order, (they're persecuted and hated. This is canon to the lore and there are reasons for this.)
.Canon characters, (for one most of them would be enemies to the Moebians. Next, a lot of them would have to be Moebian to be in Siag in the first place.)
.Godmods, powerplayers, basically nobody should be "that guy".
General info:
Setting: Siag=Atlanta in the future on Moebius. Year 3254, (lasers and plasma are common, cybernetics are as well, psychic powers have been genome mapped and altered genetics have already been available for years. Flying cars are common and alternative energy sources have lead to a resolve to the energy crisis.)

Moebius=Anti-Sonic's world
Moebians=Evil Mobians, dopplegangers of Mobians.

Overlanders=Four fingered humans, currently allied with the Order.

Baron Griefan Nathaniel Bradanska/ AKA: Grief= Leader of the city of Siag and the Order

Torvarka/O200=The AI that administrates the city.

.The Order

.The Moebian Liberation Front/Rebels

.The Psychic Guardians (Note: Your character must be psychic.)

.The New Overlander Empire:

.Grey Party Officers (Note: Unjoinable.)

What I can allow:
.Your character to have super-powers.
.Your character can be a cyborg.
.Your character can be any Moebian species, (note: Hedgehogs and echidnas are persecuted under the Order system. So if you play as them expect to be seen as rebels/terrorists.)
.Your character can be a Overlander: archiesonic.wikia.com/wiki/Overlander, humans can be in the city under permit and visa. (Long story short: The Order is at war with humanity, but only their government and the Overlanders, which are another species, are their allies due to the lore.)
.Your character can be in the Order, (but I'll have to work with players on that to fill them on the system.)
.Cop thriller like vibes, (not everyone in the Order is a soldier.)
.Human characters (who all must have permit otherwise they're breaking the law.)
.Character creation (because I don't expect everyone to have a Sonic FC right off the bat.)
What I won't allow:
.Demons or anything supernatural to a fault, (like no demon character or OP Goku gods.)
.Unbalanced characters, (for many under the Order, the system is their god. Think cyberpunk with some leniency towards fantasy.)
.Hedgehogs or echindas being in the Order, (they're persecuted and hated. This is canon to the lore and there are reasons for this.)
.Canon characters, (for one most of them would be enemies to the Moebians. Next, a lot of them would have to be Moebian to be in Siag in the first place.)
.Godmods, powerplayers, basically nobody should be "that guy".
General info:
Setting: Siag=Atlanta in the future on Moebius. Year 3254, (lasers and plasma are common, cybernetics are as well, psychic powers have been genome mapped and altered genetics have already been available for years. Flying cars are common and alternative energy sources have lead to a resolve to the energy crisis.)

Moebius=Anti-Sonic's world
Moebians=Evil Mobians, dopplegangers of Mobians.
Overlanders=Four fingered humans, currently allied with the Order.

Baron Griefan Nathaniel Bradanska/ AKA: Grief= Leader of the city of Siag and the Order

Torvarka/O200=The AI that administrates the city.

.The Order

.The Moebian Liberation Front/Rebels

.The Psychic Guardians (Note: Your character must be psychic.)

.The New Overlander Empire:

.Grey Party Officers (Note: Unjoinable.)