PD is what is known as an "Ugly" Which is the term used for non-standardized droids and starships, usually put together using parts from multiple different standardized sources. Has the head of an old Commando Droid, the torso of a B2-Battle Droid, the legs of a 3D-4X droid and the arms of an A5 series droid. He is large and physically imposing, but has a demeanor that makes people ignore this.
Totally psychotic. Rarely capable of empathy, due to the incident, he is a being that works one pure logic, due to his programming being adjusted. His only other redeeming personality trait is a love of children. He is incapable of harming a child under any circumstances and has to obey any order given by one that doesn't contradict the no-harming-child or basic logic. This being said, he is still based on a Protocol Droid's personality, as such, he is incredibly polite to everyone he meets, this won't, however, stop him from murdering people if he believes that it is a logical step.
Translator (Still armed with his translation matrix from when he was still just a Protocol droids, he is fluent in almost 5.6 million forms of communication)
Cooking (Another relic left over from his time as a protocol droid, he is actually well versed in the cullinary arts and can easily cook up a meal for almost any pallet. He is also fluent in many alien eating-techniques, including the Jovian Boogle-hoops and the, often deadly, Mercurian Boomerang-spoon. Although he isn't equipped with a food-energy processor, so he is unable to eat.)
Marksmanship (Equipped with the combat drivers from an old B2 Battle-Droid, he is quite the marksman.)
Speeder proficiency (Most humanoids are incapable of placing well in the big swoop/pod races due to their slower reaction-times. Luckily, PD found a droid that was an accomplished pod-racer and proceeded to strip it for parts, figuring that chips that made it such a good racer would probably come in handy for him one day.
Copious Droid parts: Due to him working towards creating "The ultimate body" He has collected a large number of parts of droids. Most are junk, but it's his junk and he doesn't like it touched.
Copious hidden weapons: PD is a practical droid and realized that most people took weapons away from droids if they were going to negotiate. This left him rather exposed. To make up for this, he has hidden a large number of weapons within his body for easy access, including the following:
wrist-mounted Twin-blaster (Equivalent to a E-5 Blaster)
Wrist-mounted rocket launcher (Single use)2x collapsed DLT-20A blaster rifles (Each one split into 4 pieces which are hidden in multiple compartments of his body. It takes about a minute to assemble each, but useful in case of a lull in the battle to augment his firepower. Due to his combat-matrix, he is easily able to fire accurately, even with one in each hand.)
Fake restraining bolt: A fake restraining bolt that he keeps attached to his chest to fool people into thinking he is owned.
:Related Characters:
Galactic Republic Senate (Former)
PD-1701 started his life as a droid built by Cybot Galactica, the Republic's chief manufacturer's of protocol droids. From there, his life was a very simple affair, he was bought by Senator Voll of the Trade Federation. He happily served his master for many years, preparing food, translating during business arrangements, never once wishing to harm anyone or be any more than he currently was.
One night, as he was powered down, a thief snuck into Voll's appartment. The thief was a young boy, who reprogrammed PD. He took out his ethical subroutines and implanted an order to obey any order given to him by a child. Upon powering up, the boy told him to give him the safe combination, to which PD happily agreed, not only opening the safe, but also assisting in transfering the credits to the boy. Next morning, Voll was furious and demanded PD take himself down to maintainance. Thinking about it, if he was going to maintainance, then he would have his memory purged. This would naturally take a long time to re-upload his learned preferences from the master. He decided that his job would be more easily completed without going to maintainance and began work on the masters laundry. Voll was even more furious. PD thought this most worrysome and wondered what the master might do with him. He quickly thought through every plan he could and came to the conclusion that Voll would most certainly force him to get his memory wiped. The only way to stop him was to kill him. With no ethical errors occuring, he approached his master and snapped his neck.
PD quickly realized his mistake and cursed his lack of ethics. He then set about covering his tracks. He threw his masters corpse from the window and he plumetted hundreds of feet downwards. Since his master hadn't struggled, it would be obvious that the broken neck and any other injuries would have been a result of the fall. There was no sense in him being deactivated over such an occurence. He then decided that, if the police should find out, he would need to protect himself. Using his master's accounts and contact information, he quickly bought a number of parts for a new droid body and had them delivered to a secluded warehouse.
He transfered his memory from the protocol droid body to the body of a Commando Droid and began upgrading himself. This quest to upgrade himself didn't stop till he met Shonn Vaylu. He quickly convinced Shonn of his uses, not only as an interpreter and chef, but also as an infiltrator. He was able to pass for a protocol droid in front of most people and those who knew droids, he was charismatic enough to convince that he was merely built from battle-droid parts but was fully a protocol droid.