NameAdelaide Raye Cabernet
❀ Daisy ❀ DelAge15
Face ClaimDaria Sidorchuk
Dialogue ColorPastel Pink
In Depth AppearanceDaisy is all smiles and perfectly styled strawberry blonde hair, designer outfits and impeccable style. She inherited her mother's height, standing only at 5'3 (although she hopes she still has some growing in her), and her father's long limbs, so despite being short, she's leggy. Her go-to outfits are usually matching two-piece sets, with either soft pastel colors or beautiful floral patterns. She has a different hairstyle each day, never repeating for the week if she can help it. There are no tattoos or scars or any blemishes on her skin, and she takes care to maintain her fair complexion. Freckles dust her nose and cheeks, but there's nothing she can do about that.
Those who don't know any better would think Daisy a pillar of natural elegance: slim and shapely, bearing almost regal. Her gait is light and airy, as though she's gliding across the ground with her quick, tiny steps, with naught a care weighing her down. She's got her mother's effortless politician charm in her bright, inviting smiles, and her father's oozing confidence in the steely glow lighting up her eyes. Those who don't know any better would envy Daisy for hitting the genealogical jackpot--after all, she doesn't have to work hard for anything, right?
But there's a reason they say not to judge a book by their cover, and Daisy is proof.
In truth, this supposed elegance she possesses is superficial, only something mustered and willed with a lot of resolution, honed after years and years of practice. It's not inherent. Daisy can be pretty to look at, but when you look closer, you can see the blood, sweat, and tears that fuel her. She wakes up early to exercise, eats healthy and rarely indulges to keep her figure. She pores through fashion magazines and binges how-to make up videos on youtube. She stresses over every outfit choice and hairstyle and takes to heart that perception of her is a reflection of her family. The last thing she'd want to do is tarnish the Cabernet name.
Habits//Quirks//Oddities❀ Scrunches her nose when forcing herself not to enjoy something she clearly likes
❀ Blasts classical music on her headphones when she needs to stay focused on a task
❀ Digs her nails into her palms when she's anxious
❀ Ties her hair up in a ponytail when she Means Business™
Hobbies❀ Singing. Daisy's a great singer, but doesn't have a lot of free time to devote to her craft, even though she desperately wants to. Mostly, she sings her heart out when there's no one else at the treehouse
❀ Instead of writing a diary, writes about her day to a penpal instead (like with an actual snail mail, not IM or text or email)
❀ Running
❀ Watching cheesy RomComs
Likes❀ Lemon cakes
❀ Dogs!
❀ Being praised
❀ Seeing her family get along
❀ Love stories
❀ Disney movies
❀ Rain
Dislikes❀ Failing
❀ Not being able to see her siblings as frequently as she would like
❀ Frogs
❀ Swimming (shh… she still can't swim)
❀ Gossip and people that spread them around

Starry-eyed ❀ Passionate ❀ Perfectionist ❀ Sweet ❀ Impressionable
PersonalityDaisy is like a luxury crystal vase, always half-full and never half-empty, decorated with pretty jewels. She radiates authenticity and is very much genuine to a fault that you might even feel bad if you were to trick or fool her (at least the first time). The world she prefers to see isn't fraught with crises and quandaries, but is instead filled with pregnant possibilities and opportunities, of romantic notions that would have been quelled long ago had she not have the immense privilege she's had all her life. Daisy is a perfectionist, an overachiever, and a people pleaser; quite a dangerous combination when she hasn't gotten a taste of the world beyond her gilded gates. The side effect of getting everything you’ve ever wanted and needed is… well, thinking you can get everything you want. Rejection and failure are strangers to her, and as such, she is perfectly ill-equipped to cope when it inevitably happens.
The occasional prick of reality isn't enough to completely break Daisy's rose-tinted glasses, though. Impossible is only another word for challenge, and she never backs down from one. She is enthusiastic and passionate in any and all matters, and so dogged in her endeavors that she'll likely wear you out with her persistent smile. No matter how much of a space case she can be, she is at heart a Cabernet, and she will succeed.
Unlike her rebellious siblings, or perhaps shaped by it, Daisy is a goody-two-shoes who likes getting attention and affirmation from her parents, siblings, and friends. At home, she is often the peacemaker, the one running around doing everything possible to make sure her parents and siblings aren't at odds. With everyone else, she is trusting and too eager to help and to please. Her loyalty is as undying as her sense of wonder, and though she might overextend her optimism at times, there is something infectious about her rosy view of the world.
HistoryBeing the youngest Cabernet has been a bit of a mixed bag of almost contradictory experiences. When she was younger, everything was so much easier: everyone got along, everyone was happy. Once upon a time, they were that picturesque happy family that her mother has always touted they were.
But it didn't last long. As they all grew older, unrest began to fill their home as both of her siblings began to rebel. The cracks in their perfect family were beginning to show. Daisy didn't have the pressures that were placed upon Wyatt, groomed to take the reins of their father's company, or Aliana, who their mother insisted must be socially acceptable at all times. Her parents were less hands-on with her, being busier than ever in their respective fields, but instead of being able to relish in this freedom, she felt suffocated by it. Daisy knew this was the only luxury not afforded to her older siblings, and she didn't want them to hate her for it. So here she was, practically able to do whatever she wanted without being punished for it, and what does she do? Exactly what her parents had forced her siblings, and what they refused, to do: she strived to be perfect.
Her parents rewarded her acquiescence by outwardly doting on and favoring her, although that didn't necessarily mean they paid any more attention to her. She was, after all, the least troublesome of their children, and thus required the least interfering. There were times that Daisy felt it was lonely, not being able to spend as much time with them, but every time she rationalized that it was worth it to get their praise. Besides, because of this, she got to spend more time with her siblings and her friends.
In school, Daisy is no less the high functioning perfectionist that she is at home. Classes and extracurricular activities are taken seriously, almost to a fault. Sometimes, she gets so busy that she is overwhelmed and drained, but she is nothing if not determined and optimistic. She can't remember a day where she just got to laze around and do whatever she wanted, but she daydreams about it a lot.
Daisy is currently a sophomore in a private school, overextending herself as always. After a particularly stressful end of the school year, one of her friends suggested she loosen and up enjoy a worry-free summer.
MiscellaneousShe's student body president and head cheerleader in her high school.