Michael Everett

Name: Michael Everett
Nicknames: Mike, Micro, Quite possibly the actual Devil, Trash (self given)
Age: Seventeen
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight, at least last time he checked.
Face Claim: Tom Holland
Dialogue Color:
In Depth Appearance:
Honestly, there's not a whole lot to tell about Mikes appearance. The most obvious feature is probably his height, or more accurately his
lack of height, standing at just over 5'4. Another noticeable feature includes his larger than average ears. Other than the one from when he got his appendix removed, he only has one scar, going through his left eyebrow. There's no goddamn chance he'd let a needle get anywhere near him though, so any chance of getting a tattoo or piercing is basically nonexistent.
He dresses pretty simply though, with button up shirts, jeans, maybe a jacket if it's cold. However, he is partial to hoodies, just because he can't be bothered doing up buttons.
He has a habit of looking for higher places to stand than the people around him, sometimes even carrying a milk crate around with him.
His height is a very sore point for him, and bringing it up is a sure way to annoy him.
He loves acting hammy and over dramatic, sometimes for no other reason than to get on people's nerves.
He also has a habit of setting up oddly, often unnecessarily complex pranks and traps, usually to get back at people who annoyed him (called him short).
If he ever gets
legitimately upset, to the point that not even one of his hilarious, clever pranks will help, he has a habit of cooking to take his mind off of whatever caused it.
Hobbies: Cooking, Gardening, Scheming/Plotting.
Likes: Cooking, Gardening, Anime, Chewing the scenery, Bad jokes.
Dislikes: People making fun of his height, Tall people, Needles, Fuckin
ghosts, The shit with his parents.

Personality Traits
Michael, despite how he may act outwardly, is the kind of person who has a
ridiculously low opinion of himself. This has been thrown into overdrive by the situation with his parents. However, he buries this under a facade of easygoing behaviour and annoyingly bad jokes. The most he's let it out has been through some
brutally self deprecating humour or occasionally, if he feels up to it, some actual decent sarcasm.
He really enjoys cooking, mostly because it's something he can do for other people that could actually be considered constructive. However, he also has a love for getting back at people who annoy him through elaborate pranks, usually accompanied by evil giggling. Most of the time though, he'll try his best to act laid back and pretend not to let too much outside stuff get to him, especially seeing as he already has enough to deal with coming from the
Michael, for all the crazy stuff that goes on around him, has had a surprisingly normal life.
The first time he heard his parents arguing was the day after his older brother Lincoln's seventh birthday, when he was just four years old. He didn't really know what they were arguing about, just that it was done with such venom in their voices that all he could do was sit on the stairs, clutching his stuffed dinosaur Terrence to his chest and trying not to cry,failing miserably.
It was here that Mikes personality entered the downward spiral it's still stuck in to this very day. During those early years, he did what he could to make his parents happy, thinking that it would somehow make the two stop fighting. When they inevitably didn't, he began to feel useless, and even eventually that it was somehow
his fault that they were fighting. He was wrong, of course, but come on, he was
four. He didn't even understand basic math!
However, it was at that point that a rift began to appear between him and his parents. It wasn't that he didn't love them, and he still wanted to spend time with them, but every time he would catch them saying something bad about the other, even if they didn't think he'd heard them, it hurt him to the point where he found it harder to approach them. This has only grown to this day, where even though he knows that he was stupid to think it was his fault, he still feels awkward around the pair, and has a drastically lower opinion of himself.
Honestly, out of his entire family he's probably closest to Link, which is kind of sad in itself. Even that was difficult, however, as his brothers worsening mood could make him pretty difficult to approach. They get along alright now, but back in the early days, there were times where Mike felt completely alone. This led to him acting out, looking for any positive attention he can find, or assuming it isn't
too bad, even negative. He started acting overdramatic to draw people's attention to him, and even learnt how to cook so he might just make people feel a little happier around him, so they might stick around just that little bit longer... As time passed, he looked forward to Rosefell more than anything else. The gang there made him feel like he has something to keep him going through each year.
Nowadays, the self-loathing he used to have had been buried away, trapped beneath the laid back facade he'd built around him. However, it still lingers within him, just beneath the surface.