We've all heard about the Reds and Blues. A rag-tag group of lowly simulation troopers who went on to become some of the greatest soldiers in the galaxy, stopping major threats such as the Meta and Project Freelancer itself. They even ended the Chorus Civil War, uniting the armies of Chorus to take the fight to the space pirates and Charon Industries, the one responsible for years of bloodshed on the planet.
They may be a bunch of losers, but they still kicked everyone's ass.
But let's not forget that they all started off as a bunch of bickering misfits stationed at an outpost in a box canyon in the middle of nowhere. That's pretty much the same situation for all sim troopers stationed around the galaxy: bicker, stand around and talk, capture the flag, kill each other off, and act as test subjects for Project Freelancer's new toys. Essentially living training targets for Freelancers.
But enough about those guys. Let's talk about you. You're a simulation trooper like all the rest. You're either Red, Blue, or blueish-red... purple? Magenta? Ah, who cares. What matters is that you're a sim trooper, stationed in an outpost in some godforsaken part of the galaxy. Your teammates are either incompetent, lazy, stupid, or simply insane, but you'll learn to live with them. The special thing about you lot, however, is that you've been selected to be the test subjects of Project Freelancer's latest piece of technology: built-in respawns.
What do they do? Well, when you die, you'll be regenerated alive and well inside your team's base. Hooray! Immortality! Don't bother turning them off, because there's no off switch. Project Freelancer intended you guys to continuously fight until the end of time itself in order to to train agents without need of replacement. Of course, it's not like you know of this. Until you die for the first time, that is. Until then, you'll keep fighting the enemy.
Because it's red versus red, and blue versus blue. It's I against I and me against you.