Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Opening post for all inmates (8951, 7064 & 6663

The warden's voice crackled away to silence after his announcement and now you are alone in your cell with the door unlocked. You spend a few minutes contemplating how to move forward but you know time is of the essence. Just like the voice said there is a box underneath your bed. It's too dark to see the colour but the wood of the box feels smooth and well varnished. You peek a little closer your cells door before opening the box and see that you seem to be in the middle of a hallway. Meaning you can go left or right from here.

You can spend a few moments opening and checking the contents of your box or you can take your box with you and make a move right away.

@Xandrya@King Tai@LittleFae
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LittleFae
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Prisoner 7064 looked around her room for a moment, struggling to recall... anything. Why was she here? Who was she? It was all a blur. Must've been something they'd drugged her with, surely. The words of the warden still rang in her ears like the remnant of a bad dream. What kind of messed up place was this? An acid capsule?! Trying to keep her composure and keep from panicking, she pushed herself off the wall and rushed back to her bed, keeping an eye on the door. She reached under the bed and hauled her box out in front of her quickly, throwing the lid open and searching it's contents. She expected to find a 'weapon' of some description as well as a poem, if the voice over the intercom was to be believed.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

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Her heartbeat was steadily increasing as she looked around her cell. She paid careful attention to the man's voice as he gave her instructions regarding her next move. This stunt didn't seem like a game, not if she'd been taken against her will. But how that happened, let alone who she was and how she ended up there, was up for debate. At the moment, any non-essential questions she was dying to ask would just have to wait.

It didn't take long for her to retrieve the box containing said items from underneath the bed, just where he had announced it would be. As the stranger went on over the loudspeaker, his words seemed to make less sense than the previous ones. Whatever this was, she had to move fast. The cell doors opened, startling the poor woman but making her move from her spot. She swiftly exited her cell and went left down the hall, careful with her steps as to not be too loud.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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Groaning and slightly sitting up while hearing the announcement, prisoner 8951 took his hand, placing his thumb and middle finger on his eyelids, rubbing them while cursing under his breath as to what was going on. Did someone put something in his drink? Could not have been shot with a tranquilizer dart. And after hearing the announcement and the sounds around him, he was not stuck in the woods in the middle of nowhere with men in white hoods standing over him.

The male, stretched a little, staring at the cell door for a moment wondering if someone was going to come in and attack. Without taking hie eyes away from it, he started to feel under his bed from the instructions given and managed to locate a box, pulling it out, holding on to it. Standing, he walked to the door and looked out to try and catch a glimpse of someone...anyone while opening the box to find out what was inside of it and walked out of the ready for any surprise or a mother fucker who thinks they could get the drop on him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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<Click Image For Music>


Despite being aware of your situation and the threat of over 100 potentially dangerous inmates you are trapped in a building with For some reason, you manage to remain firly calm. You feel like you wont find it hard to stay hidden and go unnoticed if you have to.
Not thinking about it you grabbed the items from the box, it felt quite light. Which put a lump in your throat, was it going to be anything useful?

The dim lighting reflected off the steel of a Screwdriver. You have no idea if this is a 'good weapon' in comparison to what the others may have, but you hang on to it. Right next to is your poem, you begin reading it as you get down the hallway. The lighting is just as dim as the cell, and you can only just make out the words on the laminated paper.

The hallway becomes darker as you move through it, and then you notice your steps start making a splashing sound. There appears to be puddled water where you are going. You still don't hear anything though.

You can keep moving forward or turn around to go down the other end of the hallway.


Your head begins to throb a little as you peer down either end of the hallway of your cell, its because your eyes are straining to see in dim lighting. You cant see or hear anything. And it unnerves you, after hearing the warden said there was 150 Inmates in this area. After a few more looks left and right you open your box to find your weapon.
A bottle....glass bottle. And its not empty. You screw off the top of the bottle and strain your eyes to see that the liquid is clear. After taking a quick sniff, you deduce that it is some very aged whiskey. Setting the bottle down, you then pull out the laminated poem.

Standing near the entrance you contemplate your next move.

Right or Left down the hallway?
@King Tai


The the throbbing inside of your ears is from fear. Whatever semi relaxed state you were in has quickly worn off. You are now in a state of panic but you managed to keep your voice quiet and your hands somewhat steady as you open your box.
Your agility makes you faster than the average person, for some odd reason, you feel like you were enhanced in someway despite not being aware of how fast you may have been before you woke up. Your box is heavy. You open it slowly...

Its a Revolver.

A gun! This has got to be good right? You hold it to feel its weight. It feels useful and very real. But you don't know anything about guns, even if you did before it seems to be a lost memory now. You try and keep optimistic and then check your poem.

Scratching your head you now have two options.
For some reason, you feel like you wont find it hard to stay hidden and go unnoticed if you have to.
Will you go right or left from your cell?

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

What the hell am I supposed to do with this?

Prisoner 6663 looked over the poem, or riddle, rather. Was she one of the piggies? Maybe she robbed a bank and escaped in a getaway vehicle...a truck in this case. But she didn't escape, she was caught and was apparently handed a death sentence. Not that she remembers any of it, not even whatever crime she must have committed to end up in such mess.

The young woman then tucked away the poem and held the screwdriver in her hand with a tight grip. She supposed she could stab someone with it in self defense, and she only hoped she could come to terms with killing another person when the opportunity presented itself. But anything seemed possible amidst an adrenaline-fueled frenzy. Prisoner 6663 pushed forward, tiptoeing through the water on the ground.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LittleFae
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LittleFae Worldbuilder

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Able to hear her own heart pounding in her head, prisoner 7064 swallowed hard at the sight of the gun. This was not a child's game. Not a sick prank or anything that would leave room for friendly wagers. People were going to die. And if her own weapon was anything to go by, pretty quickly too.

7064 struggled to remember... anything about guns. But all she could recall were the absolute basics. Point the small end toward the target, pull the trigger. Bullets kill people. Bullets... she didn't see any spares in the box. A pang of fear gripped her throat as she came to a realization. She hesitated, not wanting to know just how cruel this game was- but... she HAD to know. She started looking the gun over to figure out how to open the cylinder. Surely just a button or a lever right? Once she'd figured it out she had to check just one thing: Did the gun actually have any bullets in it at all to begin with?

Once she'd made the fateful determination she decided to press on. There was an acid capsule burning inside of her, after all. Bullets or not she had to move. Now. She carefully stowed the note down the front of her shirt and headed for the door checking both ways to see if things were clear, before heading LEFT and down the hallway. Slow and cautious for now, gun held at the ready.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

There was a gulp coming from 8951. After looking to his left and right and checking out the bottle, 8951 couldn't help but feel this was just a set up for him to fail. What the hell was going to do with a glass bottle besides breaking it across someone's head and using the jagged shard that was left to stab others? And the supposed whiskey...was he suppose to gain his courage from drinking it?

The poem didn't make sense to him, since riddles and such was not his forte. Picking up the bottle, to have some form of security to use it as protection, 8951 took to the right to start off cautiously. He took a quick swig of the contents of the bottle just to give it a taste while walking forth and stayed on guard.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TolkienBlackGuy
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Prisoner 1083 had been awake for quite some time before the warden's voice crackled overhead.
"For how long though?" he muttered to himself as he sat up in his bed. Time had away from you when you had no idea of when it was, where you were and more importantly who you were. In the time he'd been awake he had spent who knows how long wracking his brain searching for an answer. Nothing. Every time he slipped into his own mind he saw nothing. Had he been drugged? Had someone bashed him in the head? Did he do something stupid in his sleep? That would be quite silly, but stranger things had happened.
"If only I could remember what those stranger things were."
1083 interlocked his fingers and pushed his arms skyward. His knuckles popped. He twisted his head, once to the left and once to the right, the crackling bones echoing off the walls of his cell. He leaned over the side of his bed and fished for the wooden box. His fingers brushed something hard. He pulled the box from under the bed and set it in his lap. Smooth. Polished. Wooden from what he could tell. Someone spent a lot of time on a wooden box for it to wind up in a jail cell.
1083 had played enough video games to know that you always check treasure chests before moving forward. That was one thing he remembered. Maybe. The inmate snapped the box open and took a look inside.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Your footsteps are light, expertly light. You are making less noise than most would in this puddle of water, but there is still a splashing sound, and the further you move the deeper the water becomes which in turn makes the splashing louder. For a good few seconds you are splashing in pitch black darkness with your hands out in front of you before you start to see a light. At least you think its a light, hoping your mind isnt playing tricks on you in the dark. But the light begins to grow and you start to see the walls....they are white, ceramic. After a few more steps you find yourself in what seems to be a public gym shower room. The light is low but you can see everything now. The smell of mold is strong and the puddled water is somewhat murky. The walls and floor are tiled and all the pipes look rusted. Wondering where the water source might be from you keep walking around the large facility and finally see it. Whisps of red in the water, slowly drifting from a source on the floor....a still body face down in the water. You stop yourself from making any sound and check your surroundings.

After a quick look back and forth you see a black door on your right it says UTILITY.

A body and a door. What to do next?


After taking a quick swig of the bottle you find out that this whiskey is pretty damn strong. Just the moderate gulp you took nearly knocks you over and you have to focus to regain your balance as the liquid sears viciously in your chest. After a quick shake you begin to walk down the hallway.

You notice that the hallway gets brighter as you walk along and you notice you are on some sort of platform that is clearly above the ground floor. After a little more walking you get to two sets of stairs, one leading up and the other leading down. You can hear some very faint noises upstairs, sounds a little like talking, but you cant be sure.

Upstairs or Downstairs or turn back to go the other way?
@King Tai
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Prisoner 6663 was wary of the closet door to her right. With her back away from it, she quietly circled around the body on the ground. Judging by the blood alone, the poor thing appears to have suffered a violent death if it wasn't a quick one. But it was done, and now was not the time to play guessing games regarding what had happened. 6663 knelt down, softly tapping likely places for hiding weapons such as the inside of a sock and the obvious answer, pockets. Her aim was to find anything to give her an advantage over the others. As she went on with the search, she carefully listened for footsteps as to not get caught off guard.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

That shit right there, that was some growing hair on your chest and nuts kind of shit, he tried. That's what Prisoner 8951 felt after trying a swig of that one hitter quitter whiskey. manning up from the burning sensation and trying to get himself back together, he was not going to try that again. Walking on and shaking off the power of his drink, he looked behind him a few times while going forward just making sure no one would get the drop on him until getting to the platform and went onward to the stairs. Now...after hearing the noises, 8951 pondered if he should head up to find out who that would be or play it safe and try not to run into anyone. Of course he's going to go where the people are. He was a fighter and who knows, whoever is up there could have something better for him to use as a weapon. If he didn't get himself killed first. With that, he made his decision to head upstairs. Maybe cautiously but curiously.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 1 yr ago


After a quick check of the cylinder of the revolver you now had in your possession you find that you have 2 bullets. Quickly snapping the gun again shut, you shock yourself with how easily you seem to be able to handle this gun, almost as if you owned a revolver previously...

Not dwelling on it you were now moving very fast leftwards down the corridor, the hallway was dim but you could see what was around you for the most part, dark walls and empty picture frames. The floor you were running on was carpeted too. You racked your brains thinking what kind of area this could be before coming to two doors at then end of the walkway. They seemed to made of expensive wood and had a golden plate at the top of each. One door said PRINCIPAL and the other says 2-A SECTION. You think you might be hearing things but you can hear a very light tapping coming from the 2-A section door. Your instincts turned to curiosity.

Enter either of the two doors or head back right.



You let your mind wonder for a while before adjusting your body, hearing the satisfying pop as trapped air leaves your ligaments. First thing is first, you feel as if the contents of the box are of the most importance.

The box is of medium weight so you open it with moderate expectations. Its a Flashlight. After a quick flick off and on of the switch you see it has batteries. Its not a super powerful bulb but it makes everything more visible. Your already impressive eyesight reacts to the quick illumination and you realise you can hear very clearly as well. So well that you can hear a splashing sound at the right end of the corridor.

But first you check your poem

Left or Right down the corridor?

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LittleFae
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LittleFae Worldbuilder

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Frowning lightly at the cylinder of the gun in her hands, prisoner 7064 chuffed a bit to herself. It figured that they'd only give her two bullets. Then again- no one else knew how many she had. It could be empty for all they knew, or more importantly: Fully loaded. Nodding at herself she continued down the hall until she reached a pair of doors. She stood peering between the two for a moment until she heard the noises coming from the far side of Section 2-A. Her anxiety spiked. Had she already run into someone? Was she going to have to use this gun? Her heart fluttered in her chest as she gripped the handle tighter. She tried to work herself up to just pushing ahead, but she stopped herself. A principal's office wouldn't lead anywhere. Better to check and make sure it was safe to turn her back on it before heading out. Reaching for the handle with her free hand she tried to turn it quickly and shove her weight into the door as she expected it to swing open with her gun ready to sweep the room for any of her opponents. Opponents? Oh dear, this was already starting to go to her head...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 1 yr ago


You do what you think its logical and start checking the body for items. For some reason the sight of the dead body doesn't bother you. And as you start to sort though the clothes, you feel as if you may have had to search a body before, it feels quite familiar. With steady hands you are able to find two items on the man. In his pocket he is holding a bobby pin. He also has a poem in his breast pocket.

After finishing the search you can hear some faint noises, but they seem to be extremely far away. Maybe footsteps?

Continue searching the large shower room or check the Utility door?



You climbed the stairs carefully, but you are a big guy. Each step you take makes a heavy creak against the metal staircase. Then you feel it.

A quick but very sharp pain rips against your face, your ears are then assualted by the thud of a projectile against the wall behind you. Grabbing your face your manage to spot the source of the pain with one eye as you clench your other with growing pain. A skinny bald man with spectacles dressed just like you is holding a crossbow, his hands are shaking as much as his head is. He seems shocked that the bolt he fired was able to hit you. He reaches into his pocket and begins trying to string a new bolt to his large crossbow. He is rambling very loudly in a shrieked voice.

I knew....I knew youd be here......you got what you deserved...but I got to finish this. Its the only way we can move on......

You are blinded in one eye, and starting to bleed. What to do?
@King Tai


Your stomach begins to turn as your nerves come back. But you decide to press ahead and open up the door to the principle's office. The door is heavy, but you push it open with clammy cold hands. And instantly the smell of blood hits you. A coppery pungent waft hits you hard and you begin to wretch and vomit. Looking up only for a moment to see a disemboweled corpse on which must be the principle's desk. In the mess of guts and gore you can see the shredded material of grey overalls just like yours. You feel dizzy, the room around you begins to spin as you try and force yourself not to vomit again. But you are shocked back into reality by a slowly growing sound. A hard pounding sound....footsteps! But it sounds like running. And its getting louder?

Someone is running toward where you are, you can only guess they are someway down the hallway you came.

You are still in the principle's office, what is the next move?

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Prisoner 6663 tried to make sense of what she'd found. Could this man's girlfriend or wife be the one referenced in the poem? Maybe the bobby pin was hers, and either she killed him and was playing games, or he killed her and kept the bobby pin for whatever reason. But that didn't make much sense. Couples would likely stick together, and it's not like they were bunked up in the same cell. Would that even be a choice?

The young woman's mind went from one question to the next, each getting more complicated than the next. And it's not like she had anything figured out about her own situation....

6663 then got up, quickly rubbing her hands on either side of the overalls before putting the note and the pin in a separate pocket. Who knows, maybe she would need to pick a lock later. If she could even achieve such thing.

With that thought in mind, 6663 walked around to the utility door to see what else she could find.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LittleFae
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Regret. Instant, immediate, total regret. Stumbling into the foul smelling room so hastily had not been her wisest move. Looking over the mutilated remains atop the desk in front of her, she wretches a few times, but manages to keep it all together. Barely. She's just about to start convincing herself to do the unthinkable and approach the corpse when she hears running from behind her. Whirling around she uses her dexterity to swing both arms holding the gun as well as her top half out of the door, pointing the weapon down the hall in the direction the sound seems to be coming from as she shouts, "STOP!" prepared to fire if the warning was not heeded.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Prisoner 8951 was thinking in his head at that moment when climbing the stairs that someone was going to hear him. What if someone- "GYAHH!! MOTHA FUCKA!!" Prisoner 8951 had to fight off the pain as adrenaline and anger caused him to fight through the pain of now being blind to catch a glimpse of the pussy ass dude that shot him. Bleeding, in pain, pissed, and not wanting to get hit again but yet feels that the crossbow would be a good weapon, he figured, fuck it! The guy looked like he was going to piss himself and was afraid and too shaky to finish the job. All of this was a risk. Either let him run the other way and possibly get got by someone else with an even worse weapon or deal with this threat here and now?

Prisoner 8951 took a quick breath and rushed after the guy to try and bring him down. The plan was reach him before he fires or try to evade the shot while going after him. He rushed like an offensive lineman for an American Football player.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Something about this shower room was putting you on edge, the moist cold air seemed harder to breathe and the smooth tiled walls were making you unable to relax. So after taking a moment to ponder the poem you just read and pocketing the bobby pin you walked over to the utility room. There was nothing you could really do in preperation apart from listen as closely as you could when you opened it.

Your eyes were met with nothing , pitch black darkness. As you took a step closer into the utility room you heard an echo on your footstep, and even a slight draft. Whatever this room was it was a lot bigger than a standard utility room, but you couldnt see your hand in front of your face, the lighting was not sufficient.

Walk further in or search for another exit from the shower room?


Your fight or flight instinct quickly turns to fight, and you attempt to charge the man half blind with your powerful body. The intimidation on the man is real, his shaky and erratic movements are a result of fear and it becomes worse as you begin to charge. Although he has just enough time to let off another crossbow bolt, he doesn't commit to aiming it as he is turning on his heels to run as he fires. This time the bolt that was aimed for center mass, grazes past the upper part of your right thigh, opening an average sized cut which starts to bleed immediately. The adrenaline numbs you to the pain completely.

Although he got a head start on his run you are much much faster, so fast that you catching him results in your bodies colliding, hitting him with the weight and force of your larger frame. The shaky man is sent flying backwards dropping his crossbow and toppling over the rails of the platform. You had no idea how high up you were until you had to wait a few seconds before hearing the sickening crack of impact, you had just knocked into a man to fall to his death. Everything around you seems silent.

Now bleeding from the leg and the eye you can walk along the corridor on the level you are on or go up the next flight of stairs.
@King Tai


As you spin around and shout your command with your gun pointed at the door. Suddenly the sound of footsteps stops. There is nothing said, but there is elevated breathing coming from the person. You can't tell if it's male or female but you sense some level of fear from the pace of the breaths. Without too much warning the person takes off in a sprint, you can hear heavy-ish footsteps thumping down the corridor from which you came, becoming quieter and quieter as distance increases. It seems like you are alone again.

Head back towards where you came to follow the person, search the gory room, or leave the office and head through the adjacent door? ( marked 2-A section)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LittleFae
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LittleFae Worldbuilder

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Prisoner 7064 cursed when she heard the retreat of the figure before she actually saw them. She'd hoped to do a shakedown and maybe get a leg up on this sick game they were all stuck playing. She relaxed and lowered her gun as she turned back to the room filled with the horrific scene of gore. Tugging her shirt up over her nose, she inched into the room further, trying to search around. Checking cabinets, any closets, the desk, and... after a LOT of mental preparation, the tattered remains of the clothing wrapped around what was left of the mutilated corpse. Surely there had to be SOMETHING in here of use... it seemed a little too fast for someone to have gotten to this room and been ripped apart like this. After all, it was the first place she came to when leaving her own cell. Surely this was planted.
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