Avatar of LittleFae
  • Last Seen: 8 mos ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 59 (0.02 / day)
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    1. LittleFae 7 yrs ago
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8 mos ago
Current There was a time...
7 yrs ago
It's been a long time, Roleplayerguild...


I'm an old, returning member to the site. I used to play years and years ago back in the early 2000s until the site did an 'update' over the winter holiday and everything got wiped.

I've returned, and I am seeking lots of epic RP moments and fun in just about any genre. I tend to lean towards Advanced RPs, but I do also have a love of Instant-Message RP through things like Discord. Don't be shy! If you would like to know about me, my characters, or any of the campaign settings I've put together for roleplays in the past or plans for the future, shoot me a PM and I'll answer as soon as I can!

Also- you should be able to find me on RPGuild's Discord. Feel free to shoot me a message there- I'll probably see that before I see anything online here on the site. Just look for Little Fae!~

Most Recent Posts

I also cannot say I'm particularly surprised that this is coming to a close. I would've been willing to continue if that's what people wanted, but after this much time has passed I feel like only two or three of us at the most would even still be active.
Autumn Bladerunner - Twilight Tower

Taking care to keep the shadows wrapped around her figure, Autumn stood at the intersection in the alleyway. In spite of being more or less invisible to the naked eye, she poked as little of her figure around the corner as possible in order to peer down the way she'd seen the light from. She frowned. It was just a lone figure, and not the one she was looking for. In fact, he didn't appear to match the descriptions of any of the four characters she'd been sent to track. Still, all the same, his presence was a bit too convenient.

Autumn stood there watching him as she held her blade close to her chest. She chewed on her lip nervously under her mask and waited. The minute seemed to drag on for eternity. What was this figure doing? Waiting at the back door? Was he a guard? A lookout? Had they slipped inside the door he was peering at? The questions whirled around her like a hurricane as she tried to piece the puzzle together. People don't just vanish. Well, she supposed that was a bit hypocritical of her to say, given that she frequently did... but few had her kind of training.

Making up her mind, she stood watching the figure and the door alike. As he turned to leave, she slipped around the corner and slunk up along the alleyway, hiding behind the crates that lined the dimly lit passage. She took care to hide physically as well as within the shadows themselves, just in case. She crept along until she was standing where the hooded figure had been a few moments ago. She turned to inspect the door he was staring at, slowly moving closer and reaching out to try and push it open as silently as possible. Just enough to peer inside. With any luck she'd be suffused in purple light and exposed, but at least she'd know where they went. She also tried to split her attention and watch which direction the figure headed. If there WASN'T any purple light behind this door, she'd need to tail him or else her trail would've run cold before it even started.
Autumn Bladerunner - Twilight Tower

Finally breaching the far side of the crowd, the young shadow dancer found herself staring at an empty alleyway. She frowned. Had she lost them already? Had he really picked her out of the crowd and noticed she had spotted him? She supposed she shouldn't be surprised. They were fugitives hiding out in a relatively major city. They were likely quite experienced, perhaps even professional. At least in the essence of skill, moreso than demeanor.

Walking forward, Autumn approached the entry to the alleyway as she looked down it. She could see that purple glow from around the corner, followed by what sounded like a door slamming shut just after... was that a bell she heard ringing? Or was that her imagination? Trying to take a breath and calm her thoughts, Autumn turned and looked around behind her. She too did not want to be seen when she proceeded.

Once she was satisfied that all eyes were off of her, she turned back toward the alley and stepped forward. The instant that she crossed the threshold into the shadow of the building, she would appear, if anyone had been watching her, to simply vanish into thin air. In reality what she'd done was to cloak her body in shadows, obfuscating herself from view to the naked eye. Slowly unsheathing her daggers, she started to creep down the alley, careful of her footing so as not to knock into any debris or step in any puddles.

She approached the corner and sidled up against the wall, slowly peering around the corner to check the direction she'd seen the strange purple light from. She was taking a risk, sure. But she had to confirm that she'd seen them- and hopefully where they went before reporting back. Besides, she was relatively confident that no one could see her. Not without some special ability to see what was otherwise hidden from plain view.
I'm only checking the site maybe once a week, but I'm still around.
Prisoner 7064 cursed when she heard the retreat of the figure before she actually saw them. She'd hoped to do a shakedown and maybe get a leg up on this sick game they were all stuck playing. She relaxed and lowered her gun as she turned back to the room filled with the horrific scene of gore. Tugging her shirt up over her nose, she inched into the room further, trying to search around. Checking cabinets, any closets, the desk, and... after a LOT of mental preparation, the tattered remains of the clothing wrapped around what was left of the mutilated corpse. Surely there had to be SOMETHING in here of use... it seemed a little too fast for someone to have gotten to this room and been ripped apart like this. After all, it was the first place she came to when leaving her own cell. Surely this was planted.
@Xandrya Cheers~!

@King Tai How do you accidentally kick someone in the balls? I could see like... kneeing or hip-checking, but kicking?

But yes, hopefully on the up and up from here... at least IRL.
Blah, sorry about the delay. Life decided to go ahead and kick me in the teeth last week. Post is up, though!
Regret. Instant, immediate, total regret. Stumbling into the foul smelling room so hastily had not been her wisest move. Looking over the mutilated remains atop the desk in front of her, she wretches a few times, but manages to keep it all together. Barely. She's just about to start convincing herself to do the unthinkable and approach the corpse when she hears running from behind her. Whirling around she uses her dexterity to swing both arms holding the gun as well as her top half out of the door, pointing the weapon down the hall in the direction the sound seems to be coming from as she shouts, "STOP!" prepared to fire if the warning was not heeded.
Frowning lightly at the cylinder of the gun in her hands, prisoner 7064 chuffed a bit to herself. It figured that they'd only give her two bullets. Then again- no one else knew how many she had. It could be empty for all they knew, or more importantly: Fully loaded. Nodding at herself she continued down the hall until she reached a pair of doors. She stood peering between the two for a moment until she heard the noises coming from the far side of Section 2-A. Her anxiety spiked. Had she already run into someone? Was she going to have to use this gun? Her heart fluttered in her chest as she gripped the handle tighter. She tried to work herself up to just pushing ahead, but she stopped herself. A principal's office wouldn't lead anywhere. Better to check and make sure it was safe to turn her back on it before heading out. Reaching for the handle with her free hand she tried to turn it quickly and shove her weight into the door as she expected it to swing open with her gun ready to sweep the room for any of her opponents. Opponents? Oh dear, this was already starting to go to her head...

Oh you know... just completely redoing my computer since the hard-drive failed on it. Having to start from scratch. Blah.

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