
"You will have a quick death... I only intend to burn out your heart."
Does | This | Really | Matter?
Fire, Yin | Native | Full Spirit Kitsune in life Description A "hero", although calling him an "extremist" would be more accurate, Perses' true goal is to seek the destruction of all wars and conflicts. With his signature blue flames that have consumed over a thousand lives, this baleful spirit first sought to end all conflict through destruction. Now considered a war criminal, Perses bides his time, patiently waiting for a new way to accomplish his idealistic goals...
Personality Perses is an idealist who seeks to create a world without war, one where his soul can finally rest at peace. As a being without compassion, however, ending all life is the only way to save it, in his opinion. Calculating, callous, and cold, Perses will stop at nothing to achieve his goal. Despite this, Perses does have some sense of honor, perhaps due to the many knights and warriors he has consumed in his life. Because he was born of war, however, Perses only knows destruction, and will only seek to accomplish his goals through destruction.
Bio I'll be fragmenting this bio once they find out Suzaku has a spirit, and will be releasing each paragraph with every significant event involving him occurs.An existence born out of war, it is said that Perses is a conglomerate of the countless innocent lives lost to the horrors of warfare. Not too far from the truth, the spirit is actually that of a nameless demi-human soldier who umknowingly fought a losing battle around the beginning of the war, believing his kind could find a place in a world if he just fought. As a spirit, he drifted from battle to battle, watching as other soldiers, hopeless fools like himself, were massacred, sent to their deaths by their generals and commanders. To the spirit who would soon be known as Perses, the sight was appalling. It was something that needed to stop...
With each battle, the spirit came across many other, lesser wayward spirits. Some were like him, pawns sent to die so that their knights and kings won't have to. Others were just innocent souls who had been in the wrong place at the wrong time. All of them, to this particular spirit, were considered food, their mana absorbed along with their grievances. With each battle, he grew in power. Every year this growth of his power had appeared as a tail, a manifestation of his growing mana and the countless grudges he has accumulated.
Finally, after nine years of gathering so much power, he had made his appearance in a wide-scale battle where some of the leaders of each side have decided to take part in. Armed with two flaming swords, he blitzed through their ranks, indiscriminately slaying all in his way. This continued with each battle, being seen to many as a bloodthirsty god of war. It was then that he had come to be known as Perses, meaning "destruction" in an archaic language.
At the eve of the war, one of its largest battles had taken place where the finest warriors of both sides of the war had made their appearance. Naturally, Perses was drawn to it, seeing is the perfect battle to amass the strongest of souls. What he had not expected, however, was that the entire battlefield shifted at his appearance, all turning to attack him. The battle was all a ruse with the intent to finally bring an end to Perses's onslaught. It was only this moonlit night that this spirit of destruction would finally meet his end...
This, however, only aggravated the spirit. Drawing upon all the power he could muster, he released a conflagration of blue fire, a wave of death that brought down hundreds of lives, before finally disappearing. With his actions, his blue fires became synonymous with destruction, and a treaty was signed between the kingdom of Lugunica and the demi-humans, influenced, only in part, by how there could be greater threats that loom in the world. A unified kingdom is needed in order to stop beings as powerful as Perses, not one broken apart by war...
And yet, Perses still remained, weakened but alive. He needed to regain his power again, to bide his time, in order to see his vision truly come into fruition. A world without conflict, without hate, without... life. But first, he needed to form a contract with someone desperate enough to allow him to accomplish his goals.
MagicsMagic Level: 88
Perses' main affinity is with fire magic, which is his greatest strength. His flames are blue in color, attributing to their intense heat. He can blast these flames at others like projectiles, but he prefers bathing his weapons in them, fighting his opponents with flaming armaments. Despite this, however, the amount of destruction he can release with these flames are nothing to scoff at...
Due to the grudges he has accumulated, Perses has also attained an affinity with Yin magic, capable of performing feats such as removing one's senses as well as even their memories. Despite being skilled at this art, however, Perses prefers not to use this sort of magic, seeing it as both cowardly and distasteful. If it is absolutely required, however...
Abstract MagicsAs a spirit born out of warfare, Perses is capable of summoning weapons. Swords, maces, axes, so long as it was a weapon that a soldier has wielded, it is something within his grasp. While he isn't considered a master of any of them, he still has the gathered knowledge of over a thousand warriors, allowing him to wield these weapons with proficiency. While in his dormant state, due to the nature of his contract, Perses can only allow the summoning of a bow.
Perses is also able to consume spirits to empower him. This peculiar ability of his allowed him to become the monster he is today. However, because he has already accumulated so much power, consuming anything less of a full spirit will show little benefit, restoring a bit of his expended magical energy at best. He cannot consume other spirits while in his dormant state unless his host was the one to have slain them.
Terms of Contract