Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Leonard L. Scipio.

Species: Human

Age: 30.


Faction: Scipio Industries and Finance, (Subgroup of the Corporate Sector Authority)

Equipment: A Personal Energy Shield, a Vibroblade with Cortosis Alloy, an Electro-Whip, and a Blaster. He also has an injector that contains a form of Spice that allows him to see Blaster Bolts coming and move fast enough to parry them.


Combat: Leonard L. Scipio is a close-range fighter first and foremost, despite his blaster. Trained in the art of bladed and unarmed combat, Scipio fights like a Dark Jedi without actually accessing the Force. This is because of his access to a potent form of Spice that, as mentioned, increases his sight and reflexes to the level of a Force-wielder.

Non-Combat: Leonard L. Scipio is a weapons designer, financier, economist, and strategist who is good at seeking ways to profit from a situation, as well as manipulating accounts in order to control the flow of cash to and from people, places, and organizations. He also knows Droidspeak.


Spice Addiction: Leonard L. Scipio is addicted to the special form of Spice that he uses, to the point where after 24 hours, he will begin suffering convulsions, vertigo, sudden cravings, and other withdrawal symptoms if not given his special Spice. Said spice also reduces his cognitive and reasoning abilities when he takes them, forcing him to rely on instinct.

Gambler: Leonard L. Scipio is someone who takes insane risks for instant profits. He is willing to play double games with both the New Republic and Empire, or even try and bribe Believer cells away from Cinder and Cipher if it will give him the slightest chance at achieving a dominant position.

Arrogance: He thinks he is the next Thrawn. He is not; enough said.

History: Leonard L. Scipio's parents were ex-members of the Intergalactic Banking Clan who, despite being part of the Pro-Galactic Republic faction, were forced to flee to the Corporate Sector anyway when the Galactic Empire was established.

Pursued by the Empire, which was already starting to encroach on the autonomous worlds of the region, Scipio's parents retained vast riches, riches that they used to encourage the efforts of the various star systems in the area to form a unified entity; the Corporate Sector Authority. And thus, Leonard was born to wealth, privilege, and high status; his parents were now safe, and seemed to successfully rebuild their lives.

From an early age, Leonard was trained under the finest tutors, who saw in the young man a quick and sharp mind of high intelligence, but also coldness, cruelty, and greed. There was no attempt made to fix this, as some of those qualities were desired in the Corporate Sector.

At age thirteen, Leonard designed a new tank, the Leonard-class Assault tank, showing his talent to his parents. Said parents, now the owners of a major Bank dedicated to 'fostering innovation and progress', were delighted, and in an unusual gift, gave Leonard the seed capital to form his own Corporation. Predictably, he went into arms manufacturing, making and selling not just his tanks, but also new and improved buzz droids, diamond-boron torpedoes, and mobile shield generators. But as he grew older, Leonard realized he wanted more; to test his creativity beyond robotics. And so, against his parents' wishes, he made contact with some of the remaining cloners of Kamino and offered them a new facility in Corporate Sector space. He was sixteen then.

Only one Kaminoan accepted Leonard's offer, thus delaying the creation of any viable cloning chambers. But this Kaminoan, Pau Je, taught him much about biology and how genetic engineering can make soldiers and officers much better than droids can ever be. Entranced by her teachings, Leonard began to entertain notions about creating an army of his own, combining the best traits of the Galactic Republic and Separatist technology and battle doctrine. His parents may have objected, but before they can speak up, they had a convenient 'speeder accident'; killing them and giving Leonard full control of their bank and the colossal amount of credits within.

A rapid rise to power followed, during which Leonard made partnerships and acquisitions; the former were betrayed when they became too inconvenient, the latter taken with such force that people soon began whispering that perhaps Leonard was becoming too powerful too quickly.

But Leonard only cared enough to plan contingencies for his escape. With as much secrecy as he can muster, the young man, now 20, bought a Venator-class Star Destroyer that was retrofitted into a factory/mining ship and loaded it with luxury living quarters and a huge amount of treasure and armaments. He also began setting up shell corporations in Hutt Space at the other end of the Galaxy and tried to gain the favor of the various members of the Hutt Clan. He even managed to acquire a new form of Spice from them that allowed him to equal a Force User's reflexes despite not being able to access the Force himself.

And so, when the other vested interests of the Corporate Sector Authority moved against him, Leonard fled to this ship, activated the Hyperdrive, and sailed off to Hutt Space. This was when Jabba still ruled, and the other Hutts served as his lieutenants. So Leonard smothered his narcissism and played the sycophantic supplicant, bribing the Hutt Cartel into letting him have a base on the planet Dandoran, where he slowly rebuilt a business empire by acting as a middleman between the Hutts and the 'legitimate' businesses of the Galaxy, selling them Plasma from Naboo, Jogan fruit from Lothal, and Woshyr Wood from Imperial Kashyyk.

All the while, he slowly built up his 'security forces' with hired mercenaries and newly-built battle droids, cultivating relations with both lesser Hutts who wanted a larger slice of Jabba's holdings and various 'slave liberation movements', including various cells of the Believers. He also had his R&D division begin research into cloning once more, so as to build a new Clone Army.

Then, Jabba just had to die, and days later, the Empire suffered a defeat at Endor. The Hutts and the Empire were dealt a body blow at the same time, and Leonard can't but help to think that it was now his opportunity; he had acquired enough assets to make his play for power.

He was going to have fun, and one of the first things he did was send out his minions to capture a Drunk Dug with a gambling problem to serve as his court jester.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Faction Logo(If applicable):

Faction Name: Scipio Industries and Finance.

Faction Classification: Independent Warlord masquerading as a Corporation and Bank.

Faction Leader: Leonard L. Scipio.

Faction Members(Players):

Important NPCs:

Faction Assets: (Ships, strongholds, manpower, credits, access to weaponry. Last three can be rough estimates)

The Gamechanger - A Venator-class Star Destroyer that was retrofitted to serve as a factory ship, the Gamechanger now serves as Leonard L. Scipio's home and the centre of his operations. Thanks to Leonard's money, the ship is brimming with weaponry both common and special; lasers, ion cannons, torpedoes, and turbolasers. Not merely that, but it can use tractor beams to attract small asteroids, pieces of scrap metal, or even enemy starfighters and small craft into its depths; living pilots are taken for interrogation while droids and vehicles are melted down to create new ground troops and starfighters once the battle is over - it cannot use its armament and forges at the same time.

Lambda-class T-4a Shuttlesx6 - Imperial Transports bought and smuggled to the Corporate Sector before Leonard's exile.

Ground Assets: 70,000 Battle Droids, 20,000 Raj Vizla Clones, 1000 Droideka Mk.IIs, 2000 Mercenaries and Bounty Hunters, 20 Leonard-class Assault Tank (named after himself but using a Star Wars Legends Template), 400 other war machines made up of 'modernized' versions of Galactic Republic and Seperatist Technology.

The Dandoran Maze - A former smuggler's base on the Planet Dandoran retrofitted into an extensive laboratory and fortress, hidden underwater in order to prevent detection.

Imperial Submarine x5 - Purchases from corrupt Imperial Military officials which now make up the main way of travelling from the Dandoran Maze to the surface.

Credits: A huge amount, stored in digital accounts and shell corporations, to rival several Moffs.

Access to Weaponry: The Gamechanger can manufacture weapons.

Faction History: Scipio Industries and Finance has spent the last ten years in Hutt Space selling luxuries and raw materials from the legitimate industries and interests of the Galaxy to the Hutts and other criminal scum. Now, its money and assets built up, Leonard has determined that the faction go on a war footing under the guise of 'heightening its security', and take a side in the coming conflict for Hutt Space. Noting that open treason against the Hutt Queen would get his faction destroyed instantly, Leonard has instead chosen to back Lesser Hutts feeling left behind by said Hutt Queen and her lieutenants and play them off against each other...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Name: Arla
Species: Twi'lek
Age: 24
Appearance: Arla is a slender green skinned Twi'lek. As a slave she wears whatever is provided for her. Currently this appears to be little more than some jewelry. She is quite relieved to still have her ear cones but has had eyebrows tattooed to her hairless brow.
Faction: Hutts
Equipment: None
Skills: Dancing, Seduction
Weaknesses: Arla is a captive of one of the Hutts (Which one is to be determined). She also has a slave control implant that can electrocute her, causing her stinging pain, excruciating pain or even near instant death.

Arla was born on Ryloth, her clan poor and starving in the deep caves where her people evolved so long ago. On rare occasions she would go out and watch the "under worlders" raid the surface clans for food and valuables while the "upper dwellers" would raid the under ground portions of the planets for slaves with which to trade to the "off worlders". Old Republic, Empire, New Republic- it didn't matter. So it had been for thousands of years and so it was likely to continue so long as Ryloth remained in Hutt Space. Twi'lek would fight Twi'lek,
Twi'lek would fight Separatist, Twi'lek would fight Twi'lek. Then they would fight the Empire before Twi'lek began fighting Twi'lek again.

Arla was taken in one such raid, just one of thousands that were used as bartering material with off worlders who have absolutely no interest in helping the Twi'lekki people get off world and establish themselves on a less gods forsaken planet. They love the pathetic needs of the Twi'lekki peoples for they are incredibly easy to take advantage of, fighting among themselves for the crumbs the greater galaxy chooses to fling their way. The tribe that kidnapped her sold her for a blaster, which would be of great use killing her own people and was packed aboard a slaver starship and whisked away from her home. Later, she would be sold for thousands of credits against the two hundred credits the cheap blaster would cost. Later, they would make even more credits off of the power packs which were cheaper still. Quite the lucrative deal.

Arla, like most subterranean twi'leks is an accomplished fighter with the primitive stone weapons and slings. Wood, of course, being so incredibly rare that it could not be wasted in the crafting of weapons. The women of a tribe were expected to protect it while men were away hunting for food or raiding other tribes for their supplies. She is, as one might imagine from living underground, also quite adept at skulking about in the dark.

Aboard the starship that had taken them she, along with several of the slaves, had to deal with an unknown creature in the ship's hold that was hunting down the slaves one by one. She served as bait but managed to lure it into an airlock and decompress it. It was the scariest thing she had ever done.

After that she arrived at the slave auction and was promptly tattooed. Apparently normal humans were discomfited by the Twi'leki lack of eyebrows. They also informed her that, had they time, they'd have performed a genetic augmentation upon her that they did to many Twi'Leki, replacing her cones with... human ears! The very idea disgusted her. Those strange wrinkly misshapen things on the side of human heads were so ugly!

Sold into a combination cantina and brothel Arla spent the next few years serving its patrons and developing a reputation as a dancer that drew people to her establishment from across the planet. Unfortunately, the fall of the Great Galactic Empire took her owner by surprise and his establishment, long prospering under the protection of his Imperial patrons suffered. The Hutts swooped in confiscating her along with everything else the man had of value.

Serving now as a slave to the Hutt that "annexed" her she is desperate for some means of escape. She'll work with anyone who promises her freedom.
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