L A W L E S S G A L A X Y R E B O O T - T H A N K S S E P !
It is a time of conflict in the Galaxy, the Emperor is dead alongside his right hand man Darth Vader during the destruction of the Second Death Star above the forest moon of Endor during a battle that saw many of the Imperial War Machines Senior naval officers perish. As the Rebellion transitions into the New Republic all out war spreads throughout the Galaxy. A war, that is rife with opportunity.
Jabba the Hutt is dead, his sailbarge destroyed. The remaining Hutts, their numbered diminished, all vie for the scraps in order to absorb Jabbas vast criminal empire into their own. Meanwhile new players enter the field, Hutt Space is a buzz with activity as known Crime Lords rise up from the ashes of the fallen while the former Giants of the underworld try to maintain control. All the while forces of the Imperial Remnant and New Republic view the sector in chaos with greedy eyes.
In this Roleplay, Players will be playing characters confined within Hutt Space. Political shiftings in the wider Galaxy, as well as within this area of space provides a rich canvas for players to make their own stamp on Star Wars history. Shall you fight with the New Republic to liberate those that have lived under the Hutts for centuries? Or will you seek the power that the Hutts once held for yourself? It is possible for a player to play as part of one of the GM controlled factions, to form their own faction or to alternatively act as an individual just trying to make a living in a dangerous galaxy. If you make a faction, you do not need to play the leader of the faction.
...And yes, you can prevent the Sequel Trilogy from happening. In fact, I encourage it. I love the Disney Canon, but I hate the Sequels.
1. While I am open to Input, like many RP's GMs word is law.
2. No killing off other player characters/Important NPCs with just one hit. Discussion needs to happen OOC and agreements need to be made that said...
3. If you do something incredibly stupid, such as putting your character right in the way of a turbolaster blast. They're probably going to die, while I want to avoid having anyones chars/npcs die when they don't want them too, try to act logically with them to preserve their life.
4. Please keep faction growth realistic, if you are in charge of a faction.
5. No Metagaming/Powergaming.
6. This Roleplay is going to contain some slightly more mature themes, blood, gore and swearing is allowed however should be kept tasteful (no doing it just for the sake of doing it). Anything in regards to what you are doing to that alien hooker, we don't need to know.
7. In your character history mention some form of dealing with a Drunk Dug with a Gambling Problem at least once, it doesn't need to be elaborate just to make me know you've read the rules (in a non obvious manner).
8. Initial Maximum of Two PCs per player, further can be discussed after at least four good quality posts in two weeks.
9. Respect eachother.
10. Have fun.
GM - Controlled Factions:
These factions are controlled by myself in order to facilitate events that can help players progress and interact with one another.
Player Factions:
These factions are created by players, and will list if they are able to be applied for.
There are two types of application, character and faction. For those of you just wanting to be scum for hire, all you need to do is fill out a character application. For those wanting a faction you will have to fill out the CS of any character you intend to use as a PC.
Character Sheet
This sheet can be tweaked to your personal tastes, categories can be removed or added. The important ones that need to be kept are Name, Species, Appearance, Skills, Weaknesses and History. In terms of Canon we're sticking to the current Disney Canon (Canon articles on Wookiepedia). If there is something you wish to use/draw from that is from Legends and not in current canon it shall be discussed on a case by case basis. OCs only.
These factions are controlled by myself in order to facilitate events that can help players progress and interact with one another.
Player Factions:
These factions are created by players, and will list if they are able to be applied for.
There are two types of application, character and faction. For those of you just wanting to be scum for hire, all you need to do is fill out a character application. For those wanting a faction you will have to fill out the CS of any character you intend to use as a PC.
Character Sheet
This sheet can be tweaked to your personal tastes, categories can be removed or added. The important ones that need to be kept are Name, Species, Appearance, Skills, Weaknesses and History. In terms of Canon we're sticking to the current Disney Canon (Canon articles on Wookiepedia). If there is something you wish to use/draw from that is from Legends and not in current canon it shall be discussed on a case by case basis. OCs only.
Faction Sheet:
This Faction Sheet can be added too, but categories cannot be removed. Faction history just needs to be a timeline and not anything extreme.
This Faction Sheet can be added too, but categories cannot be removed. Faction history just needs to be a timeline and not anything extreme.
[b]Faction Logo(If applicable):[/b]
[b]Faction Name:[/b]
[b]Faction Classification:[/b] Liberation Movement, Imperial Warlord, Slave Traders, Mercenary Group, Pirate Band etc.
[b]Faction Leader:[/b]
[b]Faction Members(Players):[/b]
[b]Important NPCs:[/b]
[b]Faction Assets:[/b] (Ships, strongholds, manpower, credits, access to weaponry. Last three can be rough estimates)
[b]Faction History:[/b]
F A Qs
Can I play a Force Wielder?
Yes, however there needs to be detailed explanation to how they discovered this affinity for the force and how any training was achieved.
Can I join a player faction?
That is up to the player who made the faction.
Can I join a GM Faction?
Yes, it is encouraged. I view them as less GM Factions as GM controlled. My control over them is how I control the world that we're in and ensure that everyone has something to get them going.
Where does my character start?
That is entirely up to you, I know that some players will have an idea straight from the get go of what they want to do. Do not fear, I'm going to be giving everyone something to get the ball rolling. I'd advise a major centre of activity such as Nal Hutta, Nar Shadda, Ilos Minor or Sleyhorn.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.