Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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Mikkish heard the robot emit the word "Hunt" as it seemed to start chasing the fantasy woman. He shrugged it off, however, considering how slow it was moving. He still wanted to catch up to the woman, however, to ensure her they, or at least he, wasn't a danger to her.

His hands balled into fists as he concentrated the magic energies in his body into himself. Though he had lost sight of the woman, he figured a general direction she was in. With his speed enhanced to that of lightning, he decided to speed dash and in an instant he had caught up to where she had been moments ago, at the elevator.

Mikkish looked it up and down. It was huge, either meant to move large crates or...groups of 'people.' While he wanted to see what that robot was going to do, his curiosity got the better of him when he noticed a bloody corpse nearby. It looked like a woman straight out of Mad Max or Book of Eli. A car tire was even fashioned around her shoulder probably as a kind of armor, and there was even a saw off shotgun laying next to her.

He didn't want to leave and lose this spot, as this could lead to the way out of here.

"Yo vulcan lady!" He shouted, his voice echoing.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

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Alastair made a non-committal noise of agreement rather than respond to Ash; truthfully, he did not know if it was possible for him to die anymore, it was likely he would end up walking these halls for eternity if they could not find an exit. There was no need to let Ash know that however, it would likely only upset her.

People always reacted negatively when they found out about his… peculiarities.

“Then we shall keep walking. If we continue moving forward, we will find the edge of this place eventually, yes? The exit must be at the edge, somewhere, if one exists.”

Shuffling forward for a while longer, Alastair slowly came to a stop when he began to notice something out of place. There was… something that had alerted him. He didn’t know what but his instincts told him something or someone was near. He turned to look in every direction that he could, he closed his eyes and listened carefully, but he couldn’t see or hear anything. Even He couldn’t sense anything.

Alastair was about to dismiss it as paranoia when finally it clicked. “Can you feel… shaking? The ground is vibrating, rhythmically. Like footsteps.”

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Illiren
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Shaking? Ashley didn't feel it, didn't notice anything. However when she put a hand to the ground it was there. A slow rhythmic beat, pulsating out from some point ahead of them. If it was walking than how heavy was this thing to be noticeable from a distance?(@Samdragonx) Now that she knew what to look for it was there, on the edge of her hearing, the dull thud, and is that a quieter pair of steps?
Whispers on the Wind First let go of sight, than taste, smell, and finally touch so now only sound exists. Lastly slow your own breathing as much as possible.
It was there someone running barefoot,(@Assallya) and the slow beats. There are other people are they like Alastair and herself, trapped?
"Yo vulcan lady" echoed off the walls

Ashley stood up before her eyes fully returned to being able to see. "There are two, maybe three, people ahead. we will probably meet one of them in a second"
@King Cosmos
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Samdragonx
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Samdragonx The croo broom wielder

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With a mighty roar, the colossal Naiji hurled a ball and chain towards the elven legs.

Alas, despite the targeting being just fine, it was the stepping on and slipping over a cute blob that caused the attack to no longer be targeting the girls legs. In fact, losing sight of her was the naiji's second problem.

He might have sticked the landing, but in frustration, his punch would shake the ground severely.

The snare attack then cracked the walls. Parts of the ceiling came down instantly. With the threat of death by being crushed closely nearby, the urge for everyone to get to the elevator became ever greater.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Strong Potato
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Zanni withdrew his hand. Crying, screaming and crawling away... The reactions he loved. But somewhere deep down in his grey blood-clogged heart he wanted something different. Rejection was a feeling he was familiar with, but seemed to hurt this time. Bet if he looked more like that human(@MikkishtheLeprechaun), they would get along fine. Zanni started walking towards the elevator.

"PARTY IN THE ELEVATOR EVERYONE, WAIT FOR ME!!!" Zanni didn't stumble this time and ran full force.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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@Samdragonx@Strong Potato

Mikkish leaned arms folded against the elevator. In his boredom waiting for the others he decided to check the apocalypse girl out and see if she had anything else. The sawn-off she carried was loaded, and a handful of shells littered the ground beside her. In her jacket was a note.

Before he got to reading it, however, he heard a crash from up ahead where Naiji had ran to, and the world started shaking. Screw this he thought, and ran into the elevator, prepared to close the doors if nobody showed up after a minute.

Then he heard a voice call "PARTY IN THE ELEVATOR!" It didn't belong to the guy with the teeth, nor the hobbit woman, and the blob didn't speak. No, it was that goddamn clown zombie. He let out a sigh.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Now Dog stood stood there alone. Everyone had runoff in some form or another. "Even even the clown monster." he grumbled. "Is it me? Is it something that I'm doing."

He heard the clown bellow something about an elevator and growled to himself as he turned around and walked toward it. He hoped the elevator wasn't the only way out, he didn't want to have to share an elevator with that guy.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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As Zanii and then Dog showed up, Mikkish had had enough of the current situation.

"Hurry up before I close it." He said, his brows furrowed.

It wasn't until then, however, that Mikkish noticed something: there was only one button. There was no button outside the elevator to call it, and on the inside there was only one button. There weren't numbers, there wasn't even an open or close button. Just this one button, which undoubtedly would take them down.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Karkinos
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Karkinos enfant terrible

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She recovers on the ground. Behind her, the metal titan with all its miscellaneous sounds. Before her, familiar faces crowd in an elevator, the only way out. Because overhead, the ceiling is cracked into shards, the pieces prepared to rain down at any moment. With no time to thing, Candelabra staggers to her feet and towards to the crowd, their details melting into a colorful miasma of jewelry, of slick hair, of rows and rows of teeth.

It's a monster mash that she's at the middle, and after sliding her way in, the little girl retreats as far as she can manage, backs against the wall, and curls up into a ball with no intention to raise her head. A curtain of something amber-colored and coursing, something like hair, spills over her ankles and swallows her.

At least being alone was easy. At least, being alone, there was nothing to fear.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

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“They are probably trapped here like us.” Alastair unconsciously stepped back until he was up against the wall, leaning his shoulder against it, as if seeking some meagre protection from it. “But that doesn’t meant they will be friendly. We should be careful.”

A loud roar rend the air, an animalistic noise that continued for several seconds as it echoed through the seemingly endless passageways they found themselves in. Alastair ducked his head further inside his hood as this was followed by a low booming sound that he could feel through the ground much more strongly than the footsteps before. Another, smaller crash came immediately after this which was in turn followed by a cacophony that sounded suspiciously like raining debris.

Silence reigned for a few seconds before suddenly, disconcertingly, Alastair began to laugh; it was not a pleasant sound. It was a weak, wheezing laugh that could be mistaken for a coughing fit; a laugh that sounded more like madness than mirth. “Maybe this labyrinth has a Minotaur. We should – we should probably find a new path.”

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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As bits of ceiling continued to fall, and the rest continued to fight, wonder, and chase each other, Mikkish let out another sigh. He wouldn't wait any longer. With just him, the zombie, the teeth man, and the lava girl in the elevator, Mikkish pushed the button, causing the elevator doors to close and the unit to begin its descent.

His impatience possibly doomed everyone outside of the elevator, but perhaps him and everyone else on board were bound for a more horrifying fate.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Strong Potato
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Looking at the beast(@Samdragonx) outside the 'cage' Zanni was in, he saw a certain irony in all of this. The elevator protected them from the rubble coming down the ceiling. The mighty beast might have been the one who brought them all here. He sure looked strong enough. Being in his safe spot, Zanni placed his thumb on his nose and stuck his tongue out. "Nana nana naaaanaaa! You can't get us in here!" Zanni mocked the shiny creature as the elevator was set in motion.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Samdragonx
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Samdragonx The croo broom wielder

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Alas, the naiji saw his last opportunity passing by.

Seeing the destruction he had brought upon himself and others, he saw no other option than to reduce the damage as much as he could.

Quickly scanning the room, his eyes met the elven girls. Both his arms and legs slowly crushed, one by one. It is with great strength and willingness the naiji gave up his salvation for the potential resuce of another, even if it took him everything. Shielding the soft body of the young woman, he sought to protect her. Fighting his hunger, the naiji might never return to the land of the living.

As the doors were closing shut, the low rumble of a human voice could be heard. "Friend, no foe." While the elevator descended, a bright and glowing object was findable near the door. The eye of the Naiji.
The doors now shut, there would be no normal way back for the group. But perhaps, hope for escape could be found down in the dungeon that is free for all.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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@Strong Potato@Karkinos@Gentlemanvaultboy

Those words "Friend not foe" reminded Mikkish of an old movie he saw once. A really sappy Disney movie, no less. Mikkish wondered, despite all the crazy things he had seen, if this was all some crazy dream. When the doors closed, Mikkish felt the all too familiar sensation of regret.

And regret he did, moments later. When the elevator actually started moving, Mikkish noticed the back wall of the elevator was glass, and moments after that...

They were in what looked like an underground mall. No windows, or doors from what he saw but plenty of fuckin zombies.

He turned to Zanii "Jeez, think you can talk to em for us?" He then faced back to the door and prepared for the worst.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

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His eyes snap open the the sound of crunching stone. Where in the name of Shadows am I? He stands up, and looks around. This isn't my castle.... how did I get here? A rumble sounds, and shakes the ground. This place is unstable! I've got to get out of here! He turns and runs down the hall, and sees a strange metal door of some kind. He presses a glowing circle, but nothing seems to happen. "Humm... what did that do?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Dog just covered his nose and prayed. The one was bad enough, but this whole place was full of the stink of dead. How did they all walk with injuries like that. He let out a low whine. "Yeah. Maybe they're friendly. Everything else so far has been."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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'Alright, no big deal. I will handle them just like I have every other threat' Mikkish thought, remembering his pyrokinetic abilities.

Just like every other time he was in control of it, he spotted several specific targets. Burning a few of them would cause a fire to spread, surely, and take out a bunch of them. He rubbed his hands together. While his magic was at will, certain things caused a placebo effect, such as rubbing his hands and snapping his fingers. It worked long ago, as a massive tentacle monster bared down on him.

He rubbed, and rubbed, sure he could take out every zombie in one cast of a spell. He snapped his fingers and...


Something was blocking his pyrokinesis abilities, though he had used his buff before getting on the elevator. He cracked his knuckles, ready to do this the old fashioned way. As the elevator made it's stop, and the doors opened to reveal a horde of shambling corpses right outside, Mikkish shot forward fast as a bullet into the crowd, hitting several zombies and sending them flying.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Strong Potato
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Zanni looked up and smiled.

"Oh my, what do we have here?"

Revealing his teeth, he plunged into the crowd and started conversing with the zombies. Not with words, but with deep grunts and chewing noices.

(Zombie language):"Hey Darell, how has the wife been? Hey Scotty, you too! Harold, stop harassing my friendo over here! You guys are pretty chill dudes..."

Zanni followed a part of the crowd. It seemed they wanted to show him a thing or two.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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@Strong Potato@Gentlemanvaultboy@Karkinos

As Zanii continued his conversation with his zombie buddies, several shots rang out and the head of a zombie right next to Zanii burst open. A man could then be seen running through the crowds up ahead. It wasn't Mikkish, he was nearby to Zanii and still fighting through the horde in an incredible display of superhuman strength and speed (it was really his magic). This created a clearing in front of the elevator for anyone else to step off relatively safely. Safe from being eaten, not the horrible stench.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Strong Potato
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Strong Potato Not Beaten yesterday

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"You wanna go, bro?" Zanni signals to the other zombies to form a huge circle around him, Mikkish(@MikkishtheLeprechaun), Dog(@Gentlemanvaultboy) and the speedster.

Zanni has an eye-to-eye moment with the flashy fellow.

"We need all the help we can get. Would you like to join our crew and find a way out? These zombies are dumb, but won't all listen to me. We are now with 3, 4 members, I think..."

One of the zombies started to annoy him and Zanni instictively bites a hole in his brain. Now thinking about his last action and how he couldn't undo it, he figured it was unwise.

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