Heyy everyone

In the town of Cherrywood, they founded an academy - currently six years ago - for both normal humans as humans with special powers. That last group exists of many different people: some were born with their powers and others got it somehow, some use them for the good, others for the bad and some others don't use them at all.

It is required to stay in the dorm out there. There are rooms of two and rooms of four. You can choose if you want to stay in one of two or one of four, but you can't choose with whom.

Everyone is proud having an academy that accepts every person for who they are, with or without powers. There is only one terrible rule: your results are based on a system that combines your points on a test and the ones from your 'buddy'. So both persons have to have good results to get a good grade and if one gets punnished for doing something wrong, then the other gets too.

'Buddies' are combined randomily (so you can't say anything about who you get as 'buddy') with two conditions: one human with powers gets a human without powers as 'buddy' and they are usually roommates.

- let me know beforehand how frequently you are able to post, so I know what to expect
- put your characters name with every post to avoid confusion
- write at least a whole paragraph or two (not just two or three sentences)

Let me know if you are interested !