Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Squirrel98
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In the old town of Ravenfall a dark secret is hidden in the minds of the inhabitants, their ancestors and their children. Several years ago, an unofficial war took place between two groups: the people that knew nothing and just lived their lives like they always had been doing and the people that kidnapped and/or murdered some of their enemies in secret, without any witnesses or any clue of the (wo)man to have ever existed. It took them a long time to finally confront each other directly and make a deal to finally have peace, but they did.

A tv show was born in which the participants had to live together in an abandonned villa with a big garden where wild animals from the nearby forest were looking out for their next victim. A group of young adults (18-20 years) and a group of older adults (25-30) got randomly chosen without even applying to participate and without the right to refuse. They get an e-mail on the computer saying they have to be there and risk going to jail or even getting capital punishment (or commonly known as 'getting hanged').

Within the house, the rules are very simple: stay alive. Once every three days around noon, every candidate gets an interview that is shown on tv and for everyone available to watch. At the end of the interview, they get a piece of paper on which a command is written to (for example) say something mean to someone, mess with them, steal something from them, ... Anything can be on it, except for murder. The deadline for the command to be done is before the next interview, otherwise they get punished.

Everything is allowed inside the house, even doing illegal things like theft, rape, murder, ... At least: as long as you don't get caught. If you get caught, you get punishment. What that punishment I am talking about is? You will know if you risk to get it...

Another rule: don't let your real identity get known. You have to create a whole new identity, create the history of your fake identity and make it believable for the audience. If you don't succeed at making it believable, you get a message from the creators of the tv show with warnings that they may damage your house, threaten your family, ...

A nice, dramatic kind of soap to entertain everyone for which several persons get sacrificed, that's the deal.
If you succeed at letting your true identity stay hidden, you can go back to your everyday life after the tv show is done.
But if you fail at that... What kind of life will you be leading afterwards?

I don't have a preference as of how frequently you can post, but I prefer you let me know beforehand if you are someone who posts daily, once a week, once in two weeks, once a month, ... That way we won't have unnecessary discussions.
Please be able to write at least two paragraphs and put your characters name with every post to avoid confusion.

If you are interested in this RP, here is the ooc: the RP
You will find the locations and the character sheet out there

It hasn't begun yet, so you can easily join !
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Squirrel98
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

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