- I am most comfortable with people who are 18 years or older
- I can do both genders, but have a hard time with playing dominant characters (so only normal ones or submissive ones)
- Think if you can handle it before you PM me, I don't want to be ditched
- Don't comment here with 'PM me', but PM me yourself please
- I am not searching for novel answers, but I am also not searching for oneliners at the moment (1-2-3 paragraphs, not more or less)
- I don't answer daily, so don't expect me though
- I don't like pictures that people draw themselves, I want real life pictures or anime pictures
- Character sheets are alright, but I don't want to make them too long as I like my character to have room to grow (I don't like when everything is set before we begin as there is no room for new thoughts and such anymore)
- I am only searching for one or two characters, so watch the status of this interest check
- Currently I am not interested in RP's with smut, so no smut !

If you send me a PM, add this information:
- The pairings/fandoms that you are interested in
- How much you write
- How frequently you write
- Which gender + role you want to play
- Which pairing (FxF, MxM or FxM) => I only have experience with FxM, but don't mind MxM or FxF if you can handle someone unexperienced
- A couple of sentences that you wrote, so I know your writing style

Romance pairings:
- Presenter of a TV show X participant of the TV show
- Experienced movie director X unexperienced actor / actress
- Unexperienced movie director X experienced actor / actress
- Experienced actor / actress X unexperienced actor / actress
- Leader of a dangerous gang X innocent girl
- Human girl X ghost boy

Non-romance pairings:
- Stepbrother X stepbrother
- Teacher X parent
- College student X high school student
- Owner of a house X the one who rents the house
- Actor X actress

Fandoms (OC, not canon):
- Fairy Tail
- Aikatsu / Pripara
- Pretty Little Liars
- The Next Step

The roles written like this are the ones I want to play myself (I am open for discussion though), if there isn't one written like this then I don't have a preference.