Ardoiwn Theodorn
A young man in his early twenties, Ardoiwn has dark brown hair, bold blue eyes, and slightly pale skin. His beard is short and scraggly, a mark of his youth, and his hair is worn long and braided.
Kingdom Allegiance: Lampertei
Tribe: Viigoc by blood, but Lampert raised and proud.
Background: The tale of Ardoiwn began with an artist. Gathana was a young, beautiful woman with an aspiration to create, living a peaceful and pleasant life, if not always an easy one, in the city of Tautom. She did what she needed to survive, creating beautiful works of metal and glass, while selling her body when her art alone could not sustain her.
It was due to this work that she became pregnant, and due to circumstances not entirely under her control the woman was forced from her home, chased out by enemies she never intended to make. Fleeing for her life, and for the life growing inside her, she made her way south. Buying passage on a ship with the last of her funds she found herself in the lands of the Lamperts.
Alone, scared, with nothing to her name and no knowledge of the lands she now walked Gathana set out. She knew not where she was going, nor what her plan was. Thankfully she was accosted by bandits. The bandits in questions were also desperate and crazed, they would have to be to attack someone with so little, but none the less the sounds of Gathana’s shrieks grabbed the attention of her soon to be rescuer.
Theodaxus Theodorn, Gastald of the King was travelling across the countryside, on a mission from his liege. When he heard the sounds of distress he rallied his cohorts and charged along until he found the source of the screams. Running down the bandits Theodaxus gazed upon the woman he had rescued. He found her beautiful, even in her dirty, malnourished state, and despite the advanced state of her pregnancy.
The Gastald took the woman as his wife, Gathana simply grateful to be alive. Ardoiwn was born, raised to believe Theodaxus his father and brought up in the Lampertei fashion. Theodaxus raised the boy as his own, and Ardoiwn lived a happy childhood growing in the village that Theodaxus managed in his liege’s name.
Ardoiwn made friends of most of the other children in the village, indeed it was expected that he would one day lead them into battle. The values of brothership and loyalty were ingrained into the young man as he led his friends into many adventures. The children learned of combat from the greatest warrior in the village and Ardoiwn, as the son of the Gastald, was given special attention in training. The spear and pike spoke out to the growing man and before long he had no equal in their use in his village.
His life was not all merry days spent with friends and hard but uplifting training, a handful of the other children were not so quickly charmed by Ardoiwn, mocking him for many things but mostly how different he looked from his father. It was at this point that Ardoiwn questioned his heritage, and having no convenient lies his parents told the young man the truth. While this may have vindicated the bullies to some degree Ardoiwn thought nothing of it, Theodaxus still raised him, and Ardoiwn was still as much a Lampert as any other in the village. This early chapter in the man’s life ended with Theodaxus’ death, sickness taking the Gastald in the night.
Ardoiwn was still young, however his skill with his chosen weapon and the loyalty he held from nearly the entire village was enough to earn him the rank of his father. While he was not a Lampert by blood his devotion to his lord and his hatred of god was enough to earn him a seat near Dalgiserius. Carrying out small missions for the king Ardoiwn awaits the chance to perform something truly important for his liege, something to banish any doubts of his loyalty from the other Gastalds.