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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by RyuShura
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RyuShura The Muted Dream

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Ayer Lectome

- Mentions: @Mataus

His eyes perked when he heard actual words coming form the mysterious form in the trees. It was still relatively difficult to hear from that distance, but he made out enough words to understand the meaning behind the irritable growl. Was it sand in his ears that made it so difficult? He tilted his head to the left and right, giving slight bops to each side with his palms to make sure. None.

"Hmm... So not a primate. A fake primate, then?" he muttered, turning to Paric, "No, this probably means that unknown hanging in the tree must definitely be a Myti."

As the ears, tail, and features were all made more defined at the approaching pace of the exotic, what appeared to be male, Ayer waved at the male Myti nonetheless. He was completely oblivious to the annoyed state they were in and smiled as if they were close friends. He didn't think he was being rude just a moment ago, at all. It was just a slight misunderstanding. Nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about. Best yet, they must make intentions clear from this point on. There is no use arguing in the middle of nowhere, when the Nilliums, and who knows what else, have surely figured out the method in which they escaped. It would be any moment now that hands would reach out to detain the two men, who were in shortage of supplies, energy, and options.

"Well, in any case, I am glad to see you're just as clueless about all this as we are. What are you doing all the way out here? I thought Myti who are native to Leias do no roam out often. Are you perhaps a traveler like us? If so, I'd like to make a request. I have some important research that must be... protected, at all costs."

Ayer then motioned to the device by his side, turning to allow the stranger to see the intricacies of the design. He even tucked out a leg, in a gesture that one would think him to be modeling for them in unabashed pride, even.
"This, my greatest invention, must not fall into these savage warlord's hands. Not again. If you help us get away from these lands and towards Leias, I am sure I can make it worth your time, my cute little fake-primate."

Compliments. That's how you establish a good impression, right?

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by IRLCleric
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IRLCleric The soft and squishy.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Baeshri Pass - Crags

Concentrating on the wind was proving to be a feat of its own, the wind's voice was growing louder with each passing moment meaning that if Ellorei didn't release the element soon she was going to face the consequences. None the less, she steadied herself, the situation called for her aid and she was determined to give it. In the moment she felt Flin move to through a rock into the wind, using her as a way to enhance the attack. It was quickly occurring to Ellorei that perhaps she should have taken lessons from her brother in the art of combat before leaving. However, drawing the conclusion that the soldiers wanted this being not to escape. Ellorei widened her stance and it looked as though she began to sink into the ground, her energy moving to sense the ground below the adversary. There, Ellorei thought, time to end this nonsense. Ellorei began to pull the being into the ground with the goal being waist deep.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crabs
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Crabs The King of Crabs

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"If yoor lookin' foor woork, de' treetops are yer best bed'."

Of course they are. Ryio thought, glancing upwards at the wall of wood separating her from the rest of the market. She'd been in Leias for weeks- but not once had she found a way up the enormous trees. There were lifts, sure, but they were all reserved months in advance or took more coin than she had to split with. Climbing was another option- at least, it could be, but not for her.

Ryio stood passively, listening to what the woman had to say as customers of the market flooded past her, pushing and jostling her about. "It's fine, it's fine." She whispered to several of them as they passed by. Ryio was turning around to leave when she heard Kolo speak again: [i]"Bud... If you're hungry, I've got some stale bobbets left over."[i]. At this, Ryio's eyes lit up like two furnaces preparing to melt down steel in their fiery kilns. Ryio was halfway through taking a step towards the bobbet-shaped salvation when someone behind her shoved her forward, knocking her off balance and towards the market stall. Ryio had been standing fairly close to the stall as to actually hear the owner above the commotion, and fell down hard and fast towards the wooden counter. She stuck out her hand to stop herself, but didn't center her arm properly and the left side of her body and face cracked against the rough wooden surface- which, luckily, was still intact.

Ryio pushed herself up, planting her feet firmly into the dirt under her with deliberate care. She then took the cloak and fastened it closed in the front, and then graciously accepted the bobbets from Kolo, completely ignoring the growling stranger behind her. "Thank you, miss. Blessings of the sands upon you." Ryio bowed her head slightly, and a single bead of blood dripped off of her forehead and onto her outstretched arm. Ryio touched her wrist to her forehead and sighed- it was bleeding, for sure, though not too bad. "Sorry. Miss Kolo- thank you. Again." She then stepped aside from the stall and turned back towards the street, placing two of the three bobbets away into her bag. To the stranger, she simply arched one eyebrow while chewing down hard on the stale bobbet.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mataus
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Paric noticed their mistake just after he saw Ayer react the the animal. He needed to get his eyes checked... He had seen Myti before, but this was quite sad, if he was being honest with himself. Perhaps the two just wanted to have an encounter free journey for awhile while they rested up. Then again, it wouldn't be an adventure if they did not run into trouble.

He let Ayer do most of the talking, raising his eyebrows in surprise when Ayer so quickly showed the Myti Wax Jury. Then again, given a good reason, the Myti probably would guide them. Not much else to do out in the middle of no where, surrounded by monsters of all sizes. It was obvious that they would need help, though. He was a drunk with little experience, and little alcohol, and his friend was a nerd who wasn't keen of violence. Their chances were slim, given caravans, for all their metallic might, sometimes got completely wiped out. They weren't even trained soldiers.

His gaze had left the Myti to scan the tall trees. Until, of course, Ayer threw a compliment that probably would not sit well with the Myti. The poor thing was obviously bitter that they had mistaked it for a monkey. He grimaced, mouthing a soundless "sorry" to the Myti. This was probably how all of Ayer's problems originally started. He probably unknowingly said something dumb to a high ranking Nillium commander.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Greenguy
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Greenguy o.o

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Gybol raises an eyebrow at the reaction and remains his guarded sort of posture. The way the man reacted threw him off. He was expecting perhaps something more...two faced? He wasn't sure and it was something that he was going to have to mull over a bit later. He regards Richard carefully. As the man offered what he did, he grows a bit of a neutral expression and leans back into his seat

"Look, you came in and tried to throw your weight around. The girl you tried to faint is off getting a guard because you attempted to do harm. Yes, harm. Regardless of what you think it is, you attempted without her consent and not entirely in the interest of her well being. I do not have a good reason to trust you. If you can give me a good reason to do so, I'll consider what else you'd be willing to offer. And you can promise all you want, but given the way you reacted and how much my trinket means to you, I also cannot think of a perfect world where you would be able to keep that promise, so choose your words carefully."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Necrophage
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Baeshri Pass - Caravan Centaurus

The explosion caught Rem by surprise as well, he had no idea what it was or who it had originated from. He passed a glance back to see the staggered men that had shot at him moments ago. Their leader took the chance to move. The brute made a break straight for the two captains, even if it meant he had to ignore a threat right in front of him. Perhaps he was more concerned with the fate of his men. To Rem, those men had sealed their fate by becoming the aggressors here.

The earth started to rumble beneath them as the obvious shift of rock and dirt took place. Rem steadied himself on his staff as the rolling earth grew more intense. The earth in a broad area around Blake became uneven, lifting and lowering in spots as it became a separated mess of ledges and falls, making traversal much more difficult. "Still intent on murder I see." The druid commented. He lifted his right hand, gripping his pinky and thumb inward with the other three digits extended. He sharply stabbed his hand into the air. The ground followed in response, launching three shards of sharp rock from the soil beneath Rem's feet at Blake.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Feral Cove, Near Ayer and Paric's Landing
3rd of Summer - 9:47 PM

Dannisus opened his mouth several times to try an interrupt Ayer's stream of conscious thought, but would always get cut off just before he could speak. Each time it happened, the Myti's expression grew more and more sour. 'idiot' he thought, 'shut up for one second.' When Ayer flourished his little contraption, Dani's eyes twitched with curiosity. He slowly began to pull his Feral arms back so that they rested on top of his forearms snugly. It was times like these when he would have to exercise a great deal of patience for the sake of his image. It was becoming harder and hard to stop himself from telling Ayer to shut the hell up, though. He glanced at the Eldi for just a moment and sighed. Thankfully he wasn't nearly as talkative as his overtly excited little friend.

But that one comment.

'my cute little fake-primate'

"What?" Dannisus snapped with narrowed eyes. His right hand instinctively reached towards the opposite shoulder, going for the handle of a blade that was well-hidden behind his back. He stopped himself and lowered his hand with an excruciating sigh that threatened to uproot his self worth right then and there. His lips curled into a sarcastic half-smile, but he remained tense. "Ah, ehm... You two aren't familiar with the Myti, are you?" He reached up and scratched the side of his head. "Probably not well versed with speech in general," he quipped quietly to himself, "In any case, you may want to save your requests until after a formal introduction. We aren't uncivilized... Primates. I wouldn't want to be treated any differently than you might treat that one." Dannisus lowered his index finger from his face and pointed at Paric. "But, to answer one of your questions, I am in fact a traveler." The Myti stood in place and crossed his arms whilst whipping his hairless tail back and fourth. Close up, his features were much clearer. Burn marks ran up the length of his tail, and there was a clear slit in his left ear that ran half-way down its center. Even his attire was peculiar for a traveler. He didn't wear any form of armor as all. Not even leather padding, a common lightweight form of defense for Myti travelers. Instead, his upper body was covered in straps that held various tools, including the sword on his back, and a couple of knives that were held tightly in front of his chest over each pectoral muscle. His pants, or rather shorts, were similar in fashion, with an intricate belt holding various utilities and a pouch that hung from his hip. A vague outline of his bag poked out from his right side behind his armpit, but Dannisus didn't seem too concerned about concealing anything on his person. That's just how it turned out.

Baeshri Pass, Caravan Centaurus
3rd of Summer - 11:05 PM

Blake hopped up onto a raising ledge as the ground became uneven, pausing in shock when he realized that the next jump was far too treacherous to make without thinking. He stopped there, and turned back towards where Rem stood in the darkness that covered them. This was not normal magic. The move the earth so viciously was a feat that no normal mage could achieve without expending an unprecedented amount of Mana. Even so, it was too precise to be a result of any common magic he'd even seen. This had to be the work of something divine. Blake smiled to himself and clutched his hammer tightly. Just then, the sharp stones from below crashed against his armored leggings, piercing deep enough to draw blood from his left thigh. He ignored the pain and lurched back towards Rem, jumping towards the next-highest platform between them and landing with a heavy thud. Without stopping, he charged again and leaped directly at the druid with his hammer held overhead. Mana swelled inside of the powerful artifact as he brought it down towards Rem with a great deal of force, combining the might he'd gained from his magic, and the momentum of his downwards fall to crush his target in one deadly, and explosive strike.

Zay and Neal turned to witness Rem's feat, quickly splitting up and leaving Bart to struggle in the aftermath of his attack. They already knew it was probably a bad idea to get in Rem's path, even if they had some Mana to spare. Returning to the cart where Lyullia remained was a better idea. Neither of them shot an order towards Pyra, though. They hoped that in the heat of the moment, he'd know what to do.

Baeshri Hills, West of Centaurus
3rd of Summer - 10:42 PM

Hyo ignored her apparent ally's call, immediately disregarding it as some sort of faint. Not only did her fellow sisters only communicate through psy-stones, but Sasha took off in the opposite direction. But it wouldn't matter either way. She felt something strike the side of her head, skirting past her ears and making he flinch in pain. It wasn't nearly enough to seriously injure her, but with her feet sinking into the ground, it wouldn't matter. She pulled one foot free before it could be trapped, but felt the earth surrounding her entire right thigh. As a result, she dropped Daelin to the ground and focused all of he efforts on freeing her leg. But with her repertoire of magic, it seemed impossible. With the wind keeping her from tossing anything at the people that caught her, Hyo went silent and still, waiting patiently for her next moment to strike.

If she'd been able to foresee the Druid's presence, this might have gone much differently.

Northern Marrenfall, Gybol's Cafe
4th of Summer - 11:08 AM

Richard began to stow his trinkets away slowly, organizing them one after the other as Gybol expressed his doubts.

"It is as you say. Unfortunately, I have little to offer you that would not put you in custody. My artifacts are all very illegal in these wretched suburbs. But I can prove my status." Richard pushed himself away from the counter and stood up, placing a simple stopwatch on the tray that his empty bowl still sat upon. "A splendid coincidence, I'd say, that one of our projects is seeing light tonight. When that timer ticks to zero, you'll know that I'm not just some silly old man looking to trick cafe owners in his spare time. Likewise, I am not a man predisposed to violence, Gybol. I would prefer to bargain than resort to dirtier means." Richard turned away from the cafe owner and scouted the streets carefully. "You may cast your doubt as you please. But it would not be in your best interest to refrain from meeting with me a second time. I am old, but some men hold no stakes in the power of mana to force their wills on others." With those last words, he quickly shuffled towards the exit, placing his hat back on his head. It would be any moment before the guards arrived, surely. He stopped and turned back to Gybol one last time with a smile. "My honesty is a kindness. It is the same kindness you have paid me now. The town guards are not honest men. I would not place my trust in them, if I were you." The door swung open with a heavy push, and Richard retreated as quickly and inconspicuously as an old man could with a choir of coughs.

In the same moment as Richard turned the cafe's corner, Nina appeared from the opposite corner with a few men who were clad in formal attire. Marrenfall's Suburbs were usually overlooked by men and women dressed in a rough fashion with brown and blue patterns sewn into their jackets. They didn't use magic at all, to further enforce the city's atmosphere, but it was not wise to pick a fight with the MSPD. The door swung open again, but Nina was surprised to see that Gybol was alone. The three men behind her seemed equally disturbed, and infinitely more impatient.

"Where'd he go, boss?"

Leias, Kolo's Bobbet Stand
4th of Summer - 5:46 PM

The stand was sturdy enough that Kolo had no worry for its possible destruction. Plenty of travelers and local Myti were pushed aside by impatient twats, often into structures that seemed fragile. Kolo prepared for it in advance though! Behind the counter, her craftsmanship shined through thick slabs of hardwood that were native to Leias' surrounding jungles. It would support the full weight of a Lok'Sha... Assuming they weren't intent on smashing her place of work.

The person who'd pushed Ryio aside payed her no heed afterwards, heading down the path towards the east. She didn't go far, though, immediately taking a sharp towards towards a nearby tree near Boa's Baubles, and quickly scaling its trunk towards the treetops. She seemed in a hurry. Kolo didn't pay her any mind, but was awfully concerned about this little human. She seemed like the type to collapse and die in the streets. Beggars weren't common in Leias but for her to fall to such a low would be pretty disappointing. Still, for a lady who seemed keen on working, it was strange to see her on the ground. Humans that couldn't make the climb would end up leaving the Myti capitol in a manner of days if they couldn't find a winch or some other form of help in the Nation.

"Miss," Kolo called out one last time, "If yoor lookin' for a way up high, I might know a woman who can he... Hel-he-hEYACHOO!" Kolo's entire body shook as she sneezed, and she blew her nose once again. "I might know a lady who can help. But she doesn't deal with kits or myundanes."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by RyuShura
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RyuShura The Muted Dream

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ayer Lecomte

- Mentions: @Mataus

His lips straightened at the result of his compliment. He was never ever good at those, as it turned out. He hoped maybe after all this practice, failure, and repetition, it would get better. But it didn't seem like it, just yet.

He shook his head, raising his hands as their hands went to their blade.
"Sorry, if I happened to offend. I just have a habit of giving nicknames. As a show of endearment. Such as Wax-Jury" tapping the machine at his waist, then waving a hand at Paric. "And my 'Glorious Drunken Fire-Bender' over there, just to name one."

He continued his explanation after a short bow of his head,
"I think primates and such are cute, that is all. But yes, if you don't like that one, then I shall follow your preference. I shall treat you differently... Though I feel the need to point out; I don't treat anyone with prejudice. Hm, but like Paric over here, you say..." rubbing his chin, glancing at the male Myti closely, "I'm not sure you want to be dragged into a goose-chase around a town all night by wild gangs, but if it's an introduction you want..."

Acknowledging this, Ayer coughed and then immediately sweeping both of his arms to the side. Both of his legs bowed and the man suddenly undertook a different mood. With another turn and spin, he struck another unabashed pose, twisting his body in an elaborate coil.
"Oh peculiar traveler, grizzled and hardy, shrouded in mystery, it seems fate has brought us together! A glorious fortune! Though your eyes shine jaded to attempts from my charm, feel free to be awe-struck instead! As you are in the presence of the greatest Arcane Theorist in the world, Ayer Lecomte!"

He glanced over at Paric, winking. Nailed it.

Ayer stayed in the awkward pose, arms crossed over his shoulder and face, waiting for a reaction from the Myti. Though it was difficult. He was already wobbling in place, trying to hide the fact that he is struggling to keep balance in the uneven sand.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mataus
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Paric gave Ayer a long look. He supposed Ayer did manage an acceptable introduction. It did, after all, show Ayer's personality quite well. The Myti did want to be treated as Paric was treated. Which is funny, Paric noted, given that I'm Ayer's assistant.

He didn't blame the Myti for wanting to take a step back and get to know them a little first. They had appeared from no where, possibly pursued by Nillium guards, and asked to be led to Leias. The Myti traveler would have quite the burden to take upon himself if he were to help the duo. Paric winked back at his friend. It was time for his introduction as well, as requested by the Myti. "I'm Paric," he said for his introduction as he stood near his bowing friend. A simple reply for a simple mind.

The most noticeable thing about the Myti was the assortment of tools and weapons he wore. It was enough tools to match Ayer, although the Myti probably didn't have anything like Wax Jury. Wouldn't surprise me if he had an artifact, though. Not that a Myti needs artifacts. Their prowess with magic was not secret.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

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Feral Cove, Near Ayer and Paric's Landing
3rd of Summer - 9:48 PM

Each passing moment spent in Ayer's presence was like beating his his head against a rock. Dannisus' eyes drooped more and more until the silly man was finished with his little display. 'He's an idiot,' Dannisus thought, 'An nonredeemable idiot!' Part of his verbose dialogue stuck with Dannisus, however. His mention of Arcane knowledge was no surprise though. Despite his curious demeanor, the contraption that he carried positively reeked of mana. And so, albeit reluctantly, the disgruntled cat-man feigned a polite smile and nodded after Ayer's words.

"Quite the title," he mumbled with a tinge of sarcasm in his voice, "Nice to meet the two of you. I am a in fact a traveler, but I wouldn't consider myself mysterious or hardy. I doubt many men in Leias would. Speaking of which..." He glanced at Ayer's Wax Jury for a moment, and then swung himself around to point towards the thick overgrowth that lead deeper into the jungle. "Leias is a straight shot, about a day's walk from here if you know your way. The ah, the lack of a path makes it difficult for outsiders drifting ashore, I'm afraid. Even if you knew your way, the beasts here are not any less savage than those across Thoris." His ears perked up. "Ehm, it may be true that my senses could guide you two through safely, but I cannot do so. I'm sorry to say, but I have my own business to attend to, hence my travel outside the capitol." Dannisus looked back at the men blankly. "Sorry."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by RyuShura
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RyuShura The Muted Dream

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ayer Lecomte

- Mentions: @Mataus

He unfurled his arms and legs after hearing a good response. He was smiling now. Not often do people take him seriously or hold back a snarky laugh in his face after his proclamations.

Ayer looked over when the Myti pointed out into the forest, his eyes leering at the gnarled canopy top. Straight shot, aye?

But would they even survive a day's walk? At their strength and lack of supply, a single 'day' might drag on into two or three. He then glanced back to Paric who still had the make-shift bandage around his forearm. The thought of trekking through unknown territory on a pestilential timer did not sound very promising. Not to mention the fact of monsters. While Ayer was fond of researching and learning of the fauna wherever he went, he wasn't familiar with the ones in this region yet. This failed deal with the Nilliums was meant to be just that, but look where it got him now. So if they ran into some sort of bloodthirsty beast, it might prove to be more than just a road-bump. They were lucky the 'primate' sighting turned out to be this beneficial at all.

He spoke up after hearing that the traveler proposed that he could take them there safely, but was unable due to business. Ayer looked rather stern as he addressed the matter, turning his gaze from the forest to the Myti's face.
"Well, technically we were planning towards Leias solely as a means to get anywhere away from here..." humming to himself, then pointing to Paric's bloodied arm, "Not to mention my friend here is not in the greatest shape. I can't vouch for my own survival skills either. If something were to happen to him that forced the burden of survival on me alone... Haha, I can barely even take care of myself. As difficult as that is to believe!" laughing at the fact. Though maybe oblivious to the actual fact.

"So how about this. We offer our aid to you, on whatever this 'personal business' happens to be. And in return, you help us afterwards?" turning his head, "What say you, Paric? A rightful business venture to start off our adventure!"

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mataus
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Paric's gaze had been locked in the direction Dannisus had pointed. The Myti's unwillingness to guide them struck a blow to his morale. His heart had sunk low in his chest. He felt lost just looking at the trees and underbrush that would stand in their path. As if he they would be able to travel through there. If he was healthy, sure, he could fend off the odd monster that might assail them, but he was completely exhausted. He had plenty of mana, but not the energy to loose much of it. There was, also, the bit about his arm. If it were to become infected...

Ayer had the answer, though. By going with the Myti they assured themselves a guide to the unknown land they found themselves on. Whether the Myti would be willing to travel at their pace was a different matter all together. He turned his gaze from the trees to Ayer. "Yes, friend, I say we go with him." Then to the Myti traveler, "if you will have us, we would be grateful. We'll be slow and need rest. If you have medicines for my arm to keep infection at bay, that would be appreciated as well."

"Oh and one more thing. Do you happen to have any liquor on you? Surely you have some. I mean, you seem to be a creature of many items." He subconsciously licked his drying lips. "My mind is starting to feel sharper. And that isn't good because I'm not smart to begin with."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Flin lunged forward when Hyo dropped Daelin, keeping himself low to avoid getting pulled by the wind. Luckily, it was focused on the Myti. He grabbed Dealin by his shoulders and attempted to pull him further away from the Myti to place his body behind Noru on a safe distance. He used metaphysical energy to lower the gravity on Daelin's body for a short moment as he did, to move him faster.

With that done, he flicked his left wrist as mana focused around his hand. He used his telekenetic grab to move and aim the crossbow bolt that Daelin had fired earlier which was still on the ground nearby. He launched it at the back of the Myti's leg that was still free, aiming for her knee while she attempted to pull her other leg out of the ground.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crabs
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Crabs The King of Crabs

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ryio watched as the strange woman that shoved her moved off into the distance, moving almost frantically through the crowd. She shoved several others in the same fashion, but eventually turned away and out of sight. When she was well and truly gone, Ryio shook her head and sighed.

Kolo's entire body shook as she sneezed, and she blew her nose once again. "I might know a lady who can help. But she doesn't deal with kits or myundanes."

Ryio turned around, looking up and down at the ramshackle stand, then at Kolo. It was a promising offer, and Ryio had definitely been looking forward to getting up to the tree line for quite a while now. She stood for a moment, finishing her bobbet, then stepped forwards, resting her hand on the counter of the stand. She nodded. "I'm very interested in any help you're willing to give- though- what is a myundane?" Ryio tilted her head ever so slightly to the side. Well, whether or not Kolo can help me- She thought, adjusting her spear on her back, I'll definitely bring business back here when I have the money. Even just giving me these meager bobbets is kindness enough that must be repaid.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Necrophage
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Baeshri Pass - Caravan Centaurus

Blake descended with a hammer swing, intent on crushing the druid without any further thought. Rem lept back, assisted by the wind. It was enough to clear him of the hammer blow but the sheer magnitude blasted the ground sending chunks of earth everywhere and kicking dust into the air. Stray rocks flung through the air and knocked Rem off balance. He landed on his side and rolled onto all fours. He glared up at Blake. At some point he lost his staff but he didn't need it for his magic. The two combatants varied greatly in size and trying to contend with Blake up close without being able to match his strength or his enchanted hammer was reckless. He would have to keep his distance and weather him down. Literally.

Rem took to a knee and stood back up. A rock had dashed his face during the fall and he was bleeding from a shallow cut but he didn't seem to notice it yet in the heat of the moment. He drew up his arms slowly, clenching his hands as if drawing in some invisible force. The intensity of his expression was palpable as he focused on the magic. As he drew his hands to mid-chest level he thrust them both forward, propelling a wind blast that would break the bones on normal people at Blake and creating a wind tunnel effect as he channeled it to keep Blake pinned.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

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Feral Cove, Near Ayer and Paric's Landing
3rd of Summer - 9:49 PM

Slowly, Dannisus reached for his pouch as Paric began to go on about alcohol. To let these buffoons tag along with him was to invite mayhem into his life. One seemed like he would crumble in the wake of a strong breeze, while the other was pleading for alcohol within minutes of landing ashore. He thought about it for a moment. They offered to help him, but neither Paric nor Ayer seemed capable of defending themselves from the crustaceans at their feet, let alone a fully grown Omphin. Any sane Man would have surely disregarded them with a pleasant 'No'. Dannisus had another idea though.

"I'll be blunt. You two seem incompetent. Men like you that spend time outside Nation walls don't last very long, and I'm not keen on babysitting," Dannisus muttered just loudly enough for the two men to hear whilst rummaging through his pouch, "But I can't exactly stop you from following me around. The least I can do is slow my pace. If you're set on accompanying me, you may do so." The Myti pulled out a minuscule flask - so small than it barely fit in the palm of his hand - and tossed it towards Paric. It had a little bit of Alcohol in it. It was just enough to get the tiny Myti inebriated, but how well it would work on Paric was unclear. "My price is not your aid, but rather, your knowledge. Assuming you two survive, I would like to take a long look at your contraption once we return to Leias," he announced, pointing to Wax Jury casually. Dannisus offered the two boat men his most sincere smile. "It wouldn't sit well with my conscience to leave you two behind, knowing your predicament."

Of course, he was lying through his teeth. Dannisus didn't care about Paric or Ayer at all. He could leave them to parish and sleep through the night with no issue at all. What he couldn't ignore was the man's contraption. If he were a more sinister man, the anxious little researcher would have killed them both without a second thought. But despite his indifference towards their fate, he was not going to murder a couple of innocent travelers to fuel his curiosity.

If they died on accident though, that wouldn't be his fault.

Baeshri Hills, West of Centaurus
3rd of Summer - 10:42 PM

Flin's followup left the Myti with a bolt stuck firmly in her leg. By then however, she had already been immobilized. The woman whipped her head towards Flin's direction and hissed through the winds with vicious intent. Her injuries, paired with the traps below her, wouldn't allow for such aggression to take form. Noru reached for Ell and shook her shoulder gently.

"Good work, leave her be," he urged the Druid, "Please."

Baeshri Pass, Caravan Centaurus
3rd of Summer - 11:06 PM

The force he faced was unlike anything he'd dealt with before. Paladins did not possess any ability to enhance their strength, and elemental mages in Arcadia rarely reached this level of mastery or force with their arcane manipulation. Blake pushed the handle of his hammer forward and dug his hammer's head into the ground to use it as an anchor. In this position he couldn't move freely without risking damage to his legs. In the wake of Rem's magic, the giant man faced multiple moments of near helplessness. Ordinarily he would be angry with himself for making such blatant errors, but this was not a result of his own mistakes. Blake rose his head slowly to meet Rem's gaze in spite of the wind battering his eyelids. His lips curled into a tight, compact smile. A different smile from earlier. This was a new and exhilarating experience. He was so used to plowing through foes with the aid of his magical artifact, using little to no effort. It was unnecessary and ill advised to exert his body to dispose of weaklings. But perhaps just perhaps, it would be perfectly reasonable for him to let loose for this divine asshole.

Leias, Kolo's Bobbet Stand
4th of Summer - 5:47 PM

Kolo's brow shot up, but it shouldn't have been a surprise. "Right, you're not a local. Myundane, it's slang for people who can't use magic 'round here. Myundane, like the common tongue, mundane." The woman looked down at Ryio's arm, a little embarrassed by her culture's habits. "It's not meandt to be taken assa insuldt. Mydi are jud' a liddle unakwainted wid non-madgikul people." Kolo briefly blew her nose again before meeting Ryio's eager eyes with a sickening sigh. "But, ah. It's not important. The girl you're looking for goes by Lannissa. I'm sorry to say that she's currently out of town, looking for her stupid brother. But she should be back in a few days, at most." Kolo looked past Ryio for a moment, longing for somebody to stop by and buy something. It was already pretty late in the day though. Even if she didn't have a human at her stall, business wouldn't have been too good with most people already fed. "I don't think that solves your now problem, though."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Flin glared back at the Myti. 'With those injuries, she shouldn't be able to move around when Ell stops using her powers.' He thought, looking over at the druid. He nodded in response to Noru. "Yea, I think this fight is over." He stated calmly. He remained wary of the Myti despite what he had just said. This was still a dangerous and well-prepared assasin, despite her condition. "How are Daelin's injuries looking? Will he be alright?" He asked Noru.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zyngard
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Zyngard The Red Mage

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Pyra decided to finally step out of the Caravan after the repeated loud noises and shaking of the earth, grimacing to himself as he does so. Couldn’t he have a nap without being attacked, please?

That minor griping done, he notices the main fight, of sorts, seemingly some inhuman... human, jumping back from a hammer blow, then concentrating to himself, launching some sort of force. Well, he was a bit too late to directly help the man out against his assailant, and, based on that hammer, probably not the friendliest of guys. With that said, he takes advantage of the uneven and broken earth to grab what he can with his magic, wrapping up clods of dirt and shards of rock to toss in the hammer man’s way (specifically towards the head with the dirt) and be a general nuisance, if not worse.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mataus
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Paric shrugged at himself. Ayer would probably take offense, but Paric had been called incompetent before and he did have to agree with it. His knowledge of the world was shockingly low. Most of what he knew was from his travels from shabby town to shanny town, which we're often not made sober, and from stories, which we're often not told sober. So he accepted the small flask, his brow furrowing at its size. He plucked the container's lid and gave the contents a quick whiff. It would have to do. He took a mouthful from the flask, swished it, and swallowed. A small smile formed, "mind if I hold on to this for awhile?" He gave the flask a shake, "we are going to travel with you, afterall, seeing as you will slow your pace some."

Paric decided he would wait before he began to trust Dannisus. The Myti seemed to be more interested in Ayer's device compared to their lives. He made that much obvious, basically implying that Ayer and Paric would be a a deadly liability. Paric had dealt with people like the Myti before, though, and it usually went okay for him. He lived a low-key life, and no one had ever targeted him for something. "We won't cause you trouble," he elbowed Ayer's arm, "isn't that right, friend?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RyuShura
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RyuShura The Muted Dream

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Ayer Lecomte

-- 9:50pm
- Mentions: @Mataus

Ayer looked down the Myti with a smile, turning to Paric when he elbowed him then back to the stranger. It was true, he didn't like being called incompetent. But it was true in this specific regard, so he can't argue against it. Still, the stark comments didn't deflate his mood or ego any sort. He still proceeded with his usual rapid and quick projections.
"Though I may not be the most... physically apt, my machines are more than capable of delivering on any of my own weaknesses. Wax Jury is capable of many types of magic. A miracle worker. The only thing it can't do is make food out of thin air. Not yet, at least. And I can vouch for my friend's ability to wield fire when his life is in danger. If you don't believe us, then I will prove it to you soon enough. Once it gets a little more juice... Hm. Other than those clarifications, I can agree with those terms. However."

He then held out a hand, his smile bending in joking.
"If you wish to view and inspect my beautiful device, we must enter into a more trustworthy partnership. Don't you think? How about we start with your own name. You already know ours, do you not? Unless you preferred me to continue crafting nicknames?"

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