I’m still lurking about - I got back from the shore, so I haven’t had a chance to post but I’m working on something. I head back to college this Saturday, so things are going to be a little hectic for me for a few days. Hopefully I’ll have my response up soon!
Finally settled in at school, and I'm either sick with strep or mono (RIP). I'm thinking it's strep because antibiotics are making me feel better but I'm still super out of it. But I'm still writing and hanging in.
Sorry folks, I had a really good childhood friend pass away recently, so I made an unexpected trip back home for his funeral and stayed a week. I’m okay, I had a while to grieve about it, and I should get a post up tonight!
@Jones Sparrow Sorry for your loss, and I'm also glad you're doing alright. <3
By the by I am also back, I had a computer malfunction and had to wipe my hard drive to reinstall windows, but I am also back in action and preparing a post.
I finally got my laptop back for a while so I am going to post in a bit, is there anything in particular you wanted me to do to account for her absence, or should I just move on like nothing happened?