Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by False Prophet
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False Prophet Inconspicuous Werewolf

Member Seen 9 mos ago

(I have no clue how to insert images lol help)

Coda Ashter

Full Name
-Coda Ashter


-17 years





”Not going to lie, that is actually kind of terrifying.”

-5’6 ft

-135 lbs


Skin Tone

-Emerald Green
-(possessed) Pale yellow with vertical slit pupils

-Spiked Jet-black hair

-No noticeable scars

-A small pentagram on the back of his lower neck, hidden by the red scarf he wears. He received this “tattoo” after making a sort of deal or bargain with a demon.

Other features/Characteristics
-Noticeably larger canine teeth, almost fang-like.

”Am I really that short? Is this why nobody takes me seriously? Shit.”

Casual Outfit
-White or blue t-shirt, light brown bomber style jacket with a pentagram shaped patch on the left breast, denim jeans or gray pants, red or black shoes, and a red scarf.

Formal Attire
-He doesn’t do anything or go anywhere formal lmao.

”Me? No, I would never do something as obscene as that. Iv on the other hand definitely would.”

-Coda can be a bit of an idiot because he is overly trusting with almost anyone. He likes to give people the benefit of the doubt and believes wholeheartedly in second chances. Coda is naturally curious and tends to stumble into things blindly but always with the best intentions. Coda is rather awkward and easily flustered. It was difficult to drill into his thick skull that bad people and beings do exist until he met Iv.

-Iv is a malevolent demon who was “accidentally’’ summoned by Coda during his desperate attempt to contact the dead. Iv is shrewd, clever, and extremely manipulative. They specialize in the possession of others. Along with being witty, Iv is also rather lewd and obscene. They posses Coda frequently, during these possessions Coda has no control over himself whatsoever and Iv does what they please while in control. While possessed, Coda’s personality alters drastically. He becomes much more like Iv, very cunning, charismatic and rather flirty.

-Coda may hate Iv, but they've come to terms with each other. Almost like an awkward friendship. Almost.

-Close friends
-Good dogs
-Music (Alternative Rock)

-Iv again.

-Seemingly uncontrolled flirting (Possessed)
-Talking to the invisible demon
-Spacing out


-Rolling a Charisma saving throw
-Anything that requires wisdom (this kid is a bit of an idiot)


5/10 (regular)
7.5/10 (possessed)

7/10 (constant)

6.5/10 (constant)

4/10 (regular)
8.5/10 (possessed)

6.5/10 (constant)

5/10 (regular)
7.5/10 (possesed)

”God dammit, Iv.”


-Jonathan Ashter (Father)
-Elizabeth Ashter (Mother, deceased)

-Micah A. (17, male, closest friend)
-Alex R. (17, female, friend)
-Danny J. C. (15, male, friend)
-Hope C. S. (15, female, acquaintance)

-Coda was born in eastern Texas and lived there for about 12 years until his mother died in December 2013 from a car crash. At the end of the school year and after his mother’s death, he and his father moved out of state to upstate New York where a majority of his father’s family resided in the summer of 2014.
-Coda, riddled with grief from his loss, turned odd coping mechanisms. He became interested in contacting spirits and the dead all throughout the summer and fall of 2014.
-During some time in the October of 2014, Coda summoned a demon named Iv who had promised to let him see his mother again in exchange of have partial control over him. Coda agreed with the conditions. Naturally Iv had lied, no demon has the power to fully bring back the dead, but by the time Coda found out it was far too late. Iv had already taken control of Coda and there was not much he could do about it.
-For about the next 5 years, Coda had to learn how to cope with his new and rather unpleasant alter ego. Coda never told anyone the exact truth about Iv until he was 16, before then, many were under the impression that he had a very odd case of split personality disorder. That was not the case. Exorcisms seem to have no effect on dispelling Iv since they did not forcefully take control of Coda, Coda allowed Iv to possess him on his free will when they made the deal.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by False Prophet
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False Prophet Inconspicuous Werewolf

Member Seen 9 mos ago


Sector G

Subject 1

Experiment Z

Group M

Trial 0

Name: G1ZM0

Nicknames: Gizmo, Gizzy

Birthdate: [CLASSIFIED]

Age: 16 (estimate)

Sex: N/A, Androgynous (He/Him & They/Them pronouns)
He does not follow any specific gender roles.

Gizmo was created inside a lab that specialized in biological engineering, bionics, and human testing, said lab also dabbled in experimenting how a human reacts with a piece of advanced (and often dangerous) technology. This lab is hidden and very few know of it's existence, those who do are powerful U.S. government officials and certain scientists who are employed there.

Gizmo was raised in the lab for his entire life and did not have a proper family. He was looked after by the scientists and doctors. As Gizmo grew up, he took an interest in tinkering and “inventing” during his free time as a way to occupy himself. He also enjoyed reading certain books, which were often nonfiction. Though Gizmo had healthy interests and showed great intelligence, he seriously lacked in the social department which left him lonely and anxious around others. He has issues socializing and expressing himself since he rarely has anyone to talk to other than the scientists. The exact reasons why Gizmo was not very exposed to other humans to develop social skills is still unclear, as he himself does not know. There is a theory why, and it is that Gizmo was created to test a certain piece of technology and would most likely die in the experiment. To keep the experiment running smoothly, it’d be easier to move on if Gizmo was not attached to anyone emotionally or vice versa.

Around age nine or ten (Gizmo was never told his exact age or birthday) Gizmo was operated on. A device was implanted into his chest, the device was known as a Q.T.I.B. (Quantum Teleportation Implant Beta) The Q.T.I.B. device is a round disk-shaped device that will teleport the user to a location once exact coordinates are set. The Q.T.I.B. only takes coordinates that are on Earth unless the location and data in the device are updated. The device has a strong and durable blue cover that can only be removed with a special key.

One of the doctors, who wishes to use the pseudonym Cecil, was involved with the experiment. Cecil was still in training at the time to prepare for his later career. A little more than a year before the Q.T.I.B. was finished and given to Gizmo for experimentation, Cecil had arrived at the lab for training seeing that he would be working there in the next 5 years or so. During Cecil’s time there, he began to feel increasingly bad for Gizmo and a few other test subjects. Cecil, being one of the few with basic human decency and sympathy did his best to help the subjects.

Cecil formed a bit of a bond with Gizmo and helped him cope with his loneliness during Cecil’s time at the laboratory. Gizmo felt comfortable around Cecil and trusted him since he was probably the only friend Gizmo had at the time. At around age 10 and about a year after Cecil arrived, Gizmo received the Q.T.I.B. implant. After the traumatic experience of recovering and dealing with a plethora of new health issues, Gizmo dissociated himself with Cecil and the other employees. He felt betrayed by the only people he knew, he refused to speak to them willingly for almost a month.

Cecil, who was a very compassionate being at the time was affected by Gizmo’s saddening behavior. Cecil was never very fond of the idea of human experimentation and seeing how it negatively impacted Gizmo was the last straw, he couldn’t help but feel as if it was at least partially his fault. This actually had begun to have an effect on his personal life and maybe six months later, Cecil quit. He seemingly slipped off of the face of the Earth without a trace, nobody heard a word from him for years.

Meanwhile, after a couple years of training, Gizmo got the hang of using the teleportation device and at around age 15 or 16, he began to plan his escape to leave the lab. The boy often lived in fear and paranoia and was not trusting of the staff or personnel in the laboratory. With the help of a fellow subject by the name of Vi (a small child with the ability to communicate telepathically and ability to manipulate things with psychokinesis), both subjects managed to escape. Vi quickly parted ways with Gizmo soon after the escape and was not heard from since. Alone in the real world, Gizmo had no idea what he was doing and was on the run from government officials. A person by the name of Virgil took Gizmo in and hid him, Virgil was fresh out of high school and had no clue what he was doing either. The reason why he helped Gizmo was because Virgil had also suffered at the hands of human experimentation as a child. Virgil helped Gizmo cope and adjust to the real world and society, they became close friends over time and practically brothers. (More on Virgil later, he's got his own hectic backstory)
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by False Prophet
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False Prophet Inconspicuous Werewolf

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Mason's Traits & Abilities

It should be noted that Mason is not a human, he is a dysfunctional replica of a person created by technology and the sheer brutality of humanity. Mason has the mind of a psychotic and sadistic AI unit in the modified body of a human. He has certain traits and abilities that differ from regular humans.

Frozen Age: Mason cannot grow or develop physically, he will always look like an 11-year-old boy for his whole life.

Limited Regeneration: Mason can regenerate from certain injuries and cannot fall ill to sickness or infection. He does not have the ability to regenerate from fatal injuries, mortally wounding him is the only way to destroy him.

Optional Sleep: Mason does not need to sleep but does have the ability. Prolonged periods of no sleep will affect him physically and lead to fatigue sluggishness but has no impact on his mind. Mason can stay up for days or weeks at a time and be fine, a month is when he will start to experience weakness.

Optional Food Intake: Mason does not need to consume food or water to gain energy but still has the ability to, he has this ability due to his body’s regeneration ability. Although food is optional, it can raise his energy levels drastically and increase both his strength and stamina.

Knife-wielding: For reasons unclear, Mason has quite the talent with wielding knives. Blades are his weapon of choice with his favorite being a dangerously sharpened and reinforced Chef’s knife. He is very skilled with knives and always has one hidden away with him. If he is not able to access a blade, he will kill with his bare hands via strangling. Mason prefers to hunt down and toy with his victims before murdering them in the end.

Strength: Although Mason is a small child, he has above average strength due to his modified body. Mason could fight someone more than twice his size and take them down. His strength is mostly exhibited with his knife-wielding ability due to the severity of the wounds he can inflict and the force required to cause them.

Stamina: Mason does not get tired or exhausted easily, this ability allows him to fight for extended amounts of time without “breaking a sweat”. This also allows him to tire out his victims quickly and bring about their end.

Psychosis & Sadism: Due to his mind being almost completely artificial, it does not and cannot function like a regular human’s mind. He exhibits behavior and symptoms of a mentally insane person, delusions, and serious homicidal behavior. His bloodlust was taught to him during his time in Vista when he was forced to murder, he imprinted on it and now it is his only meaning to live. He derives a sense of accomplishment and pride brutally killing others. Mason’s morals are practically non-existent, and if they are, they’re completely backwards. He is extremely twisted and feels no remorse or empathy. Mason also cannot establish bonds or relationships with other human beings. He has no fear of hurting others or himself and only does so because he believes it to be his sole purpose for existence. Mason is also very power hungry and can be considered to be a megalomaniac, always obsessed with being more powerful than his victims. Mason cannot be cured or altered, he is, to say, “at the point of no return”. Therapy, medication, and drugs will have virtually no effect on his state of mind. Since his mental state cannot be healed, he should not be kept around other humans unless restrained and/or sedated. He is beyond reason and will not hesitate to kill, even without a weapon. Mason is also extremely vengeful and holds a serious grudge, he will kill those that he believes to have done him wrong.

Guilt: In his early days trapped in Vista, Mason used to experience short episodes of severe guilt after a murder. During these episodes, he would often cry and curl up in a corner as if attempting to hide. He would also mutter things repeatedly, often fragments of apologies. As time passed, these bouts of guilt would slowly vanish until he felt nothing at all. Around the time of Mason's escape from Vista, he no longer experienced guilt or sorrow. Instead, he was extremely vengeful and angry.

Theme Songs(because I feel like adding it): Pale Machine - Bo en, Megalo Strike Back - Toby Fox, I Can't Decide - Scissor Sisters, Bloody Nose - Jack Conte.

(^drawn by a friend on discord, I take no credit for this piece^)

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by False Prophet
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False Prophet Inconspicuous Werewolf

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Yes, Maxwell is wearing a wig. Yes, it's dark blue.

I chose the lore-friendly eyes because it's much more expressive and look better in my opinion.

(Feel free to correct anything I got wrong, I'm still new to the Fallout series. Just don't be an ass about it. Thanks)

Name: Maxwell

Age: Not specified

Gender: Male

Species: Ghoul (formerly human)

Bio: Maxwell is fairly young for a ghoul and is still under the process of mutating completely. (About 80% or more.) He is very reticent about revealing his past and emotions, mostly because the Commonwealth is not a very welcoming place, neither is most of the post-war world. All Max likes to say about his past is “I hadn’t any folks to care for me, spent most of my time around the Glowing Sea. Just me, myself, and I. ‘Specially cause most folks don’t take much of a liking to us ghouls.”

Despite most people not liking ghouls, Maxwell still has the heart to help others. He feels he should be there for others since nobody was ever there for him. If society was going to be rebuilt, they would need to work together. Cooperation in the post-war environment is…difficult. Nonetheless, Maxwell still tries. He is neutral and only fights back if attacked, most of the times he’ll try to talk his way out of a situation. Raiders tend to be Maxwell’s least favorite to deal with due to raiders being unnecessarily violent and unreasonable in his opinion. Although Max doesn’t love killing others he certainly can defend himself, ultimately he’s just trying to survive.

Max is willing to work for business or vendors for caps, he’ll take up most offers since finding work isn’t very easy for him. He’ll even do quests if hired. Maxwell tends to wander around the Commonwealth and surrounding areas because he likes to explore areas and meet others, occasionally picking up work. Max was never a settler, settling down in an area isn’t what he’s looking for in life at the moment. He has a few base camps/checkpoints that he constantly visits for supplies or storage. He tends to keep these areas cleverly hidden to avoid Raiders and things of that sort. Once Maxwell attempted to settle down in Goodneighbor but after about a month he was fed up and went back to traveling. Max’s made a few good allies and acquaintances over the years but he usually travels alone despite this.

Maxwell greatly fears the day the radiation will rot his brain to the point where he’ll go “feral”. Although he has many many years until then- If it even happens, he fears that more than death. In fact, he’d rather be dead than feral. He doesn’t want to end up murdering an innocent person.

“Look, when the time comes for me to go savage- just kill me. Shoot me right in the head ‘cause I don’t wanna hurt nobody.”

Defining traits:
Western Accent & Voice - For some reason, Maxwell speaks with a noticeable western accent along with matching vocabulary. Like any other ghoul, Max’s voice is raspy and hoarse.

Protection - Maxwell will usually assist others in need, but he will draw a line. The only time he will risk absolutely everything on the spot is for a child or a family.

Charisma - For a ghoul, Max has pretty good Charisma. He can worm answers out of people and is very clever in conversation.

Easy-going facade - Maxwell is rather easygoing and always down for a good laugh and a drink. Even with this facade, he is still very meticulous when observing others, he takes mental notes of his surroundings and people.


Secrecy - Maxwell doesn’t like sharing his past very much, or his emotional state. He doesn’t want to share his weaknesses with others.

Skeptic - Like any person in the post-war world, he’s not very quick to trust others. He likes to have a couple of conversations and encounters with a person to see their motives before he trusts him. He tends to question many things despite liking to help others.

Soft spot - Maxwell mellows out very quickly around children and domestic animals (mostly dogs). He doesn’t feel the need to hide as much around them. He doesn't take them much as a threat either unless he’s dealing with an attack dog.

Occasionally on a good day, it’s not surprising to spot Max wandering the wasteland while smoking a cigarette.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by False Prophet
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False Prophet Inconspicuous Werewolf

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Hope C. Smithe (pre-rebellion)

Full Name
-Hope Chantelle Smithe


-15 years (October 27)



-Cambion/Demi-demon/Human & demon hybrid (25% demon, 75% human)


”I’m what the cool kids call ‘edgy’.”


-109 lbs

Skin tone

-Pale gray in color with vertical slit pupils, much like a cat.

-Long, waist-length wavy brown hair

-Small black star and two studs connected by a chain (left ear)
-Black helix hoop and two studs (right ear)
-Snakebite lip piercing
-Eyebrow piercing
-Snake eyes tongue piercing


Other Features/Characteristics
-A demon tail
-Elf-like pointed ears
-Fang-like canine teeth

”The last thing I need is to be insulted and then murdered, capisce?”

Casual Wear
-Purple and gray striped sweater, black pants, purple converse. (main outfit)
-Black hoodie, light purple t-shirt, and dark gray shorts.
-White, black, or purple t-shirt, jeans, and purple converse.
-Hoodies and ripped jeans

Formal Wear
-Purple blouse and white dress pants.
-Tuxedo with a black or purple bow tie.

”Do you have the thought process equivalent to that of a walnut? Because you’re fucking stupid.”


Hope is very determined and will not give up easily, she is very passionate and protective of those she holds close to her heart. Hope is loyal to her friends and considers betrayal to be one of the worst things you can do to someone. She is strong-willed and will stand up for what she believes in. Hope also has a strong sense of justice and morality, though she still tends to do whatever the hell she wants whether or not if it’s wrong. She also firmly believes in equality and cannot stand prejudice- especially after experiencing it due to her demonic heritage.
Hope is also an opportunist. If she has the chance to do anything, she will most likely do it. She is rather brave and not afraid of others, although sometimes this can get to her head. Hope often takes stupid risks and is sometimes an adrenaline junkie.

Hope can be vulgar and rude, especially to strangers. She is rather distrusting of strangers and newcomers and does not easily welcome change. Hope is stubborn and always seems irritated in one way or another. She is easily agitated and infuriated, and while she is upset it takes a great deal of time for her to calm down. Hope also rarely opens up about her emotions and tends to hide her true feelings, she deals with bottling up emotions by having an explosive temper. Hope’s headstrong and does things “her way or no way”, even if her way is counter-productive. She hates admitting she’s wrong about anything and will continue to argue even if she knows she is wrong.
Hope also has an odd habit up putting others down or below her with verbal insults, she does this for many reasons, especially to show dominance in situations. Her ego seems a bit high, but it has actually hit rock bottom, she has this “loud and harsh” facade to hide her insecurities.

-The color purple (if you haven't noticed)
-Danny J. C.
-Video games
-Mother Mother

-Jake Smithe (Brother)
-Andrew Smithe (Father)
-School in general
-T H O T S

”This conversation is a fucking trainwreck.”

Backstory, Family, & Miscellaneous

-Andrew Smithe - Father
-Paulette Smithe - Mother
-Jake Smithe - Older Brother


Here's the short version.

Hope is a high-school sophomore that was born and lives in a medium-sized town located in New York with her dysfunctional family. She has a best friend named Danny that she's had since 3rd grade. Danny is the same age as Hope and lives in the same neighborhood about a block away from her house. Hope doesn't care much for her family, especially her father since he's never home and probably doesn't care about his children because demons are bad parents. She spends most of her time either on the internet, with her friend Danny, or doing something stupid. Hope skips class whenever she can and has been doing so since middle school.

Theme Songs
-Get Out The Way - Mother Mother
-Killed by BR8K Spider!!!!!!!! - Toby Radiation Fox
-Little Pistol - Mother Mother
-& - Tally Hall
-You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid - The Offspring
-Vriska’s Theme - Toby Radiation Fox
-Sunsetter - Toby Radiation Fox
-Sunslammer - Seth Beatfox Peelle
-Snake Escape - James Roach
-30 Second Unskippable Ad - Peach Avenue

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by False Prophet
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False Prophet Inconspicuous Werewolf

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Mister Hall

(Image not mine)


-Known as Mr. Hall or Mister Hall. Full name is unknown

-the Crow or the Raven
-Bird Man (most likely as a joke)

-Exact age unknown. Looks to be in mid to late 20’s. Despite this, Hall could be hundreds of years old.



-Unknown human variant

-Looks to be of European descent. Exact details unknown.

“Some call me a Raven or a Crow, others just call me by my name. I’m Hall, by the way, Mr. Hall.”

(Art by me)


-About 6 foot without the top hat

-unknown, light in build

Skin Tone

-Light brown and amber

-Brown, curly, ear-length

Other Features

“Twilight is brought to a creeping repose by the beckoning eyes of stories best left untold.”

(Art by me)


Casual Wear
-White collared shirt occasionally worn with a vest. Often seen wearing a dark brown top hat decorated with brown and white feathers. Dons a dark brown cloak decorated with white and brown feathers on the shoulders. Most clothing is accented with shiny rhinestones, sequins. beads, and buttons.

Formal Wear
-Very similar to casual wear, although the cloak may be longer and more elaborate.
-Bow ties

Other Wear
-Occasionally wears a masquerade mask. The nose of the mask is shaped like the beak of a bird and it is decorated with ornate feathers.
-Sometimes wears white gloves

“How dare you insult the bird man!”

(Art by me)


Positive Traits
Mr. Hall is a quirky fellow who likes just about anything that is out of the ordinary. He has a rather positive outlook on life and is generally friendly. He loves to converse with others and meet new people. Mr. Hall is very curious and likes to figure out how things work, especially small contraptions like music boxes. He is captivated by fantasy concepts and loves indulging in fiction stories. He also enjoys solving riddles and puzzles. Creativity fascinates him and he adores how people and make such amazing creations with their imaginations. Hall can perform simple and moderate magic, but nothing too complex.

Negative Traits
Mr. Hall sometimes has his head in the clouds. He also tends to speak in a very confusing manner, almost like poetry. The absurd lines he says often sound like a metaphor or symbolism, but most of the time he is just spouting out abstract ideas with no true meaning. Mr. Hall also has a plethora of strange habits and characteristics. One of his problems is properly expressing himself. When he talks, the meaning of his words can become very convoluted amidst his poetic lines- but sometimes he can be the exact opposite and become too blunt or harsh. This is usually when he is frustrated or irritated. He can be harsh when his patience runs low. Perhaps Mr. Hall’s biggest problem is his drug “addiction”. Technically, the type of being Hall is cannot get addicted to almost anything. Regardless, he regularly uses a type of psychedelic drug of his invention. He is very closed off about this topic and insists it is to aid his ideas and not much more. Mr. Hall is generally complicated and somewhat lonely, he yearns for close for close friendships.

-Animals, especially birds
-Feathers (Hall uses faux feathers, he cannot stand harming birds)
-Poetry and creative writing
-Nonsensical ideas

-Romance (or he just acts like he doesn’t like it)

-Psychedelic drug use

“Sometimes, understanding is not obligatory, it is a choice. Many tend to forget this.”

(Art by me)



Close Friends
-Time Machine

Mr. Hall’s exact origins are yet to be revealed, but he is not a being from this world. He lives in a small “castle” that has been around for as long as anyone can remember. He spends his time exploring human literature, music, and other creations. There are some remnants of huge, unfinished contraptions hidden throughout his residence. It is unclear what he was building and why he stopped. There is one invention that he somewhat completed, and that is Time Machine. Time Machine is not an actual time machine, they are a cyborg. They are a mechanical being that was once human. Time Machine is rarely seen at all and is like his apprentice.
There are hints and suggestions that Hall was once in a romantic relationship that ended on a sour note. He does not like speaking about romance or dwelling on the idea of it. He neither confirms nor denies that he was ever in a relationship. He’d rather talk about his birds.

”Living a dream in dimension number four with a time machine.”

(Art by Sgt.gemini on Instagram)


Voice Claim - Joe Hawley (specifically in Hawaii: Part II)
Mr. Hall has various pet birds, ranging from ordinary to exotic. He takes care of them.

Theme songs
Rotary Park - Joe Hawley
Nightingale - Dirt Poor Robins
Human After All - Dirt Poor Robins
Dream Sweet in Sea Major - Miracle Musical
Ilse Unto Thyself - Miracle Musical
Sacred Beast - Tally Hall
Introduction to the Snow - Miracle Musical
Ruler of Everything - Tally Hall
Great Vacation - Dirt Poor Robins
Never Meant to Know - Tally Hall
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by False Prophet
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False Prophet Inconspicuous Werewolf

Member Seen 9 mos ago

these are a bitch to make lmao
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by False Prophet
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False Prophet Inconspicuous Werewolf

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Name: Clement "Duke" Lefevbre

Gender Identity and Pronouns: Male, he/him

Age: Physically 25-ish

Species: idfk yet looks human

Occupation: Bounty/monster hunter, hitman, mercenary

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Duke is very superficial. He looks like a beautiful, charming lad, but is actually quite nasty. He is obsessed with all things morbid and macabre. To him, death is somewhat comedic and he almost takes nothing seriously. Duke is selfish and always puts himself first. He has no regard for others, but often pretends to care just to get what he wants. He expects to be treated like royalty while simultaneously treating others like dirt. Duke has a horrible temper and his hissy fits are actually quite terrifying. He is trigger-happy and will not hesitate to become aggressive. He is also quite obsessive, becoming engrossed with cute strangers. Duke becomes clingy, but usually finds somebody else to fawn over after a few days.

Duke is slender, but large-chested. He knows he's been blessed with good looks. His hair is wavy and platinum blonde, and is kept at around ear-length. Duke is around 5'10 and rather light for his height. His eyes are a deep green.

Duke is morbid but also prides himself in his expensive taste. He likes using leathers, pelts/furs (in the cold), and reptile skin. He often has accessories made of animal parts and jewels. His boots are made of some sort of reptile skin, usually snake. Duke's many shirts feature hand-embroidery and like the rest of his outfit, are custom tailored.

Backstory (brief):
Duke was born into a rich French Canadian family. Though he got everything he wanted, he was a lonely boy. He rarely got along with other children, so he kept to himself and terrorized small animals. His parents died suddenly when he was a teenager, so he inherited the fortune. Because of this, Duke learned how to become more independent and figured out how to manipulate people into liking him. As much as Duke enjoyed having his very whim being taken care of by a servant, he lusted for adventure. He ran off to the west to find something to do that wasn't mind-numbing. He's been bounty hunting ever since, and is damn good at it.

Backstory up to change depending on era and plot.

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by False Prophet
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False Prophet Inconspicuous Werewolf

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Fun fact: this fucker was originally a Red Dead Redemption OC turned dnd character... Long story. Also, I drew all of the art myself.

Name: Pascal "Dolly" Harper

Gender Identity and Pronouns: Cisgender male, he/him

Sexuality: Gay

Age: 19-23

Species: Human, but can vary

Occupation: Varies from college student, escort, musician...to crimelord lmao

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

To the passerby, Dolly is a wannabe big shot with a serious Napoleon complex. This is all very true, but he is more than a short guy with too much attitude. Dolly's aggression is very warranted seeing that the world is cruel, and he is trying to make a point of not being an easy target. Throughout his life, he's learned to always be on guard. It's how he survived. He sees most people as a potential threat, and also gets rather insecure around people larger than him since they threaten his authority. He likes to belittle and insult others, but only if he believes he can get away with it. Though he has a hard time swallowing his pride, he will do so for survival. Deep down, he feels an obligation to stick up for the "little guy". They remind him of himself. He has an obsession with proving that he is not weak, even if he physically is. He has a very difficult time accepting assistance from other people since he worries that it makes him appear more fragile (at least more than he already is). He also has a difficult time taking the blame when something is his fault, often shouldering it aside. He does not want to come face-to-face with the reality that people can see he isn't as perfect as he looks. Dolly is very hedonistic. He is very much one to take stupid risks either to be petty or just to have fun. He is outwardly promiscuous because he is tired of being ashamed of himself, and also enjoys the power it gives him. He enjoys the security he feels that comes with having control over things. He knows he's pretty and will use it to his advantage if needed, but thankfully he doesn't try to manipulate people. He is a surprisingly lonely person, only really forging relationships to fool around instead of committing to people. Commitment scares him, but he does yearn for security in both platonic and romantic relationships. He is also rather emotionally immature, so his wants don't align with his needs, and he is constantly struggling against this.

Dolly is a short, frail-looking young man. He has stark white hair and extremely pale skin due to his albinism. His soft features and unassuming appearance make him seem like not much of a threat, and he knows this. His hair is very long, kept around his waist in length (usually). Sometimes it is tied back with a bow or into a braid. He puts effort into his appearance, staying groomed and well dressed- most of the time. He'll wear makeup and other various feminine things without batting an eye, but has androgynous fashion as well. Dolly stands at ~5 foot and weighs between 95-100 lbs.

Backstory (brief):
-Basic premise is that he's an edgy country boy with daddy issues.

Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLq5EMhbqWVp1zhb9r2QHgPkxFBVTD7PHL

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by False Prophet
Avatar of False Prophet

False Prophet Inconspicuous Werewolf

Member Seen 9 mos ago


Name: sparkleblood

Age: she is like 17 but she is also 20000 yeats old :3

Gender: girl

Sexuality: bi (but she is married to sans undertale)

Species: She is half angel half demon half unicorn half wolf

Likes: candy, ice cream, unicorns, sparkles, sans!!!

Dislikes: mean ppl, fighting

Powers: she has awesome powers but if she uses them too much her demon side comes out and she tries to kill ppl!!! D: she can fly and control all the elements like avatar and because shes a unicorn she can cast magic. Shes like super smart so she already knows the spells because twilight sparkle is her teacher!!! X3333

Backstory: her dad was a demon wolf and her mom was a angel unicorn and they fell in love but it was forbidden!! So she was put up for adoption but got adopted by Harry styles from 1 direction! She went insane and ran away but met sans and married him. hes so in love with her and shes so strong so they took over the underground and now she is Queen!! XD

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by False Prophet
Avatar of False Prophet

False Prophet Inconspicuous Werewolf

Member Seen 9 mos ago



"Bite me."



❦〘 𝚃𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚛




𝙷𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙻𝚘𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗

𝙱𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛y〙

Listening to: Very Good Bad Thing

01:43 ━━━━●───── 04:05

⇆ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻


ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮

ᨏᨐᨓ𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫 ᨓᨐᨏ

"You did good, kid."

Those words made Mikyro's face heat up. Michigan, a taller man with a gravelly voice, wasn't easy to please. Still, the younger one kept up his stoic facade. He didn't respond. The pattering rain bouncing off the car's roof filled the void of silence. Still, actions spoke louder than words. He glanced up at Mitch with his round eyes. In fact, he did this several times before his gaze came to rest on the dashboard, which was illuminated with the several colors of nearby neon signs.

"You've earned it. Pick a name."

What would his name be? He'd thought about this for a good while, days before the question was asked. Sometimes after a good race. Maybe while working on his car, either under the hood or laying on a creeper. Hell, he'd even thought about it when he was unable to sleep, which was often. Members only got a name when they proved themselves to Mitch, which was a complicated process. Suffice to say, Mikyro was surprised he'd managed to do so within the first few weeks. He'd already pondered what his future name would be for hours, though, and didn't hesitate much to answer. With a brief inhale, he finally spoke.




**✿❀𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐨❀✿**

𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚎


𝙻𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚎



Tex, kid, the kid


Texas, like the state.








Assigned female at birth


Transgender male


Queer. If you're pretty, you're pretty.


"Race ya."


**✿❀ 𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 ❀✿**



𝚅𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝙲𝚕𝚊𝚒𝚖 𝚜𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎

[insert voice claim sample, delete if you like]

𝙵𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚎

Tex has a rounder face, which makes him look youthful.

𝙴𝚢𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚛

His eyes are dark brown, round, and have an epicanthal fold that hints towards his mixed heritage.

𝙽𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚝𝚢𝚙𝚎

His nose is short, not very prominent other than his wider nostrils.


5'4. Tex is on the shorter side, which sometimes makes him a bit insecure. He has a litheness to him, but is not very muscular.

𝙱𝚘𝚍𝚢 𝚝𝚢𝚙𝚎

His build is mesomorphic, and his shape is triangular.

𝙻𝚒𝚙 𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚎

His lips are on the smaller, thinner side. Not that he minds.

𝚂𝚔𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚘𝚗𝚎

Tex's skin is warm tan in color.


His hair is dark brown, almost black, and around shoulder length. He keeps the back portion tied back in a low ponytail.

𝙵𝚊𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕 𝙳𝚎𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚕𝚜

He tries to keep his face smooth and clean shaven. Occasionally sports a stubble when he's too tired to shave.

𝙱𝚘𝚍𝚢 𝙳𝚎𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚕𝚜

He has scars across his body, but the most noticeable are the scars under his pectorals from chest surgery. These scars are only visible if he is 21+


Tex gets more tattoos as he ages. He starts off with his forearms, which grow into sleeves, and then eventually reach to his upper back and chest. They are mostly black and geometric in design. He has a lower back tattoo that he considers to be stupid, but refuses to remove.



**✿❀𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 ❀✿**


Due to the nature of his jobs, it is best Tex doesn't draw too much attention to himself. While working he wears dark colors, hoods, and gloves. His style is vary to change, though. When doing more legal activities, his personal style is more visible. He still enjoys a dark palette, but with accents of bright colors. He also tends to show more skin through crop tops or a lack of sleeves. Perhaps least interesting outfits are those he uses to lounge in or fix his car with. Oil smudged tees and worn pants are his go-to. Sweat pants if he isn't working.


Tex enjoys his boots. Combat boots and utility boots. The latter are to make sure he stays safe in the shop while working on cars. Combat boots look rad as hell and still provide protection.


He greatly enjoys wearing a round pair of heavily tinted sunglasses. These are a staple of his look. If it is too dark, he will take them off.


More than meets the eye. He's a body art enthusiast and has shoved piercings pretty much anywhere he comfortably can. One his face, he has snakebites, septum, tongue, eyebrow, and too many on his ears. On his body he has two on his chest and one on his naval.

𝙼𝚊𝚔𝚎-𝚞𝚙 𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚔




**✿❀ 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 ❀✿**

𝚄𝚜𝚞𝚊𝚕 𝙿𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢

Tex is a quiet guy with a pretty good poker face. He doesn't talk much, mostly to spite people. He is very mischievous, though. Often he will cause some trouble with a smirk on his lips. He does like a good laugh, and will do stupid shit on a whim to humor himself. Other than that, he is usually completely mute or gives monotone, single word responses. He is a very big believer in "talk shit get hit", so he usually doesn't. He's also come to appreciate the advantage of being a listener. People sometimes forget he's there or get comfortable when he's around, and Tex has heard some very interesting things. He catalogues these things- what was said and who said it, just in case. Very nifty when he's in a pinch. To those who know, which is a very small circle, he is a valuable information broker. Tex is an adrenaline junkie. This is very obvious by his love for street racing and other illegal activities. He is very much young, dumb, and reckless. His talent cannot be denied, though. He knows his way around the wheel. He's considered a rookie, but very eager to prove himself.


Tex is already mildly annoyed with almost everybody who speaks to him. He naturally gives off a disinterested, cold vibe. He does not like giving dumbass people the satisfaction of getting a reaction. However, if Tex is truly angry, like pissed off fury of the gods style, he is a force to be reckoned with. He may not be much on his own, but he knows people and owns several illegal items. It is highly situational, but he isn't above shooting somebody point blank or otherwise threatening them. Tex NEVER raises his voice, somehow. Even while utterly enraged, his voice stays decently low.


Despite his apathetic persona, Tex can cry- and he will. He will try to stifle and hide it, but he sheds tears when upset. He is always holding a lot in, but sometimes he cracks. When mildly upset, he will just ignore everybody and isolate himself. He can be found hiding in his car a lot. Other times he drinks, smokes, or does other illicit substances to try and cheer himself up. It is only a temporary relief.


Tex likes to joke. He will openly joke and speak with his few friends, though he is still a man of few words. He jumps at opportunities to have a good time, even if it an awful idea. He doesn't care. He is very nonchalant and relaxed, perhaps dangerously so. He is fool and a young adult, and will do questionable things with questionable people. He is ultimately just trying to have a good time, and has some residual "I am invincible" teenager worldview. When he's in a good mood, this is even more apparent. He may be a bit of an egomaniac, often letting his hedonism get the better of him.


→His car. That is everything he cares about in this world. Don't touch his car, he'll pull a gun on you. He built the thing himself- with some help.

→Music. There's nothing like a nice drive while bumpin' some tunes. He enjoys hiphop, rock, and a bit of lofi.

→Pretty People. He likes looking at them, but is otherwise not a big fan of socializing. He'll try to flirt, isn't half bad, but is only fooling around at the end of the day.

→Racing to show off his skills- and winning! Eat it, bitch. He likes an ego boost just as much as the other guys.

→Psychoactive drugs. Specifically stimulants and hallucinogens. He has some sense to stay sober while driving, doesn't trust himself to not break something.

→Animals, especially dogs. He doesn't have the time to commit to a pet currently, but he has fond memories of his childhood companion. To him, animals are capable of no true evil, making them better than people.

→Gambling. He isn't huge on it, but he has fun wasting time at a casino, or placing bets on anything. He's getting better at cards, but also losing money.


→People. Most are weird, gross, unpredictable, and the no. 1 thing that'll ruin his car.

→Bigots. The only good thing that'll ever come out of a bigot's mouth is their bloody teeth.

→Law enforcement. Fuck the rules, and the cops! They're all corrupt to him. Maybe that isn't too far from the truth, at least in Tistanside. He has always detested authority, with the exception of Mitch.

→Cheaters! Boo, no fun! He is competitive, but has some semblance of honor. Cheating makes people look talentless and pathetic to him. The rules of street racing are loose, though, and he doesn't mind that

𝙿𝚘𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚜







𝙽𝚎𝚐𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚜








→Street racing. Tex lives for the danger and the glory. He's made some solid enemies and friends through racing.

→Mechanics. He's no expert, but he's been working on cars since he was a teen, so he knows a thing or two. He surrounds himself by people who know more than him so he can learn.

→Gambling on card games. This is usually between friends, but occasionally Tex will join a game. His strength is his ability to bluff and hide his emotions.


Tex has big and small goals, all of varying levels achievability. Of course, he wants to win just about every race he drives- that's the point, right? He also wants to have fun in life, and he's actually having


He started off working for a mechanic during high school. He had a knack for it. He now races, repairs, and sells vehicles. The racing is more hush hush...

What's even kept more quiet is that Tex is a dirty little thief. He and a group of other racers (led by Michigan) often steal tech from B&I, either to upgrade their cars or sell to clients. Gotta keep that hidden, though.



**✿❀ 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 ❀✿**



[Is your oc close with their father?]



[Is your oc close with their mother?]

𝚂𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛(s) (copy and paste If needed ♡)


𝙱𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 (s) (copy and paste if needed ♡)



(what pets do they have? Describe them, use an image if you'd like as well, ♡)


♡Quote or image here♡


**✿❀ 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞 ❀✿**

𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚕𝚘𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗

Tistanside. This large, loud city is located in what was the upper midwest of the United States. Those days are long gone, though. It's a dangerous place if you're not careful- or rich.

𝙲𝚞𝚛𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚕𝚘𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗

Tex hasn't left Tistanside. He never could for long. He's proud of where he came from, and also knows he's a goddamn city slicker. Plus, he's sure he'd miss the noise.

𝙷𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚍𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚐𝚗 𝙴𝚡𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚛

[What does their house exterior look like? Add picture or describe! Do they have a garden as well? Add too! ]

𝙷𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚍𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚐𝚗 𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚛

[What does their living room look like? Kitchen? Bedroom? Add pictures or describe!]


♡Quote or image here ♡


**✿❀ 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲❀✿**


[write their childhood backstory! ♡]


Write their teen backstory! ♡]


[Write their Adult story! ♡]


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