Aleksandra ‘Alek’ Belicov
Name: Aleksandra Belicov
Age: 25
Sexuality: Lesbian
When looking at Alek it is easy to tell she is not exactly a bubbly people person. She has a tough look about her that would make even men think twice about pissing her off. Her eyes are a bright green color and will darken if she is in a sad sort of mood. Her brown hair is very long and goes about midway down her back. She very rarely ties it up, but will if it is a particularly busy night at the bar or if she is out scavenging for supplies. She prefers dark colored clothing and is almost never seen in any colors besides black, red, or purple. Her attire normally consist of a tank top of some sort, jeans with holes and rips in them, and black boots. She also wears a red leather jacket as well when she is not working in the bar. She is always seen dawning a necklace with two silver rings attached to it. Out of habit she plays with them when she is deep in thought. Not many people know whose rings they are, but the few people that are close to her know that they belong to her deceased mother and father.

Alek is a tough person who doesn’t take shit from anyone and she takes pride in the fact. Growing up she was always the tomboy type and was the one daring all the boys to fight her. There are very few things she is afraid of in life, though she knows that can be a somewhat dangerous trait to have in the world they lived in now. She has a soft side buried somewhere deep in her, but it has been hidden ever since her mother and father died in the beginning of the end of the world. She is loyal to a few select people, but does not extend that loyalty to others very often. She also doesn’t trust very easy either. Her secrets are her own and aren’t shared with others. There are some things she didn’t even tell to even the people that were closest to her. She doesn’t really like to ask for help very often. She finds that to be a weakness and weakness isn’t something she likes people to see if her. Deep down she fears if people see her let down the walls she fought so hard to build up they will take what little she has left in life.
Fearless * Tough * Secretive *
Skills: - Able to hotwire almost any vehicle
- Picking locks
- Can make a hell of a drink
Strengths:- Her fearlessness
- Has a knack for knowing when someone is lying
- High alcohol tolerance (Not much of a strength, but might come in handy :P)
Weapons:- Pistol grip shotgun
- An axe that doubles as a hammer
- Small camping knife
Aleksandra was born in Moscow Russia to Clavin and Tassia Belicov. She grew up in Russia for the first 12 years of her life before her parents decided to leave for America. Alek’s mother was originally from America and came to Russia during a tour in the army before she met Calvin. The two of them met in the bar Calvin owned at the time and hit it off. After falling for each other, Calvin talked Tassia into staying in Russia instead of going back to America once her tour was over. She had spent 4 years in the military already and was given the choice to leave the military or get assigned to another area. It was hard for her to make that decision being as her entire family was in America, but in the end their love for one another outweighed the fact she had to leave her family behind.
When Alek was 12 they ended up having to leave Russia due to the fact Calvin lost ownership of his bar and the two were having a hard time making ends meet. Tassia’s family said they would help the two, especially since they had a child to take care of. When they moved back to where Tassia grew up in California, her parents quickly helped them get back on their feet. Calvin got a job being the manager of another bar and Tassia was able to get a job at the local hospital as a nurse. Alek got placed in the closest school they could find, though, in the beginning it was quite hard for her since she was the weird new kid from Russia. This was one of the reasons she grew up to be the tough person she is today, dealing with bullies did that to you.
Life stayed relatively normal for almost the next 16 years, until the virus hit. Everything went downhill for everyone after that. Chaos broke out over the entire world, which brought nothing but death, heartbreak, and insanity. Her family became a part of the Toxo group pretty early on and her parents even helped build the fortress they have today that keeps them somewhat safe from the dead. Unfortunately 6 months after they had arrived at Toxo her parents both died tragic deaths. Her father had gotten bit while on a scavenging mission and was killed for being infected by the leader of their group. The group couldn’t risk him infecting anyone else and thought it better to just take care of the issue before it became a problem. Her mother committed suicide the next day, leaving Alek alone in a group she now had quite a hatred for.
She has stayed with the group despite what happened, mainly just due to there being no other place for her to really go in the first place. Since then she was granted permission to take over one of the sheds within the group’s walls and has since made it into a bar of sorts. Her father taught her quite a bit in his time as a bar tender so she now uses those skills to her advantage. She aids people with the stress of the apocalyptic world via alcohol and in exchange they do not require her to perform any extra tasks around the camp or go out on raids. She does at times go out scavenging with the others, but this is only when her alcohol supplies begin to run low. Secretly she stills hates the leader of their group, but keeps that thought to herself since she doesn’t really trust anyone enough to share it with them anyway. One day she hopes to leave, but who knows when that day will actually come.
Advice To The World: Depend on no one, it will only fuck you in the end
Anything else: She can speak Russian fluently and will often be heard muttering in Russian when she is annoyed. She also still has an accent to her voice.