Hey there, below is my CS. I was in a bit of a rush writing it as i'm just heading out will need to finish it tomorrow.
Personality and history are bullet points but I will change to paragraphs when I finish the CS off. If you want me to change anything about the personality or history beyond fleshing it out, then just let me know. I have no issue changing things to suit.
As for the CS appearance, I'll spruce it up when my character has your approval.

| Rob | Ghost |

Robert is six foot and one inch in height, his deceptively slight frame weighs in at two hundred and thirty five pounds. He walks with a purpose and speaks with an accent that betrays his lack of native status to the US.
| Focussed | Determined | Honest | Caring | Courageous | Selfless |
Ghost is the kind of person who asks no questions when a friend needs help, running to their aid as soon as he possibly can. This applies in day to day life and on the battlefield. There have been instances in his service history where he has thrown caution to the wind to try and retrieve wounded comrades. It is not that he doesn't care for his safety, he just truly believes in the brothers in arms mentality. He builds strong attachments to those he regularly serves with viewing them as brothers and sisters.
He has a switch in his brain that allows him to instantly go from Joe public to special forces operator in an instant. This has been shown throughout his career, particularly during the terrorist incident in London when he was off duty. He went from enjoying a meal with friends to taking down two of the terrorists in the space of ten seconds.
In terms of trauma as a result of his time in service, he doesn't suffer flashbacks or suffer any form of night terrors. The only real smudge on his profile is that he still doesn't forgive himself for the death of Sergeant Hicks during his first deployment.

Special Reconnaissance Regiment
From a young age Rob wanted to carry on the family tradition of joining the Paras. His grandfather, father, uncle and older brother had all be part of the regiment and he wanted to continue that on. The military had always been a big part of his life from a young age as his family followed his father around the world through various deployments. Some time in Germany and Canada was followed by domestic life in their home village of Ynysddu. During that time his father was serving oversea in the war on Terror and was unfortunately killed by an IED. The years that followed were difficult, particularly for Rob's mother as they all tried to deal with the death of his father. This did nothing but harden Robert's resolve to become a soldier in Her Majesty's Armed Forces.
At the age of eighteen Rob was accepted into the Parachute Regiment following in the footsteps of the the men in his family. It wasn't until his second year in the regiment that he saw combat. He and his platoon were sent to the Middle East to fight against the continued threat of militants and had some great successes against them. Unfortunately it was during this time something happened to Rob that he still carries with him. While on patrol his squad were ambushed by a significantly larger force of militants and initial spray of bullets he caught a bullet to the leg. He was left in a small ditch that did nothing to hide his position from the approaching militants. His sergeant, Michael Hicks ran across the open terrain under heavy cover fire provided by the rest of their squad. With a few metres to cover Hick took a bullet to the rib but he pushed on until the pair were in cover. He collapsed to the floor moments later and attempts to revive him were unsuccessful. Rob blames himself for the death of Sergeant Hicks and will not be told otherwise. He spoke at his funeral and promised to show the same bravery and courage to save his fellow soldiers in the future.
After his recovery was finished he returned to active duty a different soldier. He was steeled and determined, fighting the enemy with a ruthless efficiency that eventually caught the notice of one of the British special forces regiments, the Special Reconnaissance Regiment. He undertook their training and was eventually given the emerald grey beret assosciated with the regiment. In the years that followed he was sent around the world on undercover operations, dealing with terrorist organisations of different backgrounds. His regiment saw to the capture of several high profile Islamist militant group leaders as well the destruction of a well known South American drug cartel. Beyond his accomplishments in the field, he developed skills in electronics and computers. He had a natural talent for these fields and used them to assist in missions throughout his career. A further few years serving with the Special Reconnaissance Regiment went by without issue, that was until he was sent to British Army Training Unit Suffield in Alberta Canada.
During a routine exercise training members of her majesty's forces, the Toxoplasmosa outbreak kicked into high gear. Many were lost during an unexpected assault by the infected but fortunately the base held. The weeks and months that followed were spent mostly reinforced barricades and trying to make contact with the outside world. Their calls were finally successful a full four months after the initial outbreak, reaching an American military installation located just outside San Francisco, the group referring to themselves simply as Shadow.. Relations between the two groups grew strong with regular long distance parties thrown to pass the time. Unfortunately fate wasn't done with Robert and his group.
Almost a year after they had made first contact with the US based group a wandering horde of infected managed to breach the perimeter of the Suffield base. In an attempt to repel the infected most of the group perished, leaving the survivors to get into pre-prepared vehicles and try to get as far from the horse as possible. Crammed into three vehicles a total of sixteen British military personnel managed to escape.
The decision of what to do next was unanimous, try to cross the Canadian border and reach Shadow. They had described their base in such detail that the group felt like they had been there. The difference between Suffield and Shadow's base, a large, self sustained underground bunker. No amount of infected could hope to make their way through the bunkers heavy blast doors. The journey was long and dangerous, the group having to deal with raiders as well as the rampaging infected. By time they had reached Shadow they had lost six men with a further two needing emergency medical treatment.
Since arriving Robert has made himself a useful asset to the group, earning the respect of those around him. His skillset has meant that he has managed to train a small group of individuals who specialise in recon and recovery missions. With the numerous infected and other groups wandering the US there is a desperate need for supplies and the best way to get them safely is to remain hidden.
| Close Quarters Combat | Ranged Combat | Long Distance Marksmanship | Survival | Basic First Aid | Stealth and Concealment | Electronics and Computers Expert | Navigation | Reconnaissance |
Remington ACR
| x1/x2 Thermal Sight | Foregrip | Barrel Integrated Silencer |
| 4x32 Acog | Bipod | Barrel Integrated Silencer |
P226 Mk.25
| Attached Silencer | Extended Magazine |
Fairbairn-Sykes Knife
| Sharpend Regularly |
His primary weapons are the Remington ACR and L129A1 but he will never carry both out into the infected areas. Keeping weight minimal is key to survival as it means you can move for longer before exhaustion sets in, which can be particularly important when having to run from infected. His side arm and knife are always on his person, even when back at the bunker.
| Smoke Grenades | Long Range Radio | Flares | Climbing Kit | Multi-tool |
The above equipment is not an exhaustive list of what is available to Robert as there is alot of military hardware available in the bunker, however the above is what he usually carries with him.
| Full Black Multi-Cam Uniform | Various Ghillie Suits |
Given that he and his group often deal with urban environments in the search for supplies, Robert mostly wears a full set of black multi-cam clothing. However, when in more rural environments he has a variety of different ghillie suits at his disposal should he need.
| Ford F150 [Metal plough welded to the frame] | Victory Empulse TT |
The Ford F150 has been fitted with a custom made metal plough which is used to force it's way through many abandoned vehicles left strewn across the many roads of California. Fitted directly to the frame, the plough is extremely stable and barely affects the performance of the truck. Even with it's utility, it is mostly used as a rescue vehicle. Even though it is heavy on fuel consumption compared to standard civilian vehicles, it is still preferred over the bulkier military vehicles on site.
The Victory Empulse TT is used by Sully and his squad to great effect. The electric bikes can travel over two hundred miles between recharges and with the solar panels at base, there is an unlimited supply of fuel. The effectiveness of the bikes isn't their abundunt fuel source but rather their noise level. Like a normal motorcycle they are able to weave in and out of obstacles but where as most motorcycles can be almost deafeningly loud, the Victory Empulse TT is close to silent.
As mentioned above there are more military vehicles at the home of Shadow but given their fuel efficiency issues, the majority are used to reinforce the perimeter and in certain situations used as defensive emplacements.
Personality and history are bullet points but I will change to paragraphs when I finish the CS off. If you want me to change anything about the personality or history beyond fleshing it out, then just let me know. I have no issue changing things to suit.
As for the CS appearance, I'll spruce it up when my character has your approval.

"Killing isn't fun...unless the person is a prick...then it's quite enjoyable."
βββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββOTHER NAMES
| Rob | Ghost |

Located just outside San Francisco, Shadow operate out of a military bunker. Primarily made up of military personnel and their families, the group maintain a self sufficient living. The facility has working solar panels, several small fields of crops and a nearby water supply. In addition the perimeter fence has been reinforced with various vehicles, crates and generally whatever was on hand at the time.
The group often venture out searching for any sort of tech, resources or medicine which they may be lacking. They do get attacked by raiders regularly but have little to no problem keeping them at bay.
The Bunker - Located 10 miles from San Francisco
| In Command: Colonel Johnathan Wallace | Second in Command: Major Andre Washington | Chief of Medicine: Dr Helena Morgan | Head of Recon: Robert Cadogan | Quartermaster: Sergeant Julio Gomes |
Colonel Wallace was stationed at The Bunker before the outbreak and has retained command ever since. As an aged veteran he has seen the worst of combats that war has to offer. He has the respect of his men and the entirety of those within the bunker.
Major Washington is the resident "bad guy" to the Colonel's positive approach. If anything needs doing that isn't pleasant then the Major is the man who gets it done. He is firm but fair with everyone.
Dr Morgan is a strong willed practitioner of medicine who does everything she can for the residents of The Bunker. She has delivered children and performed several life saving operations in the time she has been with Shadow. Her opinion and thoughts are widely valued by all.
Robert's history as a special forces operator immediately caught the Colonel's interest on his arrival. After proving himself useful at retrieving valuable resources from nearby towns and cities, the Colonel declared him head of recon. What the role entails is the training of the other military personnel in how to best remain undetected outside of The Bunkers perimeter. In addition, he is responsible for leading the most dangerous and risky missions personally.
Gomes as he often goes by is extremely laid back a bit of a joker. When he isn't taking inventory or maintaining equipment he can be found entertaining the younger children in the complex with some magic tricks. His pregnant wife currently resides in The Bunker with him.
| Military Personnel: 38 | Medical Personnel: 6 | Civilians: 22 |
| Electricity | Running Water | Reinforced Perimeter Fence | Five Small Crop Fields | Livestock Paddock | Garage | Dormatories | Medical Operating Room | Cafeteria | Sports Hall | Tactical Operations Center | The Armoury |
The entire purpose of the base was to be entirely self sufficient in case of enemy attack. The electricity of the complex is provided by a vast array of solar panels within the perimeter of the bunker. There are enough to fully charge the bases generators and to power all base requirements. The water comes from a nearby spring and is pumped directly into the base through various filters.
The fence around the base was a ten foot high chainlink fence with razorwize at it's base and on top of it. Shadow used a large portion of the vehicles on base to reinforce the fences in addition to stacking shipping containers where possible.
Food is provided by several crop fields as well as some animal paddocks. The bunker grows a wide variety of crops and keeps eight cows and several dozen chickens. A bull is kept to help fertilise the cows.
The garage has all the tools needed to fix any piece of machinery and the vast dormatories are split up as best as possible to allow for families to have some privary. Showers and toilet facilities are within the dormatory area.
The medical operating room has all the tools needed to perform surgery but also includes an x-ray machine and various advanced pieces of equipment to perform blood tests. There are quarantine facilities and even equipment to produce medicines however nobody at the bunker knows how to use it.
The cafeteria opens two times a day with meals often consisting of eggs, potatoes and bread. When able meat will be provided, often through the natural death of one of the animals or over population.
The sports hall features basketball hoops and various types of nets for racket based activities. Any meetings or briefing to the whole bunker take place here, operating like a town hall of sorts.
The tactical operations center is where the military personnel operate and plan from. They are able to communicate across continents as well as operate UAV's, detect aircraft on radar and view CCTV footage around and within the bunker. The Colonel rarely leaves the room apart from to get some sleep.
The armoury has enough weapons and ammunition to fight a small war and still have change leftover.

Tunnel within the bunker leading to the dormatories and cafeteria

Secondary blast door

The tactical operations center

Example of dormitory room

Located just outside San Francisco, Shadow operate out of a military bunker. Primarily made up of military personnel and their families, the group maintain a self sufficient living. The facility has working solar panels, several small fields of crops and a nearby water supply. In addition the perimeter fence has been reinforced with various vehicles, crates and generally whatever was on hand at the time.
The group often venture out searching for any sort of tech, resources or medicine which they may be lacking. They do get attacked by raiders regularly but have little to no problem keeping them at bay.
The Bunker - Located 10 miles from San Francisco
| In Command: Colonel Johnathan Wallace | Second in Command: Major Andre Washington | Chief of Medicine: Dr Helena Morgan | Head of Recon: Robert Cadogan | Quartermaster: Sergeant Julio Gomes |
Colonel Wallace was stationed at The Bunker before the outbreak and has retained command ever since. As an aged veteran he has seen the worst of combats that war has to offer. He has the respect of his men and the entirety of those within the bunker.

Major Washington is the resident "bad guy" to the Colonel's positive approach. If anything needs doing that isn't pleasant then the Major is the man who gets it done. He is firm but fair with everyone.
Dr Morgan is a strong willed practitioner of medicine who does everything she can for the residents of The Bunker. She has delivered children and performed several life saving operations in the time she has been with Shadow. Her opinion and thoughts are widely valued by all.

Robert's history as a special forces operator immediately caught the Colonel's interest on his arrival. After proving himself useful at retrieving valuable resources from nearby towns and cities, the Colonel declared him head of recon. What the role entails is the training of the other military personnel in how to best remain undetected outside of The Bunkers perimeter. In addition, he is responsible for leading the most dangerous and risky missions personally.

Gomes as he often goes by is extremely laid back a bit of a joker. When he isn't taking inventory or maintaining equipment he can be found entertaining the younger children in the complex with some magic tricks. His pregnant wife currently resides in The Bunker with him.

| Military Personnel: 38 | Medical Personnel: 6 | Civilians: 22 |
| Electricity | Running Water | Reinforced Perimeter Fence | Five Small Crop Fields | Livestock Paddock | Garage | Dormatories | Medical Operating Room | Cafeteria | Sports Hall | Tactical Operations Center | The Armoury |
The entire purpose of the base was to be entirely self sufficient in case of enemy attack. The electricity of the complex is provided by a vast array of solar panels within the perimeter of the bunker. There are enough to fully charge the bases generators and to power all base requirements. The water comes from a nearby spring and is pumped directly into the base through various filters.
The fence around the base was a ten foot high chainlink fence with razorwize at it's base and on top of it. Shadow used a large portion of the vehicles on base to reinforce the fences in addition to stacking shipping containers where possible.
Food is provided by several crop fields as well as some animal paddocks. The bunker grows a wide variety of crops and keeps eight cows and several dozen chickens. A bull is kept to help fertilise the cows.
The garage has all the tools needed to fix any piece of machinery and the vast dormatories are split up as best as possible to allow for families to have some privary. Showers and toilet facilities are within the dormatory area.
The medical operating room has all the tools needed to perform surgery but also includes an x-ray machine and various advanced pieces of equipment to perform blood tests. There are quarantine facilities and even equipment to produce medicines however nobody at the bunker knows how to use it.
The cafeteria opens two times a day with meals often consisting of eggs, potatoes and bread. When able meat will be provided, often through the natural death of one of the animals or over population.
The sports hall features basketball hoops and various types of nets for racket based activities. Any meetings or briefing to the whole bunker take place here, operating like a town hall of sorts.
The tactical operations center is where the military personnel operate and plan from. They are able to communicate across continents as well as operate UAV's, detect aircraft on radar and view CCTV footage around and within the bunker. The Colonel rarely leaves the room apart from to get some sleep.
The armoury has enough weapons and ammunition to fight a small war and still have change leftover.

Tunnel within the bunker leading to the dormatories and cafeteria

Secondary blast door

The tactical operations center

Example of dormitory room

Robert is six foot and one inch in height, his deceptively slight frame weighs in at two hundred and thirty five pounds. He walks with a purpose and speaks with an accent that betrays his lack of native status to the US.
| Focussed | Determined | Honest | Caring | Courageous | Selfless |
Ghost is the kind of person who asks no questions when a friend needs help, running to their aid as soon as he possibly can. This applies in day to day life and on the battlefield. There have been instances in his service history where he has thrown caution to the wind to try and retrieve wounded comrades. It is not that he doesn't care for his safety, he just truly believes in the brothers in arms mentality. He builds strong attachments to those he regularly serves with viewing them as brothers and sisters.
He has a switch in his brain that allows him to instantly go from Joe public to special forces operator in an instant. This has been shown throughout his career, particularly during the terrorist incident in London when he was off duty. He went from enjoying a meal with friends to taking down two of the terrorists in the space of ten seconds.
In terms of trauma as a result of his time in service, he doesn't suffer flashbacks or suffer any form of night terrors. The only real smudge on his profile is that he still doesn't forgive himself for the death of Sergeant Hicks during his first deployment.

Special Reconnaissance Regiment
From a young age Rob wanted to carry on the family tradition of joining the Paras. His grandfather, father, uncle and older brother had all be part of the regiment and he wanted to continue that on. The military had always been a big part of his life from a young age as his family followed his father around the world through various deployments. Some time in Germany and Canada was followed by domestic life in their home village of Ynysddu. During that time his father was serving oversea in the war on Terror and was unfortunately killed by an IED. The years that followed were difficult, particularly for Rob's mother as they all tried to deal with the death of his father. This did nothing but harden Robert's resolve to become a soldier in Her Majesty's Armed Forces.
At the age of eighteen Rob was accepted into the Parachute Regiment following in the footsteps of the the men in his family. It wasn't until his second year in the regiment that he saw combat. He and his platoon were sent to the Middle East to fight against the continued threat of militants and had some great successes against them. Unfortunately it was during this time something happened to Rob that he still carries with him. While on patrol his squad were ambushed by a significantly larger force of militants and initial spray of bullets he caught a bullet to the leg. He was left in a small ditch that did nothing to hide his position from the approaching militants. His sergeant, Michael Hicks ran across the open terrain under heavy cover fire provided by the rest of their squad. With a few metres to cover Hick took a bullet to the rib but he pushed on until the pair were in cover. He collapsed to the floor moments later and attempts to revive him were unsuccessful. Rob blames himself for the death of Sergeant Hicks and will not be told otherwise. He spoke at his funeral and promised to show the same bravery and courage to save his fellow soldiers in the future.
After his recovery was finished he returned to active duty a different soldier. He was steeled and determined, fighting the enemy with a ruthless efficiency that eventually caught the notice of one of the British special forces regiments, the Special Reconnaissance Regiment. He undertook their training and was eventually given the emerald grey beret assosciated with the regiment. In the years that followed he was sent around the world on undercover operations, dealing with terrorist organisations of different backgrounds. His regiment saw to the capture of several high profile Islamist militant group leaders as well the destruction of a well known South American drug cartel. Beyond his accomplishments in the field, he developed skills in electronics and computers. He had a natural talent for these fields and used them to assist in missions throughout his career. A further few years serving with the Special Reconnaissance Regiment went by without issue, that was until he was sent to British Army Training Unit Suffield in Alberta Canada.
During a routine exercise training members of her majesty's forces, the Toxoplasmosa outbreak kicked into high gear. Many were lost during an unexpected assault by the infected but fortunately the base held. The weeks and months that followed were spent mostly reinforced barricades and trying to make contact with the outside world. Their calls were finally successful a full four months after the initial outbreak, reaching an American military installation located just outside San Francisco, the group referring to themselves simply as Shadow.. Relations between the two groups grew strong with regular long distance parties thrown to pass the time. Unfortunately fate wasn't done with Robert and his group.
Almost a year after they had made first contact with the US based group a wandering horde of infected managed to breach the perimeter of the Suffield base. In an attempt to repel the infected most of the group perished, leaving the survivors to get into pre-prepared vehicles and try to get as far from the horse as possible. Crammed into three vehicles a total of sixteen British military personnel managed to escape.
The decision of what to do next was unanimous, try to cross the Canadian border and reach Shadow. They had described their base in such detail that the group felt like they had been there. The difference between Suffield and Shadow's base, a large, self sustained underground bunker. No amount of infected could hope to make their way through the bunkers heavy blast doors. The journey was long and dangerous, the group having to deal with raiders as well as the rampaging infected. By time they had reached Shadow they had lost six men with a further two needing emergency medical treatment.
Since arriving Robert has made himself a useful asset to the group, earning the respect of those around him. His skillset has meant that he has managed to train a small group of individuals who specialise in recon and recovery missions. With the numerous infected and other groups wandering the US there is a desperate need for supplies and the best way to get them safely is to remain hidden.
| Close Quarters Combat | Ranged Combat | Long Distance Marksmanship | Survival | Basic First Aid | Stealth and Concealment | Electronics and Computers Expert | Navigation | Reconnaissance |
Remington ACR
| x1/x2 Thermal Sight | Foregrip | Barrel Integrated Silencer |
| 4x32 Acog | Bipod | Barrel Integrated Silencer |
P226 Mk.25
| Attached Silencer | Extended Magazine |
Fairbairn-Sykes Knife
| Sharpend Regularly |
His primary weapons are the Remington ACR and L129A1 but he will never carry both out into the infected areas. Keeping weight minimal is key to survival as it means you can move for longer before exhaustion sets in, which can be particularly important when having to run from infected. His side arm and knife are always on his person, even when back at the bunker.
| Smoke Grenades | Long Range Radio | Flares | Climbing Kit | Multi-tool |
The above equipment is not an exhaustive list of what is available to Robert as there is alot of military hardware available in the bunker, however the above is what he usually carries with him.
| Full Black Multi-Cam Uniform | Various Ghillie Suits |
Given that he and his group often deal with urban environments in the search for supplies, Robert mostly wears a full set of black multi-cam clothing. However, when in more rural environments he has a variety of different ghillie suits at his disposal should he need.
| Ford F150 [Metal plough welded to the frame] | Victory Empulse TT |
The Ford F150 has been fitted with a custom made metal plough which is used to force it's way through many abandoned vehicles left strewn across the many roads of California. Fitted directly to the frame, the plough is extremely stable and barely affects the performance of the truck. Even with it's utility, it is mostly used as a rescue vehicle. Even though it is heavy on fuel consumption compared to standard civilian vehicles, it is still preferred over the bulkier military vehicles on site.
The Victory Empulse TT is used by Sully and his squad to great effect. The electric bikes can travel over two hundred miles between recharges and with the solar panels at base, there is an unlimited supply of fuel. The effectiveness of the bikes isn't their abundunt fuel source but rather their noise level. Like a normal motorcycle they are able to weave in and out of obstacles but where as most motorcycles can be almost deafeningly loud, the Victory Empulse TT is close to silent.
As mentioned above there are more military vehicles at the home of Shadow but given their fuel efficiency issues, the majority are used to reinforce the perimeter and in certain situations used as defensive emplacements.
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