Lady Reeza Valarios
"The Lady of Puppets"
One of the most notable features of Reeza is her pink hair, it used to be a strawberry blonde until she messed up a lab. After the comments of another student inspired a little confidence in herself, Reeza sorta likes the color now. Often tries to hide her horrible ability to meet anyone's gaze by keeping a pair of blast goggles over her eyes, and fidgeting constantly if she's not near her dolls. She used to be comfortable with whatever dress she could find and afford. Her time at Madame Geraldine's has forced her to try and be more presentable in her appearance. Even if sometimes she seems to be quite unsure of anything resembling proper fashion for a Lady.
Madame Geraldine's Finishing School for Young Ladies of Quality
The Craftsmen Guild, mainly because nobody dares enter her shop to tell her otherwise....
Reeza has a talent for speaking to her mechanical "friends" and requesting favors of them...
She is also talented at creating many different mechanical creatures, both humanoid and not, she's careful to keep them doll sized to ensure nobody thinks she's creating anything wrong.
There are rumors that she has also created a new series of creatures that she's dubbed, "Her best friends" mechanical creatures capable of much more then just looking pretty.
Owner of the "Puppet Strings" gadget shop in Gearsport. A toy shop full of children's toys, dolls, and other mechanical friends who seem to dance about with a life of their own.
Reeza is often cautious around others, unsure of how to act around people. How are you supposed to talk to real people? She's just so used to talking to her mechanical creatures. When she's interacting with people, Reeza tends to overthink, analyze and choose her words carefully before speaking.
🎀𝓦𝓱𝔂 𝔀𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓭 𝓒𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓪𝓲𝓷 𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓬𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓶?
To utilize her puppets, or potentially weapon design.
🎀𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓯𝓮𝓻𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓦𝓮𝓪𝓹𝓸𝓷
Reeza refuses to fight hand to hand. She has a few small inventions she can throw at those who threaten her. Her true skill lies in her mechanical friends, false-life steam-powered creations capable of battle. They appear to be alive, yet in reality, they are being commanded by Reeza through her gifts.
🎀𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓯𝓮𝓻𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓜𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓭 𝓸𝓯 𝓒𝓸𝓷𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷
Spring-razors, small bundles of sharp objects with a core designed to eject the blades forward when thrown.
She prefers to call her metal dolls to do battle for her instead.
🎀𝓕𝓪𝓿𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓮 𝓒𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓼(𝓮𝓼) 𝓪𝓽 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓵
Mechanical monstrosities, Literature and Lace, and Alchemical implementations in steam-powered machines
There is a story, whispered about the strange puppet shop in Gearspot, and the strange girl who runs the store. That if you go in there with wonderment in your heart, the young woman in the shop will find you your new best friend.
For those who enter her grounds with malice, beware....you will become one of her newest dolls before long.
Of course these are just tall tales swapped among those who've walked past the strange animated little shop and dared not step inside.
The rest of the stories talk about a young woman who lost her parents in an Airship accident. A young girl who's mother taught her daughter the art of dollmaking. When the young girl was found, she somehow shielded herself with a dancing machine intended to amuse the children. They all believed the machine must have tumbled over the frightened child in the descent and protected her through pure dumb luck.
It wasn't, simply the dawn of Reeza's gift.
The orphanage was cold, lonely, and Reeza didn't have her favorite doll to comfort her. It was the first one she made with her mother. It was special, and soft, and it made her feel better...
Reeza eventually was able to scrape together enough cloth to make another doll, and things were good again!
She noticed many other children looked sad, and missed their dolls too. So Reeza set about scavenging materials to make them dolls too. Eventually, some of these children were adopted and took their dolls with them. This was a stroke of luck, as one of Reeza's relatives recognized the stitchwork as familiar! They set about at once to find their long lost niece!
Meanwhile, Reeza was gathering material through Gearsport to create more dolls for another orphan who'd recently arrived when she'd run into trouble. Two large men approached Reeza with something, bad, in their eyes. Like dolls eyes that were all scratched up. As she dropped her cloth scraps and ran, Reeza tripped as she turned a corner. The first man was almost upon her when Reeza screamed for help.
The sound of scraping metal echoed as a motorized arm, intended to hold a pair of wings in place smashed through the window and grabbed the first man! He screamed, cursing bloody murder as the motorized claw tore at him. The other man looked at the little pink-haired girl and his associate now trapped in the clamp, and decided it wasn't worth it.
Reeza sat quietly as the claw released the man, he tumbled to the ground with a solid plop, before running as well. Reeza looked at the claw curiously, it seemed to stare back her. She thanked it, the claw gave a small wiggle before returing to it's original position.
As she returned to the orphanage, a man and woman she vaguely recognized were at the gate. The matron pointed towards Reeza, who stared at the pair, fat tears welling up in her eyes. For the first time since the accident, Reeza cried, for her parents, for her dolls, for everything that happened.
Her adopted relatives took no time in helping Reeza understand her gifts, and how she can utilize them properly. Madame Geraldine's School was the best opportunity for her! So that's where she was going to go!
Upon acceptance to the Madame's School, Reeza learned quickly that she was a small fish in a very large pond. The other girls were much harder to understand in relation to her puppets, they were safe, these girls were...not easy to follow. Often resulting in Reeza choosing to read alone, or work on another series of her fabled Dolls. Yet many of those in Madamne's halls took to helping Reeza adjust to school life, and occasionally even talking about herself! She found herself drawn to the machine classes, robotics, animatronics, she could improve her dollmaking skills ten-fold!
While others used their ability to speak with machines for flight or other things. Reeza created puppets and dolls to speak with, as they can't leave her like her parents did. She eventually discovered her talent for creation of these mechanical dolls and puppets were a joy to many throughout the guild. She often brought her extra merchandise to the orphanage to the children who needed friends the most.
The story of the quiet dollmaker eventually brought those who envied her, how dare she intrude on their craft. They met her personal dolls, Broken Wings, and Shattered Claw. They left the store quite quickly afterwards...
Reeza is often seen throughout Gearsport, often with her favorite creation behind her, Lorelei, who seems to react to Reeza's requests as if she's almost alive...
Yet Reeza knows it's just a false-life, and a lot of complex machinations under the surface.
Yet it does the job of her dolls, to bring comfort...
Carries at least one of her mechanical dolls at all times, or being escorted by an animated puppet. Each one of these "puppets" can sustain their false-life for approximately thirty minutes of intensive activity before needing to recharge.
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