Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 19 hrs ago



| N A M E |
Gabriel Joshua Smith

| A G E |

| D U T Y |
Security Officer, Power Trip Engineer.

| A B I L I T Y |
Omniscient Self Replication
Gabriel is able to create up to 2 copies of himself, making it possible for there to be 3 of him in total. However, unlike other cloner, his body is not split - his mind is not divided. His mind is present in all bodies, and they are all originals in their own right. Once he split the first time, there was no more 'original' him. Each of his bodies are real, and they all share a telepathic link. Every bit of information one gathers, the other 2 get instantly. This makes him incredibly talented at learning new things, gaining information and espionage.

| I N F O |
Gabriel was on the fast track to become a soldier, a Marine, to be precise. He was raised by a deadbeat and abusive dad,
and an addict for a mother. As soon as he was 18, he signed up to join. During his first deployment he woke up one morning not quite feeling right. He stayed in his bunk that day. Lucky, one could think, as that was the day of the greatest Advanced Terrorist attack to date, The Hellfire incident - 456 people dead. 80 of them civilians, the other military men and women. Gabriel was one of those people. He was killed, a metal spike pierced his heart and killed him instantly.

He woke up in his bed, from a nightmare. Well, he thought it was a nightmare, till he saw the news were they rolled the footage of him being killed. Michael had found out about this from the contacts he had in the military and took Gabriel into the academy where Gabriel flourished. The Kid had never been a smart one, he had always lacked book smarts. But now? Now he could study three times as fast, he could always be asleep, do his homework on time and hit the gym. He attended the Academy for two years, and Michael had then offered him a Job at the CIA. One he turned down, instead wishing to stay at the grounds. Work as a security officer and teach others like him how to use their abilities - how to turn something that could have been a curse into a gift.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 19 hrs ago


Arthur Karl Stoltson

The Golden Prince

Arthur is twenty six years old, the peak of his life.

Despite his rumored blue blood as a nobleman, Arthur is Human.

Arthur stands at a respectable 6'1, with a muscular build one would expect of a warrior of his ilk. He's a fairly large guy, but he keeps a lean slender-esque build, so he's hardly the biggest soldier in a company. His features are well defined, yet regal and exquisite, he's a good looking man, as is expected from a man of his status. His skin is free from the normal blemishes of the working class, his face is a light bronze hue from the hours in the sun - a much cleaner and paler look than the peasants or common folk of the land.

Well groomed and well thought out facial hair sculpted by the best barber in the city. His hair is always cut by that very same barber, as opposed to being thorn from working. Arthur normally wears expensive clothing made out of the finest fabrics, silk and the like. His tunics are always well washed, unless they've recently gotten stained. His leggings often carry some sort of hardened leather pieces to them, and he always wears a leather jacket with reinforced patches on his arms, chest and back. On his right shoulder is a leather shoulder pad with his family crest - The Diamond Lion. Boots matching the leggings and jacket are always to match. On his waist hangs his sword sheath. A dagger is safely secured on the other side of his waist, and a smaller dagger is hidden in his boot.

His armor he wears while out for war is modest if not for the special engravings in the trim of the armor, it looks really nothing special from the average knight's. A full set of plate with a chainmail base and leather accents, a tabard with no direct markings on, as to not draw attention. It's not the heaviest of armors, and as such provides poor protection against arrows or spears, but it does allow him to move fast enough to handle himself in more than a few sword fights.

Arthur is a well spoken and well educated man. It shows in the words he chooses to speak - well, on occasion. It's not true to say that Arthur tends to piss people off, but if a gentleman would accuse Arthur of having pissed him off, few would find that hard to believe. A Nobleman, a knight by trade and a prince by birth, Arthur's not always the paragon people would expect. He's a lover at heart, and a enormous flirt, his favorite saying is 'I've yet to find a woman I've not fallen in love with'. Which largely holds true, his wish for romance has no borders, it does not care for status in the society, current romantic situation, professions, country or even race. Unlike his brothers and his father, Arthur spends a fair amount of time with the common folk - he earned his nickname ' The Golden Prince' by buying enough rounds at the various taverns, and is as such generally in high standing with the peasants of the kingdoms in his father's domain. Well, as well standing as royalty can have. Due to his dipping his toe in the gutter, he's got a lot of street smart, and is more than likely prone to make morally questionable choices, not always in the pursuit of love, sometimes only for a laugh. For a royalty, he does care awfully much about the common man, and a early fascination with the Journeymen and their Order have always made him aspire to be something of a hero. Often to his detriment.



First and foremost, Arthur is a man of the blade. He's been fighting with a weapon since as long as he's been big enough to old one. Few can bring Arthur pause when it comes to matching steel, even fewer whom he does not share blood with. His swift but deadly skills are hard to match, much thanks to the great masters he have had, being a squire to his oldest brother, he honed the art of war alongside the other princes.

Martial Arts;
As previously mentioned, Arthus is well versed in the art of war, both as a combatant and as a commander. While he never was given as large commands as his brothers - never one to lead entire armies, he's got a lot of technical knowledge, he was trained the same way his siblings were, but has yet to fully put them to use.

Arthur's a decent hunter. He knows the basics of tracking animals, he's a OK shot with a bow. Hardly fit for using it in combat, though. But, in a pinch he's able to hit a deer, or even a bird.

The Dandelion Blade;
A sword created by the masterswordsmith Airon Bronzebeard, the royal Blacksmith of the Garneic Court. The Dandelion Blade is the fourth sword Airon created for the Stoltson family, the first being for his father,
the other two for his older brothers once they had passed their time as squires and had become knights.
The Dandelion Blade is a typical longsword, with the imprint of a Dandelion just above the hilt - a flower that Arthur picked as a young man, as during his first battle he was hit in the head by a mace - thankfully, his helmet protected him. He was almost knocked out cold. And the only thing he remember seeing on the ground was the trampled dandelions.

He survived that battle, earned a scar for it and plenty of experience. Besides the marking feature of the dandelion, the blade has a very regal look to it, a well crafted hilt, a the finest grip one could want so the blade never leaves Arthur's hand, and armed with the Royal Key Rune, to avoid the weapon being stolen.

The Armor Of St.Goran
The armor of Saint Goran the Dragonslayer of many generations past. While only the helm is technically that of Goran, the rest of the armor has been reconstructed to match what the Dragonslayer's armor had looked like. Some alterations have been made at the request of the prince.

His chestnut colored stead. Renegade is one of the finest horses in the land, while not the fastest, the horse has incredible stamina and a fiery personality. Renegade carries the brunt of Arthur's good, such as his spear, bastard sword, and hunting bow. And of course necessities such as bedroll and a pot to cook water in.


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Five months ago:

The rain was pouring down in the streets of the Narrows, the day was coming to an end. The Doors of the Crown Vic slammed shut on both sides, as the two men walked out. One of them was Douglas O'Malley, detective of the New Lilith Police Department, Precinct 11. The other was Lieutenant Thomas Campbell of the same Precinct. Douglas was a hotshot detective, late twenties, good looking for a cop. Short black hair, brown eyes, 6'1 160 pounds. "Prettyboy, pay attention." The older detective told Doug as the two crossed the streets of the narrow. Doug's partner was the grizzled fifteen years on the force LT. Campbell. The Blonde haired 6'5 210 pounds worth of raw muscle, despite being in his 50's was rugged, but still certainly earned a few looks.

Campbell was wearing a white dress-shirt, a wool coat, suspenders and a pair of suit pants and a pair of nice leather shoes n his feet, his hands were gloved with brown leather gloves. Douglas wore a black leather jacket, a V-neck T-shirt, jeans and Sneakers plus a rollex watch. Douglas came from old money, he didn't even need to be a cop, he just did it for kicks.

They were on the trail of a shooter, responsible for three deaths at a night club three nights ago. The shooting was drug related and the suspect, Juan Vendelo, was suspected to be related to the 49th Street Kings, a remnant of the now defunct Harbor Kings who used to be one of the City's biggest gangs before The Mavericks crushed them.

The two police men walked into the apartment building, scurring up the stairs as everyone who saw them avoided matching their gazes. These parts of the town, the cops were more feared than the most hardened criminals.

Thomas knocked on the door, 14C. The home of Juan's Girlfriend, Francesca. "Francesca Benito? This is the New Lilith Police. Open up!" Thomas shouted as his fist hit the door again. A female scream was heard from inside the building, and Thomas's hand found itself inside of his jacket, pulling the nine milimeter pistol from it's holster. Douglas grabbed his gun from his belt holster as well as the senior detective nodded, kicking in the door.

"FREEZE, POLICE NOBODY MOVE!" Thomas shouted as he scanned the room, finding only the woman sitting on the floor, looking at the floor, propped against the wall. Thomas moved towards her as Douglas scanned the rest of the apartment, vanishing behind the next doorway as Thomas checked on the woman. As he got closer, he saw blood behind her on the wall, a a thick stream of blood running down her throat. She had been cut open. Thomas shouted. "Doug, one casualty over here!" Doug cleared his throat. "Uh, Boss. That might be two." Douglas said as he walked out of the next room, hands behind his head, a shotgun to his back. Thomas quickly pulled up his gun, aiming it at the gunman, but Juan smiled. "Wouldn't do that if I were you, officer, or you're gonna be picking small pieces off your partner off the walls." The Shotgun was taped in his hand, his finger on the trigger - if Thomas shot Juan, Juan would shoot Douglas.

Douglas looked at Thomas and nodded, mouthing "Do it." Thomas shook his head and flipped the pistol in his hand, making the handle point towards Douglas and Juan. Taking a step forward, he moved as quickly as he could, pushing Douglas to the side, tossing his pistol to Douglas as he hit the ground, and moving to grab the gun and disarm Juan, a maneuver he had done literally hundreds of times before.

But this time, he was slower than usual. A shot rang out and the double barrel shotgun fired. The slugs found their way to Thomas's right shoulder, tearing through skin, muscle and bone. Thomas fell to the ground and Douglas shot Juan dead on the spot.


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

"Play with fire and you will get burned."


| B I R T H N A M E: |
Nicholas Dimitri Belkov

| N I C K N A M E ( S ): |[

| A L I A S ( E S ): |

| S E X: |

| A G E: |

| A P P E A R A N C E: |
6'1, 160 pounds. Niko's athletic and on the skinny side. His muscles are well defined and he looks strong, albeit a wee bit stringy. His skin is naturally tanned showing off his Mediterranean ancestry,

| A B I L I T I E S: |

| S K I L L S: |

| B I O G R A P H Y: |

| M I S C. N O T E S: |

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hillan
Avatar of Hillan

Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 19 hrs ago



| B I R T H N A M E: |
Michael Carter Campbell

| N I C K N A M E ( S ): |[

| A L I A S ( E S ): |

| S E X: |

| A G E: |

| A P P E A R A N C E: |

| A B I L I T I E S: |

| S K I L L S: |

| B I O G R A P H Y: |

| M I S C. N O T E S: |

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 19 hrs ago


"I am afraid that Kent Nelson's fears are only a nostalgic indulgence. I'm afraid Doc Fate fears nothing at all."

C O N C E P T A B S T R A C T:

Inspired more so by the Doc Fate of Earth 20 than any of the more mainstream approaches to the Agent Of Fate. I'm aspiring to write a more street leveled Doctor Fate, someone who combines Indiana Jones-Esque Adventures with detective work. Mixing the human elements of the adventurer Kent with the larger than life being Nabu. A Fate where Kent is as important as the Doctor is and the constant struggle between Kenneth losing himself in Fate, and how he beliefs the world needs the Sorcerer. Doc Fate will be the result of Kent resisting the grasp of the helmet. Lacking the Amulet Of Anubis and The Cloak Of Destiny he is at far from his full power. He will quest for the artifacts while protecting the world the best he can. What he lacks in magical artifacts he makes up for with enchanted cyberpunk equipment.

N O T E S:

I wanna tell a story fro mthe mystical perspective of the DC:U, but I decided against Zatanna because she has been done to death, Doctor Strange never did interest me, and Constantine's a Brit. That leaves me only with Doctor Fate, and Earth-20 version of him's a lot more grounded - it's the version of the character that's the closest to my wheelhouse.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

"Sin is all I've been able to wield, it's been my sword and even been my shield."


| B I R T H N A M E: |

| N I C K N A M E ( S ): |[

| A L I A S ( E S ): |

| S E X: |

| A G E: |

| A P P E A R A N C E: |

| A B I L I T I E S: |

| S K I L L S: |

| B I O G R A P H Y: |

| M I S C. N O T E S: |

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hillan
Avatar of Hillan

Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hillan
Avatar of Hillan

Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Hillan proudly announces

"Putting criminals in prison doesn't work. Putting them six feet under gets the job done."
Jason Peter Todd | Jason Of Locksley | Red Hood | The Outlaw | 11th January 1990 ( 28 ) | Antihero | Burned Spy | Solo

"I look good in red."


" But there are some crimes - sins - even Gotham can't wash away."

New Jersey / East Coast.


"I beat death. Think you stand a chance?"

Jason is a prime example of a human at their full physical and mental potential. He's stronger than an olympic athlete and smarter than most polymaths. While his attributes puts him off the charts for normal people and into the extraordinary, he is after all just Human. Having been brought back to life might have arguably enhanced his metabolism to their peak values, but it's almost impossible to know for sure.


"That scar's my favorite."

Jason Peter Todd is human. He bleeds if he's cut, and he'll die if he's shot enough times. While dying the first time didn't take, he probably will not come back a second time.

Jason's an excellent hand-to-hand combatant, but even in that regard he has his weaknesses. He's a sub-par swordsman, able to use a knife with great ease, but once people start swinging Katanas or sabres, he's left with little more than instinct and intuition.

His left flank's noticeably weaker than his right, partly because he was right handed for most of his life, but also due to a motorcycle accident in his teenage years.
He's a bit of a hothead and might act rashly, resulting in him using his fists in situations where his brains are his greater weapon.


"It took a lot of blood, sweat and tears for me to get this far. Mostly others blood."

Krav Maga, Jujitsu, Karate and Kickboxing are all martial arts Jason has mastered over his life. He's also highly skilled in the Russian grappling art of systema as well as one mean son of a bitch with a knife in his hand. Jason's skills are the product of a lifetime spent on the streets of the east coast's most urban environments in the prescience of his father's gang. His constitution was hardened by the U.S Army Rangers, and then the CIA and ARGUS. And when one lifetime ended, he was reborn into the ranks of the All Caste, whom provided him with skills which would rival those of the League Of Assassins.

Todd turned out to be a natural sniper, and that's what got him into the special forces to begin with. His high intellect makes itself known when it comes to precision shooting, and while doing a 12 variable equation in the middle of a hotzone's fun and all, Jason prefers to get in close with an automatic rifle and a handgun.

Survival Skills:
When you are burned, you have nobody. He's learned how to take care of himself ever since he was young, becoming a member of the military enhanced the urban survival skills he had fostered on the road. He's a tested and true tracker, hunter and user of first-aid and basic and some advanced survival techniques.

Jason's IQ's only overshadowed by his bench press. He posses a natural understanding of mathematics and problem solving, able to perform complex calculations on the fly. He's trained in spycraft, interrogation techniques and gathering intel have all become second nature to him. He's got a bachelor's in criminology, something his father made sure of before he was even 15.

Mystical Knowledge:
Jason has a rudimentary understanding, knowledge and experience of magic. Ducra would try to teach him her ways of how to manipulate the forces one couldn't see. Bend reality to one's will. While Jason saw the appeal, it was something he recognized he had no natural talent for and has no combat applications of the arts. Instead focused on learning how to deal with those that do have the talent he didn't.

Misc. Spycraft:
Jason's an excellent liar, conman and overall quite a grifter. Intelligence and counter intelligence is all a bit of a cat and mouse game for Mr. Todd. He's known to forge ID's, take on new identities or work out a number of different foils to reach his goals. He's got a long list of contacts in the intelligence community - even though most think him to still be dead.

The Biker Prince Of Gotham:
Willy Todd's one of the more ruthless - albeit not successful criminals in Gotham's history. An enforcer turned captain of a motorcycle club, Willis made the road his stomping grounds, and Jason's inherited that from his father. He's an excellent rider of most motorcycles, as well as cars. Prefer American muscle over imports. He's a talented and well trained mechanic, maker of ammunition, mostly slugs and pistol rounds and able to make most basic explosives used in urban gang warfare. Not to mention a wealth of knowledge of the criminal underworld.


"Knives don't need reloading."

Weapons: Jason has multiple caches across the east coast setup with military grade weaponry, and therefor can gear up for almost any situation with fairly short notice. Though, at any given moment, he'll be carrying a handgun, three knives, a snub-nosed revolver and a sawed off one-handed shotgun. A couple of explosives are most likely on his person, as well.

Jason's jacket is made out of top quality carbon fiber, making it lighter, but just as durable as Kevlar. He wears a stabvest under his jacket and shirt. His gloves have titanium studded knuckles, while having carbon fiber reinforced portions, same goes for his pants and boots, making his ensemble about as durable as a fully armored SWAT officer.

Ballistic Hood:
The 'crown' of the leader of the Red Hood gang. Once upon a time, it was just a plexiglass cylindric helmet, but over the life of Jason's father, he changed the look of the Hood. The last hood Willis had made was a Next Gen Ballistic Keval-Carbon Fiber hybrid, capable of deflecting a rifle round at close range. The Hood's currently in possession of the one Jackson Adams, the acting captain of the Red Hood gang.


"My name is Jason Todd. Or better known to the NSA, CIA, Homeland Security, FBI, KGB, Mossad and Interpol as the Red Hood."

To tell the story of Jason Todd, one have to start with his father, John William "Willy" Todd. John was a small time criminal with big ambitions, he was hired muscle of the Gotham Mob by the time of Jason's conception. While his bride-for-the-night wanted to have an abortion, Willy made sure she didn't. Having an offspring filled the man with motivation and he carved his own path as the leader of a motorcycle club, starting the Red Devils, a chapel of Hell's Angels, and when Jason was born his mother wanted nothing to do with the child - more focused on getting her next shot of Heroin.

Jason was Willy's price. His legacy, and he taught everything he knew to the boy. As Jason grew, so did Willy's reach, by the time Jason was a toddler, Willy's gang was one of the biggest up and comers in Gotham. Jason took after his father in most aspects, yet it became clear pretty early that Willy held something other than just pride in the boy. Perhaps it was when the boy was better at Math than him, and only 7 years old. Or perhaps it was how Jason taught himself how to speak Spanish in one summer at 8. He began to feel a sense of dread towards the boy. This caused Willy to turn abusive towards Jason, beating him to 'make him strong' and teaching him that there's only two things to fear in the world. 'God and me, Boy.' Willy would tell him.

Jason grew up a criminal. Petty crimes at the start, but by the time he was 15 he was the prince of crime in the East Coast. People in the Suicide Slum, Crime alley and Queens knew, and feared the red-haired boy. His life took it's first big turn when he was 16. He and a couple of fellow young members of the Red Hood Gang, as it now had become known, were doing their first big score on their own.

Robbing a jewerly store. One of the other guys shot the guard and Jason got pinched making their escape. When held by the local PD, a man in a ten thousand dollar suit and almost as expensive sunglasses walked into the room and took over the line of questioning. He flashed his badge to the cops and disconnected the cameras in the interrogation room. The specifics of what was said in the room are unclear to this day. Only that he was impressed with the young man Most of what happened afterwards in Jason's life's classified.

It's known that he didn't set foot in Gotham for almost ten years afterwards. He's seen in a couple of photos of U.S Rangers basic training. He's named in some redacted reports about fire fights in Afghanistan, and it's known he did two tours in the middle east, once as a Ranger and once as part of some form of special operations. In between the two, he also spent a year in South America working against the Cartels down there, potentially working for the CIA.

During his second tour in the middle east, 3 years ago, Jason and his squad got involved in a local heroin smuggling ring and for reasons unclear to them at the time, they were all burned, and lost all of their safety net from the U.S Government. He and the rest of his unit was KIA by a suicide bomber near to the border of Iraq. Jason Todd was buried in a empty coffin at the Gotham National Cemetary, like his fellow Gothamites who died in the line of duty. His body had never been recovered and news spread of the young soldier's demise. Willy had a heart attack and began retiring from his life of crime soon after the news of Todd's demise.

Jason Todd was dead. But his story wasn't finished and fate had more left for the young man. He woke up in a pool of sickly green water, every part of his body feeling like it was on fire. He screamed, and he ran. He doesn't recall much else about the first few days. His first memories come from waking up in a dark room, one lone candle burning at the far end of the room, where a very old woman sat, watching the flame as if it represented his life.

She was Ducra, Ducra of the All Caste. And she was his savior.
He spent the next three years in Ducra's care. Learning from her, honing his skills to a level he couldn't have imagined before. News of his father's passing has drawn him out of his 'hiding' and back into the realm of the living. He has a birthright to claim and more than a few wrongs to right.

Story Arcs

"I'm taking back what's mine."

Heavy Is The Head That Bears The Hood: Coming back from the dead, Jason heads to New Jersey as 'Jason Locksley', where the Red Hood gang are said to currently be doing their business. He has a homecoming to attend to. A Birthright to claim, and probably a war or two to get into. Jackson doesn't give him the warmest of welcomes.

My name is Jason Todd, and I used to be a spy: Cole Cash gets in contact with Jason. Cole's a fellow ranger who figured out something was awry about the way Jason was pronounced dead. Cole has a problem Jason's the only one who can solve.

The Losers: Finding out his squad's demise in the Middle East wasn't the random act of a group of Taliban, but rather a conspiracy lead by a rogue agent. Jason reconnects with some people in the intelligence community, outing himself as still being alive and trying to find out why he was burned.

Red Hood's Outlaws:
Jason sets up his base of operations as his 'mercenary unit with morals', turning the Red Hood Gang into an international mercenary outfit hellbent on preventing crime by taking control of it. He'll have to deal with non-believers and loyalists to the ways of his father, and Jackson, the previous Captain.

The One Who Made You:
Essence, a fellow member of the All Caste finds Jason and tells him that the All Caste has been destroyed, that he's the only chance at saving Ducra and preventing the Caste from collapsing. They go to the pocket dimension of the All Caste and fight their way through the undead forces of The Untitled.

Always bet on red:
Roulette scouts him for one of her 'games'.

Worst. Heroes. Ever.
Rick Flag approaches Jason and forces him to work with The Suicide Squad on a mission.

Supporting Characters

"Some of these people I like. The others will soon be dead."


The closest thing to a mother Jason had. Ducra taught him ways to calm his soul after his resurrection, putting to rest many of his aggressions he had in his previous life. Well, putting to rest is quite the stretch. She helped him channel them into something more useful.

A fellow member of the All Caste. She, unlike Jason had quite the knack for magic and uses it to get in touch with the Shadow Force of the Dark Zone. She uses these abilities to bend shadows to her will, energy projection, telepathy and teleportation, amongst others. She and Jason had a romance during their time together and she's more than a little upset that Jason chose to leave the All Caste.

The All Caste:
A counterweight to the league of assassins. The two have always existed and it's impossible to know which was the first. They both draw their power from mysticism and tradition, but while the League focuses on shifting the world, the All Caste's focused on protecting the spiritual side of the world. They guard the veil and protect the souls that linger there. They are sworn enemies of The Untitled.

Sasha Scarlet:
Fellow street urchin and member of the Red Hood gang. She and Jason were an item before Jason got pinched and left the gang behind. Now that he's back, they've rekindled their once upon a time love.

Rose Wilson - Batgirl:
Rose and Jason met in South America.

Cole Cash - Grifter:
Cole and Jason got to know each other during Jason's first tour in the middle east. They were both rangers of about the same age and ended up getting along quite nicely. Cole was also a quick thinker and someone who had been faced with the choice of joining the army or rotting in jail. Jason made it clear that he believed in doing a little bad to serve the greater good, which made Cole give him the nickname 'Locksley' - a name that has stuck.

Franklin Clay:
A senior ranger and CIA agent and was Jason's partner in South America during their anti Cartel work.

Rick Flag:
Jason's CO during his time in the Ranger's and his mentor after scouting him for the CIA. The extent of their relationship's classified. Currently working for ARGUS.


The Untitled:
A Primordial syndicate of evil beings of an ancient race Ducra's a part of. Sworn enemies of the All Caste and hellbent on destroying it, bringing chaos to the world.

The Jokers:
A Gang of thugs centered in Gotham, but have chapters all along the East Coast, being inspired by the Clown Prince Of Crime in Gotham. They're the prime rivals of the Red Hood Gang.

Richard Swift:
The Shade's one of the people working for The Untitled. He and Essence uses the Dark Zone as the source of their power, giving them similar abilities, while Swift's mastery far exceed's Essence's.

Famous assassin, playmaker and bussinesswoman extraordinare.

Manchester Black:
What happens when a psychopath discovers they have Telepathy and Telekinesis? Manchester Black, is what happens. Cole Cash's a long-term enemy of Manchester Black and so will Jason become.

Michael Cray's one of his former squadmates who betrayed his unit, causing the death of everyone but Jason.

MAX: The unknown agent who was behind Jason's Burn Notice.

Additional Notes

"It's in my file."

Religion: Jason's a catholic. Quite devout at that. His home church is St.Mary's in New Jersey, where he's been going since he was a child.

Military Alias: His call sign during his time in spec. ops was 'Locksley'.

He likes the Justice league and their individual members. He owns more than a couple Superman T-shirts.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Ultimate Universe Season 2 application

"There isn't much Justice in this world. Perhaps that's why it's so satisfying to occasionally make some"

Martian Manhunter

| B I R T H N A M E: |
J'onn J'onzz - Light to the Light

| A L I A S ( E S ): |
The Martian Manhunter
The Green Nomad

| C A S T : |
M'yrnn J'onzz, Father, Deceased.

Sha'sheen J'onzz, Mother, Deceased.

M'yri'ah - Wife, Deceased
K'hym - Daughter, Deceased.

Jemm Of Saturn - The Last Son Of Saturn and longtime friend of J'onn. The Saturn people were annihalated by the White Martians thousands of years ago, Jemm being it's sole survivor. He provided J'onn with the means to fulfill his banishment.

NOVA CORPS - The cops of Xandar and truly, the people who appreciate the Martian Manhunter the least.

Jazinda - Romantic interest - accepts J'onn for the guarded individual he is. Their romance sparked from them having shared shape shifting abilities.

Knowhere; A hub of all kinds of intergalactic low lives and the place J'onn calls home.
Tartan Quarantino - Slumlord, 'businessman' and keeper of Bounties. He is J'onn's primary employer.

Jack: He frequents the Bar called "The Vestibule" owned by enigmatic Businessman called "The Fulcrum". The bartender's a humanoid named Jack and he's J'onn closest thing to a confidant and friend since his exile.

M’gann M’orzz - A young green Martian who testified to J'onn's innocence in his trial and is the sole reason J'onn isn't in a psionic prison along with his brother.

Johnny Cash - Human, Artist, Legend. A man J'onn never met, and in fact the only one of his species he's ever heard off, it might seem strange that J'onn would call the American Outlaw an ally, but Johnny's been there for him at times when nobody else could've. His songs have provided him with countless hours of peace and quiet.

Ma'alefa'ak J'onzz - Darkness in the Heart - aka Malefic, Brother, Alive. Manhunter, best friend, betrayer The Architect of the Fire Plague that sparked the war on Mars and killed J'onn's wife and daughter. Imprisoned in the Psionic Cube in the core of Mars.

Warriors of Apokolips - An early invasion attempt upon the planet of Mars, some 20 years ago left J'onn an orphan, as his parents were tortured and killed by the Apokolyptian invaders. The attack furthered his brother's decent into darkness.

The Cult Of Despero - A Cult of intergalactic telepaths who are devout to the praising of the demi-god Despero and his incredible psychic powers.

Despero - The Demigod, dictator and all powerful Telepath.

The Phoenix Entity - An ancient Burning Martian who has ascended into Godhood, said to bring ruin to the universe upon it's return.

| A P P E A R A N C E: |

J'onn's appearance is technically ever changing. He can look like anyone, be anything. His physical being is not so important to him, it's more so a vessel for opening up opportunities.

| A B I L I T I E S: |

Martian Physiology:
J'onn is a Green Martian, which means he's of incredible physical but more so mental fortitude. His body is nigh indestructible from force trauma. His race's bodies are amongst the strongest in the universe, perhaps only beaten out by the likes of Kryptonians under the power of a yellow sun and the most powerful members of New Genesis. He's a shape shifter, an ability he is a master off, using it to enhance his other abilities whenever the need arises. His shape shifting is thusly not just a matter of disguise or the like, but rather a redistribution of his physical attributes. He needs to be faster, he molds his body into a more aerodynamic shape. He needs to be stronger? He changes his body's shape from one optimized for speed and telepathy into one with more muscles. He needs more horsepower for his telepathic or telekinetic powers? He enlarges his cranium and brain to allow for this. Due to this redistribution he's incredibly versatile and serves quite excellently as a Jack Of All Trades who can forgo his versatility for specialization.

J'onn's physical prowess is further enhanced by his abilities of Tactile Telekinesis, generating a nigh impenetrable forcefield around his skin, shielding him from harm. This allows him to easily withstand the pressure of Space without a suit, combined with his powerful lungs he can last in space for several hours. There are a few ways to get through the forcefield, the most obvious one is with enough force. A foe far more powerful than the Manhunter can penetrate it with brute force.

A powerful telepath who gets into his brain can deactivate the field by disrupting his seventh sense that governs the field - this is the prime way Martians commit murder on one another.

Unknown to J'onn, a sufficient burst of energy is also able to disable the forcefield, leaving his body vulnerable.

Lastly, and perhaps the most effective way is with fire. Martians have a ingrained both physical and psychological Pyrophobia. The fear of fire makes them let their defense down when cornered by fire and enter a state of defenselessness. Their bodies are also incredibly susceptible to fire once it penetrates the skin, and a Martian who has been put on fire is almost certainly facing a death sentence.

Physical Abilities:
J'onn's a heavyweight in every measurable way. His race is one of the physically most resilient, powerful and hard to deal with beings in the known universe. He's strong, fast and extremely durable. The Martians have very little interest in measuring their physical prowess and thus, his actual numbers are impossible to know. So far, he's never been hurt by someone who isn't a Martian and even then, a Martian on Martian brawl is almost futile as their bodies will take so long to take serious damage that a physical confrontation has no meaning. He's able to fly as fast as a spaceship and is more than capable of lifting one.
J'onn possesses incredible regenerative abilities thanks to his shape shifting and incredible physique. Short of being lit on fire, the Manhunter is virtually immortal.

Mental Abilities:
The Martian's true talent comes from their minds. They are incredibly powerful telepaths and it's their primary way of communicating with each other. J'onn took on his brother's telepathic abilities before they were born - giving him twice the power of an average Martian, leaving his brother with none. He's able to read other people's thoughts, communicate directly into people's psyche. He's able to be a relay between other people even without himself taking part in the conversation. He's even able to imprint ideas into someone's subconscious effectively controlling their mind. This is however an incredibly Taboo thing to do in Martian culture, and is only ever done against very dangerous criminals after they've stood trial. With his incredibly telepathic abilities comes almost as powerful telekinetic abilities. J'onn is able to move, manipulate and alter matter with nothing more than his mind exerting an equally great amount of force onto things this way, as he can with his fists, this also includes his innate Tactile Telekinesis and his forcefield projection, both of which are generated on a subconscious level. J'onn is able to enlarge the size of his field to protect others at the cost of making the field weaker as it stretches.

Density Manipulation:
Technically a part of his shape shifting, but Martians are able to alter their molecular structure with such finesse that they can phase through solid objects or appear completely invisible to the naked eye. When phasing only energy based attacks can hurt him, such as electricity or magic, as Plasma, ion and the like would just pass through him. He can utilize his powers in such a way to create intense heat around his body much the same way as he can create heat beams from his eyes, this is usually done around his hands to burn something.

Martian Vision:
Martians are able to project beams of energy from their eyes, either concussive or with heat, the heat vision is heresy in Martian culture and is a massive taboo. Martian Scientists have theorized that it's the remnant of an older evolutionary trait. They are able to see things at incredible distance and there's no such thing as a Martian with a vision impairment that isn't caused by an injury. They are not just able to see far, but also able to see small details rendering a microscope redundant.
Lastly, but not least, they are able to see the entire electromagnetic spectrum and use infrared vision, making it nigh impossible to sneak up on a Martian, even for another Martian with their invisibility.

| S K I L L S: |
Analytics - J'onn used to be in law enforcement, but he wasn't ever truly a Manhunter on Mars, not like his father or brother. He worked the files. A master of the red tape and the reach around of the Bureaucracy.

Fighter - J'onn is not much of a fighter. He joined the guerrilla at the start of the Burning Plague to fight against the White Martians, but even then he never really learned many skills when it came to the practice of hand-to-hand combat. As a bounty hunter his skills are slowly building but due to the sheer force held within his powers, he's got quite a wide buffer against many foes.

Investigation skills - J'onn's father was a Manhunter of the highest calibre, which in the Martian tradition means he was half police detective, half spy and half diplomat. J'onn is not the man his father was, nowhere close, but he is still an excellent detective.

Empathic Therapeutic Abilities - Very few have the natural ability to connect to another being the way J'onn can. It's not just because he can plug himself into someone else's mind, but thanks to his personality as a whole that makes him a man with a incredibly big heart who's bottom line is always to help.

Technology - J'onn is a bit of a dunce when it comes to tech. Well, compared to the average human, he's a super genius, but compared to the average martian, he's a bit of a grandpa. This leaves him often perplexed when faced with advanced technology on Mars. On planets less advanced than Mars, or even earth, J'onn's average-ness makes him look like a genius.

| U L T I M A T E I S M: |

He's gonna be Space-bound for all of the Season 2 episodes. He's not an Alien protecting Earth. He's a disgruntled survivor from a terrible fate on Mars. He's an exile, a freak and an outcast.
J'onn is a pacifist at heart, but has due to a cruel twist of fate been forced into violence. My iteration of the character lives up to the name of Manhunter, and his stories will predominantly be focused on hunting people and / or things. The stories I'm going to tell with be partly epic battles of good and evil, part nuanced stories where J'onn will have to test his convictions and his morales and part detective tales. He's by large a bounty hunter, one with more finesse than say, Lobo. Yet he's still a young being who's been thrown out of his home and has no more sense of belonging, desperately searching for a place to belong.
I want to tap into the essence of the character. Keeping him an idealist and a good heart while still putting him into some pretty epic conflicts. To keep him a stoic in a world that's, at times, a bit on the silly side - channeling a lot of Marvel's Guardians Of The Galaxy.
He's a being as powerful as Superman or Green Lantern, yet, he's often written as a mix between Professor X and Beastboy and I want to change that.

His arc will be very focused on him trying to deal with being away from his home and the memories of his loved ones. Eventually driving him back home to face what he fled on Mars and, if all goes well, become Earth's First Line Of Defense against it's greatest foe yet.

| E Q U I P M E N T: |
While J'onns clothes are made out of his biomass, he still carries a handful of pieces of equipment that his body cannot replicate

Bottle Of Xandar - A flask that holds 2 liters of water in it - about half a years ration for the Martian Manhunter. The water never goes bad while in the bottle.

Walkman Casette player - A Gift from his father, his brother had a matching one. Given to them by their father when he returned from a mission on Earth. J'onn was given two Johnny Cash albums, The Mystery Of Life and a non licensed "Best Of" collection, notable for containing the fabled 'Ring Of Fire' track. His brother, Ma'al got a copy of Appetite For Destruction By Guns N Roses.

M.4.R.V.1.N - A pursuit spaceship, a decommissioned police cruiser on a nearby planet to The Nexus. Jack gave it to him after J'onn beat him in a bet regarding the Martian's mind-reading capabilities.

Communication device - a tiny earpiece that let's him communicate via radio waves with those far away without having to impose his telepathy upon them.

| B I O G R A P H Y: |
J'onn was born 114 years ago on Mars, Ma'aleca'andra in the native's tongue, deep within the crust of the planet. He was a twin - something that only occurs once in six generations - approximately 4,000 years since the last. Ma'alefa'ak was his other half, Ma'al was a deformed baby, not just looking quite freakish, but he was born completely without psychic abilities, not unheard of in Martian culture, but certainly rare. J'onn on the other hand was born with incredible psychic powers, leaving biologists to theorize that J'onn sapped the powers from his twin before they were born, nothing was ever proven, leaving only speculation and a bitter taste in his brother's mouth.

J'onn and Ma'al grew up to be Manhunters, like their father, whom they lost somce 30 years ago in an attack from a small armed force from Apokalips whom attacked Mars, killing hundreds and torturing more Martians with their fire based weaponry. Ma'al and J'onn joined a joint military action between the Green and White martians, that laid the foundation for the Martian's ability to fight off the forces of the Warlord, Darkseid. After this, J'onn chose a life of peace. He joined the Telepathic Victim's Unit in the Manhunters, working behind a desk and with people, gathering information in order to solve Telepathic crimes on Mars. His brother however, went deeper and deeper into violence, for what he lacked in telepathic compassion, he made up for in physical violence.

J'onn married and had a daughter 10 years ago and for a time, life was good. Sure, he had lost contact with his brother whom had been on a off-world mission into the furthest deeps of the galaxy, but he was content and happy with life. This all changed when his brother returned to Mars. Ma'al brought with him talks about closing Mars's connection to the outside, shutting down their diplomatic efforts with Saturn and to completely close the planet off from making new contacts. He had seen proof that Apokalips was coming back, and they weren't stopping until all of the Milky Way was theirs. Mars had to take care of itself from now on and it would have to be the first and last line of defense against the flames of the hellish planet.

This caused an unrest in Martian society. It literally sparked into flames when a strange disease started spreading, killing hundreds of people everyday. A fire plague where a person's mind would be infected with vision's of fire, so severe they would burst into flames, burning till nothing but ash remains. J'onn tried to find the culprit behind it, but not even with all of his telepathic might could he find any trace of the source of the virus - the weapon. The use of fire helped Ma'al narrative about arming the world and the White and Green martians started an arms race in order to protect each race from the invading forces - the Fire Plague was certainly a weapon used by the invaders to dwindle their forces before an attack. J'onn came home one day from work, finding his wife and daughter under duress. Crying, their heads hurting, nausea and fading usage of their telepathy all signs of the curse. J'onn held them in his arms as they both burst into flames and he thought he'd join them soon. Once there was nothing more but ash left of the ones he loved, a clapping of hands came from behind him. His brother explained how he had orchestrated the whole thing - he had created the virus and he had given it to J'onn, to spread through martian society and destroy it from within, while making sure that their unique genetic makeup would be immune to the virus Why? Because J'onn took the one thing that's the most sacred to a Martian away from him - his telepathy. And now, Ma'al had done the same to his brother - he had taken the ones he loved, as the other Manhunters swarmed J'onn's house, arresting the two brothers. They would both be tried for conspiracy to commit genocide, 8006 different counts of murder in the first degree and Mars's biggest, most heinous act of terrorism. Things looked bleak for J'onn, and he looked like he'd end up joining his brother in the Psionic Prison, where their minds would be torn apart and put back together again for eternity. Thanks to a brave young girl who had had a direct insight into J'onn's mind, could testify that he knew nothing about his brother's treachery, and he was just as much of a victim as everyone else - J'onn got a different fate.

He was banished, never to return. Leaving a world at the brink of war - him not facing true punishment from his crimes pissed off many within the White martian's faction, causing a lot of civil unrest.
The Martian Manhunter has been alone for 18 months now and he's made his way to the furthest reaches of space. This, is where his story starts. In a little place called Knowhere.

| S A M P L E: |
"You know, life's not all roses and sunshine, right, J'onn?"

"So I've been told." The green Martian replied to the smiling bartender, prancing around behind the bar as if he had a pocket full of sunshine. "Like, for instance, today, Mok'Bar came in, drank four bottles of Raan Ale, and didn't pay me a single dime! The guts on the guy!"

"You want me to catch him?" J'onn asked, raising an eyebrow
"I couldn't afford your fee, pal." Jack said, laughing, J'onn doing the same. Jack poured two glasses of alcohol for them, handing the one glass to J'onn. "You do realize, this does nothing for me." He said, taking the drink.
"Hey, I like to keep trying to see if I can't make you a happy drunk." The bartender said with a smile.

"So, how did the last job go?"

"The man hopped his trial on Xandar, was on the run. I found him in a hotel room armed with enough firepower to take down an entire Police squad." J'onn spoke, with each word he painted a picture in Jack's head. It wasn't a infiltration or anything sinister - a passive telepathic link for J'onn to share his experience with Jack with as few words as possible.


Jack saw the salmon skinned man pull a gun on J'onn. Fire at him four times - neither of them connecting, as J'onn held out his hand to him.

"It didn't go his way." J'onn said, somberly, while Jack could still see the images of the man breaking down - crying as J'onn grabbed him by his unarmed hand. They spent a couple hours talking. He packed up his weapons and let J'onn take him into custody. A quick image of J'onn transferring half of his paycheck for the bounty into the account of a Lawyer he knew, one that was known for doing his best to make the sentence less harsh on Xandar.

"You're unbeliveable, J'onn. You keep spending all of the money you make catching bad guys on helping them. That's pretty bad business for you."

"Jack, I barely need food or drink. I've got little interest in worldly possession's. My only interest is in helping people. Protecting people from the ones rotten to the core, and helping those that need a second chance. Any money I spend on showing a broken soul there's still kindness in the world is a worthy investment."

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 19 hrs ago


Marcus Nathaniel Weston
17 || Heterosexual
Physical Profile

Abilities, Skills and Resources
Appearance Details
Marcus is tall, well built and fairly handsome in a boyscout kind of way. Nobody would think that Marcus is a bad boy, and they'd be right for doing so. His life's been pretty good. He comes from good money, his father is incredibly successful and he's a driven, well taken care off young man. It's plain to see all of these things in the way he carries himself, the way he talks and the way he dresses. His style's comprised of good brand clothes, nothing too fancy but nothing shabby, either. Jeans, T-shirt, hoodie, jacket. He doesn't wear any piercings and has no tattoos currently.

Character Synopsis
Marcus is a rather straight forward, popular and morally upstanding young man. People call him 'boyscout' on occasion. He is by the book and very responsible and reliable. This is kind of contradictory to his background in the top 1 percent, his father a billionaire and his mother a lawyer before her death when Marcus was a child. Marcus isn't a particularly spoiled young man, perhaps due to the humble pie he's been served more than once.
His father's job makes Marcus's identity as a Hyperhuman quite the issue and reflects poorly on his father's work and stature.

Marcus is a Straight A student, captain of the soccer team and class president for all of his years in a row and this year is hoping to become Student body president. Well, that was before this summer when his bracelet broke and he accidentally used his powers during judo practice. No one was hurt, so his only punishment was a fine for doing so. Him quickly being outed as a hyperhuman has started a chain reaction of negative events on his life that's only started.

He's joining the class because he wants to build a support network of other Hypes. He's in a position of power, financially and socially where him outing himself as a Hype has a lesser effect than it would have on others in less fortunate situations. He's trying to become a pillar in a community his family's directly opposed to and wants to work for Hyperhuman rights in society - thinking this is a good place to start.

Simply put, Marcus is a friendly, helpful and kind young man. He's got little intention of hurting anyone and cares about other people in a genuine, non fabricated way. He's a bit childish and playful and isn't above pulling pranks on people in good spirits. His one downfall is social situations is perhaps that he's too nice. His non partisan way of thinking and ideas of truth and justice might make him seem bland in a world of edgy people with very polarized opinions.

He believes in protecting the weak, helping those who are down and doing everything in his power to make tomorrow a little better than today.

His fur allergy makes him not much of an animal lover.
Plays quite a bit of Super Smash Melee, well, Project M, technically.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 19 hrs ago


"I grew up mean, and now I'm older than murder."

Joseph Henry Dark
1st February '90 | 28 | Mixed
Divorced || Straight
College / Police Academy | Homicide Detective
Physical Profile

Miscellaneous Items
Appearance Details
The words 'Tall, dark and handsome' might never have been much truer for someone other than Joseph since the times of Achilles. People have asked him more than once if he's the secret child of Brad Pitt. His blond hair was once long enough to almost reach his shoulders but has recently been cut short. Joseph is known for wearing 'casual' clothes, even to his workplace where other people wear a suit or at least a sporty jacket or a collared shirt, Joe will more likely than not show up in a pair of regular fit Jeans and a V-neck T-shirt, appearing a lot less professional than his peers in the local PD, even if his accomplishments on the force speaks quite the contrary.

Joseph's looks have been drastically altered in the past three months. Most noticeable is the metallic golden hue his once hazel eyes have taken, replacing their comforting warmth with a inhuman coldness. He's got a wide and nasty looking scar reaching around his head from his
right temple back to back of his skull, separating his hair on both sides, some of his joints have been reinforced with metal.
He's got a tattoo on his right hand, a skeletal hand that reaches out onto the knuckles on the fingers. The initials K.S on his left wrist. His ears are pierced, though he does not wear jewelry in them. He has an older scar just about his heart from a bullet wound.

Joseph is a man of action, not to say that he's not one for thinking before acting - his thoughts always serve a clear goal. He doesn't spend his time contemplating something before doing it, instead jumping in head first as soon as he's examined the problem and will pull the proverbial trigger as soon as he has the shot. Not a totally irrelevant metaphor to his career and professional life.
Joe wanted to become a soldier his entire life ever since he was a kid - he was the guy who while he was good at football and basketball, had good grades and his pick of colleges when he graduated High School, he still relished being on hall monitor duty.

Joseph signed up to join the military as soon as he had graduated and was put through basic training for the army, he immediately distinguished himself as a sharpshooter. He was sent off to the sandbox for two months before returning home without having been put onto any real assignments, and he was put into the reserve forces. Frustrated with the military, he pursued the closest thing and joined the police academy. He spent three years in SWAT as a sharpshooter, but even after getting shot on duty he was back at his job as soon as he was able to get out of the hospital bed.

That's all to say that Joseph Dark is a man who stands by what he believes, and he's more than willing to fight for it, somtimes too much, as this was perhaps the biggest reason for his short marriage with Karen Summers. Joe's made out of a stronger moral fiber than most of the Santa Celia police and has been one to actively work against the corruption that plagues the ranks of the PD. Going as far as to arrest his partner after it was revealed to him that David was on the Mob's take.

Joseph's an individual with many layers, at first glance he's a renegade cop who only cares about getting bad guys - not following the rules, who believes the ends justifies the means. But on the other hand, he's a man who's favorite kind of literature is poetry, his favorite writer's Bob Dylan and his favorite movie's a romantic comedy starring Joseph Gordon Levitt and Seth Rogen. He spends his off time painting, watching cartoons and eating strawberry ice cream whenever he can.

Character Synopsis
There is a certain truth to the idea that nobody who comes from a happy home wants to join the military, and it holds true for Joseph, too. His mother was of Ecuadorian descent, his father off Italian from the east-coast. His paternal grandparents had moved to the states after the war, his father Vito, was the youngest of five siblings with quite the age difference between him and his siblings.
His father was a jazz musician and his mother, Maria, was a nurse. He was raised catholic, all though he quickly realized once he started coming into adolescent that he didn't actually believe in God, and even less so in the teachings the Father would preach to him and his family.

Him voicing this to his father started to tear a bit of a rift between the two, furthered by his father's absence due to working at many clubs and constantly being 'one gig away from making it big' and whenever Vito was home he was in a bad mood and often drunk. Maria worked many hours at the local hospital. It wasn't till Joseph was 11 or so that his father became physically abusive - it started one saturday night at dinner when Joseph told him that he didn't want to go to church. He didn't "want to waste his time listening to some senile old man babbling on about his imaginary friend". This earned him at first a slap from his father and cursing in Italian. But once his mother stepped in to protect him, his father lost his temple, and Joseph got his face dunked against the kitchen table knocking out his last milk tooth.

The beatings where irregular, but still consistent. Whenever Vito got in a bad mood and Maria wasn't home, Joseph would get hit - and the older he got and the worse paying gigs Vito got, the more severe the beatings got. Joseph had a pretty normal schooling, despite this. He spent a lot of his time away from his family because of his father's abuse and his mother's turning a blind eye to it. Spending most of his time at various extra circulars, such as football, basketball and even theater.

Joseph left home as soon as he graduated high school, signing up to join the military where he was trained to be a sharpshooter. He was deployed for only three months before being sent home. 'The war was over'. So he had to find another war, one on the home front. He attended police academy while studying a two year degree in criminal science. He graduated with good grades and joined the police force as a beat cop, but due to his training he didn't spend more than a few weeks on patrol before he was assigned to special forces, the SWAT.

He spent four years on the SWAT till he was 26 years old, working primarily in the Los Angeles area, being a part of some drug related busts and several sieges on the Santa Celia - Mafia. He got shot by a perp their recon hadn't spotted, a 15 year old with a world war 2-era pistol. The kid never made his way down the stairs from the room the sharpshooter had been shot in before he was full of lead from the other Swat members.

Joseph recovered from his injury rather quickly and had no issues getting back into the field - but he wanted to a change. He didn't want to be the soldier anymore who shot who he was told to shoot. He wanted to be a detective. Said and done, he was transfered into the Santa Celia police department into Homicide Division and would spend the past few years solving murders, focusing his efforts on the Santa Celia Mafia, a choice that lead him to his demise.

Abilities & Skills
Enchanted Cyborg Of Hell | Joseph is a man with a pact. He's the tether of the Archdemon Mephisto, he's the combination of the darkest of magics and the most experimental of science. His body is technically aided by an army of nanites rebuilding him, making him stronger. He's armed with several cybernetic implants that are supposed to save his life. But his body's the house of two souls. The mortal and the demon. Mephisto manipulated the good doctor into finding Joseph and saving his life was but the most notable of his many tricks. Joseph is now the wielder of an incredibly powerful source of magic, the soul of Mephisto.

Cybernetic Augmentation:
Joseph lost his left hand when he was murdered. His severe beating also ruined several of his joints that had to be replaced artificially. Joseph's armed with state of the art, highly experimental and military grade prosthetics. He's got prosthetics in his elbows and knees, as well as ankles and his right wrist, connecting the robotic hand to his arm. He's got reinforced plates in his chest. This, combined with the nanites that are improving his natural healing makes him stronger than he used to be, stronger than any human. His robotic hand is bulletproof and highly resistant to fire, acid and water. His brain has also been 'upgraded' with microchips that allow him the specialized computing power of a supercomputer, improving his real time calculus, essentially improving his reaction speed and hand to eye coordination.

Joseph is not a sorcerer, he's not a wizard and he's not even an acolyte of the occult. Hell, he barely believes it exist and he's got it living inside of him. But Joseph is the host of one of the most powerful demons in existence and that symbiosis doesn't come without it's perks. Magic requires energy, and Joseph is sitting on a massive powerbank that he just needs to figure out how to use. Mephisto's both a near infinite source of energy, he's also more than willing to teach Joseph how to use the magic he's housing. Of course, no such power comes without a price.

Limitation(s) | Joseph isn't a Superman. He's an Enhanced Individual, he's certainly outperforming a regular human, but even though he could beat any human in a arm-wrestling contest, doesn't mean that he'd be able to beat them in a combat scenario. Tactics and training could certainly give someone the edge over the Demon Cyborg.

Joseph's a righteous man who's fighting with a demon for his eternal soul while struggling with the idea that he's becoming more machine than human.

Weakness(es) | Joseph's been shot in the head and hung on the edge between living and dead and when he came back, he brought a lot of baggage with him. Nobody gets to beat death without earning a few scars. He's angry, confused and scared and hasn't adjusted to his new life at all. Playing Mephisto against Joseph, and the inverse is highly exploitable and their symbiotic relationship is suseptible to outside abuse. That is, if they aren't already squabbling.

Martial Arts | Boxing, Judo and Wrestling are all things he's gotten official training in since he was a teenager. He also trained MMA at the police academy and while he was with the SWAT. He's a formidable fighter and more than capable of holding his own when push comes to shove.
Marksmanship | Joseph is an excellent shot with a firearm, he prefers a high caliber rifle and a scope, but he's accomplished with a handgun or assault rifle, too. His longshot ability has been future enhanced thanks to his cybernetic upgrade.
Ambidextrous | Joseph is technically left handed, but his father made sure he'd know how to use both hands for everything. It's been further enhanced in his combat training and further reinforced thanks to his now much stronger right hand than left.
Acting | Joe's a theater nerd. He played Hamlet in high school and has done a few amateur plays in his adult life. It helps him cool off after a long day and lets him relax.

Supporting Cast
To be Determined.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 19 hrs ago



"Lightning always strikes twice."

C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

Well, let's start with the obvious - This isn't Barry Allen. It's Thawne whom at the start of the RP will be very much like an amalgamation of his Post Crisis- New 52, Rebirth and Arrowverse counterpart. Thawne and Barry have been fighting in the Neutral Speedforce - created after Barry absorbed the Negative Speedforce, for a near infinite time. Their battle has raged on through all of time, but eventually comes to a conclusion in the present day, two months before Barry Allen would get struck by lightning. Barry is dead and Thawne is all but powerless.

Thawne is stranded in the present, he's achieved his lifelong dream - he should be content. A skip and a jump into the future and he can conquer all of time. Not quite so easily, him killing Barry has severely shaken the Speedforce and it's going to collapse on itself, for if there's no Flash, there is no Speedforce. Thawne is forced to become what he hates more than anything - he has to recreate Barry's experiment, in his place. He has to forever deal with the fact that he killed Barry Allen, and now, he'll have to take his place in history.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

Thawne's stuck in the past - irreversably. He's powerless upon defeating Barry Allen, the speedforce is in pieces and he's all tapped out of energy. Barry's never gonna become The Flash because Thawne and him destroyed the speedforce. Thawne will have to regain a fraction of his powers by taking Barry's place in the night of the particle accelerator explosion, and then he can get the hell out of this savage timeline and enjoy his victory.

When he realizes that's not gonna happen - that time's not gonna let him, he's forced a hard pill to swallow. Time does not work without The Flash. His own existence, and in fact, the existence of the whole universe is at stake if he does not take Barry's place. Thawne hates every second of it, but he has to retrace every step Barry took during his time as the Flash, starting from the very beginning. Thawne uses the help of the super computer Gideon to monitor the timeline, to make sure he's on the right course.

N O T E S:

Supporting Cast;
GIDEON; AI extraordinary. Formerly belonging to Rip Hunter, but when Thawne ripped his throat out in the 31st century, he took the AI for his own.
Cisco Ramon - S.T.A.R Labs engineer and mechanical genius.
Dr. Albert Michaels - S.T.A.R Labs Particle Scientist
Dr. Tine McGee - MetaHuman specialist and head of Central City Star Labs.
Dr. Harrison Wells - Head scientist focusing on Dark Matter, the particle accelerator was his work.

Other Notes; He goes by the name Eddie Thawne in the 21st century, he works as a custodian at the CCPD.


Life's got a weird way of taking you for a ride. One day, you're fighting your archnemesis for eons. You've seen the birth of a solar system, and the death of several during the battle. You've lived endless lifetimes in a bizarre, 360 degree war zone where from every flank, someone who wears yours - or your enemy's face comes swinging at you. You've hurled lightning bolts the size of stars and you've hit each other with enough power to pierce through a planet.

Yet, it ends, almost as it began. In a field in the suburbs, a few hundred meters from the house where his life began, and so did yours, in a way. It ends in the pouring rain, the worst thunderstorm in 50 years had swept over Central City, and you can't help but feel like it was your doing. Everything slowed down, not in the hyperspeed way it normally does, but in a way I haven't felt since I was a child. My hand vibrating through his heart, he's paralyzed, surprised and terrified, my hand vibrates in unison with his heart and for a split second, my red eyes meet his and I almost feel sad that it's over. His heart explodes and tears a hole through his chest. I don't get to do more than a few moments of celebratory joy - I had after all finally done it. I had killed The Flash. Nobody would ever stop me again.

That's what I thought. His body hadn't even gotten cold before the speed force swallowed him. It ate him up. And it was coming for me next. Without The Flash, the timeline's a lot less willing to allow paradoxes to exist. The speedforce was falling apart. It needed a new host - a new beacon. Luckily, I had landed on the day of the Particle Accelerator explosion. The day Barry Allen became the most hated man in history. I have seen it countless times, I'd held a knife to his throat, I've planted explosives, I've been about to break his neck.

I've taken everything from him. His wife, his mother, his children and now, even his life. But I had never taken his lightning. Not until now.

My name is Eobard Thawne, and I am, without a doubt, the fastest man of all time.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Location: Central City - 4 Months Ago
Post #1.00: Victory

Interaction(s): None
Previously: None

"My name is Barry Allen, and I'm the fastest man alive. When I was a child, I saw my mother killed by something impossible. Then an accident made me the impossible. To the outside world, I'm just an ordinary forensic scientist, but secretly I use my speed to fight crime and find others like me, and one day, I'll get the man who killed my mother, I'll get justice for my friends, my father and for Iris. I am the Flash."

Lighting struck the ground outside of the suburbs of Central City, The Streaks as the suburb was called, less than a mile off a very peculiar house in the story of our hero. The house where all of this had begun a number of years ago that to him was impossible to know. It was where all of this started, really. Even if he was but a boy then, it was the defining moment in his life. Being this close to that place made his body surge with new power, new purpose. His body that moments ago - in a different time - had felt like it was losing it's power had now become reinvigorated. He was running. God, he was always running. But he was never alone, not anymore. Before, he would've had friends, loved ones, or her by his side, but now, he had the devil on his heels. The same lightning bolt that had struck the ground struck the same place again and behind him he appeared. His dark passenger, his reflection. His shadow.

His Reverse, The man in Yellow came out gritting his teeth, his eyes glowing sharply red as he grappling for the hero. He was narrowly dodged and then counter attacked, a swing towards his yellow-clad face, as their blurry arms collided, lightning rang all around them and what had a second ago been a small storm was now quickly growing into a massive hurricane. Nature knew full well that these weren't simply two men fighting. It wasn't a squabble, and it wasn't even a rivalry anymore. It wasn't a feud between two sprinters, a tug of war between opposites.

It was a battle between titans, a war between two forces of nature. An effort to put an end to the unanswerable question - what if two unstoppable objects collide. They traded blow after blow, moving in circles and every time they did, lightning struck them and another pair of them appeared. They didn't say anything to each other, but they both knew it.

This was the end. It ends tonight. Soon, they had occupied the entire field they were one, a red and a yellow blur moving faster than anyone in the world could comprehend, unleashing enough power that if it wasn't absorbed by the other could've caused catastrophic damage to the surroundings. A kick, a lightning spear was thrown, a velocity barrier was made, they phased at different frequencies, moving through one another, they pulled out all of their stops here and now, using every little bit of all of their might. Finally, The Flash saw an opportunity. A lightning bolt to the Man in Yellow's that he could not parry, he took a few meter's leverage to gain enough speed to hit him with enough energy to end this once and for all. But as his fist was about to collide with the paler man's face, it was over.

All the battles on the field stopped then, as if the entire world stopped.

His hand was shaking, trembling. They were moving at all but normal speed all of a sudden, consumed by what was happening. In the middle of the army of Yellow and Red fighting, there were the pair of them. Flash's fist colliding with Zoom's face, yet, Zoom's hand vibrating through Flash's heart.

"I win."

"You will never win, Thawne." He said with a pained grin, as the red duplicated began exploding into bright glow, absorbed back into the speedforce. Thawne pulled off Barry's cowl, and then took off his, revealing his graying blond hair, matching Barry's full head of gray. He leaned over to Barry, letting him rest one arm over his shoulder, as he leaned in closer. "I win, Flash. I beat you." As he pulled his hand out of Barry's chest leaving a gaping hole as he had vibrated the organs into dust. Barry fell to the ground, his blood splattering all over Thawne's yellow suit.

The Reverse Flash pulled up his cowl again and began laughing, hysterically and manically. He had finally won. He had finally showed that idiot Barry Allen that he was the fastest. He had taken everything that was important to Barry, and now, he had even taken his life.

Gideon's voice spoke softly in his ear.

"Thawne, sir. The timeline's becoming unstable. Your defeat over Mr. Allen must have shaken the speedforce. This timeline is becoming highly volatile, I am detecting anachronisms all over time. Get out of there."

"I'll go wait it out in the negative speedforce. This timeline can go to hell." Thawne said with a smile, as he began running, seemingly a lot slower than he was used to. "Gideon, I am.. Slow." His voice couldn't hide the euphoria he felt, still, but his pragmatism stopped him from celebrating. He was powerful, but even he couldn't survive time collapsing on itself.

"It would seem that your body's connection to the speedforce has been severely damage from your battle. You are essentially out of fuel. You need a recharge of dark matter, Professor. Thawne" The female voice informed him and Thawne smirked, seeing the particle accelerator in the distance exploding.

"I know just the place."

Speeding into the CCPD's loft, the forensics lab, he saw a young Barry Allen climbing onto a shelf to grab some chemicals. Thawne non-nonchalantly pushed him off the ledge with the remainder of his speed - taking Barry's exact place as the lightning bolt came through the window, surging through him.

He headed back outside - into a Central City in chaos. Thawne never got tired of seeing all of the mayhem this night caused, no matter how many times he had to see it. He still felt slow, but not as slow as before. The timeline was still deteriorating, and certain objects were melting away. A lamppost, a fire hydrant, cars, even some people were being turned into nothingness.

"That's my cue to leave." He sprinted as fast as he could, breaking into the barrier of the speedforce.. But it was no refuge for him, instead, he was immediately pushed out of it, landing on his face.

"What do you mean I'm not allowed to?! DO you not know who I am?!" he yelled in anger, as the portal closed again.

Feeling how time got even more unstable, Thawne's fist pierced the ground. "Fucking FINE!" he cried out in his fury, his fist summoning a lightning strike as it shattered the concrete under it. He climbed to his feet, and time stopped collapsing, seemingly.

"Gideon. Find me Edward Thawne."

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

T H E U N C A N N Y X - M E N:

| GM:Hillan | Genre: Fandom, Superhuman, Modern Fantasy | Type: Sandbox with Linear Elements |
Special Thanks To: Lord Wraith

In 1972, a man by the name Charles Xavier brought together a group of gifted individuals in order to share a dream with the world. This group would become known to the general populace as the X-Men. While their gifts are varied, the one thing that ties the X-Men together is that they are all mutants. A subspecies of humans who are born with superhuman abilities, the X-Men fight for peace and equality between normal humans and mutants in a world where antimutant bigotry is fierce and widespread.

Realizing his dream would take years to accomplish, Xavier or Professor X founded the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning. Located in Westchester County, New York, the Institute or as its commonly referred to, the X-Mansion is the home and training site of the X-Men. The X-Men are recruited from around the world and any mutant in need of asylum is welcomed through its doors. Dozens of mutants from various countries and diverse backgrounds have held membership as X-Men through the years since Xavier's founding with the original five.

In recent years the X-Men have fell upon hard times, losing numerous members and being involved in near world wide cataclysmic events. Among these losses was Charles Xavier himself, the vision and guiding light of the school. However, the Institute still continues to operate as Xavier's students have stepped up to continue their mentor's dream, rescuing and recruiting new mutants such as yourself as often as they can.

B A C K G R O U N D I N F O R M A T I O N :

The world of the X-Men has fallen apart in the last couple decades. With both Apocalypse and the Dark Phoenix keeping mutants fresh in the minds of the public, the X-Men and mutants as a whole have a very negative press image. Even among the superhuman community, the X-Men are regarded as pariahs having no contact with S.H.I.E.L.D., the Avengers or even the Fantastic Four. As such, the X-Men are forced to work covertly in their day to day operations. Any rescue mission or removal of rogue mutant has to happen under the radar or else they could end up in direct conflict with Captain America himself.

In order to accomplish their goals, the X-Men have two active teams. The X-Force is the covert strike team used to take out rogue mutants or oppose the numerous Brotherhood sects that have popped up in the wake of Magneto's death. Led by Alexander Summers (Havok), the team consists of Betsy Braddock (Psylocke), Lorna Dane (Polaris), Shiro Yoshida (Sunfire), Arthur Centino (Longshot) and Laura Kinney (X-23). The other team is simply known as the X-Men, the official representation for the school. This team is sent out to recruit newly emerging mutants and rescue those who are oppressed in their lives because of their mutation. Led by Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler), the current X-Men team is made up of Samuel Guthrie (Cannonball), Jean-Paul Beaubier (Northstar), Roberto Da Costa (Sunspot), Hope Spalding (Hope), Clarice Ferguson (Blink), Theresa Rourke Cassidy (Siryn) and James Proudstar (Warpath).

Once rescued by the X-Men, new recruits and students are delivered to the Xavier Institute of Higher Learning. Since the passing of Charles Xavier, the school has elected a new headmaster. Robert Drake (Iceman), one of Charles' first students has taken over as Headmaster of the Institute. Like Drake himself, the faculty is made of former X-Men who have all dedicated their lives to teaching and guiding new students. This faculty consists of the following:

Alison Blaire (Dazzler) | Music, Art, Life Sciences, and Drama
Sean Cassidy (Banshee) | Mathematics, Finance, and Accounting.
Emma Frost (White Queen) | Recruiter/Admissions, English, Business, and Ethics
Anne Marie LeBeau (Rogue) | English, Linguistics, Business, and Psychic Defense
Rémy LeBeau (Gambit) | Training/Danger Room Monitor, Target Practice/Projectile Practice, Sex-Ed
Hank McCoy (Beast) | Guidance Counselor, Science, Mathematics, Philosophy
Katherine Pryde (Shadowcat) | Computer Science Classes, Ethics, Student Advisor
Piotr Rasputin (Colossus) | Close Quarter Combat, Elective Leadership and Tactics
Warren Worthington (Archangel) | Recruiter, Business, Consumer Law Classes, as well as a flying class for those students with flight powers.

Aside from those still active, there are several other former X-Men still alive and scattered around the world. The most notable of these is Ororo Munroe T'Challa, formerly Storm of the X-Men and currently queen of Wakanda, living in Africa with her husband T'Challa, the former Avenger, Black Panther. Both James Howlett, or Logan the Wolverine and Scott Summers left the Institute after the death of Jean Grey. Logan began to suffer a mental break down and fled to the Canadian North West Territories, reverting to his feral state. Scott on the other hand began to sink into depression, finding solace in the bottom of a bottle. While he returns to the Institute every now and then, Scott is a shell of the man he used to be, seldom sober and often losing most of his money to sleazy shapeshifters.

Elsewhere, Raven Darkhölme and Pietro Maximoff have decided to continue what they believe is Magneto's Legacy and unite the Brotherhood sects. While most of the Brotherhood's associates are unknown to the X-Men, several notable foes still the ranks. These known associates include Victor Creed (Sabertooth), Angel Salvatore (Angel) and Akhiro (Daken). One notably missing member however is the daughter of Magneto, the Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff who is currently missing. Wanda disappeared after the Apocalypse crisis and hadn't been seen since her time as a horseman.

T I M E L I N E:

1939 | A twelve year old Erik Eisenhardt discovers his mutant abilities during the German Invasion of Poland. He is delivered into the hands of eager Nazi scientists.
1941 | A young boy by the name of Charles Xavier discovers his mutant abilities.
1944 | During the last year of WWII, Steven Rogers volunteers for the Super Soldier Experiment which leads to him becoming Captain America.
1945 | During his final battle, Captain America is lost somewhere over the North Sea.
1953 | Completing his Ph.D.s in Genetics, Biophysics, Psychology, and Anthropology with a two-year residence at Pembroke College, Oxford University.
1955 | Xavier goes on to also receive an M.D. in Psychiatry while spending several years in London.
1956 | Travelling to South America, Xavier volunteers at a local hostel where he provides aid for an injured man by the name of Erik Lehnsherr. Unfortunately for Xavier, Erik turns out to be a Nazi Hunter on the run. The hostel is eventually attacked as Erik's pursuers catch up to him forcing both Erik and Xavier to reveal their mutant abilities to one another. In the aftermath of the event, Xavier and Erik form a strong friendship and join together in an idealistic pursuit to unite the world's mutant population.
1969 | After over a decade of friendship, Erik and Xavier have a falling out due to a growing difference in opinions regarding mutant and human-relationships. Xavier beliefs fell firmly in promoting unity between man and mutant, while Erik believed in Mutant Supremacy. Their difference of opinion eventually escalated to a confrontation that ends with Xavier being paralyzed from the waist down.
1970 | Xavier finishes construction on a device originally conceived by Erik and himself. Dubbed 'Cerebro', the machine allowed Xavier to boost his abilities in order to find and locate mutants across the globe. The first of these is the mutant born Hank McCoy but better known as Beast.
1972 | The X-Men are founded by Dr. Charles Xavier. The founding five members of the X-Men are Warren Worthington (Archangel), Hank McCoy (Beast), Scott Summers (Cyclops), Bobby Drake (Iceman), and Jean Grey.
1976 | With awareness of mutants growing, several private military contracts are developed in order to combat the perceived 'Mutant Threat'. William Stryker is put in front of a government funded operation known as 'Weapon X' which was aimed to resurrect the Super Soldier Project. The program bears three successful candidates, among them the man known only as the Wolverine.
1979 | Erik Lehnsherr, now going by the name 'Magneto', founds a Brotherhood of Mutants in response to Xavier's growing X-Men. Among his recruits are a shapeshifter by the name of Mystique, Toad, Sabertooth, the Vanisher, Astra and the man known as the Wolverine.
1980 | Following an attack on the Whitehouse, the Brotherhood and X-Men come to blows for the first time. Realizing the X-Men are better trained and prepared than his Brotherhood, Magneto forces the X-Men onto the defensive by endangering bystanders allowing the Brotherhood to escape capture.
1982 | A man by the name of Bolivar Trask is contracted by the U.S. Government in the creation of Anti-Mutant weapons. This 'Anti-Mutant Initiative', begins with prototypes for the weapon that would become known as the Sentinel.
1983 | Realizing that the Wolverine's mind is a shattered mess due to the experiments performed on him by the 'Weapon X Program', Magneto sends Wolverine to infiltrate the X-Men. While originally treated with distrust, Wolverine, or Logan as he introduces himself. Training with the X-Men, Logan becomes infatuated with Jean Grey.
1987 | The government agency known as S.H.I.E.L.D. is given charge of the 'Sentinel Program'. Focusing assets into development, S.H.I.E.L.D. designed a towering humanoid assault unit. Programmed to seek out and destroy mutants, the Sentinels were mounted on S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarriers for mobile deployment.
1993 | The Sentinel program is discontinued due to drastic collateral damage in the war against mutants. After a very public battle in downtown New York, the public opinion of the Sentinel Program drastically dropped with most people feeling more afraid of the Sentinels than the mutant next door.
1998 | Captain America's body is found off the North-East Coast of Newfoundland. Retrieved by S.H.I.E.L.D., Captain America is thawed out in a controlled space before being rehabilitated to the modern world.
2000 | The Fantastic Four are promoted as New York's first superhero family.
2002 | The 'Avengers Initiative' is unveiled to the world as a replacement for the Sentinel program. In order to win the public's approval, Captain America is unveiled as the leader of the team. Unlike the Sentinel program which was focused on hunting and destroying mutants, the new Director of S.H.I.E.L.D, Colonel Nicholas Fury promises that the Avengers are sworn to protect the public from threats against them. While mutants are still regarded with a degree of prejudice and fear, their acceptance in society moves forward.
2004 | The first mutant, Apocalypse unleashes his wrath upon the world. Nearly enslaving mankind and mutants alike. Numerous X-Men are killed in the struggle against Apocalypse with the Avengers abandoning them after Apocalypse turned several of their allies into his horsemen. Managing to defeat Apocalypse, the X-Men suffer great losses including teammate Elixir who gives his life reverting Apocalypse's changes.
2006 | A sixteen year old Spider-Man is first spotted swinging through Queens in New York City.
2008 | Bringing a massive meteor to Earth, Magneto sought to display mutant supremacy once again over mankind. An uneasy alliance between the X-Men and the Avengers leads to Magneto's defeat and unfortunately his death.
2009 | The covert strike team known as the X-Force is developed by the former X-Men Havok as a retaliation to numerous mutant sects popping up around the world to continue Magneto's work.
2012 | Jean Grey finds herself transformed as the sleeping Phoenix Force within her wakes up causing Jean to turn on her former allies and lovers. After a long hard battle, the X-Men manage to defeat the Dark Phoenix when Cyclops unleashes the full power of his optic blast on Jean while Logan manages to stab her from behind. The event takes a toll on both men, causing them to leave the X-Men soon after.
2014 | At the age of 85, Dr. Charles Xavier passes away in his sleep. His loss is felt throughout the superhuman community but especially by his mourning X-Men.
2015 | After the events of the Dark Phoenix led to mass destruction that even the Avengers failed to stop, S.H.I.E.L.D. decided to reboot he Sentinel Program. Pardoning Boliver Trask for his previous crimes, Director Fury sets Trask up with all the necessary assets he needs to create a better Sentinel.
2016 | The present year, the Xavier Institute has suffered a loss in enrollment due to the events of both Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix still present in the minds of man and mutant alike. Further contributing to the decline in recruitment is the loss of Xavier two years prior.

T H E X A V I E R I N S T I T U T E F O R H I G H E R L E A R N I N G:

R U L E S & R E G U L A T I O N S :

C H A R A C T E R S K E L E T O N:

[INDENT]The name given to you by your parents that appears on your birth certificate.[/INDENT]
[B]| NICKNAME(S): |[/B]
[INDENT]Any name you commonly go by or are called by your friends.[/INDENT]
[B]| ALIAS(ES): |[/B]
[INDENT]The name corresponding with your abilities, used in the Danger Room.[/INDENT]
[B]| SEX: |[/B]
[INDENT]Are you male, female, transgender etc?[/INDENT]
[B]| AGE: |[/B]
[INDENT]How old are you? (Please don't go any lower than 14 or any higher than 19.)[/INDENT]
[INDENT]What do you look like? This can be described or you can use a visual reference. Please do not use 'Anime/Manga' images. Photorealistic images are preferred but we understand they don't always work depending on the character's mutation.[/INDENT]
[INDENT]What can your character do? Please remember to make these abilities specific and limited. Do not under any circumstance make a well-rounded character. This is the X-Men, not the Avengers.[/INDENT]
[INDENT]A short biography describing where you came from, how your life has been and how long you've been at the school. There's no need to write a novel here as we're all students barely into adulthood. [/INDENT]
[B]| MISC. NOTES: |[/B]
[INDENT]Anything else you want to add or note for yourself.[/INDENT]

R E L A T I O N S H I P S H E E T T E M P L A T E:

[SUB][B][I]// [color=0072bc]Friend[/color] // [color=00a99d]Acquaintance[/color] // [color=f26522]Frenemy[/color] // [color=fff200]Rival[/color] // [color=ed1c24]Enemy[/color] // [color=ed145b]Crush[/color] //[/I][/B][/SUB][/CENTER]
[INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT]
[INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT]
[INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT]
[INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT]
[INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT]
[INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT]
[INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT]
[INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT]
[INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT]
[INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT][/LIST][/INDENT]

F . A . Q . :

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Hillan
Avatar of Hillan

Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 19 hrs ago


Johnathon "Johnny" Blaze Stuntman L.A / Hell Bounty Hunter Of Satan
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"Let's raise some Hell."

People coming back from the dead is sort of my favorite trope of all time. I love the idea of death never being the end, and I think few characters and embody that as well as Ghost Rider can. A Spirit Of Vengence, born from hell to serve good. It's hitting all of the notes of things I really like, being a avid fan of most takes on Judeo Christian mythology. In this game I've got a yearning for Magic, and while there are more characters on the table to scratch that itch, few of them are so close to my wheelhouse as Ghost Rider. Where I can combine my love for street level ultra-violence with high concept battles of good and evil and supernatural horror. In short - my take on Ghost Rider is gonna be combining street thugs, criminal gangs and the immortal battle of heaven and hell - and a stuntman caught in all of it.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

Johnny Blaze was a pretty ordinary 20-something guy. He's a stuntman. A daredevil and a body double for big actors in Hollywood movies. Or rather, that's who he was. As the my story will be about changing that. How a satanic cult murders him and sells their souls to the Devil in exchange for power and riches. With his dying breath, Johnny makes a pact himself, to get revenge. The Demon Mephisto's more than willing to assist, and locks the fate of Johnny with the everlasting abyssal demon Zarathos, turning him into the spirit of Vengeance - the Ghost Rider. And his one goal is to get revenge on the recently demonically endowed people who were responsible for his death, while still being used as a pawn in the bigger schemes of both heaven and hell. His job is to collect the debts the infernal realm is owed while trying to uncover the truth behind his powers and Mephisto who granted him a new chance at life.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Zarathos - Demon and Lackey of Mephisto, much to his chagrin. Co-Pilot of The Ghost Rider. One of the baddest motherfuckers Hell ever spawned.
Craig "Crash" Simpson - Father to Roxanne and at the time of Johnny's death, the closest thing to a fatherfigure Mr.Blaze ever knew. Now, he's in a hospital bed in a coma following a stroke.
Roxanne Simpson - Seven Years ago, Roxanne was his Girlfriend.

The Six - The former group of criminals who were responsible for Johnny and Roxanne's assault. They made a deal with Mephisto for their souls in exchange for power, and are now, 3 years before their deals are supposed to come due, working on a way to break their contract with the would-be-Devil and escape life with their souls intact.

Mephisto - One of the many rulers of the underworld. Like, the firey one. Not the criminal one. A trickster, a manipulator and overall one of the most evil creatures in all of creation.

Zadkiel And The Black Host - The Nick Fury / Amanda Waller of Heaven, except far more evil. Every bad thing the angels ever did in mythology? Yeah, Zadkiel was the one who was tasked with all of it. Planning on overthrowing Heaven and becoming the new God. So, his aspirations are pretty low.

Father Carmichael - A Protestant Priest who is highly critical of this Ghost Rider and his inherent demonic connection and is in direct contact with Heaven, spreading propaganda fed to him from the Angels. The guy is sadly technically innocent, so Johnny cannot do anything to him.

Machine Gun Nurses - a group of highly trained assassins and Demon Hunters posing as Nurses, armed with heavenly steel and bullets forged with angelic technique, making them one of the few human forces in the world that are a threat to Ghost Rider.

S A M P L E P O S T:

A sample post that can be used in the IC if you so desire upon acceptance. This post should provide an example of your vision for the desired character. This sample post should meet all standards outline in the rules and additionally include dialogue, mannerisms and other actions representative of your intended portrayal.

P O S T C A T A L O G:

Volume 1:

Issue 1.00 When Hell Is Full
Issue 1.01 What The Devil Is Due
Issue 1.02 Man Comes Around
Issue 1.03 Ring Of Fire
Issue 1.04 When You Wish Upon A Ghost Rider
Issue 1.05 Vengeance
Issue 1.06 My Name Is Johnny, And It Might Be A Sin
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

"Are you scared of the dark?"


Adam Abraham Kaynes
01/01/2002 | 17 | Caucasian
Hetero || Player
Senior | Antique Platinum Ring | Corvah The Immortal
D E T A I L E D A P P E A R A N C E:

If James Dean had survived to the 21st century, he'd look absolutely nothing like Adam. However, Adam likes to think he's got the 21st century Mr.Dean look going for him. Between the gelled hair, the cigarette behind his ear and his leather jacket or wool coat, depending on the season and weather. He wears band T-shirts under his jacket to school, and of course a pair of ripped jeans and converse, maybe a pair of ankle-high boots if it's really cold outside.

He's pale, he doesn't enjoy being in the sun very much and would rather spend the day flirting or getting into trouble rather than engaging in sports. Not that you could tell that the guy spends every weekend drinking beer and hitting on college girls as his metabolism is still working overtime. He stands at humble 180 centimeter and weighs in at 70 kilo, a lean, athletic frame from his time on the swimming team as well as his decade long endeavor into karate.

He's got a few scars, wounds that never healed right, but nothing too notable. He's got a pentagram tattoo'd on his chest and a egyptian Ankh on his collarbone, one end of the ankh peaks can be seen down his neckline through his T-shirts.

When working he wears chinos and a dress shirt as well as a shamanistic necklace made out of animal bones, his hair's a little wilder and he dons a longer trenchcoat as well as a pair of dark sunglasess, regardless of the light source inside.
M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

You ever wanted to play the character who's the smartest in the room? Well, that's not Adam. He's not book-smart, he's barely street smart. The guy's got very little going for him except grit. Due to his hobbies and background, I think he's gonna be a lot of fun of having his perceived, and faked identity clash with what he learns about his true heritage from Crestwood. When the one field of expertise he's cultivated over the years turns out to be completely wrong, perhaps he's gonna get presented with a choice. Adapt or die.
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

Adam is an occultist. Not in a Tumblr-Ouija board kind of way. He's not a Wiccan, he's not even a pagan. He's not a psychic and he's not a medium. He's not a wizard and he's not an exorcist. He's not a demonologist and he's no hero.

He's a conman, a conman who's turned his fascination of the occult and the beliefs of the occult into a trade. He's running a succesful social media career as all of the things that he isn't. Where he takes cases as a paranormal investigator and solves poeple's supernatural problems. Except, of course, he knows they're all placebo. He's a showman, and a grifter. He doesn't believe a word of the things he breach, he knows all of the occult books in the world are just that - books. Stories. Made up. Not real.

There is nothing but people that go bump in the night. There are no monsters under the bed. And the only reason to keep the lights out in the hallway when you go to sleep is to make sure that your newest foster parents don't try to do any fuckery while you're asleep.

This all of course clashes with the to him, unknown fact that he's of the long line of magically-endowed individuals reaching all the way back to ancient Egypt. And that fact's gonna make itself painfully clear in the coming months of his life.
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

The Talon Of Platina; A ring made out of platinum during the 15th century in Spain. Made by a powerful Draoi who for centuries made enchantments for the Magni community. The Talon is one of the first conduits ever made out of platinum in a age when the world thought platinum was just impurities in gold.

Corvah The Immortal: Corvah's a small European Crow from Italy, Florence to be exact. His species have been the chosen corporeal form of the familiars of the Kaynes line for centuries. The moniker 'The immortal' is born from the fact that all of the Kaynes familiars look the same and share the same name. Corvah's actually the 214th Corvah, but that's too many 'Juniors' too put behind a name. Corvah actually become a Magni familiar in 1951, when Adam's father, Maximilian was born. Maximilian died shortly after Adam's birth when he was murdered by a Hellion, and with his dying might he cast a spell on Corvah so that the crow would not perish too - or worse, lose his spirit and become feral, a monster himself. Corvah was bonded to Adam when Adam was born, but the crow didn't survive his original partner's passing without scars. The familiar's not much of a guardian angel, but instead chaos and destruction has followed Adam his entire life, starting with the death of his mother when he was an infant. Corvah's life is a taboo in the Magni community and if a more experienced Magni would learn the truth, both Adam and Corvah's lives would be in danger.

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