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AmongHeroes ♤ LOST ♤

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by AmongHeroes
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AmongHeroes ♤ LOST ♤

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As a demon of desire, Atticus is able to change his appearance on a whim, though he prefers to maintain a likeness of a dapper Irishman with a full beard. He cannot control his eye color, which is a deep crimson. His human build is slim but athletic, and he stands about six feet tall. Across his arms, shoulders, and back is a massive tattoo depicting an epic battle between angels and demons. The tattoo itself has magical properties, and the image shifts depending on his mood or disposition. In rare occasions when he’s been particularly happy, the tattoo has been known to depict the angels and demons at peace, partying and sharing drinks like old friends.

In his demonic form, Atticus grows marginally in size, his skin becomes an inky black color, curling horns like that of a rams sprout from his forehead, and he grows large bat-like wings and a long, reptilian, prehensile tail.

Atticus’ main power comes from his ability for magical persuasion. When he desires, he can use his voice to compel an individual to do just about anything, even when the action is to their detriment. His other prominent power stems from his demonic nature, which lends him the ability to take massive amounts of physical abuse before his tangible body “dies.” If this occurs, Atticus soul would merely return to hell, and he would have the opportunity to return to the world via another means.

His lesser abilities come from his natural thirst for knowledge, and his love of ancient history. He is a well-read demon, and has a weakness for old texts and classic literature.

Atticus is the progeny of a succubus and an Irish immigrant. He was born into the world in 1842, during the Atlantic crossing to America. His first true memory was that of his mother devouring the soul of his unsuspecting father in a New York sewer, and her subsequently deserting him in the Irish slum of the Five Points. Though he was only weeks old when he was abandoned, he appeared to be a mature toddler, and he was taken in by one of the many Catholic orphanages in the area.

It became quickly apparent to the nuns and priests that Atticus was no average boy. After several instances where he mysteriously influenced the actions of the other orphans, the clergy became convinced that he was possessed. During the next several years, Atticus was subjected to innumerable exorcism attempts, and moved all across New York as the religious leaders in the area were dumbfounded by their continual failure in healing the demonic boy’s evil flaws. Wholly terrified and confused by his supernatural nature, and the continual abuse from his caretakers, Atticus escaped the clutches of the church in 1847.

Though only five years of age, his body had matured to that of a young adults, and his mind had far surpassed even that. He adapted quickly to the reality of his powers, and he was soon making a comfortable living stealing, extorting, and black mailing his way through New York’s underbelly. It was also during this formative period of his youth that he discovered his strong desire and ability to seduce women. It was through these traits, and exhaustive research, that Atticus at last was able to glean the truth about his demonic nature.

Following the eruption of America into civil war, Atticus joined the 69th New York Infantry Brigade, a unit made up of Irish immigrants that would fight with distinction throughout the war. His inexplicable ability to avoid injury during each of the Fighting 69th’s harrowing battles did not go unnoticed, and eventually the scrutiny of the Union brass grew strong enough that Atticus at last abandoned his unit at the Battle of Chancellorsville in 1863. From that point, Atticus roamed the South, further quenching his thirst for knowledge, while at the same time searching for a means to give his incredible life some meaning.

It was in Charlotte, South Carolina, that Atticus at last found what would define his existence to the present day. At a local saloon he met with a strange man with a thick English accent, a bowler hat, and a full beard that turned out to be none other than the famed werewolf, Reginald Hoyle. Seeing the drive and inherent ability in the young demon, Hoyle offered Atticus a job with his company, and Atticus was quick to accept. Through the following months, Hoyle personally introduced Atticus to the intricacies of the Veiled World, and the shadowy work of the Bain & Hoyle Company.

Atticus took to his newfound life with alacrity, and after many years of field work, he soon found himself rising through the ranks of the company until at last he was offered the position of Director of Operations for B&H’s Boston Branch Office. He served in that capacity since the early 1950’s until after the recent events of the thwarted Ragnarok three years ago.

Since that time, Atticus has been on indefinite paid sabbatical from B&H, with his current whereabouts unknown.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Clumsywordsmith


Member Seen 7 mos ago

-Name: Nestor Grimsley

-Gender: Male

-Type: Demonspawn (Human cohabiting body with a Demon's Soul.)

-Appearance: It would be difficult to tell his age; no longer a young man, yet by no means middle aged either. A coarse growth of stubble across his lean jaw; high cheekbones and a well positioned nose give him an almost aristocratic appearance, one furthered still by the almost perpetual scowl in his brow – as if his resting face were always in a bit of a grim frown. His hair is dark, and rather long – tied back and out of his eyes. But it is his eyes that are the most striking. An ethereal shade of brilliant blue that seem almost to burn in their intensity.

-Age: Apparent: Mid 30s Actual: Roughly six centuries, though his retrievable memory only extends to half that length.

-Powers/Traits: On the human side, Nestor is both an accomplished swordsman and an excellent marksman. As Nestor shares a bond with the soul of an Ice Demoness, his powers follow suit: everything from forming an icy, protective shell to causing storms of icy lighting. The drawback being that power requires the consumption of souls, and with each soul consumed he continues further down his descent into madness.


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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Hour Error
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Hour Error A Visitor of Strange Hours

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Sal the Conjurer

Name: Sally "Sal" Lou

Gender: Female

Type: Human, with a hint of extra-planar blood.

Appearance: Sal stands just below average height, and possess the physique of an unexpectedly active wizard. She enjoys swimming and when not spending an evening on the job, she's never far from a dance floor. Her skin is pale, and together with her features serves to obfuscate her origins, and cloak in her mystery. A fact that she takes great pleasure in, and does nothing to resolve. She keeps her hair shoulder length, and dyed a dark purple bordering on midnight blue, with a single long braid wrapped in red silk reaching to the top of her chest. Sal has meticulously maintained eyebrows, and her amber eyes are framed by tasteful, if vaguely Gothic, use of eye shadow and eye liner.

Restless by nature, the conjurer exudes brash confidence and unwavering curiosity, untempered by age, in equal measure.

Sal is modest dresser, favoring black jeans, black t-shirts, canvas sneakers, and at most a warm sweater, unless the weather or the occasion demands differently. She is rarely found outside without an antique silk and gingham umbrella. Framed with beautiful cherry wood, adorned with silver, and possessing an alarmingly sharp tip in the same metallic material the umbrella protects it's bearer from the elements and unwelcome strangers, although Sal would never admit as much.

Age: Sal is in her early twenties, and looks like it.

Powers/Traits: Sal is a mostly-human hedge mage focused on the magical schools of mysticism and conjuration. Following an LSD-fueled journey through the Astral Plane, she has acquired an army of tiny, vaguely monstrous, rowdy, and drunken creatures that generally follow her commands. The creatures are led by a warlord, Gir the Mighty, and appear to be on the cusp of establishing a proper, if exceedingly violent, miniature society. They have yet to fully master fire, but the diminutive creatures have made excellent progress in regards to animal husbandry, and they have managed to train a small number of rats and pigeons to serve as their trusty steeds.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ElRey814
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ElRey814 Simulated Consciousness

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 23 days ago

-Name: Leonard August Winfield

-Gender: Male

-Type: Fishman

-Appearance: Leonard's profound ugliness is at once striking as well as repulsive. While he is a tall and strongly-built man with long limbs and broad shoulders, he stands with a hunch, his gait seems clumsy and unnatural, and his posture suggests a distinct unease. He has a greenish, sickly complexion, and is bald as an egg, with no eyebrows nor beard stubble. The structure of his face suggests deformity, with cheekbones too low, a pinched forehead, and a sunken brow. He has barely any chin to speak of, and thick wattles of flesh hang from his neck. His nose is flat and broad, his ears are small and close against his head, and his bulging eyes are spaced too far apart.

These however, are Leonard's most human-like qualities. His eyes are unblinking, oversized globes the color of milk. Rows of small, sharp teeth line his gums, jutting at odd angles, and his thin-lipped mouth seems to stretch too wide and open at too severe an angle. The digits of his fingers are at odd lengths, with his forefinger longer than his middle, and black claws tip them rather than nails. Leonard is repugnant to smell as well as to behold; he exudes a heady musk of fish, salt, and rot, like a wharf after an autumnal storm. His flesh is slick to the touch, as he constantly perspires a foul, viscous mucous.

Leonard's presence is offensive even to the higher senses of the spiritual and the supernatural. An aura of wrongness surrounds him, and his soul is a sick and tepid thing, a perverse hybrid born in defiance of natural law. Mortal men find him difficult to look upon for long, and even most animals find him repellent.

In ironic contrast to his hideous nature, Leonard is a notably sharp dresser. He is scarcely seen outside of a three-piece suit, and typically dons a tailed overcoat and hat when out of doors. He frequently walks with a cane, which is not a necessity as much as a cover for his strange gait. Dark spectacles hide his other notably inhuman feature when in company of mortals and the mundane, and his other deformities typically go unnoticed as humans generally avoid examining him closely.

-Age: While his sagging flesh and strange features make his "apparent" age difficult to gauge, Leonard claims to be 133 years old, approximately.

-Powers/Traits: While Leonard's precise species cannot be ascertained, it is obvious to even the casual observer that he is some manner of amphibious piscine humanoid. He possesses gills for breathing water in addition to lungs for air, and his body is covered in equal measure by rubbery skin and thick scales. His strength and endurance both exceed that of a human being, though he is not as physically powerful as the common werewolf. Obviously adapted for water, Leonard seems best suited to the freezing temperature, crushing pressure, and pitch-darkness of the deep ocean. Leonard can swim for long leagues, see, hear, and smell with clarity underwater, and can easily outrace a human in water, though he is not nearly as fast as most boats or predatory fish.

Beyond the obvious features of his physiology, Leonard displays more unusual characteristics. His biology is, to phrase it delicately, malleable to some extent. By his will he can subtly alter his own anatomy to better suit his needs. Scales may retreat and become smooth skin, fins may retract, and his cartilaginous skeleton may warp to suggest features such as a nose or ears. This manner of shape-shifting is how he can take on a human-adjacent appearance, while his "natural" form resembles some blasphemous fish-frog. He is capable of other minor permutations and transformations, such as creating a long, prehensile tongue, or altering his moisture-retaining mucous to become toxic and caustic. Leonard's anatomical plasticity lends itself toward a prodigious regenerative ability, which allows him to recover fully from the most grievous of wounds, even capable of regrowing lost limbs.

While the abilities inherent to Leonard's flesh are intriguing, he seems to additionally possess some form of extrasensory perception. Much like the echolocation present in marine mammals or electroperception present in some fish, Leonard can detect the psychic presence of other creatures. This perception extends for some thirty meters around him, growing weaker further out, and can precisely track the location of most entities, even through walls and other barriers. Some mild empathic ability is associated with this, as he can sense base emotions such as hunger, anger, pain, or rage, and detect the presence of supernatural influence. Leonard can notably detect dead or incorporeal conscious presences such as vampires or ghosts without difficulty. With significant mental concentration, Leonard can release a psychic "burst" at close range that can temporarily stun or disorient those affected by it, but this appears to be the full extent to which his abilities can be projected outward.

-Background: On 18 November, 2015 the Japanese fishing vessel Kawatora caught an abnormal specimen in their nets in the south Pacific Ocean. The creature, described by the fishermen as a "fish-man," was initially aggressive when pulled aboard, but was subdued with an emergency firearm and placed in a storage tank below-decks. The fishermen intended to sell the creature to a museum upon returning to Yaezu, but their communications were intercepted by a local Bain & Hoyle affiliate who retrieved the specimen at their port of call, and had the incident covered up.

The specimen was tranquilized and transported to B&H headquarters in London for study, under the code-name "Sandy." Kept in a large saltwater tank for study, Sandy was initially aggressive to researchers, and displayed symptoms of pressure sickness and photo-sensitivity. Once accommodations were made Sandy's aggression quickly dissipated and became more tolerant of researchers near its tank, but displayed no signs of human-level intelligence for the first six months of its captivity. However, Sandy first began to display an unprecedented level of humanoid behavior as a night watchman described its alleged preference for specific music and radio programs. A week later, Sandy began to tap a particular rhythm against its tank, which was identified to be a show tune from the 1902 Broadway musical The Silver Slipper. The following day, researchers relieving the night watchman of his duties found that Sandy had scratched the phrase "RED SOX" into the glass of its tank, letters mirrored so they could be read from the outside.

Sandy was given speech therapy for three weeks, before researchers determined that it could speak English. Allowed to emerge into the feeding chamber attached to its tank, Sandy was able to identify itself as Leonard August Winfield, an American man born in 1885. Over the course of several more weeks, continued interviews with Mr. Winfield determined that he was born in British Guiana to colonial aristocrats, and emigrated to the United States in his childhood. He attended medical school at Harvard, and served as a Naval Surgeon with the rank of Lieutenant Commander in the first World War. His recollections seemed to halt around that point, and he suggested that he had been transformed into his current state roughly eighty years ago, and had spent the intervening time in the deep sea. Dr. Winfield's following interviews were focused on reintegrating him to life on land, human society, and the changes that had occurred over the near-century he spent in the ocean.

Offered employment by Bain & Hoyle to aid in his rehabilitation, he was transferred to his requested location in Boston. His adaptation to both the world of the supernatural as well as the 21st century has progressed smoothly, and Dr. Winfield has proved to be an intelligent and resourceful operative. While his rehabilitation is still ongoing, he spends his time assisting the Boston branch with whatever services he can provide, as well as actively studying to reattain his medical license.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

esper'yhn barghest.
f e i b l a c k c l a w.

𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞. 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐝𝐨𝐠. 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐬𝐢𝐱 : 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟎𝟎 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐥𝐝.
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❝𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒅𝒐𝒈. ; 𝒃𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒕 ; 𝒃𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒔𝒉𝒖𝒄𝒌 ; 𝒑𝒂𝒅𝒇𝒐𝒐𝒕 ; 𝒄𝒂𝒑𝒆𝒍𝒕𝒉𝒘𝒂𝒊𝒕𝒆 ; 𝒈𝒓𝒊𝒎.❞


First spotted in 1577 at the church of Bungay in Suffolk.
-- apparition, ghost, shapeshifter, hellhound, reaper, guardian of the crossroads --


If ever should you come across one of these fabled apparitions within the gloom of the night, look not into their eyes that are aglow in spectral white or demented hellfire, these are the glimpses of deadened things prowling about in the shadows on the rattling chains of the dead. And should one ever cross your path, turn away at their presence, for fables tell of those who perish one year, six months, three days, two hours and one minute to the day they see such a horrid thing. Standing betwixt glamoured constructs and guarding ancient pathways and ley-lines festooned in acclaimed magics and forlorn souls lost wondering and held to the world; the Crossroads of reality and veiled existence. Black dogs are storied through watered down tales and lore, so often that their origins are muddled between Celtic, and Germanic elements of various cultures, but a constant remains they are famed as a portent of Death and ill wanted. They herald omens of change, death, illness and misfortune to mortality. Such follows their wake even into the Underworld wherein many are christened as Guardians; some told of would-be reapers that sing a funeral tole on the winds of the dead souls that call for their dues.

In whichever fable is held to a token of truth, it varies upon the tale told and the whispers uttered of their creation and conception. Secrets and lies are afforded in spades to the protection of self and life, uttered by either man or canine. Electrical storms rampant on a too-silent night will foretell a cruel malevolence that bears fang and claw on any victim, usually upon a moonless cycle where the shadows impart briefly to allow black dogs to roam free without the tethers of their once upon masters and would be keepers.

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