
"Try to not get in my way. I don't want there to be any accidents."
NameDaniel Blazek
AgeEighteen - June 7th, 1896 EC
RaceAncaster, Kingdom of Edinburgh
AppearanceDaniel is easily identifable by his rich, red hair that appears to be in constant state of chaos and a scar that runs from his upper right cheek to the right edge of his lip. In regards to his physical presence, Daniel stands at six feet and three inches and maintains a clearly defined set of muscles. Women often find him favorable to the eyes, often against his desires. Underneath his uniform, his body is host to a canvas of scars dedicated to fights he nearly lost. No matter the situation, his emerald-like eyes never lose their intensity. It is rare to ever hear him laughing. He is not afraid to get dirty and that often showcases on his uniform.
PersonalitySerious on and off the battlefield, nothing seems to be able to get underneath Daniel's skin. When speaking with others, he will often say what he truly thinks regardless of how it might make them feel. This has often put him at odds with those in charge. A harsh childhood has made him very wary of others, and so he often believes any show of kindness is hidden by an ulterior motive. Rarely will he ever initiate conversation with another, but he will answer when spoke too. He can seem dismissive at times, but deep down he will help any squad-mate that needs it.
Daniel holds a grim outlook on life and is willing to do anything without hesitation should it be necessary to protect his squad or stay alive himself. Any free time he receives he spends it either on the firing range or practicing hand-to-hand combat. Despite his rather stoic attitude, Any time a female approaches him he gets flustered without them even having to say a word. The mere proximity of women is enough for him to skin squirm, and will do his best to to distance himself as quickly as possible.
EquipmentS-M Longfield Rifle
Rifle Bayonet
Shrapnel-Ragnite Bombs
PotentialsDeadeye - Pratice on the firing range has allowed Daniel to reliably hit any target with extreme precision.
Fears Women - Due to a relationship that left him emotionally scarred, he is anxious whenever he is around women.
Street Warrior - Daniel's time spent with a street gang has honed his reactions and pain tolerance.
BiographyDaniel doesn't like to talk about a lot of subjects but the one that is completely off-limits is his past. His life started in the small city of Ancaster in the Kingdom of Edinburgh, born into the poverty-stricken Blazek family. Children are supposed to feel safe in their home but that was not the case for Daniel. His father was a heavy alcoholic and would raise hell every time he returned home from the steel mill he worked in. No matter how hard he tried to please his father, nothing was ever enough. His mother did nothing to protect him and this in turn made him view her as spineless. That was why he started to spend his time out in the street more than at home, which is how he got involved with the Tin Pot Gang.
It was in the Tin Pot Gang that he finally found some semblance of a family. They looked out for him while he was out on the streets, and even taught him how to pick-pocket. Daniel found he was very good at this and started doing this more and more frequently, often with the help of other young gang members like himself. As he got older, the gang had him do more and more dangerous crimes. It wasn't rare for Daniel to be in the middle of fight over turf, more than often ending with someone getting stabbed or sliced open with a knife. He has several scars over his chest as mementos of those first fights. Life at home only got worse and Daneiel grew ever distant from his parents.
One night upon returning home, he came across a horrific scene. His father laid face-down in a pool of blood, several gunshot wounds in his chest. A short distance away was his mother, limp on the ground with his father's revolver just out of her reach and a single entry wound through her temple. Daniel cried for what felt like the first, his heart a mess of conflicting emotions. He simply left their bodies there and ran out into the city, where he ran into the daughter of the local magistrate: Elizabeth Einzbern. She convinced her father to take him in, an opportunity to change his life. During his stay, he and Elizabeth developed a strong, personal connection that eventually blossomed into love. It was the happiest days of his life.
This brief period of joy was to be short lived. Elizabeth started to lose weight, lose the energy Daniel fell in love with, and was plagued by constant fevers. After a visit to the doctor, Daniel was told news he never wanted to hear: Elizabeth was dying from cancer. This revelation came shortly after the outbreak of the First Europan War. Slowly he watched the one person that made him happy...fade away. All the scars that had slowly begun to heal were violently ripped open. He did not have much time to process this before the military came for his service. It was through basic training that the broken pieces of him were put back together, although not in their original form. He took particular solace on the firing range and was known for being at the top of his class for accuracy. Now stationed out on the front lines, his only purpose is to fight.
AffiliationsIsaak Blazek - Daniel's father. Violent alcoholic who abused Mical and his mother. [Deceased]
Annabelle Blazek - Daniel's mother. A passive and anxious woman from years of abuse, eventually took her husband's life and his own. [Deceased]
Elizabeth Einzbern - Took Daniel into her home after his parents' death. She was the love of his life until cancer took her away. [Deceased]
Arthur Rennings - Leader of the Tin Pot Gang who looked after Daniel and taught him how to fight
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