Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
| C | R | E | S | T | W | O | O | D |
| H | O | L | L | O | W |

| ◼ G M: Lord Wraith | ◼ C O - G M ( S ): None | ◼ G E N R E: Superhuman, Modern Fantasy, School, Slice of Life | ◼ T Y P E: Linear with Sandbox Elements |

C H A R A C T E R S H E E T:

S U P P L I E D C O D E || V E R S I O N 1 . 0 2 :

R E L A T I O N S H I P S H E E T:

S U P P L I E D C O D E || V E R S I O N 1 . 0 3 :

C H A R A C T E R R O S T E R:

A C C E P T E D P L A Y E R S || T H E D R A M A T I S P E R S O N A E :
Bronse, Chloe as portrayed by @Tackytaff

Brooks, Felix as portrayed by @Lionhearted

Gallagher, Noah as portrayed by @Lord WraithGM

Harper, Ivy as portrayed by @BoyMom69035

Hope, Benjamin as portrayed by @Aeolian

Hughes, Conner as portrayed by @LukasVolkov

Thomas, Alexander as portrayed by @ZAVAZggg

Zhang, Aurora as portrayed by @Eleven

I N A C T I V E P L A Y E R S || C H A R A C T E R S T O B E R E M O V E D :
D'Voire, Abelle as portrayed by @RomanGM

Wenrong, Jiao-long as portrayed by @Odin

Weston, Marcus as portrayed by @Hillan

Whäner, Esther as portrayed by @Prisk

P E N D I N G A P P L I C A T I O N S || C H A R A C T E R S T O B E R E V I E W E D :
None at this time...
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 25 min ago

I M P O R T A N T N O N - P L A Y E R C H A R A C T E R S:

M A T H E R M E M O R I A L || F A C U L T Y :

M A T H E R M E M O R I A L || S T U D E N T S :
Coming after the IC is live...

C R E S T W O O D H O L L O W || R E S I D E N T S :
Coming after the IC is live...

W O R L D W I D E || O R G A N I Z A T I O N S & G R O U P S :
The Hyperhuman & Human Alliance, often stylized 3HA ( Triple 'H'-'A'), is a social equality group that is made up of both Hyperhumans and Humans fighting for equal rights among both species. It is the work of the Alliance over the past twenty years that has allowed the law to become much more lenient towards Hyperhumans using their abilities to benefit society. As a result, Society has progressed rapidly, much faster than any analysis could ever have expected it to.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 25 min ago


Noah William Gallagher Jr.
16 || Heterosexual
Physical Profile

Abilities, Skills and Resources
Appearance Details
Noah looks like someone who has yet to grow into his own body. Thin and lanky, his arms and, legs both appear over-sized to his torso. Although his left leg is shorter than the right due to his hip dysplasia. Thick, heavy framed glasses sit firmly on his nose, several pieces of scotch, duct and electrical tape placed at various points to hold the damaged frame together. His hair is quiffed, a dark brown colour with various streaks of lighter brown and blonde throughout due to time spent outside. His skin likewise holds a healthy sun-kissed tan, with several freckles starting on the bridge of his nose and spreading across his cheeks under either eye. A light five o'clock shadow can be seen growing in although around his cheeks and often kept shaven.

In terms of style, Noah prefers loose fitting clothing which hides his lithe build. Due to time spent running in his animal forms, he has built up his muscles his physique being more akin to that of a runner or swimmer than his style leads one to believe. Noah is never without his messenger bag or his crutch, and can often be seen heavily on it.

Character Synopsis
Born and raised in Crestwood Hollow, Noah William Gallagher Jr. lived his entire life in the Southern portion of the city, growing up amidst the ever-expanding suburbs. His parents were high school sweethearts, meeting during their sophomore year and falling quickly and madly in love. Noah's mother, Sophia discovered she was pregnant the night of their prom and announced it to Noah's father, his namesake after the pair was crowned the Prom's King and Queen. In his excitement, Noah Gallagher Sr. accidentally revealed his Hyperhuman Ability, a shower of sparks emitting from his hands, gathering the attention of the graduating class.

Taking Sophia home, Noah was jumped by his former teammates, the Mather Memorial Ravens. Noah had been the school's quarterback, one of the most popular men in school and by extension, Sophia had been fallen into the cliché of being the head cheerleader. She was the definition of the 'It Girl' and for her to have not only laid with but also to have been impregnated by a Hyperhuman was salt to the wound. Unskilled with his abilities, Noah was unable to defend himself as he was beaten to death by the school's football team.

The local police swept the hate crime under the rug, pinning the blame on a local drunk. Sophia meanwhile died during childbirth, the strain creating tears in her heart that ultimately led to her death. Her last breath was used to name the child after his father. Alone in the world, Noah Jr. was taken in by Sophia's parents, William and Sydney, his grandparents who raised him and his Aunt Danielle, Sophia's younger sister.

Growing up next door to the Harpers, young Noah and Ivy were near inseparable. Noah filled Ivy's want of a sibling and even from a young age, Noah was smitten with the older girl. As they aged though, the pair drifted apart and by the time they reached high school the pair were little more than familiar acquaintances.

During his youth, Noah was scarcely seen without the accompaniment of a large black Shiloh Shepherd owned by his grandparents. Outside of Ivy Harper, the dog, Achilles, was Noah's only friend while he was growing up. The pair went everywhere together and on one such occasion found themselves in Mather Park. Cornered by a mugger, Achilles sprung to Noah's defense attacking the man but in the struggle, the mugger's gun fired and Achilles died before he could make it to the veterinary hospital.

In his grief, Noah's powers manifested and his body began to mimic Achilles' appearance. The pain of his body warping caused immense strain on Noah's body and the transformation failed but not without causing irreparable damage. Noah was left with a permanent limp, walking with the assistance of a crutch. Eventually learning to control his transformations, Noah began to enjoy running in the form of a dog and during on his adventures stumbled across Ivy.

The girl was out for a walk by herself and so, in the form of a dog dubbed 'Shadow', Noah began to walk with her. He listened as the girl talked about her problems, her interests, whatever else came to mind. Despite the fact that the two had grown apart, Noah's feelings for Ivy had never changed. Due to his injury and the distance between them since their childhood, Noah lacked the confidence to approach Ivy as himself, but as 'Shadow' he could be a friend to her as Achilles had to him.

Despite being unable to participate in the more athletic extracurriculars at Mather Memorial, Noah stays involved by volunteering with the student council, school paper, radio and acting as the assistant editor for the school's yearbook. When word of Dr. Lehrer's Hyperhuman Program reached him, Noah took pause as attending would essentially out him as a Hyperhuman, the same act that led to the death of his father. Deciding instead that he'd attend as a Student Council member, Noah has decided to no out himself and keep his gifts a secret.

Noah is an insecure young man who hides behind a smile. He's aware of how off-putting his injuries can be to some people and loathes people looking down on him, hiding behind false sympathy. But he's also scared due to the realization he is a Hyperhuman, the same thing that led to his father being killed.

Due to this, Noah puts on a friendly outgoing facade which led to his numerous extracurriculars in order to compensate for his physical appearance. Noah's involvement allows him to blend into the crowd of the Mather Memorial, being memorable for what he does and not who he is. Above all else, Noah does not want to be known as 'the kid with the crutch' or worse, 'the Hyperhuman'.

However, Noah has another side. Something of a pessimist, he often jumps to the worst case scenario and is not quick to trust due to seeing the worst in people long before he ever starts to see the good in them. Despite this, he's something of a hopeless romantic and wears his heart on his sleeve, thus leading to his near-stalkerish behaviour towards Ivy Harper over the past couple of years.

◼ Noah participates in several different extracurriculars, these include the following:
Student Council - Treasurer
School Paper - Photographer
School Radio - Morning Host / Sports Announcer
Yearbook - Assistent Editor

◼ Noah still lives with his grandparents and his aunt who attends a local college.
Grandfather - William Sheridan
Grandmother - Sydney Sheridan
Aunt - Danielle Sheridan
Father (Deceased) - Noah Gallagher
Mother (Deceased) - Sophia Sheridan

◼ Noah's 'Familiars' include the following animal forms:
Dog - Blue Bay Shepherd
Otter - North American River Otter
Bat - Flying Fox / Fruit Bat

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Roman
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Roman Grumpy Toad / King of Dirt

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Abelle Manon D'Voire
17 || Hetero
Physical Profile

Abilities, Skills and Resources
Appearance Details
Abelle, preferably Belle, has always kept a slightly mysterious and alien-like air about her persona, in an open-armed acceptance of the oddities of her existence. She stands at a tall 5'11, with long limbs that threaten to be clumsy but are instead coordinated into smooth, graceful motion. Her facial bone structure appears other-worldly and her expressions dip equally into adorable and uncanny. She keeps her hair short, for low-maintenance as well as to accentuate her bone structure, and coupled with a single plain nose ring and her near-amber coloured eyes, she appears extra-terrestrial. Belle always make sure to cast strong shadows (in the right lighting), and strike an eye-catching figure in her day-to-day.

Despite her decidedly 'alternative' choice of hairstyle and jewelry, Belle once again appeals to the contrarian within her by dressing light and loose, favouring creams, whites, and other bright, pure colours, often choosing sheer, silk, or satin fabrics. While many of her clothes are simple in shape and style, they usually bear some sort of minor affectation in such a way to allow them to stand out against other, similar garments. Her makeup swings between either natural-esque or dark and heavy, but no matter her daily fashion, Belle always appears comfortable and cutting-edge.

Character Synopsis
Belle's parents, Lorin and Nathaneal, were both born in France, and met in class at Aix-Marseille University in Provence, where they were both taking Advanced Language Studies. Lorin's mother and father had lived through the Dark Eclipse and had passed to her the 'hype-gene', and while she had never realised, it had gifted her with an excellent capacity for learning all manner of foreign languages - a skill that had been put down to natural talent and gifted intelligence. Nathaneal, however, had secured his place through scraping every grade he could manage, working hard to achieve the results he needed - Nathan dreamed of a life travelling, and wanted to expand his knowledge of the world through its people. Together, they discovered a quiet, but fiercely powerful kinship, and the two began a deep, loving relationship that would endure many trials. They graduated with high honours, and began planning their lives together, moving to Paris to be young lovers. In 1998, Lorin fell pregnant unexpectedly, and the two young parents-to-be made a quick - and ultimately easy - decision to enter a brave new chapter in their lives. It did not start without its difficulties.

From early into the second trimester, Lorin's obstetrician identified a rare recessive defective gene from Nathaneal had been passed on to their child, that would cause a debilitating - and eventually terminal - neuro-degnerative condition. The couple refused to abort Belle, but instead took every course of treatment, medication, and surgery that was available to help their unborn child. Eventually, in July '98, Belle was born pre-maturely, and she spent 3 months in the NICU before she was declared stable enough to return home. Belle spent a year in Paris with her parents; according to them, it was the best year France, let alone Paris, had ever seen. Then Belle returned to the hospital. Her condition was taking its toll far more rapidly than any doctor - pre- or post-natal - has predicted. Lorin's chosen medical advisors had given Belle four to five un-impeded years, but she lasted only one before returning to white walls and vinyl flooring.

The situation was poor at best. Belle was declining at a rapid rate, and no known treatment could effectively stall the process that had already begun. She had maybe a few months at best, and her parents were distraught. Belle herself didn't - couldn't - understand, instead clinging to hazy, half-formed memories of the city of Paris. It was at the end of their rope that Belle's doctors and parents found a final, frayed string of hope.

An experimental trial treatment for Belle's condition was starting its preliminary stages in the US, and Belle qualified almost immediately. Lorin and Nathaneal, almost frantic with combined grief and bittersweet hope, signed the flood of paperwork with fervoured pens, and Belle was whisked away a mere 4 hours later. Belle spent three days in Washington before her parents cleared their Visa's and passports to join her. In their desperation, they had skimmed over the details of the treatment, and it was only when they had landed, settled, and had Belle returned to them post-treatment that they were de-briefed by the lead medical staff on the trial.

The participants selected had had isolated strains of genetically altered genome tags from select species of insect introduced to the faulty genes that caused their neuro-degnerative conditions; it was a long-shot, and in very early stages, but the scientists involved believed that the DNA, chosen from a very select set of insect species, had properties that could treat or cure the patients' conditions by binding to the faulty genes responsible and either fixing - or overriding - the imperfect processes that caused the degeneration. It took several months, and other participants saw no changes - but somehow, against all odds, it worked for Belle. She got better. Lorin and Nathaneal thanked whoever it was that had watched over their child, and began to pick up their new lives in the US, far removed from the idyllic Paris days of their youth.

Lorin and Nathaneal picked up small jobs that paid enough to get by as doctors and scientists monitored Belle's improvement over the next three years; shortly after Belle turned five, she was found to be clear of all signs and symptoms of her previously life-threatening condition, and her visits and check-ups ceased. Overjoyed, Lorin and Nathaneal searched for their perfect home, and found it in New Hampshire, Crestwood Hollow, where both of Belle's parents found steady jobs teaching at Mather's Memorial High School - Lorin registering as a Hype and using her gift to teach language, while Nathaneal applied his studious intelligence to History.

Belle grew up a healthy and happy child, living in the Beau-side of Crestwood Hollow with her parents, her favourite young memories being those of walking home on warm afternoons through the park with her father after school, her mother often staying late to tutor. As she aged, she inquired of hazy recollections in sterile-white rooms with doctors and nurses, and her parents, cautious in their answers, told her of genetic disorders and the vague treatments that cured it. It was not until a few years later, at 15, that Lorin discovered Belle in the garden at their home, dancing with butterflies and making patterns out of marching ants - and then the family had a long talk about the particulars of Belle's treatment, and of the dangers of her inheritance. Belle recoiled at first, finding it unseemly and unsettling; but her parents left her with medical records and research notes, and gently helped her towards acceptance. Belle acquired a keen interest in Human and Insect Biology, Biology as a subject quickly becoming her best, and as she moved up academically she began taking on extra-curricular courses related to Human Biology and Entomology, having a vested interest in the subjects.

Now, Belle is 17, through most of her puberty and attending Mather Memorial. She practices her power but in privacy, though is an outspoken member of the growing Hype community around the globe; but the new Hyperhuman Social Conscience has offered Belle a chance to bring her true self into the public spotlight, and an opportunity to bond with those who share similar stories.

Belle has always prided herself on being a genuine, compassionate, and kind individual. Being ‘nice’ may not help her stand out, but she can’t stand to think of purposefully hurting someone who has done her no wrong. Sure, being a Hype comes with its share of taboo and disdain, but being nasty on top of that would only alienate her from her peers further, and do little to forward the hyperhuman cause in the grand scheme of things. Belle prefers to live and let live where conflict is concerned, and offer sympathy and help to those who need it. However, being nice doesn’t mean being dumb. Belle is a studious and astute student (though both parents being teachers is not a small factor in her academic success) and she is naturally observant, analytical, and inquisitive.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Aeolian
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Aeolian Someone's Bookish Flower Bride 🐸

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Benjamin Samuelle Hope
17 || Homosexual
Physical Profile

Abilities, Skills and Resources
Appearance Details
Benjamin is a handsome young man noted for having taken greatly after his mother, with dark smooth skin(the only one of his siblings with his mother's skintone), soft black curls often swooshed back or held in a bun, soft eyebrows, full heart-shaped lips, a downward nose, and lovely almond shaped eyes, often deemed as the culprit of his faint femininity and approachable disposition. He's often got a resting look of contemplation and longing. His protruding ears and friendly face give him a somewhat elf-like appearance. He is of an average height, and his body is slim and toned like a swimmer, though notably missing the muscle definition of someone who actually exercises. He generally wears clean attire; a sweater and khakis is usually his go to.

Character Synopsis
Born and raised for most of his life in the UK by a British mother and a Jewish father, Benjamin is the second oldest of 4, having one older brother and two younger brothers, Solomon Jr.(20), Danior(15) and Malachai(9). His mother worked as a psychotherapist and his father was in the military. Because of this, he didn't get to see his father very often. Despite this, Benjamin had always admired his parents, but especially his father, who had always taught him the value of knowledge, continued growth, and how to be a responsible man.

However, it wasn't until his father died in duty, that his powers activated. The day after the funeral, he was plagued by a haunting nightmare and when he woke up, he found himself on the basement floor with a gash on his temple and a broken ankle. Once he recovered, every night he would use his newfound ability to quietly sneak out the house in order to visit his father's grave, talking and ranting to him as though he had never departed. This nightly ritual went on for months.

But unfortunately, his mother had no such solace. Unable to bury the pain of her husband's death and in much dire need of a fresh start, Benjamin's mother moved them to Crestwood Hollow after an extensive search for a new school lead to the discovery of the The Hyperhuman Social Conscience Program.

Though voluntary, she made Benjamin's participation mandatory. Furthermore, it was here that she was finally able to live her life long dream of opening her own psychotherapy practice. But in the end, she is hoping that Benjamin can start over as well and become a happier individual. He probably took the death of his father the hardest.

Composed, soft-spoken, practical, and no-nonsense, Benjamin is an insightful and pensive individual who puts education and hard-work above all else. He is incredibly pragmatic and sensible, and is the type to get things done right the first time, as he can become very impatient and hates wasting his time. To him, knowledge and self-growth is power, and anything else that might subvert from that is a waste of time and effort.

Though his eyes are sparkling and seem warm and inviting, in actuality, he is rather shy, cold, and distant. Benjamin has a hard time expressing his emotions to others and prefers to remain studious and nose deep in his studies. He sometimes does his peers homework for pay, as he is not completely opposed to stepping outside the box.

Though he generally sees himself to be more intelligent than his peers, he does see the potential in them and can become frustrated when they do not seize it or realize it themselves. In this regard, he can become rather imperious and controlling, as he does not tolerate failure, especially for himself, and is willing to jeopardize his morality in order to achieve his goals. For the rare few who have managed to penetrate his icy outer exterior, he is very sensitive, gentle, and loyal to them, probably to a fault.

Benjamin continues to think dearly of his departed father and wants to follow in his will in order to exert himself for the remainder of his living family. He will stand up against anyone who dare speak ill of his father.

He is openly gay, though makes no effort to make it a point or topic of discussion. He has never had a boyfriend or even been kissed yet. Speaks with a British accent. Following in his father's jewish heritage, he prays three times a day(morning, afternoon, and evening).

Benjamin's Family

- Father (Deceased) - Solomon Hope Sr. (Former military lieutenant)
- Mother - Georgette Hope nee Okonedo (Psychotherapy practitioner)
- Older Brother - Solomon Hope Jr (20) (College student. Living on campus)
- Younger Brother - Danior Hope (15) (New student at Mather Memorial High School)
- Youngest Brother - Malachi Hope (9) (School student)

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Mirandae
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Member Seen 22 days ago


Esther Helena Whäner
15 || Uncertain
Physical Profile

Abilities, Skills and Resources
Appearance Details
Various braids, glasses to see, oversized sweaters, tight jeans and leggings, brightly colored sneakers, lots of ink stains on hands, wide thighs, tiny chest, plump features. Most of Esther’s glow will follow from her expressions. Smiles and frowns, sadness and bewilderment—all of it carries their own extremes that eliminates all sense of observer interpretation. She is an open book with a font large enough for the blind. Esther does not shy away from happy returns, physical or otherwise.

Character Synopsis
Esther was born in Dresden, Germany on May the 4th. Her father was Sebastian Hermann Whäner and her mother was Lieselotte Hilde Whäner. Esther was named after her great-grandmother.

Esther’s story begins with her father, Sebastian Hermann Whäner. He was born somewhere in Germany, 1955. That household slumbered upon a peculiar past and a patriarchal figure interested in experiments of the mind and human behavior. Sebastian was twelve years old in 1967, when everything changed. The following years are shadowed by strange interpretation and fractured memories, but it sparked in Sebastian a similar interest that his father had, only many times as destructive.

Sebastian graduated with honors and dedicated his life to research and experimentation. Some of his pursuits and methods were rather extreme and frowned upon by colleagues. He eventually got himself ejected from that esteemed community after having exposed his terrifying ‘gift’. Years of unemployment and misery followed. Eventually, he and his wife was able to leave Germany for North America, having secured a similar line of work without previous shame.

By the time Sebastian’s daughter had reached a young age, his gift had grown beyond his understanding. He had become obsessed with his own ‘legacy’ and research, convinced that his daughter carried an identical ambition. Between Esther’s seventh and thirteenth birthdays, Sebastian subjected her to a series of what has later been labeled ‘Mental Abuses’. He entered her dreams and created vast spaces of his own altered memories and visions of the future. He subjected her to daily hallucinations that were designed to change her way of thinking and feeling. Esther was never directly harmed, but her mother seems to think so, and all those who have analyzed the account concurs.

Eventually, Esther’s mother severed all contacts with Sebastian through divorce and law enforcement. Esther and her mother were relocated to Crestwood Hollow after Sebastian failed to show up in court, and subsequently deemed dangerous. Esther was originally submitted to the Program for ‘memory therapy’, but she decided to stay for other reasons.

Esther communicates primarily through physical action. If it is not through sign language, it is through facial expressions, touch, and drawing and writing. This mode of communication instills the illusion of an exaggerated individual. One might even think of actors at the theatre and their overt testimonies. It used to be tiresome for Esther, but she has grown to enjoy it at times. She personally prefers communication through physical touch, especially with friends. It is one of those things that seems to have been lost in the modern age. People are so distant, so cold, so robotic—at least to Esther. Sometimes she deliberately ‘forgets’ her notebook, so that she cannot write or draw, but is forced to communication through either sign or touch.

If there is anything about her ability that has affected her the most, then it is empathy. It is the one part of her extra sensory input that she does not ignore. Esther dreams of being able to work with people in the future, where she can put that part of her ability, empathy, to good use. Esther’s way of being has come to be directed by how those around her feel, their state of mind. It is almost as if she is an ‘emotional support animal’, short and cute, but a bit more complex and a bit more dangerous. Esther hopes to train herself to be able to enter other people’s dreams or create hallucinations of alternate realities in which she and another person can tackle emotional demons and regain happiness, as a form of therapy. Seeing as she cannot speak, Esther has ruled out the option of becoming a psychologist.

Due to what her father did, Esther has a strict code of conduct when it comes to ‘invasive’ telepathy. She knows when a person’s sense of integrity is broken, where the line is drawn. She has never felt herself ‘power hungry’ or ‘villainous’ in the sense of wanting to know secrets about people, or to know what they think. As she does not randomly hear peoples’ thoughts, it is quite easy for her to be ‘normal’, and to communicate by other means. However, Esther does promote the use of her empathic ability, but she considers it to be non-invasive—normal people can have great empathy as well. But, when it comes to the still developing aspects of her ability, such as creating hallucinations or perception denial (shadowing), she will only test it on people who are clearly hostile.

Esther will always ‘ask’ if she can telepathically speak with a friend. If the friend agrees, that friend will hear a voice from Esther as if she was speaking, but her mouth will not move. The voice Esther uses is usually whatever female voice she likes, but never the voice of who she is speaking to. Esther is very careful when it comes to ‘invasive’ telepathy. One would have to be a diehard enemy for Esther to force herself into the mind.

Esther reads and watches a lot of horror books and films. While it is mostly personal preference and interest, it is a useful abstraction to have when inserting images into someone’s mind or creating nightmare visions for the plain eye. Also, Halloween is Esther’s favorite thing ever. Everything—absolutely everything—has to be perfect and included during that time of the year.

Due to her expressive nature, it can be difficult for Esther to show that she likes someone in particular without bluntly stating it through writing. To most people it will seem as if she loves them at first glance, but, of course, that is not the case. Esther has troubles with distinguishing between genuine and non-genuine affection, as she is always affectionate as a form of communication. If someone likes her, they might have to bluntly state it, just as she has to, in order for Esther to understand—unless they allow her to enter their mind and find out.

Esther’s favorite sweet is Chocolate Pudding.

When Esther speaks: "sign language", "telepathy", "written text".

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 10 days ago


Marcus Nathaniel Weston
17 || Heterosexual
Physical Profile

Abilities, Skills and Resources
Appearance Details
Marcus is tall, well built and fairly handsome in a boyscout kind of way. Nobody would think that Marcus is a bad boy, and they'd be right for doing so. His life's been pretty good. He comes from good money, his father is incredibly successful and he's a driven, well taken care off young man. It's plain to see all of these things in the way he carries himself, the way he talks and the way he dresses. His style's comprised of good brand clothes, nothing too fancy but nothing shabby, either. Jeans, T-shirt, hoodie, jacket. He doesn't wear any piercings and has no tattoos currently.

Character Synopsis
Marcus is a rather straight forward, popular and morally upstanding young man. People call him 'boyscout' on occasion. He is by the book and very responsible and reliable. This is kind of contradictory to his background in the top 1 percent, his father a billionaire and his mother a lawyer before her death when Marcus was a child. Marcus isn't a particularly spoiled young man, perhaps due to the humble pie he's been served more than once.
His father's job makes Marcus's identity as a Hyperhuman quite the issue and reflects poorly on his father's work and stature.

Marcus is a Straight A student, captain of the soccer team and class president for all of his years in a row and this year is hoping to become Student body president. Well, that was before this summer when his bracelet broke and he accidentally used his powers during judo practice. No one was hurt, so his only punishment was a fine for doing so. Him quickly being outed as a hyperhuman has started a chain reaction of negative events on his life that's only started.

He's joining the class because he wants to build a support network of other Hypes. He's in a position of power, financially and socially where him outing himself as a Hype has a lesser effect than it would have on others in less fortunate situations. He's trying to become a pillar in a community his family's directly opposed to and wants to work for Hyperhuman rights in society - thinking this is a good place to start.

Simply put, Marcus is a friendly, helpful and kind young man. He's got little intention of hurting anyone and cares about other people in a genuine, non fabricated way. He's a bit childish and playful and isn't above pulling pranks on people in good spirits. His one downfall is social situations is perhaps that he's too nice. His non partisan way of thinking and ideas of truth and justice might make him seem bland in a world of edgy people with very polarized opinions.

He believes in protecting the weak, helping those who are down and doing everything in his power to make tomorrow a little better than today.

His fur allergy makes him not much of an animal lover.
Plays quite a bit of Super Smash Melee, well, Project M, technically.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lionhearted
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Member Seen 2 mos ago


Felix Alexander Brooks
16 || Bisexual
Physical Profile

Abilities, Skills and Resources
Appearance Details
A broad physique with exceptionally toned muscles help to give Felix his 'hot jock' indentifier of his school. He stands tall and proud, walking with confidence, conviction, and motivation while unintentionally intimidating any acquaintences that he comes across. A stern expression seems to always be present, masking any underlying emotions that he may have. A small, yet consistent habbit of clenching his teeth bring attention to his chiseled jawline that frame his otherwise soft features. Felix's blue eyes display vividly between dark eyelashes, often being depicted first when facing most people.

Felix's style typically consists of his varsity letter football jacket, but as of late, he sports more casual clothes. He chooses to wear clothes that are plain and not loud, the majority of his wardrobe being that of neutral colors to pair with jeans or chinos, topped off with either white or black sneakers. Aside from a more mundane way of dressing, Felix is always sure to leave the house with his hair styled nicely, taking pride in his hair cut that he gets from his barber nearly every two weeks.

Character Synopsis
Felix was raised by parents who believed that everything needed to be placed within a system, whether it be as simple as household chores or as complicated as finding control within unmonitored societies of people, all in hopes to ensure prosperity and security in the end. Almost everybody knows of his parents and their influence throughout New Hampshire since they held so many titles such as: business people, social activists, founders of donation organizations, etc. The list has become much too long to cite every professional title that they take great pride in -- thus it is safe to say that they are, in fact, undoubtedly strict.

With an ambitious and motivated personality developing within Felix, he was placed within competitive sports and activities at an early age to help construct good traits for future success. His parents were very hard on him, expecting more than just his best, which caused Felix to begin to grow with a lot of self-discipline, but also a need to continuously impress his parents to try and win their sparse acceptance. As he went through his childhood watching his parents boast in their success and their movements within societies, he began to become so immersed in trying to live up to their potential until he began to drown in a sea of rigorous classes and intense sports.

Suffocating by the need to improve more substantially, Felix's body began to change with his motivation to rise above the adversities that seemed to kill him. In this case, he needed a way to be better than his best and these changes took him to the football stadium on a cold October night in which they were facing a rivaling team. The chances of victory were slim and as quarterback, the pressure was placed on him to succeed -- which became easier with the dawn of his hyperhuman abilities. As the game began to conclude, Felix utilized these new found powers by casting transparent force fields around the surface of his uniform, causing him to ram through everybody that attempted to tackle him.

Although that particular game was seen as a huge victory at the time, Felix illegally used his powers covertly to take the team to bigger and better things. This, in turn, gave him praise from the school population and many schools surrounding the town -- his name being known for his many victories. On the contrary, Felix had other intentions by this. The strictness of his parents became more at ease since they saw Felix thriving instead of struggling. His mind began to free itself of the painful anchors that held him back -- but it would all come to a halting stop once he was discovered as a cheater.

An opposing team monitored that particular game until they became suspicious of his nearly sudden boost of strength. They suspected his hyperhuman abilities, so they enforced a screening that displayed the usage of his powers. In Felix's defense, he claimed that he was clueless of performing such acts, but he was still undermined, belittled, and forced to quit, losing any chances at scholarships and acceptances by ivy league schools, but it didn't end in his own bitter defeat. The school lost their lead with football and were forced to quit the season due to an inaccurate presentation of true skill, forcing an abundance of blame onto Felix. In turn, everything began to resurface as harsh as a barrage of nuclear warheads upon a small target -- his self-hatred, the disappointment of his parents, the loss of his popularity, the loss of his opportunities. Thus, Felix goes about his days with a harsh and seemingly chronic depression as he volunteers to join the Hyperhuman Social Conscience Program in hopes for a destiny that could contain even just a sliver of light.

Since birth, Felix has held a competitive personality much like his parents, finding himself to perform best when he's faced with a challenge. Due to the lack of love given by his parents and family, Felix finds himself trying to impress them at all costs, but from recent events, he has come to a standstill with putting his efforts towards just that. This resulted in the creation of his, now, rather mundane and depressed personality that opposed his once motivated ways. A once hardworking individual has become lazy, serious, and untalkative, and since the loss of his friends and girlfriend, Felix interacts with very few people while he maintains this very dry, colorless personality. The days go by slow for him as he's lost in which direction to steer his life, secretly hoping for something to give him purpose again.

• Felix is the middle child of two siblings which strongly influence his continuous internal battles. He's subject to be better than his dead beat elder brother, while being a strong role model for his fourteen year old younger sister.

• Felix has had one long relationship with a beautiful blonde babe that matched his social status at his school, but due to the fall of his popularity, they have recently underwent a harsh break up. Aside from this, Felix has hooked up with a handful of girls, and has experimented with one or two guys.

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BoyMom69035 M○m^^@ B€äR

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Chloe Ilya Bronse
Age (17) || Bisexual
Physical Profile

Abilities, Skills and Resources
Appearance Details
Chloe towers over the other girls and half the boys in her year. Whatever insecurities she had in her youth have vanished and she presents herself with the confidence of what she is; damn hot. Her style isn't modest; favoring expensive and unique clothing, often uncomfortable and unsuitable for small town living.

Character Synopsis
Born and raised in Crestwood Hollow, there wasn't anything about Chloe that made her exceptional. As a child she was smart enough, but plain and painfully shy to the point where even those who'd gone to school with her since kindergarten were hard pressed to remember who exactly she was come each September. As much a blessing as a curse, Chloe's childhood was spent isolated, free of both friends and tormentors. Her family did their best to fill the void. Her mother, Harriet Bronse worked in the middle school as a secretary and her father Curt Bronse, was part of the City's port administration. To them Chloe was something of a miracle for even having been born, and they doted on her enough that she rarely felt the lack connection to her own peers.

She remained the invisible ugly duckling of the Hollow until part way into her sophomore year. Not that things got better right away; the sudden change in her height left her gangly and clumsy; just awkward enough to draw attention. High-schoolers aren't known for their kindness, and they latched to Chloe without mercy. Her smarts, her body, her hair was all fair in the game of torment. Her clothes in particular, which she seemed to grow out of by the month, and more often than not were found in charity stores to keep up with her demand, were a constant source of amusement for others. The already trying time was aggravated when another 'miracle' joined the family by way of a younger brother Thomas, and the only two people she relied on in her life became too busy to help her through high-school troubles.

That was the year she began stealing. Only small things at first; a lipgloss from the drugstore two blocks from her family's apartment, or a pair of earrings from the juvenile jewelry store. Eventually her petty crimes escalated to entire mall raids, where she managed to get a summer job at a clothing store. She came back to school completely transformed. Her body had finally caught up with itself and filled out nicely, her braces were removed and once frizzy hair had smoothed into full wild curls, and of course, her new wardrobe. In no time a very different sort of attention fell on her.

Junior year quickly became the best year of her life; aside from one or two run-ins with local law enforcement, it seemed nothing could go wrong for Chloe. She found herself turning away friendships with girls who had once mocked her and thrived on the petty feeling of justice it gave her. Her confidence blossomed shortly after her beauty and she was changed completely. Her grades slipped for a time, but platitude at a respectably high B, allowing her to pursue an offer from a modeling scout for a winter fashion week in New York.

The revelation of her abilities didn't occur until the very end of junior year. It wasn't any traumatic even or grand display. One morning she simply couldn't get up out of bed. First she had though she was still in whatever nightmare had plagued her in the first place, but as the sun rose and she remained immobile she realized something was terribly wrong. As soon as the new class in hyper-human studies was announced over the summer, Chloe signed up for the credit offering little to no explanation to anyone who asked.

For most her life, Chloe was the nice girl. Not that many people remember those days, back when she practically blended into the walls. She didn't do much to change it; remaining quiet and bookish enough to go unnoticed throughout middle-school and her freshman year. Then after the awkward year of being 15, Chloe's personality was remade as much as her appearance. She remains bitter from the loneliness of her younger years and resents most any of the classmates that have approached her in the name of friendship ever since. As such Chloe has largely remained aloof and isolated among her peers; only now they all notice.

A younger brother Thomas, aged 1 year old. Lives in a small two-bedroom appartment above a laundromat with her parents a few blocks west of the Port's boardwalk. While she's managed to talk her way of of getting a proper criminal record, a few of the local police are slightly more wary of her.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Eleven
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Eleven things are strange

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Aurora "Rory" Zhang
Age 16 || Bisexual
Physical Profile

Abilities, Skills and Resources
Appearance Details
Rory is bright smiles and star-filled eyes, nose crinkled by laughter and hair tousled by expressive hands. She is fun-sized and light and made for climbing trees and squeezing through tight spaces. Her mood can be read entirely from the curve of her lips: upwards is good, happy, her default; a pout is not getting her way; curled up is mad and prepare for retaliation; downwards is bad, rare, and a precursor to tears. There is always a spring in her step and despite a proclivity to trip over nothing and for spatial miscalculations, she has somehow kept her skin smooth and free from blemishes.

The clothes she wears only need to fit two criteria: cute and comfortable. If it's one or the other, she'll wear it. If it's both, she'll wear it repeatedly. Oversized sweaters and pastel blouses are her go-to, as are plain white sneakers that go with everything. She has reading glasses she's supposed to wear but is often forgotten in the deepest recesses of her backpack, and her hair is kept short because it is easier to manage.

Character Synopsis
Rory was born in Boston, Massachusetts. Her mother, Avery, was working as an editor for a publishing company specializing in children's literature around the same time her father Xian got his first big break. He'd sent in numerous manuscripts that never saw the light of day, but his most recent one had publishers fighting for him. His trilogy was destined to be a hit, and it was Avery that was to guide him there.

Working so closely, it seemed almost inevitable that they got together. Both finding out that the other was a Hyperhuman only solidified this. They got married within a year, had Rory the year after, then separated the year after that. Turns out that no matter how compatible they were, it wouldn't change her father's sexuality.

Her parents parted in amicable terms, with her mom helping her dad sort things out. They both eventually found the right person for each other—Hyperhuman activists (although not powered themselves) they met at a Hype Equality Rally—and that's the family Rory has always known. She has a dad, a pop, a mom, and a pa. It's both a blessing and curse when you have two sets of parents, and she loves every bit of it.

Rory moved to Crestwood Hollow with her two dads when she was ten. Her dad had one book left to write and needed a change of scenery for inspiration, and Rory was never one to pass up new adventures. They bought a house in the block adjacent to Mather Park, within view of that haunting Hanging Tree, and have lived there since. She visits her mom and pa at least once a week, although recently they have been swamped with work.

Her power manifested during the summer; Rory was over the moon. The world she knew growing up was a very pro-Hyperhuman one. Her parents were very involved with the community: staging rallies, sheltering displaced Hyperhumans, raising money to help those unable to find jobs because of their abilities. Even her dad's best-selling trilogy was rife with thinly-veiled pro-Hype sentiments.

When word of the program in Mather Memorial reached her, she volunteered immediately.

Sprightly and good-natured, Rory is a natural people person with a genuine sense of wonder. There is no shortage of laughter or amusement in her wake. Her friends will say she's a goofball, but Rory prefers to think she's just keen on spreading (literal and figurative) sunshine wherever she goes. She is the first to make light of stressful situations and the first to point out the silver lining when things are bleak.

Rory is sincere to a fault, heart on her sleeves and everything. She will cry her heart out, will be petulant and vindictive, will confess her love openly and unabashedly. Any and all endeavors she finds compelling will be attended to wholeheartedly, doubly so if it is for a friend in need. It is only when she is shaken to her core, unable to release the grip of fear, that Rory is less than true to herself. She will cower behind her brand of silliness, between forced laughter and exaggerated cluelessness, before ever admitting that she is afraid.

Growing up essentially coddled by two sets of parents has perhaps skewed Rory's perception of the world and may have made her unprepared for the harsh realities in store for her.

Schoolwork isn't filed under things she finds compelling, and so Rory's grades are middling at best and barely passing at worst.

She is an honorary cheerleader; the squad was rooting for her to pass tryouts, but while she had more than enough spirit, she was lacking in coordination.

She's part of the Art Club. One of her goals in life is to do the illustrations for her dad's books.

People are often surprised to find out that she is an avid reader.

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DELETED jdl3932 Sok Il-Seong / (Second Initiation)

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Alexander Jay Thomas
Age 17 || Heterosexual
Physical Profile

Abilities, Skills and Resources
Appearance Details
Alexander stands at a height of 5 feet, 9 inches tall, has a weight of 163 lbs, brown eyes, short dark brown hair, tan skin, a lithe but muscular build, and a black hourglass tattoo on his back. Even though he's a rather introverted and reserved person, he still has a taste for expensive attire and objects.

Character Synopsis
Born on July 1st, 2001 in Mobile Alabama, Alexander was left with a distant and wealthy relative who lived in Crestwood Hollow by his parents after they discovered their son was a Hyperhuman on his fourteenth birthday, when his powers first manifested. This relative, a man named Damian, treated Alexander with respect rather than fear and welcomed the boy into his home.

Damian provided Alexander with the best schooling, clothes, and food money could buy. Despite all of this however, Alexander's tutelage was not pleasant. Many of his teachers viewed him with disgust or fear and purposefully made his schooling as difficult as they possibly could when Damian wasn't around.

Eventually Damian found out about this behaviour and fired his teachers. For a long time after that Damian took it upon himself to teach Alexander, in the hopes that the boy could have a successful and fulfilling life. And while Alexander was thankful for Damian attempting to look out for him, he realised that there was only so much the man could do, especially after their neighbors in the gated community they lived in, which was completely devoid of people with the Hype-Gene, found out that Alexander was a Hyperhuman.

So, not wanting things to escalate between Damian and the community, Alexander began searching the internet for other avenues he could take to advance his education, where he eventually found the Hyperhuman Social Conscience Program on the Mather Memorial website. After perusing the page, Alexander went down to the school an volunteered for the program once it started in the Fall.

When the time came Alexander was notified. Damian, whilst sad to see the boy leave, realised that this was a great opportunity for him. While Alexander didn't ask for any money or support, Damian provided it anyway in the form of a modest, two story, fully furnished and fully paid for house, a reliable vehicle, and an emergency fund in case Alexander should run into some financial difficulties down the road. The only condition that Damian had concerning all this, was that Alexander only took full ownership of everything Damian had provided after turning eighteen.

After all of this was said and done, Alexander parted ways with Damian and began his new life.

Alexander is a rather introverted person, preferring to silently observe a situation and gather as much information as possible before making a decision. Despite his introverted and reserved nature however, Alexander will not hesitate to help those who need it especially if the person in need of help has powers, as he finds such discrimination reprehensible.

Current Funds
*On Person - $365.
*In Emergency Fund - $30,000.

Current Chronokinetic Abilities
*Time Stop.
*Time Reduction (Slow Time).
*Flash-Forward (Speed Up Time).
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by LukasVolkov
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LukasVolkov He Who Rises... Again.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Conner Nathaniel Hughes
18 || Bisexual
Physical Profile

Abilities, Skills and Resources
Appearance Details
Conner is a bull of a boy, barrel chest, treetrunk arms and legs, and neck thick with muscles and covered in scale. He is deeply tanned and has patches of reddish scale dotting his arms and back along with a myriad of scars. The day he hit puberty he shot up and started packing on the muscle from working on his father’s farm. Conner is fiercely handsome with a square jaw, red-orange eyes, and laugh lines around. He carries himself with dignity, walks with purpose; It is rare so see him without a smile on his face, but his grin has a feral aspect to it. Much to Conner’s profound ire he has four fours sprouting from his upper forehead that grow back over his scalp, despite the pain it brings him, Conner shears his horns off, which becomes a pain as they grow in ridiculously fast. He wears hats to hide what he can’t cut off. Conner tends to look like a man/dragon hybrid to other people, particularly when he is agitated, or in pain.

Conner likes to present himself like a gentleman, wearing the nicest clothes he can, opting for suits and button downs. He keeps his medium length hair slicked back at all times and keeps himself cleanly shaven.

Character Synopsis
Conner was born near Manchester to his loving parents on a sheep farm. Since he could walk Marcus worked the farm with his father while his mother homeschooled him. She was an author and poet herself, so he grew to love history from her. Within time they agreed to let him study abroad in Germany when he was thirteen. There he started learning French, German, Italian, and developed a serious love for the Hellenistic Era. In the summers he would return home to the Irish countryside and continue to help his father.

The year he turned fifteen Conner and his class were on a spelunking field trip, he discovered his powers. Conner was exploring further down, his overdeveloped curiosity driving him on when the cavein occurred. Everyone but Conner made it out. He fell twenty feet, broke his leg and became pinned. The pain woke something inside him and he puked up blood and fire before blacking out. When he woke back up he was in the middle of the woods in a burned up clearing, naked. He was found days later by rescue teams. He remembered his classmates running in fear from him before he ran off.

Months passed as Conner came to terms with his new powers, even experimenting with them a little. Around the farm her could do more than before, feeling stronger than he ever had. Eventually his staying home wasn’t doing anything for his education so his mother had a solution. That he go to Crestwood Hollow in America where the HSCP held classes for hyperhumand. He was… skeptical, being nothing like the rigorous schooling he loved so dearly in Germany but the novelty of his poets became mundane and he was ready for a new challenge. With money they’d saved up, Conner’s parents paid for him to move there and enrolled him in the school.

Conner is a jovial lad who loves keep things upbeat and good god does the he love to lecture. Get him going about history, especially anothing having to do with the Hellenistic Era and you’re liable to sit there for hours, and he’d be more than happy to do so. Always looking on the bright side this one, and rarely lets life get him down. For Conner this is a matter of survival, as a positive mindset keeps his rather explosive temper down. Since his powers manifested, he has had a growing problem with it. So he is forced to think happy thoughts, and laugh at whatever life throws at him because if he didn’t he’d be no better than a beast.

Conner is a scholarly to his bones with an intellect to match his vast curiosity. He loves a good mystery and relishes deciphering old texts and scrolls even after years of retirement. He has a funny habit of talking to himself in Gaelic, often cursing in it too. When he becomes focused on his books the world fades away and it takes nothing short of physically pulling him away to get his attention.

Over the last five years Conner’s temper has become harder and harder to keep down, foten flaring black from the littlest things, but he keeps a learned handle on it, often boxing at the gym to work off excess stress and rage (he brings his won fireproof bag). He’s seriously protective of his collection of coins and other artifacts he’s collected over the years. Damaging, stealing, or just touching what isn’t yours makes Marcus go very quiet with a look that could kill.


Conner has a pet dog named Duchess, a spoiled rotten Akida with white fur.
Conner’s mother thinks his allergy to water is purely genetic and is merely amplified by his powers since her aunt was allergic to water as well.

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