Chef: Name: Simon
Race: Felyne
Age: 7
Gender: Male
Appearance: Simon is a fairly average looking felyne fur pattern wise, though his ginger colouring sets him apart from a fair few other felynes. Contrasting his fur are his bright blue eyes. He stands at 3’2 and weighs around 24 kilograms.
Personality: Simon is a worrywart when it comes to people leaving the safety of the camp, and encourages people to go on adventures on a full stomach. He couldn’t think of anything worse than feeling hungry when out in the field. He also loves to throw feasts when he’s given the permission to. He honestly just finds joy in feeding people, especially hungry ones.
Race: Felyne
Age: 7
Gender: Male
Appearance: Simon is a fairly average looking felyne fur pattern wise, though his ginger colouring sets him apart from a fair few other felynes. Contrasting his fur are his bright blue eyes. He stands at 3’2 and weighs around 24 kilograms.
Personality: Simon is a worrywart when it comes to people leaving the safety of the camp, and encourages people to go on adventures on a full stomach. He couldn’t think of anything worse than feeling hungry when out in the field. He also loves to throw feasts when he’s given the permission to. He honestly just finds joy in feeding people, especially hungry ones.
Head smithy: Name: Clara Thorn
Race: Human
Age: 30
Appearance: Clara is a well built woman weighing 70 kilograms. Sporting a rough looking face that really shows how long she’s been working as a smithy. She keeps her black hair tied back as to not cover her eyes or get burnt off as she works. Her eyes are a muddy brown. She’s tall standing at 5’9.

Personality: Clara is as tough as the metals she works, and as mean as the weapons she forges. She’s a fan of people knowing what they want and is quickly annoyed by people who are indecisive. She also hates the cold, can’t stand it. Mostly because it makes her shiver and show signs of weakness that she can’t hide.
Race: Human
Age: 30
Appearance: Clara is a well built woman weighing 70 kilograms. Sporting a rough looking face that really shows how long she’s been working as a smithy. She keeps her black hair tied back as to not cover her eyes or get burnt off as she works. Her eyes are a muddy brown. She’s tall standing at 5’9.

Personality: Clara is as tough as the metals she works, and as mean as the weapons she forges. She’s a fan of people knowing what they want and is quickly annoyed by people who are indecisive. She also hates the cold, can’t stand it. Mostly because it makes her shiver and show signs of weakness that she can’t hide.
Smithy’s assistant: Name: Harris Crone
Race: Human
Age: 46
Appearance: Harris is a stocky man weighing in at 83 kilograms and standing at 5’8. He’s got pretty light blue eyes on an otherwise gruff looking face, having a thick white mustache and beard.

Personality: Harris is a warm welcoming man who enjoys his work. He is a very patient person though he does have his limits. He’ll be sure to tell you off if you’re careless and damage your equipment, then he’ll happily repair it for you. There is little Harris loves more than to sit down with a pint of ale while having a good laugh.
Race: Human
Age: 46
Appearance: Harris is a stocky man weighing in at 83 kilograms and standing at 5’8. He’s got pretty light blue eyes on an otherwise gruff looking face, having a thick white mustache and beard.
Personality: Harris is a warm welcoming man who enjoys his work. He is a very patient person though he does have his limits. He’ll be sure to tell you off if you’re careless and damage your equipment, then he’ll happily repair it for you. There is little Harris loves more than to sit down with a pint of ale while having a good laugh.
Trader: Name: Quilt
Race: Felyne
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Appearance: Quilt is a beautiful black felyne, like a miniature panther, her green eyes make only add to the likeness. She stands at a tiny 2’9 and weighs 21 kilograms, being a little bit smaller than your average felyne.
Personality: Quilt is a rather sly cat, always planning something. She’s a little cheeky and likes it when people are embarrassed. She also tries to work things so they favor her, a perfect quality for a trader. She’s also very lazy always snoozing around on or near something warm.
Race: Felyne
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Appearance: Quilt is a beautiful black felyne, like a miniature panther, her green eyes make only add to the likeness. She stands at a tiny 2’9 and weighs 21 kilograms, being a little bit smaller than your average felyne.
Personality: Quilt is a rather sly cat, always planning something. She’s a little cheeky and likes it when people are embarrassed. She also tries to work things so they favor her, a perfect quality for a trader. She’s also very lazy always snoozing around on or near something warm.
Fisherman: Name: Jack Cyrus
Race: Sea person
Age: 25
Appearance: Jack has the characteristic webbed hands and feet of your average sea person. He’s got hazel eyes and and a long head of brown hair on his head, along with a thin amount of facial hair. He’s not that tall only standing at 5’6 but he has a well toned body weighing roughly 69 kilograms.

Personality: Jack is a real go getter ready to dive into action at any time. Jack also has a deep respect for the sea and the monsters that inhabit it, knowing what such beasts are capable of. Jack tends to get a bit restless when he’s not gone out and caught some fish in a while, be it with a fishing pole or spear.
Race: Sea person
Age: 25
Appearance: Jack has the characteristic webbed hands and feet of your average sea person. He’s got hazel eyes and and a long head of brown hair on his head, along with a thin amount of facial hair. He’s not that tall only standing at 5’6 but he has a well toned body weighing roughly 69 kilograms.

Personality: Jack is a real go getter ready to dive into action at any time. Jack also has a deep respect for the sea and the monsters that inhabit it, knowing what such beasts are capable of. Jack tends to get a bit restless when he’s not gone out and caught some fish in a while, be it with a fishing pole or spear.
Head farmer: Name: Henry Plack
Race: Human
Age: 31
Appearance: Henry is a rather average looking fellow, his most defining feature being the large nose on his face. Aside from that his bark brown hair and hazel eyes make him a fairly brown individual. It doesn’t help that he gets covered in dirt all the time while he’s farming.

Personality: Henry loves snakebees, he honestly can’t get enough of them. He loves watching them and looking after them. He adores the flavor of honey and can be caught eating it straight from the honeycomb on the regular.
Race: Human
Age: 31
Appearance: Henry is a rather average looking fellow, his most defining feature being the large nose on his face. Aside from that his bark brown hair and hazel eyes make him a fairly brown individual. It doesn’t help that he gets covered in dirt all the time while he’s farming.

Personality: Henry loves snakebees, he honestly can’t get enough of them. He loves watching them and looking after them. He adores the flavor of honey and can be caught eating it straight from the honeycomb on the regular.
Farmer’s assistant: Name: Fillie Averist
Race: Wyverian
Age: 23
Appearance: Fillie is a very short wyverian standing at a tiny 5 foot even a fact she’s not at all happy about. Though she’s hoping she’s got plenty more time to grow considering how much longer she’s got to live. This tiny height comes with an equally tiny weight of 40 kilograms. Aside from her size she also has short bright red hair and dark green eyes, along with the signature pointed ears and what not of the wyverian race.

Personality: Fillie is a loyal and hard worker, always fired up and ready to get work done. That is until she gets hungry, then she will groan and complain constantly. Nagging to see when the next break is so she can stick some food into her face. And she does enjoy food, getting excited when big meals are on the table. She also loves animals, be it a giant monster or tiny bug, she loves them all.
Race: Wyverian
Age: 23
Appearance: Fillie is a very short wyverian standing at a tiny 5 foot even a fact she’s not at all happy about. Though she’s hoping she’s got plenty more time to grow considering how much longer she’s got to live. This tiny height comes with an equally tiny weight of 40 kilograms. Aside from her size she also has short bright red hair and dark green eyes, along with the signature pointed ears and what not of the wyverian race.

Personality: Fillie is a loyal and hard worker, always fired up and ready to get work done. That is until she gets hungry, then she will groan and complain constantly. Nagging to see when the next break is so she can stick some food into her face. And she does enjoy food, getting excited when big meals are on the table. She also loves animals, be it a giant monster or tiny bug, she loves them all.
Mining foreman: Name: Berillius Zyman
Race: Wyverian
Age: 121
Appearance: Berillius is a ruggedly handsome man sporting a messy mane of hair and some shot facial hair. His eyes are a bright cyan colour and are quite nice to look at. Berillius is leanly built but also rather tall standing 6’2 and weighing 82 kilograms.

Personality: Berillius is a thoughtful and caring man who makes sure to look out for those around him. He also commends hard work, enjoying watching people give their all for something. Berillius is deathly afraid of giant bugs, most notably things like Konchu or the Nerscylla, and will do anything he can to stay away from them.
Race: Wyverian
Age: 121
Appearance: Berillius is a ruggedly handsome man sporting a messy mane of hair and some shot facial hair. His eyes are a bright cyan colour and are quite nice to look at. Berillius is leanly built but also rather tall standing 6’2 and weighing 82 kilograms.

Personality: Berillius is a thoughtful and caring man who makes sure to look out for those around him. He also commends hard work, enjoying watching people give their all for something. Berillius is deathly afraid of giant bugs, most notably things like Konchu or the Nerscylla, and will do anything he can to stay away from them.
Researcher: Name: Rebecca Boid
Race: Human
Age: 28
Appearance: Rebecca is a woman of average stature and build standing 5’5 and weighing 50 kilograms. She has beautiful long blond hair that goes down past her shoulders, while having a set of emerald green eyes that are quite enchanting.

Personality: Rebecca gets stuck into her research, not liking to be disturbed while she works. While she’s a little awkward when it comes to people she’s not socially inept, though she does ramble on about her research sometimes. Even going so far as to demonstrate her findings in front of you.
Race: Human
Age: 28
Appearance: Rebecca is a woman of average stature and build standing 5’5 and weighing 50 kilograms. She has beautiful long blond hair that goes down past her shoulders, while having a set of emerald green eyes that are quite enchanting.

Personality: Rebecca gets stuck into her research, not liking to be disturbed while she works. While she’s a little awkward when it comes to people she’s not socially inept, though she does ramble on about her research sometimes. Even going so far as to demonstrate her findings in front of you.