Alrighty, here you go. I'm very interested to get your feedback on him.
Name: Xevna Drowl Proeth Aestram Obble (formerly Evan Lobb)
Age: 40
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Personality: Xevna can be a difficult man to place. He is polite, modest, and cordial, but his degree of understanding can at times seem to go beyond empathy and appear uncannily like mind-reading. A firm believer in hard work and personal responsibility, he cannot abide by unfairness and injustice, though he is himself rather self-centered and bears a strain of elitism. Though dignified, he is not haughty or arrogant—outwardly, at least. He dislikes conflict and fighting, but in competition is more than happy to end things as conclusively as possible. With what appears to be boundless ambition and cunning, kept in check by a gentle and compassionate demeanor, he's the sort who possesses a kind of inherent authority. While he weighs all things by what benefit they bring him, he truly does value the lives of others so long as they don't impact him negatively.
Background: Though born into a fairly wealthy Nevadan family in 1944, Evan Lobb did not sit on his hands and wait for fame and fortune to come to him. He applied the same notions of hard work and personal responsibility that lifted his parents out of poverty in order to catapult himself ever farther. His ambition and intelligence drove him to take risks, and while many didn't pay off, he never ceased trying to make something more of himself. While this took the form of schoolwork and social involvement early in his life, by the time he reached his senior year in high school he was already working part-time at the local phone company and on set to graduate as a valedictorian.
University ensued soon after, and seldom did the young man find himself with free time. Nevertheless, he supplemented the beginnings of his career and the furthering of his education with as many connections as he could make; though some thought of him as less than genuine or even conniving, he proved to be a steadfast and charismatic friend. At all times he kept a close eye on developing technologies, his hand seemingly poised to grab on once something caught his eye. As such he made a number of notable investments both before and after graduating with a Master's in economics, but nothing that panned out in a major way. A month after graduation he married Maurine Brunner, a fellow economist with whom he'd fallen in love during his lengthy college stay, and the pair entered the workforce together.
Life went well from there, if somewhat unremarkably. In 1985, however, Lobb struck gold; with enough capital set aside for just the right opportunity, he seized the chance to start his own business fulfilling a perceived need. Taking a colossal gamble, he quit his job as a Wall Street consultant and founded Apex, a resale and shipping service that took advantage of the fledgling internet. His bet paid off; Apex expanded by leaps and bounds, becoming an international institution handling all manner of products and services in the space of 20 years. Apex grew into a modern-day trading empire, with Lobb buying into businesses with stunning frequency and pushing the company forward with calculated relentlessness. In addition to shipping and selling commodities of all types, Apex harbored its own public television channel, publication agency, commercial brands, philanthropy, and university of science. Evan himself owned vacation homes in a handful of countries, and supposedly his own small island in the Atlantic. Rivals he either bought up or shut down, with every risky ploy he made derided by the media as nigh-suicidal only to pay dividends in the end. He supported beneficial organizations through charity, though his high standards for such organizations and relatively low payout brought a great deal of negative attention upon him.
By the time he reached 65 years of age, even after handing off his mighty company to the oldest of his three daughters, Evan Lobb was the wealthiest man in the world, his name synonymous with capitalism itself. Of course, there were many who thought of him as the ultimate evil, the very incarnation of greed and the lust for power, who in full seriousness referred to himself behind closed doors as the World Master. Those claims aside, there could be little doubt of either his pragmatism or opportunism, nor of his brilliance.
Regardless of the contents of his story, it came to an end in 2018. While out of the house, visiting a local college as a guest speaker, he tripped over an uneven section of sidewalk and fell. Though rushed to a hospital, his age greatly exacerbated his injuries, and he died of complications within a day. Upon reincarnation, he chose for himself a new alias, scrambling together names and titles to arrive at a sobriquet that belies power with silliness.
Gift: Ability – Control theme
Quirks and Perks:
Younger (Reincarnated much younger than when he died)
Knowledge (Business)
Very Perceptive
Charismatic (Authoritative)
Equipment: None
Xevna Drowl Proeth Aestram Obble

Xevna's starting clothes are lower-quality than those pictured, with no armor or ornamentation. In addition, his mustache is a bit thicker, and curls down toward the ends. He stands at 6'4", and weighs about 200 lbs

Xevna's starting clothes are lower-quality than those pictured, with no armor or ornamentation. In addition, his mustache is a bit thicker, and curls down toward the ends. He stands at 6'4", and weighs about 200 lbs
Name: Xevna Drowl Proeth Aestram Obble (formerly Evan Lobb)
Age: 40
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Personality: Xevna can be a difficult man to place. He is polite, modest, and cordial, but his degree of understanding can at times seem to go beyond empathy and appear uncannily like mind-reading. A firm believer in hard work and personal responsibility, he cannot abide by unfairness and injustice, though he is himself rather self-centered and bears a strain of elitism. Though dignified, he is not haughty or arrogant—outwardly, at least. He dislikes conflict and fighting, but in competition is more than happy to end things as conclusively as possible. With what appears to be boundless ambition and cunning, kept in check by a gentle and compassionate demeanor, he's the sort who possesses a kind of inherent authority. While he weighs all things by what benefit they bring him, he truly does value the lives of others so long as they don't impact him negatively.
Background: Though born into a fairly wealthy Nevadan family in 1944, Evan Lobb did not sit on his hands and wait for fame and fortune to come to him. He applied the same notions of hard work and personal responsibility that lifted his parents out of poverty in order to catapult himself ever farther. His ambition and intelligence drove him to take risks, and while many didn't pay off, he never ceased trying to make something more of himself. While this took the form of schoolwork and social involvement early in his life, by the time he reached his senior year in high school he was already working part-time at the local phone company and on set to graduate as a valedictorian.
University ensued soon after, and seldom did the young man find himself with free time. Nevertheless, he supplemented the beginnings of his career and the furthering of his education with as many connections as he could make; though some thought of him as less than genuine or even conniving, he proved to be a steadfast and charismatic friend. At all times he kept a close eye on developing technologies, his hand seemingly poised to grab on once something caught his eye. As such he made a number of notable investments both before and after graduating with a Master's in economics, but nothing that panned out in a major way. A month after graduation he married Maurine Brunner, a fellow economist with whom he'd fallen in love during his lengthy college stay, and the pair entered the workforce together.
Life went well from there, if somewhat unremarkably. In 1985, however, Lobb struck gold; with enough capital set aside for just the right opportunity, he seized the chance to start his own business fulfilling a perceived need. Taking a colossal gamble, he quit his job as a Wall Street consultant and founded Apex, a resale and shipping service that took advantage of the fledgling internet. His bet paid off; Apex expanded by leaps and bounds, becoming an international institution handling all manner of products and services in the space of 20 years. Apex grew into a modern-day trading empire, with Lobb buying into businesses with stunning frequency and pushing the company forward with calculated relentlessness. In addition to shipping and selling commodities of all types, Apex harbored its own public television channel, publication agency, commercial brands, philanthropy, and university of science. Evan himself owned vacation homes in a handful of countries, and supposedly his own small island in the Atlantic. Rivals he either bought up or shut down, with every risky ploy he made derided by the media as nigh-suicidal only to pay dividends in the end. He supported beneficial organizations through charity, though his high standards for such organizations and relatively low payout brought a great deal of negative attention upon him.
By the time he reached 65 years of age, even after handing off his mighty company to the oldest of his three daughters, Evan Lobb was the wealthiest man in the world, his name synonymous with capitalism itself. Of course, there were many who thought of him as the ultimate evil, the very incarnation of greed and the lust for power, who in full seriousness referred to himself behind closed doors as the World Master. Those claims aside, there could be little doubt of either his pragmatism or opportunism, nor of his brilliance.
Regardless of the contents of his story, it came to an end in 2018. While out of the house, visiting a local college as a guest speaker, he tripped over an uneven section of sidewalk and fell. Though rushed to a hospital, his age greatly exacerbated his injuries, and he died of complications within a day. Upon reincarnation, he chose for himself a new alias, scrambling together names and titles to arrive at a sobriquet that belies power with silliness.
Gift: Ability – Control theme
Quirks and Perks:
Younger (Reincarnated much younger than when he died)
Knowledge (Business)
Very Perceptive
Charismatic (Authoritative)
Equipment: None