Sounds good. Arlo is not experienced in the miracle/godly side of magic, so not touching it with his bare hands was enough for him to feel secure carrying it.
Could also just give it to Alexander. Nothing there to curse.
@AtomicNut Why does your profile picture almost exactly represent the attitude of your character towards Arlo to me?
@SophrusAh damnit, i was hoping to play Dragonriders as "something that should never exist". Given that dragons see the small races as thralls... if not food.
<Snipped quote by AtomicNut>
That would make sense in current times, I would figure they would have been around during the war though. But I can edit (probably tomorrow) If you want. Not a big deal to me
I'm sure some heroes did that during the war, if not dragons then maybe drakes or wyverns. Which is close enough for legends to run with.
And Darius has no idea how old it is, besides youngish.
I expect that's true, depending on how they repopulate. Probably hurt during the war, maybe some lean times right after (10-30 years) but surged back as other populations recovered like deer or whatever. Probably peaked a couple hundred years ago if they breed like other animals. Or about now if the are pretty slow.
Hm. Well. Alexander's response to the dragon would be "Murder it." Since, by my last post, he is waiting for Arlo outside.
I don't think that'll go over well. I guess I'll just wait and see.